Showing posts with label Trishna Mukherjee. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Trishna Mukherjee. Show all posts

Crimes Aaj Kal Episode 3 (Season 1) | Kill the Enemy: Online Gaming Leads Teen to Commit Murder (24 Mar 2023 on Amazon MiniTV)

किल द एनिमी
kill the enemy

Abhay has developed an addiction to online video games. Despite being very intelligent and performing well in the past, his grades have started to decline in his current class. One day, when his father is out of town on a business trip, Abhay's class teacher complains to his mother during a parent-teacher meeting that Abhay's grades are consistently getting worse and he is not paying attention to his studies.

Show Host: Vikrant Massey

Abhay's mother becomes so angry with him that one day she hits him and takes away his mobile phone. Abhay repeatedly asks his mother to return his phone, but she refuses to give it back. Abhay doesn't seem to realize the severity of his mistake and is so obsessed with the game that he can't even stop thinking about it when it comes to harming his mother.

Also Read: Crimes Aajkal - A new Crime show by the creators of Crime patrol, courtroom and project 9191

On the night of January 24th, with the help of a knife and a flowerpot, Abhay brutally murders his mother and younger brother and steals some money from the house before running away. The police suspect Abhay from the beginning because at the time of the murder, there were only three people in the house, two of whom were killed and the third, Abhay, was missing.

Crime Patrol | Case 28/2017: Tumkur woman Shobha's murder, a tale of cruelty and betrayal (Episode 793, 794, 795 on 21, 22, 23 Apr, 2017)

2017 का अट्ठाईसवां केस
Case 28/2017

Alleppey, Kerala
The villagers of Alleppey made a grim discovery when they found the lifeless body of a woman in an abandoned well. The body appeared to be more than 2-3 days old, a conclusion confirmed by the postmortem report. Upon closer examination, the villagers noticed something written on the woman's wrist in the Kannada language, which read "Prasad." The police speculated that this might be the name of her husband, child, or father, but no one in the village recognized the woman. In an effort to gather more information, the police disseminated the woman's photo to their informants in the village. Eventually, a villager recognized the woman and revealed that she used to sit outside the Shiv Temple. When questioned about the reason for her presence there, the informant explained that she was a beggar who would frequent the temple with her two children. The police investigated further and discovered that the woman's name was Geeta (real name Shobha and played by Trishna Mukherjee), and her children were named Krishna and Sakshi. The name written on her wrist turned out to be her husband's name.

Geeta had entered into a love marriage with Prasad (real name Raju and played by Swapnil Kothriwal) a decade ago. During that time, Geeta used to collect scrap while Prasad worked as a scrap dealer. They fell in love and got married. The police interviewed Geeta's landlord, who revealed that a few months ago, he had to visit Geeta to discuss her overdue rent for the past three months. Geeta's uncle, Rajeev (real name Manunatha and played by Ali Raza Namdar), was present during the visit and paid the landlord three months' rent along with a two-month advance payment. The police subsequently contacted Rajeev to inform him about Geeta's demise and inquire about the whereabouts of her children. However, Rajeev was unaware of their current location.

A relative of Geeta informed the police that Prasad had been missing for the past eighteen months. Prasad's alcoholism had caused frequent conflicts between him and Geeta. As a result, Prasad emerged as the primary suspect in the police investigation, leading them to believe that he might have killed Geeta and fled with the children. The possibility that someone else was responsible for Geeta's murder raised concerns about the safety of the children.

inside story

Crime Patrol | Case 65/2017: Naini's Divya Tiwari murder case (Ep 858, 859 on 30 Sep, 1 Oct, 2017 Crime Patrol Satark Season 1)

2017 का पैसठवाँ केस
Case 65/2017

(The Masked Gunman, Ep. 858, 859)
Divya Tiwari's family included her mother Nisha Tiwari, one brother Rajneesh Tiwari and the other brother Rajat Tiwari. Rajneesh used to study in a coaching there while Rajat was preparing for the competitions. Divya did her BCA from Kashi Vidyapeeth in Varanasi after 12th and then she started preparing for banking. He used to go to a coaching school near the Civil Line's Company Garden for the last one month. He made a pass of the city bus and the coaching time was from 11 am to 3 pm.

