Showing posts with label Urvashi Sharma. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Urvashi Sharma. Show all posts

Crime Patrol | Mohre: Man borrows friend's wife to win the election (Dial 100 Episode on 26 Sep, 2018)

The Pawn

The story revolves around a political party leader Sikandar Ali Khan (real name Shafi Ahmed). Sikandar Ali is a powerful politician in the area who is continuously winning every election for last 15 years. His party's name is Dharti Sangharsh Party from which now he wants his new wife will contest the next election rather him.

Few days before the final election, he meets with Waseem Ansari (Naseem Ahmed) who runs a small hotel in the town. He puts a very awkward proposal to him that he wants to borrow his wife Zoya (real name Rehmat) for some time. Waseem is shocked by this proposal but later he agrees. Sikandar gets marry to Waseem's wife Zoya. Later she becomes her election candidate and wins the election.

Why Sikandar Ali Khan married to Zoya and why he did not opt for election himself? Let's watch the inside story with full episodes.

inside story
YouTube | Dailymotion

सिकंदर अली खान धरती संघर्ष पार्टी का नेता है और इलाके का कद्दावर व्यक्ति है। पिछले पांच चुनाव से वो लगातार जीतता आ रहा है मगर इस बार के इलेक्शन में वो खुद न खड़ा होकर अपनी तीसरी पत्नी ज़ोया को खड़ा करता है और ज़ोया ये चुनाव जीत भी जाती है। उसकी इस चाल के पीछे उसके विरोधी स्तब्ध हैं।

असल में चुनाव के कुछ समय पहले ही वो कसबे के एक छोटे से होटल चलने वाले वसीम अंसारी से मिलता है और उसके सामने एक अजीबोगरीब प्रस्ताव रखता है। वो वसीम से उसकी पत्नी ज़ोया को कुछ महीने के लिए उधार देने को कहता है। वसीम पहले तो न-नुकुर करता है मगर बाद में राजी हो जाता है। सिकंदर और ज़ोया की कोर्ट मैरिज की जाती है जिससे की ज़ोया सिकंदर अली की कानूनन बीवी बन जाती है। इसके बाद ही वो ज़ोया को इलेक्शन में खड़ा करता है जिसमे ज़ोया जीत जाती है।

Online Episode on YouTube:

Online Episode on SonyLiv:
Need Or Greed: Crime Patrol Dastak, 26 September 2018

Bihar's conman held in marrying multiple times (Crime Patrol Dial 100 Episode 176 on 27th June, 2016)

Police arrest a pickpocketer in a random raid and when they get his mobile phone, they found several objectionable videos stored into it. One same thing in all the videos that only the appearance of the girl is visible in all, not of the boy. When the police interrogates the pickpocketer, it is revealed that he is an ordinary pickpocketer who stole a mobile from a man on a railway platform and a girl was fighting with the man at that time and in the middle of this fight he stole this mobile.

On the other hand, a woman comes to the police to write a complaint about the disappearance of her husband and the police feel that they has seen this woman somewhere before. After meditating, the police find that the video of this woman is also in that mobile, which they confirm by showing her. The woman says that this video was forcibly made by her husband. Another such incident happens and another woman tells the police that her husband also tried to make a video of her but she did not let it happen. According to both the women the appearance of both the husbands are different.

पुलिस एक पॉकेटमार को अरेस्ट करती है और उसकी तलाशी लेने के बाद उसके पास से मोबाइल मिलता है जिसमे आपत्तिजनक वीडियो भरे पड़े हैं। सारे वीडियो में ये चीज सामान है की सभी में सिर्फ लड़की की सूरत दिख रही है, लड़के की नहीं। जब पुलिस उस पॉकेटमार से पूछताछ करती है तो पता चलता है की वो एक साधारण पॉकेटमार है जिसने एक आदमी से रेलवे प्लेटफॉर्म पे ये मोबाइल चुराया था और उस समय उस आदमी के साथ एक लड़की लड़ रही थी और इसी लड़ाई के बीच उसने ये मोबाइल चुराया।
Urvashi Sharma, Palak Singh
Urvashi Sharma

