Showing posts with label Swapnil Kothriwal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Swapnil Kothriwal. Show all posts

Crime Patrol | Case 28/2017: Tumkur woman Shobha's murder, a tale of cruelty and betrayal (Episode 793, 794, 795 on 21, 22, 23 Apr, 2017)

2017 का अट्ठाईसवां केस
Case 28/2017

Alleppey, Kerala
The villagers of Alleppey made a grim discovery when they found the lifeless body of a woman in an abandoned well. The body appeared to be more than 2-3 days old, a conclusion confirmed by the postmortem report. Upon closer examination, the villagers noticed something written on the woman's wrist in the Kannada language, which read "Prasad." The police speculated that this might be the name of her husband, child, or father, but no one in the village recognized the woman. In an effort to gather more information, the police disseminated the woman's photo to their informants in the village. Eventually, a villager recognized the woman and revealed that she used to sit outside the Shiv Temple. When questioned about the reason for her presence there, the informant explained that she was a beggar who would frequent the temple with her two children. The police investigated further and discovered that the woman's name was Geeta (real name Shobha and played by Trishna Mukherjee), and her children were named Krishna and Sakshi. The name written on her wrist turned out to be her husband's name.

Geeta had entered into a love marriage with Prasad (real name Raju and played by Swapnil Kothriwal) a decade ago. During that time, Geeta used to collect scrap while Prasad worked as a scrap dealer. They fell in love and got married. The police interviewed Geeta's landlord, who revealed that a few months ago, he had to visit Geeta to discuss her overdue rent for the past three months. Geeta's uncle, Rajeev (real name Manunatha and played by Ali Raza Namdar), was present during the visit and paid the landlord three months' rent along with a two-month advance payment. The police subsequently contacted Rajeev to inform him about Geeta's demise and inquire about the whereabouts of her children. However, Rajeev was unaware of their current location.

A relative of Geeta informed the police that Prasad had been missing for the past eighteen months. Prasad's alcoholism had caused frequent conflicts between him and Geeta. As a result, Prasad emerged as the primary suspect in the police investigation, leading them to believe that he might have killed Geeta and fled with the children. The possibility that someone else was responsible for Geeta's murder raised concerns about the safety of the children.

inside story

Crime Patrol | Well Planned Murder of Retired bank manager Ramakrishna Pai (Episode 94 on 17 March 2012)

Ramakrishna Pai is a senior bank manager at National People’s bank who is soon going to retier. He residing at Ghatkopar Mumbai. He often misses his village and will soon shift to village after he retires.

His wife has left for Pune to meet her daughter Rohini. He is alone to takes daily meal at a hotel near to his residence. A night while he is alone at home, two guys attacks him. They slits his throat and steels Mrs. Pai’s jewellery and cash worth INR 25,000.

Online Episode on Dailymotion:

Here is the inside story of the case:

Case 13/ 2017: Mysterious murder case of Kanungo/Revenue Inspector Ramkripal Chowbey (Episode 770, 771 on 24th, 25th Feb, 2017)

2017 का तेरहवाँ केस
Case 13/3017
रामकृपाल चौबे एक ईमानदार सरकारी कर्मचारी हैं जो की कानूनगो की पोस्ट पर कार्यरत हैं। अगले कुछ महीनो में उनको रिटायर भी होना है मगर इसी बीच एक दिन शाम को जब वो अपने ऑफिस/तहसील के बाहर गेट पर घर जाने के लिए सवारी ढूंढ रहे हैं तभी दो बाइक सवार आते हैं, उनको प्रणाम  करते हैं और दो गोलियां मार कर फरार हो जाते हैं। रामकृपाल की वहीँ पर मृत्यु हो जाती है।
पुलिस का पहला शक अभय चौहान नाम के बाहुबली पर जाता है जिसने कुछ समय पहले रामकृपाल से बहसबाज़ी की थी और मोती रिश्वत की पेशकश भी की थी मगर और छानबीन करने पर कुछ हाथ नहीं आता। पुलिस हर सुराग को तलाशने की कोशिश करती है मगर कुछ मिल नहीं पा रहा है। एक महीने से ऊपर निकल जाता है और इसी बीच रामकृपाल के बेटे सुरेश को एक धमकी भरी फिरौती की कॉल आती है जिसमे फ़ोन करने वाला उसको जान की धमकी दे रहा है और एवज में दस लाख रूपए मांग रहा है।