On 3 September 2015, when Divya was shot and killed on the Arail-Mawya Road adjacent to the Omaxe City while she was returning from coaching. People told the police that 3-4 boys shot him after getting down from the car. The same night, police arrested a boy Mohit Jain and his businessman father Manoj Jain for interference.

दिव्या तिवारी के परिवार में उसकी माँ निशा तिवारी, एक भाई रजनीश तिवारी और दूसरा भाई रजत तिवारी थे. रजनीश वहीं एक कोचिंग में पढ़ता था जब की रजत कॉम्पटिशन की तैयारी कर रहा था. दिव्या ने इंटर ने बाद वाराणसी के काशी विद्यापीठ से BCA किया और फिर वो बैंकिंग की तैयारी करने लगी. वो पिछले एक महीने से सिविल लाइन के कम्पनी बाग़ के पास एक कोचिंग में पढ़ने जाती थी. उसने सिटी बस का एक पास बनवा रखा था और कोचिंग का समय 11 बजे से 3 बजे का था.
inside story
YouTube | Dailymotion

Case 15/2017: Businessman Nikhil Sanav's beaten to death (Episode 773, 774 on 4th, 5th March, 2017)

2017 का पंद्रहवां केस
Case 15/2017
शादीशुदा निखिल खून से लतपथ अपने ऑफिस से घर खुद स्कूटर चला कर पहुचता है। उसकी पत्नी हिमांगी दवाजा खोलती है और उसको खून में लतपथ पाकर घबरा जाती है। निखिल बेहोश होने से पहले "राहुल" बोलता है और अपने हाथ की तीन उँगलियों से कुछ इशारा करता है। हिमांगी एम्बुलेन्स बुला कर तुरंत स्कूटर लेकर ये देखने निकल पड़ती है की आखिरकार हुआ क्या था और निखिल के ऊपर किसने हमला किया है।
निखिल को अस्पताल पहुचाया जाता है जहाँ उसका बड़ा भाई राजीव भी अपनी पत्नी के साथ पहुचता है। थोड़ी देर में हिमांगी भी अस्पताल पहुचती है। पुलिस में खबर की जाती है। हिमांगी पुलिस को बताती है की बेहोश होने से पहले निखिल ने तीन उंगलियां दिखाई और "राहुल" नाम लिया था। पुलिस एक छोटे से ढाबे के मालिक राहुल यादव को गिरफ्तार करती है जिसकी दूकान निखिल के ऑफिस के लगे में ही है। पुलिस को ये भी पता चलता है की निखिल और राहुल के एक दो बार बहस हो चुकी है। राहुल यादव उत्तर प्रदेश का रहने वाला है जो की महाराष्ट्र में काम-धंधे को लेकर आया था और यहाँ एक दूकान खोल पाया जो की निखिल के ऑफिस से लगी हुई थी। निखिल के ऑफिस में चाय-कॉफी राहुल की दूकान से ही जाती थी और निखिल ने एक-दो बार राहुल से इस बात पर झगड़ा किया था की राहुल की दूकान की वजह से उसके ऑफिस के सामने गंदगी फैलती है। निखिल राहुल को इस बात के ताने मारता था की वो यूपी का रहने वाला है।

Taandav: Traffic police stops a car with tinted glasses, opens a year old murder case (Episode 736, 737 on 18th, 19th November, 2016)

