Showing posts with label Sushil Panday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sushil Panday. Show all posts

Crime Patrol | Case 18/2017: Senior inspector Mansur Malik shot dead in a broad day light (Episode 778 on 17 March 2017)

Case 18/2017
2017 का अठारवा केस

Senior inspector Mansur Malik is known for his commitment and integrity in his professional life. He used to go for morning walk every day and morning when he leaves for a walk without his service revolver, two bikers suddenly comes on his way and shoots him dead.
That day he is kept on meeting people while on the walk when two men on a bike suddenly stop their bike in front of him and shoot him. The place where he was shot dead, two other bikers were also waiting for him, and just after the shooting, they also flee with the bikers who shot Malik.

सीनियर इंस्पेक्टर मंसूर मलिक का शहर में दबदबा है। जब से वो शहर में ट्रांसफर होकर आये हैं तब से सभी संदिघ्द वारदातें बंद हो गई है यहाँ तक की पुलिस स्टेशन के अंदर भी किसी तरह की घूसखोरी बन्द हो चुकी है। मलिक रोज़ सुबह वाक के लिए निकलते हैं और उस समय उनकी सर्विस रिवाल्वर हमेशा उनके साथ रहती है मगर एक दिन वो रिवाल्वर के बिना ही मॉर्निंग वाक पे निकलते हैं और उसी सुबह उनकी हत्या कर दी जाती है।

inside story

Crime Patrol | Besudh: Moradabad's inter-religion marriage ended with a honour killing (Episode 734, 735 on 11, 12 Nov 2016)

Village Benia, Moradabad, UP

Pradeep Gupta's marriage is fixed with Ashima but he put another demand of a car. Ashima’s parents can not afford it so the marriage gets canceled. But Pradeep does not tell real reason behind his refusal from the marriage. Neither he tells this to his parents nor his best friend Imran. Two months later Pradeep is caught red handed with a muslim girl Nazia Baig in a farm. Nazia’s father Kasim and uncle Aslam slams Pradeep’s family and Pradeep to stay away from their daughter. Village Panchayat somehow settles the matter but after one month Pradeep and Nazia run away from their home and settles in Nalasopara area, Mumbai.

Nazia is now Pradeep’s and spouse and her name is now Aarti. Another woman Nusrat is coming to meet Nazia from last two days but Nazia's doors are locked. She asks her neighbour about them but she tells Nusrat that she does not have any idea about the couple. A strange thing which she notices that Nazia’s phone is ringing inside their flat and a foul smell has also started coming from the flat. They calls police and after unlocking the flat they finds dead bodies of Nazia and Pradeep who were killed by slitting their throat.

प्रदीप गुप्ता आशिमा नाम की एक लड़की से शादी तय होने के बाद शादी करने से मना कर देता है। प्रदीप शादी तोड़ने की वजह न अपने माँ-बाप को बताता है और न ही अपने सबसे अच्छे दोस्त इमरान को। दो महीने बाद प्रदीप को उसी गाँव के एक खेत में नाज़िया बेग नाम की एक लड़की के साथ पकड़ा जाता है। नाज़िया के अब्बू कासिम और चाचा असलम प्रदीप और उसके परिवार पर सख्ती से बरस पड़ते हैं। मामला पंचायत तक जाता है। पंचायत इस मामले को शान्ति से सुलझा देती है मगर नाज़िया और प्रदीप अपने-अपने घर से भाग जाते हैं और नाला-सोपारा, मुम्बई में जाकर शादी कर के बस जाते हैं।

Crime Patrol | Tadbir: Double Murder, Basheer and his wife Saira found murdered in their locked home (Episode 707 on 9 Sep 2016)


Saira (played by Aleeza Khan) is a beautiful and young girl who got marry to Basheer (played by Sushil Panday), a property dealer and there is a 19 year age difference between them. Saira is his second wife. Muneer is Basheer's son from his first wife who lives separate from them in Agra. Retired army man Dinesh Singh (played by Pankaj Berry) is their neighbor who has just returned from his native place Varanasi after three days of trip and he has good terms with Basheer.

After coming back to Farizabad he observes that Basheer and Saira both are not present at their home and a foul smell is coming out from Basheer's home which is locked from outside. He informs this to police and when police open the locked door they find Basheer and Saira's dead bodies. Basheer's neck is slitted while Saira was killed choking her neck.