पुलिस के ऊपर एसपी से लेकर कलेक्टर तक का दबाव है की केस को इतना लंबा समय हो जाने के बाद भी सुलझाया क्यों नहीं जा सका है। अब पुलिस सुरेश को फ़ोन करने वाले व्यक्ति की तलाश में जुट जाती है।
Ali Raza Namdar as Revenue Inspector Ramkripal Chowbey

Case 9/2017: Sridhar Ranga's accidental death turns to murder case (Episode 763 on 4th February, 2017)

2017 का नौवां केस
Case 9/2017
Deadbody of a young boy is found near railway track. Postmortem report reveals that deceased was drunk when he fell from train. Aadhaar card found in his pocket reveals his identity that his name is Sridhar Ranga. Police gets other records of the Aadhaar card and finds his brother-in-law's name is Arvind Modiraj. They calls Modiraj and his wife Geeta and asks them to identify the body. Couple is shocked to know that Sridhar is dead. They also tells police that it is not possible because Sridhar never used to drink.
Further story focused on period of Demonetisation when police gets information from one of their informer about a burglary plan where two men about to burglar a jewellery shop. Police puts their fielding there and arrests them on spot. During interrogation they tells police that they are not a professional thief and this was their first chance in which they failed. They also tells police that due of demonetisation they are passing through tough time so they planned this loot and they wanted to become like Ganga who was a auto driver few months back but suddenly in few months he became a wealthy person having his own vehicle.

Police also does not find anything on arrested men's history and now they are assured that it was their first try in which they failed but now their target is Ganga that how a small auto driver became a wealthy person.
Meenakshi Chanana
पुलिस को रेलवे ट्रैक के किनारे एक यूवक की लाश मिलती है। पोस्टमॉर्टेम से पता चलता है की मरने वाला शराब के नशे में था जब तो ट्रैन से गिरा होगा। लाश की जेब से आधार कार्ड मिलता है जिसमे उसका नाम श्रीधर रंगा लिखा हुआ है। आधार की और जानकारी निकलने पर पता चलता है की ये यूवक अरविन्द मोदीराज नाम के एक व्यक्ति का साला है। पुलिस अरविन्द मोदीराज को फ़ोन करती है और वो अपनी पत्नी गीता मोदीराज के साथ पुलिस स्टेशन पहुचता है। वो लोग लाश की शिनाख्त तो कर लेते हैं मगर ये मानने को तैयार नहीं हैं की श्रीधर शराब के नशे में ट्रैन से गिरा क्योंकि वो कभी शराब पीता ही नहीं था। इस केस को समय बीत जाता है और केस को एक्सीडेंटल केस मान कर बंद कर दिया जाता है।

Crime Patrol | Stoneman: Gujarat's stone killer held for killing three people (Episode 708, 709 on 10th, 11 September 2016)

Stone Man

Gujarat police finds Hasmukh Patel's dead body in a middle of the road which is badly smashed with a big stone. The killer (played by Swapnil Kothriwal) calls a number from victim's recent call history and tells that person that he has killed Hasmukh bhai and his photo is on front page of the news paper. That guy introduced himself as Mehandi Bhai and challenges him to inform police to nab him if they can. That psycho has killed two more person in next few days with same modusoperandi. Now this case has become a challenge for Gujarat Police and they want to crack it at any cost.

Police is sure that this person is a psycho killer who is killing innocent people just for fun but how they can nab him! Police also observe that dead-bodies that they found in mysterious conditions showing some sex angle related to these murders.

गुजरात में एक स्टोन किलर का आतंक है जो की अभी तक तीन खून कर चुका है। तीनो खूनो को करने का तरीका एक जैसा है जिसमे वो एक बड़े पत्थर से आदमी की हत्या कर देता है और हत्या करने के बाद मारने वाले के फ़ोन से ही उसके किसी जानने वाले को फ़ोन लगा कर बताता है की उसने इस आदमी को मार दिया है। वो ये भी चैंलेंज करता है की जो कर सकते हो कर लो। वो अपने आपको मेंहदी भाई के नाम से परिचित कराता है।

Crime Patrol | Rakeeb: Story of Seema and Shalini alias Mumtaaz and a Murder (Episode 690, 691 on 30, 31 July 2016)

The Opponent
सीमा नाम की एक महिला को बांग्लादेश से भारत उसके फर्जी दस्तावेज़ बनवा कर लाया जा रहा है और भारत की सीमा में आने से ठीक पहले उसकी एक डायरी वहीँ गिर जाती है जिसमे उसके घर के सारे फ़ोन नंबर लिखे हुए हैं। वो बहुत बुरी तरह से डर गई है क्योंकि डायरी खो जाने के बाद वो अपने घर वालों से कभी बात नहीं कर पायेगी।

