Showing posts with label Tabassum. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tabassum. Show all posts

Crime Patrol | Tadbir: Double Murder, Basheer and his wife Saira found murdered in their locked home (Episode 707 on 9 Sep 2016)


Saira (played by Aleeza Khan) is a beautiful and young girl who got marry to Basheer (played by Sushil Panday), a property dealer and there is a 19 year age difference between them. Saira is his second wife. Muneer is Basheer's son from his first wife who lives separate from them in Agra. Retired army man Dinesh Singh (played by Pankaj Berry) is their neighbor who has just returned from his native place Varanasi after three days of trip and he has good terms with Basheer.

After coming back to Farizabad he observes that Basheer and Saira both are not present at their home and a foul smell is coming out from Basheer's home which is locked from outside. He informs this to police and when police open the locked door they find Basheer and Saira's dead bodies. Basheer's neck is slitted while Saira was killed choking her neck.

सायरा एक निहायती खूबसूरत लड़की है जो की अधेड़ उम्र के बशीर की दूसरी पत्नी है। बशीर एक प्रॉपर्टी डीलर है और इनदोनो के बीच 19 साल का फर्क है। मुनीर बशीर की पहली पत्नी का बेटा है जो की आगरा में अपने अब्बू और सैरा से दूर रहता है क्योंकि उसको सायरा के चाल-ढाल ठीक नहीं लगते और वो उसको अपनी माँ भी नहीं मानता है।

दिनेश सिंह एक रिटायर्ड आर्मी मैन है जो की बशीर के घर के पास ही रहता है और और तीन दिन बाद यहाँ वापस लौट है। उसके बशीर के साथ अच्छे ताल्लुकात हैं। वाराणसी से फ़िरोज़ाबाद आने के बाद वो ये गौर करता है की बशीर का घर बंद है और घर के अंदर से कुछ सड़ने की महक आ रही है। वो पुलिस को ये बात बताता है और पुलिस आकर घर का दरवाज़ा तोड़ कर देखती है की बशीर और सायरा दोनों की लाशें पड़ी हैं। सायरा को लगा घोट कर मार गया है जबकि बशीर की हत्या गाला काट कर की गई है।

here is a press coverage on this
Aleeza Khan, Basheer, Firozabad, Manish Raj, Nadeem Khan, Pankaj Berry, Ravi Singh, Shafique Ansari, Sulagna Chatterjee, Sushil Panday, Tabassum, agra, muneer, mushtaq, saira, sanjeev tyagi, tadbeer,

Qaid: Nazneen, Rashmi and Hina trapped into Human Trafficking (Episode 523, 524 on 26th, 27th June 2015)

Story belongs to a human trafficking case of Ahmedabad, Gujarat’s Barkana village. Barkana is a small village consists near 450 families and its total population is around 2300. The strange thing of this village is that female population of the village is near 10% of the total population. Main impact of this unusual percentage is clearly shows the marital status of men belongs to the place. Being un-married, most of the men buys women to fulfill their desire. A human trafficking gang of just 9 people was active in this village. There job was to bring innocent girls (age 16+) from other places to the village and to sell them on a good price.
Tabassum (played by Malini Sen) is maternal aunt of Nazneen (played by Raquel Rebellowho lives with Nazneen and her mother. A Tabassum meets a woman named Shalini Thakur on the Kandivali Bus stop. She tells Tabassum that she has a good job offer for girls of age between 16 to 35. He tells Tabassum that the girl will work at a catering service company based on Ahmedabad and for this she will get 15,000 rupees. Besides salary she will get a place to stay and 5 leaves in a month. Tabassum feels that the job is good for her niece so she discusses this with Nazneen. Nazneen feels really happy after getting this job offer.

Nezneen’s tow neighbors comes to meet them when she get information that Nazneen is going to Ahmedabad. They tells them that a month ago their daughters Hina and Rashmi also went Gujarat for same kind of job offer and after they went, they lost all the contacts with them. Tabassum assures them that she is going with Nazneen to drop her to that company and will tell everything after coming back from there.

After few days Shalini Thakur again meets Tabassum and Nazneen and give them the train tickets. Shalini does not give her mobile number to any of them and assures them that they will not get any trouble while reaching Ahmedabad office.

Betrayed By One's Own: Tabassum booked for forcing her minor sister in flesh trade (Episode 423 on 5th October 2014)

Betrayed By One's Own
अपनों से धोखा
Moradabad, Uttar Pradesh
Tabassum (real name Firdosh Khan) is eldest among her three sisters. Their father has no earnings so three out of these four sisters are earners of the family who works as maid and tailor. Tabassum's youngest sister is only eight year old. Though their father does nothing, daily quarrels happening in the home. Tabassum wants to get rid of this. Finally her marriage settles with a Nasik based mechanic Ashfaq (real name Mohammad Irfan). Now she has a hope that finally she is going far from her home. After marriage she goes to Nasik with Ashfaq.
After few days she brings her youngest sister Nusrat to Nasik so that she will get better life and future here. During all this Ashfaq often visits Tabassum's home that Tabassum cant understand. Tabassum has seen her sister Shabnam and Ashfaq very close to each other and the has also shouted on this. A night Tabassum hears some voices coming from the roof. After reaching on the roof she is shocked to see that her sister Shabnam and Ashfaq are having fun together. The matter becomes a big issue and Ashfaq clearly tells Tabassum that he loves Shabnam and will marry her.

तबस्सुम चार बहनों में सबसे बड़ी है. उसने घर के हालत ख़राब है क्यों की उनकी माँ का इंतकाल हो चूका है और पिता कोई काम धाम नहीं करता है. चार में से तीन लड़कियां अलग अलग काम करके घर चला रही हैं. घर में रोज रोज कोई न कोई कलह लगी ही रहती है. किसी तरह तबस्सुम की शादी तय होती है. तबस्सुम को इस बात की तसल्ली है की आखिरकार उसको इस नरक जिंदगी से छुटकारा मिलेगा. उसकी शादी अशफ़ाक के साथ होती है जो की एक मकैनिक है और फिर वो अशफ़ाक के साथ उसके घर नासिक रहने चली जाती है.
Aabid, apno se dhokha, ashfaq, Firdosh Khan, Mohammad Irfan, mumbai, mumtaj, Nusrat, shabnam, Tabassum, Urmila Mahanta, uttar pradesh,