तीन लोग एक SUV कार में सवार है जिनमे से एक कार चला रहा है। गाडी बेलगाम, कर्णाटक की है और अभी मुम्बई में है। एक जगह ट्रैफिक पुलिस का औचक निरिक्षण चल रहा है जहाँ पर इस कार को रोक जाता है क्योंकि इसकी खिड़कियों पर काली फिल्म चढ़ी हुई है। ड्राइवर देवेंद्र गौड़ा गाडी रोकता है और पेपर दिखाने के लिए उतर जाता है। इसी बीच कार के अंदर बैठे दो लोग कार लेकर अचानक फरार हो जाते हैं। ट्रैफिक पुलिस अपनी सभी पेट्रोलिंग टीम्स को अलर्ट करती है की सफ़ेद रंग की SUV जहाँ भी वो पाएं उसको रोके।
पेट्रोलिंग टीम्स कई जगह ढूंढती हैं और आखिरकार एक रोड के किनारे वो SUV खड़ी मिलती है। गाडी के अंदर कोई नहीं है। ट्रैफिक पुलिस उस ड्राइवर को पुलिस को सौप देती है और कड़ी पूछताछ करती है। वो ड्राइवर लगातार ये बोल रहा है की वो सिर्फ इन दो लोगों के नाम जानता है इसके अलावा कुछ नहीं जानता। वो एक साधारण ड्राइवर है जिसको इनलोगों ने पांच हज़ार रूपये देकर गाड़ी को बेलगाम से मुम्बई लाने के लिए रखा था और बस का वापसी का किराया भी दिया था। पुलिस को समझ नहीं आ रहा है की आखिरकार ये लोग कौन थे और गाडी में ऐसा क्या ले जा रहे थे जिसकी वजह से वो लोग गाडी लेकर भाग गए।

Belagaam: Robbers gang rape woman and stabs husband, father-in-law in Jodhpur's posh colony (Episode 732, 733 on 5th, 6th November, 2016)

One of the most interesting cases of Crime Patrol Satark
जोधपुर, राजस्थान
चार नकाबपोश रात के अँधेरे में जीतेन्द्र चौधरी के घर में किचन की बालकॉनी तोड़ कर घुसते हैं। पहले वो लोग दोनों बाप और बेटे को रस्सी से बाँध कर बुरी तरह से मारते हैं और उसके बाद जीतेन्द्र की पत्नी कंचन को भी बाँध कर उससे एक एक कर के दुराचार करते हैं और घर लूट कर भाग जाते हैं। भागने के लिए वो लोग जीतेन्द्र की कार का इस्तेमाल करते हैं जो की बाद में शहर से बाहर पुलिस को मिल जाती है। जीतेन्द्र पहले पुलिस से छुपाने की कोशिश करता है की उसकी पत्नी से साथ गैंग रेप हुआ है मगर शोभा खुद-बा-खुद पुलिस को बता देती है और जिन दो लोगो के चेहरे उसने देखे थे उनका स्केच बनवाने में पुलिस की मदद करती है।

कई हफ्ते बीत जाते हैं मगर पुलिस को इस वारदात का कोई सुराग नहीं मिल पता है। केस की फाइल देश के सभी राज्यों में भेजी जाती है और आखिरकार हरियाणा के फरीदाबाद में ऐसा ही एक पुलिस केस पता चलता है जहाँ करीब नौ महीने पहले चार लोगों ने किचन के रास्ते से घर में घुस कर डकैती डाली थी और इस डकैती के दौरान भी एक गैंग रेप किया था। जिस लड़की के साथ उन्होंने दुराचार किया था वो पुलिस को बताती है की उसने इनमे से तीन का चेहरा काफी कायदे से देखा था और वो अब भी उनका स्केच बनवाने में मदद कर सकती है।
Bhakti Rathod, Ahsaas Channa, Trishna Mukherjee

Haqiqat: Irfan goes missing few days after Mauseen's missing (Episode 721, 722 on 8th, 9th October, 2016)

The Truth
Story starts with a burglary where 20 lac rupees goes missing from Rahim's home when his home was locked. Rahim is a money lender. on the other hand, a young boy Mauseen goes missing after taking 500 rupees from his mother. When he does not come back, his mother Mumtaj starts worries about him and raises his missing complaint in the police station.
Geetanjali Mishra and Trishna Mukherjee

Crime Patrol | Hamsafar: A Tale of Three girls Rekha, Geeta and Supriya from Gujarat (Episode 702, 703 on 27th, 28th August, 2016)