सायरा एक निहायती खूबसूरत लड़की है जो की अधेड़ उम्र के बशीर की दूसरी पत्नी है। बशीर एक प्रॉपर्टी डीलर है और इनदोनो के बीच 19 साल का फर्क है। मुनीर बशीर की पहली पत्नी का बेटा है जो की आगरा में अपने अब्बू और सैरा से दूर रहता है क्योंकि उसको सायरा के चाल-ढाल ठीक नहीं लगते और वो उसको अपनी माँ भी नहीं मानता है।

दिनेश सिंह एक रिटायर्ड आर्मी मैन है जो की बशीर के घर के पास ही रहता है और और तीन दिन बाद यहाँ वापस लौट है। उसके बशीर के साथ अच्छे ताल्लुकात हैं। वाराणसी से फ़िरोज़ाबाद आने के बाद वो ये गौर करता है की बशीर का घर बंद है और घर के अंदर से कुछ सड़ने की महक आ रही है। वो पुलिस को ये बात बताता है और पुलिस आकर घर का दरवाज़ा तोड़ कर देखती है की बशीर और सायरा दोनों की लाशें पड़ी हैं। सायरा को लगा घोट कर मार गया है जबकि बशीर की हत्या गाला काट कर की गई है।

here is a press coverage on this
Aleeza Khan, Basheer, Firozabad, Manish Raj, Nadeem Khan, Pankaj Berry, Ravi Singh, Shafique Ansari, Sulagna Chatterjee, Sushil Panday, Tabassum, agra, muneer, mushtaq, saira, sanjeev tyagi, tadbeer,

Child Abuse: Minor Neha Sexually explioted by own father (Episode 552 on 5th Sep, 2015)

Neha, a 13 year old kid is looking upset on something. She does not communicate with anyone in her school. Her school organizes a councelling session with help of a NGO and session help students understanding sexual abuse. These small kids should understand if someone is doing something wrong with them. After taking the session, Neha gives a letter to her teacher and after reading that letter, her teacher becomes completely shocked.

What was written in that letter?

Ankahee: Mother murdered, daughter Kaanchi found sleeping on road divider (Episode 535, 536 on 25th, 26th July 2015)

A lady named Shikha Das finds a little girl lying on a road divider. She goes to that girl and after shaking her she finds that the girl was sleeping there between the road. She asks her name and kid tells her name Kaanchi. The kid is not able to tell Shikha more than this. Shikha brings that girl to nearest police station. Police observes a tattoo on Kaanchi's arm which is now a clue for police. They shows her photo of a lady and tries to understand whether Kaanchi knows this lady or not. After watching the photo Kaanchi calls "Aai" (Mother). She is still not able to tell anything above this.

Vinaash: Murder of a Tantrik Ashok Gupta (Episode 482, 483 on 14th, 15th March, 2015)


पुलिस को सालों से बंद एक फैक्ट्री में एक लाश मिलती है। लाश एक आदमी है जिसका चेहरा बुरी तरह से बिगाड़ दिया गया है। लाश की पॉकेट में कुछ अगरबत्ती रखी हैं और हाथ पर टैटू गुदा है जिसपर उसका नाम लिखा है "अशोक गुप्ता". एक पुलिस कांस्टेबल इसको देख कर पहचान जाता है की ये लाश किसकी है। वो बताता  की पास ही उसकी ससुराल है और ये आदमी अशोक गुप्ता है जिसकी वहीँ किराने की दूकान है। पुलिस उसकी दूकान पर जाकर पता करती है तो पता चलता है की ये दूकान अशोक ने दो साल पहले ही बेच दी थी।

Played by Susheel Panday

The Lost daughters: Village girls in sake of a better life and income (Episode 381, 382, 383 0n 13, 14, 15 June 2014)

The Lost daughters
गुमशुदा बेटियाँ

Anjali Kalita, daughter of Haridev Kalita is missing from her village. Villagers are doubting Somen, Gaurav and Divya Mishra who are outsiders in the village and belongs to placement agencies of Delhi. Their target is to trap innocent villagers and send them to Delhi. They ties to convince people to come to big cities like Delhi where they can brighten their future. Divya is saying that she is not involve in Anjali's missing case because she follows every legal step in her process and this would have been committed by Somen and Gaurav. Later Haridev moves toward Delhi in search of her daughter.
April, 2011.
Ramitha, daughter of Nakul Gohen goes missing and last time she was seen with Divya.

August, 2011
Daughter of Prakash Deka, Anushree goes missing.

Crime Patrol | The Missing Links: Connection between two missing people and a Land Scam (Episode 355, 356 on 11, 12 April 2014)

HIV positive Ramdas Kale, 43 is missing from Sinner. His cousin Ganesh Kale files a missing complain about him at police station. Same year another lady Nirmala Wagh is also missing from Pune. Her daughter Shalini files her missing complain at a police station there. There is a legal fight is going on between Nirmala and her husband.

After 3 years, a lawyer Vijay Tambat and his wife Suvarna Tambat sales their land to a construction businessman Kiran Salunke. During the deal, two guys tells Kiran that this land belongs to Ramdas Kale, who is missing from few months. In the deal, land is registered on Suvarna's name, but a problem arises when registrar office sees that land's papers having death certificate of Suvarna, while suvarna is alive. Being a lawyer, Vijay Tambat follows legal processes and cancels the death certificate through the court. Court also asks police to investigate the issue because someone must be killed to prove Suvarna dead.

Police is shocked of missing Ramdas Kale, and now the papers of his land deal are showing a death certificate of alive woman. Ganesh Kale is saying that land was never sold, then how it can be sold to Kiran? Where are both missing people now?