दूसरी तरफ कहानी है शालिनी शिंदे की जो की अपने परिवार की लाडली है और अपने बड़े भाई कमल शिंदे की बहुत करीब है। शालिनी जुनैद नाम के एक यूवक से प्यार करती है और उससे शादी करना चाहती है जब की उसका परिवार इस गैर मज़हबी प्यार के खिलाफ है। किसी तरह शालिनी जुनैद से शादी कर लेती है और अपने परिवार से अलग अपना घर बसा लेती है। दोनों मियां-बीवी दिहाड़ी मजदूर के तौर पे काम करते हैं। कई साल बीत जाते हैं और अब शालिनी अपने भाई को फ़ोन करती है और राखी पर अपने घर बुलाती है। कमल और उसकी पत्नी दोनों लोग राखी के दिन शालिनी के घर जाते हैं और उसको साड़ी उपहार स्वरुप देते हैं। उनलोगों को ये देख के अजीब लगता है की शालिनी का नाम अब मुमताज़ है। उनको ये भी महसूस होते है की शालिनी उर्फ़ मुमताज़ अपनी ज़िन्दगी में खुश नहीं है और वो कुछ बताना चाहती है। कुछ दिन बाद वो दोनों फिर से शालिनी से मिलने जाते हैं और उसके घर पे चारपाई के नीचे उसकी लाश पाते हैं।

Priya Shinde as Seema

A lady named Seema (played by Priya Shinde) is being trafficking from Bangladesh to India for job with her illegal documents but while is coming to india, she lost her precious diary that has all contact numbers of her family somewhere on the way. She gets scared after she acknowledges this because this was the only source to communicate with her family and without knowing any phone number she won't be able to contact anyone.

On the other hand story of Shalini (played by Dhanashri Kadgaonkar) who was a adorable daughter of her parents and brother (played by Swapnil Kothriwal). Shalini loves a muslim guy Junaid and wants to marry him but her family is against this marriage. Somehow she gets marry with Junaid and leaves her home. Now the couple is spending their lives as daily wage earner. Years passes, a day she calls her brother before Rakshbandhan and invites him on the occasion of Rakhi. Her brother and sister-in-law reaches her home on Rakhi and gifts him a Saari. They feels awkward when a woman at neighborhood calls her Mumtaaz. After having lunch the couple goes back to their home. They feels that Shalini is not doing well in her life and she wants to tell them something. Few days after they again comes to meet her at her home but finds Shalini's dead-body below the bed.

The Motive: Keshav takes revenge from Manohar Lumi after 22 years (Episode 251 and 252 on 28st, 29nd March 2014)

The Motive
Story start from a burglary. Keshav Sonda, a 29-30 year old man who snatches a bag full of money from a man outside the bank and runs away. Security guards chases him and put them behind bars.

Crime Patrol | Mumbai Crime: Raj r*p*s Gia all the way from Mumbai to Goa (Episode 77 on 20 Jan 2012)

Raj (real name Manish Khanulkar(26) and played by Swapnil Kothriwal) is a 'road side romeo'. His hobby is to tease minor girls. He already has molested a girl of her locality but a fear of infamy forced the family to leave Mumbai.

Gia (played by Ekta Methai) also lives in a same locality of kandivali. She is orphan and live with her mama (maternal uncle played by Amar Sharma) and nani (granny). She is a intelligent girl so she takes care of his mama's estate business as well as goes her school. One day gia tells his mama that a road side romeo named Raj is teasing and stalking at her. Her mama warns Raj to stay away from her niece Gia otherwise he will raise a complain to police.

Raj avoids all these warnings and a day he kidnaps Gia.

Gia played by Ekta Methai

Engineering student Monica Murder Case, Nagpur (Episode 49 on 14th October 2011)

The case is portrayed by Shaitaan - A Criminal Mind also.

Sensational Monica (full name Monica Kirnapure played by Divya Bhandari) murder case in Nagpur. Monica was a engineering student at Nagpur who was living in a hostel. On March 11, 2011 around 10:30 she left for her college. She was near her college when 2 knife-wielding men on bike came and attacked on her. Everyone on the road was just watching the incident when Monica was crying for help. After the murder killer washed his hand and knife at same place with a threatened warning for all other of not disclosing anything to police. One bystander among several people came to help her and brought her to the hospital where doctors declared her dead.
The case was a challenge for the police department and it took 12 day to reveal the fact and reason behind the killing.