An ambitious girl Rekha gets committed with a widower Girish who tells Geeta that three years before her first wife Geeta committed su!c!de just next day of their marriage. That was time of dinner when Geeta moved towards their bedroom and after few minutes their society's security guard came and rang the doorbell. He told Girish and his mother that Geeta fell down from their bedroom balcony and in all pool of blood. After this su!c!de Rekha's parents throws a dowry harassment case on Girish whom he fought for two years and now he wants to restart his life with her new life partner Rekha. They happily decides to spend rest of their life with each-other.
Everything is going well in their life and their engagement now goes on but few days before their marriage Girish refuses to marry Rekha. Rekha tries to ask him why he is doing so but Girish and his mother both denies to explain anything to her. They gets separated but after six months of all this Girish again calls Rekha and tells her that he wants to marry her.

Crime Patrol | Khalish: Crime Branch took 10 months to solve Shikha Makwana's blind murder case (Episode 699, 700 on 20, 21 Aug 2016)

Ajay Waghle finds a female dead body near a road and he informs the police. Police find that the victim has tattoos on both the hands, On the one hand, there is a name "Shilpa" is written and on the other hand "Jai Mata Rani" is written. For police, it is a blind murder case and for now, they only have a name Shilpa which might not belong to the victim. Police start investigating all missing reports matching with the case but can not finds anything. They also activate their informers' network but does not get success.

Eight months pass and police are still clueless. Finally, an informer informs them that the victim was from Himmat Nagar and her full name is Shilpa Makwana.

अजय वाघले नाम के आदमी को सड़क के किनारे एक महिला की लाश दिखाई देती है। वो पुलिस को सूचित करता है और पुलिस को लाश की बाहों पर टैटू गुदा हुआ दिखता है जिस पर शिल्पा और जय माता रानी लिखा है। पुलिस के लिए ये एक ब्लाइंड मर्डर केस है जिसमे उनके पास सिर्फ एक नाम है जो की हो सकता है मारने वाले का खुद का नाम न हो। आस-पास के पुलिस स्टेशन में लाश की खबर पहुचाई जाती है और पुलिस अपने खबरियों को भी एक्टिवटे करती है मगर कुछ हाथ नहीं लगता है। ऐसे ही आठ महीने बीत जाते हैं और तब जाकर पुलिस को एक खबरी से पता चलता है की मारने वाली का नाम शिल्प मकवाना है और वो हिम्मत नगर की रहने वाली थी जो की लाश मिलने की जगह से सिर्फ बीस किलोमीटर दूर है।


Crime Patrol | Zarurat: Frustrated with relationship, youth kills housewife Pranita (Episode 694 on 7th Aug, 2016)

Zarurat (Need)

(Ep. 694, Crime Patrol Satark)
Similar story HAIVANIYAT has already been featured by Crime Patrol Dial 100. Read Jalpa's story here.

Mahendra is a businessman whose wife Pranita is a homemaker. The couple has two small kids Prabhat and Divya. Mahendra is a wealthy person and mostly busy in his business tours which makes Pranita annoyed. Mahendra often goes on long trips and when he comes home, he spends most of his time on the phone. Due to this behavior of Mahendra Pranita starts feeling lonely and is not able to fulfill her physical desires.
Nilesh is a bright student who is preparing for CS. His parents are having good expectations for him as he is studying hard. He lives next to Pranita's home and terrace of both of them are very near to eachother. Pranita is observing him daily and wants to get closer to him. Somehow Nilesh also starts taking interest in her and finally a day Pranita puts a ladder between both the terraces and Nilesh reaches on Pranita's terrace. They stars having physical relationship which impacts Nilesh's study badly and near after a year he fails in his exams. Now Nilesh wants to get rid of Pranita but Pranita is forcing him to retain their relation.