Masterminds: E T Rajavel & Mohana

सिन्नर से 43 का रामदास काले लापता है. उसका चचेरा भाई गणेश काले उसकी मिस्सिंग कंप्लेंन दर्ज करता है. उसी साल पुणे से निर्मला वाघ नाम की महिला भी गायब हो जाती है जो की अपने पति के खिलाफ एक मुकदमा लड़ रही थी. उनकी बेटी शालिनी उनकी मिस्सिंग कंप्लेंन दर्ज़ करती है.

3 साल बाद वकील विजय ताम्बट और उसकी पत्नी सुवर्णा ताम्बट नासिक के बहार अपनी एक ज़मीन कंस्ट्रक्शन बिजनेसमैन किरण सालुंके को बेचते हैं. बेचने से ठीक पहले दो लड़के किरण को बताते हैं की ये ज़मीन रामदास काले की है जो की मिस्सिंग है. ज़मीन सुवर्णा काले के नाम पर है, मगर ज़मीन के पेपर्स में एक समस्या कड़ी होती है. रजिस्ट्रेशन ऑफिस में ज़मीन के पेपर्स में सुवर्णा का डेथ सर्टिफिकेट लगा मिला है जबकि सुवर्णा जिंदा है. लॉयर विजय ताम्बट कोर्ट से डेथ सर्टिफिकेट रद्द करवा देता है और पुलिस को कोर्ट से इस मसले की जांच करने का आदेश भी मिलता है. कोर्ट के अनुसार सुवर्णा तम्बत को मारा हुआ साबित करने के लिए ज़रूर किसी को मारा गया होगा.

पुलिस हैरान है की एक तरफ रामदास काले के मिस्सिंग होने के बाद भी उसकी ज़मीन बेचीं जा रही है और दूसरी तरफ ये डेथ सर्टिफिकेट की गुत्थी. सारा मसला है क्या? अगर ये ज़मीन रामदास काले ने नहीं बेचीं है तो फिर इसे कैसे किरण को दुबारा बेचा जा रहा है? दोनों मिस्सिंग लोग अब कहाँ है?

Part 1:
Part 2:

Part 1:
Part 2:

Here is the inside story of the case:

14 year old kesari escapes after getting marry with 55 year old (Episode 143 on 17 Aug 2012)

55 year old Jamidar Akhilendra of Baliputra, keonjhar district marries a 13 year old girl kesari (real name Minati Gagaral). Kesari's mother, brother forces her to stay with Akhilendra now but she denies. Kesari escapes towards wild jungle of baliputra and after spending 9 day there she reports everything to police. Police then arrests Akhilendra and send kesari to an organization.
In the year 2005 kesari got National award of bravery.

Watch here the real story of Dugi alias Minati Gagaral and her photograph with Prime Minister Manmohan Singh while taking National bravery Award in 2006

Crime Patrol | Zamidaar Thakur's son Raghuveer kills Village girl Rashmi (Episode 91, 92 on 9, 10 March 2012)

Thakur Mahendra Singh (played by Sanjeev Tyagi) and his son Raghuveer (played by Puneet Channa) are the ruler of the village Laalwada, Muradabad (Uttar Pradesh). All the villagers are afraid of them. Raghuveer loves to trouble villagers. Raghuveer tries to harass Rashmi (played by Pallavi Gupta), daughter of Kishan Lal but Rashmi escapes. Rashmi approaches Thakur but Thakur blames her as well as her father. She tries to file police complain against Raghuveer but police do not support her. Near after one month, Raghuveer kills her after having physical with her.
Police arrests Raghuveer. He tells police the place where she hides the sword by which he killed Rashmi.

Sharat Sonu,Puneet Channa,Sushil Panday,Sanjeev Vats,Rahul Tomar,Pallavi Gupta,Sanjay Bhatiya,Sangeeta Adhikary,Bhuvnesh Shetty,Shahrukh Sadri,sanjeev tyagi,

Wrist watch helps Aurangabad police to unravel Sudarshan Kamble's murder mystery (Episode 68 on 17th December 2011)

Aurangabad, Maharastra police find charred dead body of Man near 45-50 of age. They also found a wrist watch in his arm. Forensic report reveals that the man was burned when he was alive. Police now starts investigation of this man with the only clue a 'wrist watch'

Crime Patrol: 8 Year Old Aashish Gets Assassinated (Episode 27 on 29th July 2011)

New Delhi, Jul 6, 2011
4-year-old boy Abhishek kidnapped and killed by a vegetable dealer Shyam Babu Chowdhary who was basically from Nepal. The 26-year-old accused arrested by Mehrauli police on 21 May 2011. After murdering the boy he disposed his body in a jungle near the Jamali Kamali Masjid and asked his father for a ransom of 5 lac rupees.

Chhaya Sharma, DCP (South Delhi) said that Chaudhary has come to Delhi 15 years ago and was working as a vegetable vendor at Mehrauli. Chaudhary has affection with his friend's son but his friend was not allowing him to meet the child so he planned to kill the child and asked a huge ransom.

Abhishek went missing during a procession towards Ajmer Sharif in Rajasthan. Police also tried to locate Abhishek at Ajmer Sharif but could not succeed.