Crime Patrol | Ghera: A conspiracy behind drug racket of Punjab (Episode 669 on 11 June 2016)

Harjit Gil is a businessman from Paris who is currently in touch with his two nephews Raghuveer, Pankaj and a friend Manjeet in Chandigarh via WhatsApp. He tells them that next week he will be back from Bangkok to spend some time in Chandigarh and will meet them. All three are waiting for him eagerly but he does not reach there also he is not responding now on WhatsApp too. A week passed but his own home in Chandigarh is still locked.
Pankaj, Raghuveer and Manjeet starts worrying about him and files his missing complain at police station. Police now talks to Harjit's wife in Paris and she tells them that Harjit divorced her 6 years ago without any specific reason. Harjit was willing to leave Paris and wanted to shift to India while his wife was not agreed on this. But they were still in contact with each-other and used to talk often. She talked to him a week ago and he was saying her that he will spend some days in India.

Crime Patrol | Begunaah: 8 year old Zaid goes missing and skeleton found after months (Episode 666, 667 on 4, 5 June 2016)

8 year old innocent Zaid is the only son of taxi driver Hamid and Shabana. The couple is expecting their second baby while Zaid suddenly goes missing. That day Zaid come from his school and leaves to play after taking lunch. Shabana starts worrying about her when Zaid does not return till evening. Hamid raises his missing complain and during investigation police could not found anything.
Months passes but Zaid does not return. Shaban is passing through a crucial time and about to deliver their second baby in coming days. Her doctor suggests her not to become so much worried because this is not good for her baby.

Part 1:
Part 2:

Part 1:
Part 2:

Here is the inside story of the case:
Search Tag: Krishna Yadav, Tausif Shaikh, Ali Sadaf, Sheru, Bhakti Park, Wadala, Mumbai

Crime Patrol | Dwand: Thrilling story of a politician's family ends with four murders (Dial 100 Episode 152, 153, 154 on 24, 25, 26 May 2016)


This tale delves into the internal power struggles within the family of Atal Singh, a prominent figure in Uttar Pradesh's business and political spheres. Atal's sons, Kedar Singh and Veer Singh, along with his widow daughter Mridula Singh, reside together. Kedar, married to Richa, engages in an affair with journalist Shweta (played by Jiya Shankar). Meanwhile, Richa seeks a physical relationship with Veer. Veer, in love with Anita from their village, faces his own challenges.

The plot takes a sharp turn as villagers discover Anita's body, followed by the police finding Shweta's body in Kedar's car trunk. Kedar, now on the run, insists he wasn't present when Shweta was killed. However, the story's tension escalates with two more family murders, leaving the mystery unresolved.

Jiya Shankar
Jiya Shankar (जिया शंकर)

Crime Patrol | Khandit: Bitter Relation between couple Abhishek and Kajal end with a murder (Episode 650, 651 on 29 April 2016)

Things are not going well between a couple Abhishek Rathod and Kajal Rathod. Its been few years they got marry and now the things are becoming worsen. Abhishek hates Kajal because at the time when the got marry, Kajal lied on him and told him that she is pregnant. Reason being Abhishek was forced to marry her while he was not in hurry. After their relation started Abhishek's father hired private detective to get better information about Kajal and her family. The information he receives from detective agency was not good. They tells Abhishek's father that Kajal's mother used to have relation with more than one person at a time. Whatever Kajal does in her life are mostly her mother's instructions.
After marriage, Abhishek also starts realizing these things and comes in touch with her tenant Anchal Soni. They start having physical relation also in absence of husband Jagan Soni. Kajal is watching all this in front of her and afraid of their relationship will be broken.

A midnight when Abhishek and Kajal are sleeping, door bell rings. Abhishek opens the door and two men attacks on the couple with knife. Both gets badly injured and the house gets robbed. Few days after the attack Abhishek dies in hospital while Kajal survives.
Sarika Dhillon and Trishna Mukherjee
Trishna Mukherji and Sareeka Dhillon

Crime Patrol | Scandal: Baba Laxman Prajapati blackmailed over his obscene video with a teenager girl (Episode 632 on 6 March 2016)

Godman Swami Laxman Prajapati gets invitation from one of his devotee Puja. He goes to Puja's home with his other disciples where his other devotees and companions of Puja, Hetal and Namita were already there. Once they have performed all ritual, they all offered to have some food. Swami and his disciples takes food and now goes to take some rest but at that time they all are feeling a little unconsciousness and goes into deep sleep very soon.

Now Hetal, Puja and Namita starts there masterplan. They has a cameraman with them who is shooting all incident. Namita takes-off all the cloths of Baba and starts becoming intimate with them while cameraman is shooting every activity.

After Baba comes into sense, Hetal starts blackmailing him. She warns him to pay them three crore rupees otherwise she will spread this video before everyone and upload it to internet.

Pooja played by Aleeza Khan

स्वामी लक्ष्मण प्रजापति को उनकी एक शिष्या पूजा की तरफ से घर का आमंत्रण मिलता है। कुछ दिन बाद बाबा अपने कुछ शिष्यों के साथ पूजा के घर जाते हैं जहाँ पूजा के अलावा हेतल और नमिता भी हैं। प्रवचन करने के बाद उन सब को खाने के लिए आमंत्रित किया जाता है। बाबा और उनके सभी शिष्य खाना खाने के बाद आराम करते हैं और बाबा को आराम करने के लिए अलग कमरे में ले जाता जाता है। खाने में कुछ नशीला पदार्थ मिला होने के कारण बाबा और उनके सभी शिष्य गहरी नींद में चले जाते हैं और इसके बाद पूजा, हेतल और नमिता का मास्टर प्लान शुरू होता है।

नाबालिग नमिता बाबा के कमरे में जाकर गहरी निंद्रा में सोये बाबा के कपडे उतारना शुरू करती है और इस सब को एक कैमरामैन रिकॉर्ड करता रहता है। इसी बीच बाबा को होश आजाता है और वो ये सब होता हुआ देख कर सकपका जाते हैं। अब हेतल बाबा को बोलती है की वो उनलोगों को अगर तीन करोड़ रुपये नहीं देंगे तो वो ये वीडियो क्लिप मीडिया को दे देगी और इंटरनेट पर भी डाल। देगी.


Thanks to Dost Dilse for providing online source of the story. Here is the inside story of the case:

Crime Patrol: Nagin - Bhoori's father and in-law's claims that she is a "Ichchadhari Nagin" (Crime Patrol Dial 100 Episode 92, 93 on 10th, 11th February, 2016)

An episode depicting a similar story was also featured on Savdhaan India on 30 July 2017, and a link to the episode is provided below. Mehandi Praveen Jain played the lead role in this episode.

Bhoori, a newlywed woman portrayed by Ruchi Tripathi, has disappeared, and her family members are claiming that she has turned into a snake. Bhoori's father, father-in-law, and husband are all making this assertion, leaving the authorities perplexed and unsure of how to proceed.

According to Bhoori's husband, one morning he woke up to find that she was no longer in their room. Her clothes and jewelry were scattered on the floor, and he discovered a letter written by Bhoori in which she claimed to have transformed into a snake.

The situation is perplexing, and authorities are unsure of how to proceed. They are left with only the testimony of Bhoori's family members, who are steadfast in their belief that she has become a serpent.

The disappearance of Bhoori has left her family and community in shock. The idea that a human being could turn into a snake is beyond their comprehension, and they are struggling to come to terms with what has happened.

Despite the lack of evidence to support the claim that Bhoori has transformed into a snake, her family members remain adamant that this is what has occurred. They are convinced that Bhoori has undergone a supernatural transformation and are unwilling to consider any other explanation for her disappearance.

The authorities are continuing to investigate the case, but their efforts are hampered by the lack of concrete evidence. They are left with a mystery that defies explanation, and the community is left to grapple with the possibility that a human being could be capable of transforming into a snake.

Crime Patrol | Vanwaas: Geeta Solanki abducted and molested by Lala Gang for 8 months (Episode 592, 593, 593 on 11, 12, 13 December 2015)


On August 3, 2014, a boy from the nearby village informs Geeta's house that a man has come looking for her, but it turns out that the people who came were actually dacoits who kidnapped Geeta. The Lala gang is responsible for the kidnapping and they subject her to collective misbehavior. Geeta's friend informs her husband Ramesh about the kidnapping, but when he reports it to the local police, they do not take it seriously despite Ramesh's insistence that the Lala gang is responsible. Ramesh becomes stuck between the police and the two villages, and despite their efforts, neither he nor the police are able to find Geeta.

The Lala gang keeps Geeta at the house of the village sarpanch Pankaj Sisodia, where they gang-rape her every night and return her to the house in the morning. Three months pass without any progress in finding Geeta, and Ramesh's parents suggest that he forget about her, as even if she is found, the villagers may not accept her. Ramesh seeks support from his in-laws, who promise to help him.

3 अगस्त 2014 के दिन गीता के घर एक पास का लड़का आकार बताता है की उसके गाँव से कोई आदमी आया है जो उसको ढूंढ रहा है. असल में वो लोग डाकू हैं जो की गीता को अगवा करने आये हैं. गीता का अपहरण कर लिया जाता है. गीता के पति रमेश को उसका दोस्त बताता है की गीता का अपहरण कर लिया गया है. गीता का अपहरण लाला गैंग ने किया है. वो लोग उसके साथ सामूहिक रूप से दुराचार करते हैं. रमेश गीता के गायब होने की रिपोर्ट लिखाने स्थानीय पुलिस स्टेशन जाता है. पुलिस गीता के मिस्सिंग केस को ज़रा सी भी सतर्कता से नहीं लेती है जबकि रमेश को ये यकीनी तौर पे पता चल चुका है की गीता का अपहरण लाला गैंग ने ही किया है. रमेश भी दोनों गाँवों के बीच की पुलिस के बीच बुरा फंसता है. पुलिस गीता को खोजने की कवायद करती तो है मगर कुछ ढूंढ नहीं पाती है. रमेश भी गीता को ढूँढने की कोशिश करता है मगर असफलता ही हाथ आती है.

लाला गैंग ने गीता को गाँव के सरपंच पंकज सिसोदिया के घर पर रखा है और हर रात उसको वहां से उठा ले जाते हैं और सामूहिक बलात्कार करते हैं और अगली सुबह वापस सिसोदिया के घर पर वापस छोड़ दिया जाते हैं.

मामले को तीन महीने बीत जाते हैं. रमेश के माँ-पिता उसको गीता को भूल जाने को बोलते हैं क्युकी अगर गीता मिल भी गयी तो भी उसको गाँव वाले अपनाएंगे नहीं. रमेश अपने सास-ससुर और साले की शरण में जाता है और वो लोग उसका पूरा साथ देने का वायदा करते हैं.

Crime Patrol | Rihaee: Son bails mother after nineteen years of Imprisonment (Episode 543 on 14 Aug 2015)


49 year old Meena Awasthi (played by Trishna Mukherjee) got lifetime imprisonment 19 year back in a murder case. She got punishment on basis of circumstantial evidences. The case could have been challenged in the High Court 19 years ago but no one did because no one came to take responsibility of this case, neither husband nor her father-in-law.

When Meena went into prison, she was pregnant and her son Madhav born in the jail itself and later he was sent to children's home. Now Madhav has grown up and working in a cloth factory. He often goes and meet her mother in jail and willing to bring her out of there. One of Meena's companion in jail is getting bail and she tells her about an advocate from Allahabad Court Satyaved Dixit who took her case. Meena tells Madhav about Satyaved and Madhav goes to meet him.

Satyaved goes through the entire case history and assures Madhav that his mother will soon be released.

Crime Patrol | Bhram: Man murdered, thrown out and immolated (Episode 541, 542 on 9, 10 Aug 2015)


The police find a burnt body that was set on fire recently, still emitting flames. Meanwhile, in the same area, two brothers named Fazal and Sajid are looking for their elder brother Imran, who is missing. Imran used to live separately with his third wife, Rabia, and currently, there's no news of either Sabiha or Imran.

The police ask them to have a look at the burnt body. Fazal and Sajid's father identify the body as that of Imran's. The police then begin their investigation and start searching for Rabia.