दूसरी तरफ पुलिस के पास एक औरत आकर अपने पति के गायब होने की कम्प्लेन लिखवाती है और पुलिस को लगता है की ये औरत कुछ जानी पहचनी है। ध्यान करने पर पुलिस को ये पता चलता है की इस औरत का वीडियो भी इस मोबाइल में है जो वो उसको दिखा कर कन्फर्म करते हैं। वो औरत बताती है की ये वीडियो उसके पति ने जबरन बनाया था। ऐसा ही एक वाकया और होता है और एक और औरत पुलिस को बताती है की उसके पति ने भी उसका वीडियो बनने की कोशिश की थी मगर उसने बनने नहीं दिया। दोनों औरतों के पतियों का हुलिया अलग अलग है।


Here is the inside story of the case:
Search Tags: episode suhagraat

Crime Patrol | Adham: Murderer killed Farida and Raped corpse (Crime Patrol Dial 100 Episode 164 on 14 June 2016)

गाँव वालों को एक जगह से किसी सड़ी चीज की ज़बर्दस्त दुर्गन्ध आरही है। वो जब जाकर देखते हैं तो पता चलता है की ये दुर्गन्ध एक बोरे के अंदर से आ रही है जिसमे लाश है। पुलिस छानबीन करती है तो पता चलता है की लाश एक औरत की है। पोस्टमॉर्टेम रिपोर्ट से पता चलता है की लाश चार महीने पुरानी और मरने वाली की उम्र 23-24 साल रही होगी, कद 5.7 फ़ीट है और इसको मारने से पहले इसके साथ रेप किया गया है।

पुलिस लड़की के कद को अपना मुख्य सबूत बना कर चलती है और पिछले चार महीने की आसपास की सारी मिसिंग कम्प्लेन में मिलता जुलता कोई केस ढूंढती है। पुलिस को जो भी केस मिलते हैं उनके ये लाश मेल नहीं खा रही है. अब पुलिस अपने खबरियों को एक्टिवेट करती है की वो पता लगाए की क्या इस कद की कोई लड़की कहीं से गायब है जिसकी मिसिंग कम्प्लेन नहीं लिखवाई गई।

अब पुलिस के हाथ तीन परिवार लगते हैं जिसमे से एक का डी.एन.ए. भी मैच कर जाता है। मरने वाले का पति जो की पहले मना कर रहा था, अब ये कबूल करता है की ये लाश उसकी पत्नी फरीदा की है जो की पिछले चार महीने से गायब है।

Samjhauta: Rajni forced into prostitution by her own in-laws (Crime Patrol Dial 100 Episode 104, 105 on 2nd, 3rd March, 2016)

Rajni belongs to a middle class family who gets married to a businessman Ujjwal. Having high class parties every two-three days is a normal routine of the family. After spending some days in the family she starts realizing that her elder sister-in-law becomes friendly faster with few guests and spends night with them in knowledge of her husband and Rajni's brother-in-law.
She feels that after taking drink she becomes in-conscious and finds herself in different cloths. She find this thing a little awkward but her husband is around her when she open her eyes but a night while she is partially in-conscious feels that someone else is having physical relation with her. Later she comes to know that she was sleeping with other guys while she was not in her sense. She opposes this but Ujjwal, her brother even her sister in law forces her to sleep with them.
Next morning her sister-in-law tells her that it is their routine life and she has to adjust with it. Rajni approaches police and police asks her to give some evidence. Now plans to record inside activities through a spycam but caught redhanded by Ujjawal.

Now Ujjwal and his brother plans to declare her mentally unstable and sends her to a mental asylum.

Part 1:
Part 2:

Part 1:
Part 2:

Similar story can be found here:

Giraft: Gujarat's loan extortion gang and political goons (Crime Patrol Dial 100, Episode 83 on 28th January, 2016)

A family consisting husband, wife and 2 kids killed themselves jumping in a river. After that a couple has taken some loan from a company and now when they are unable to pay that on time, the goons linked to the loan company started threatening them.

Crime Patrol | Double Corssed: Businessman Vijay Bakshi's body found inside Bed Box (Episode 430, 431 on 8 & 9 Nov 2014)

Double Crossed
डबल क्रॉस्ड
Foul smell is coming out of a society flat from last two days in Ghaziabad UP. A man living near that flats informs police about this. He tells them that owner of the flat lives somewhere outside India and this flat was given on rent through a broker Jagdish.
Police call broker and he tells that he allotted that flat to a man named Arvind Shukla on rent. He arranges the key of the flat to the police. Entering the flat police finds the dead body of an aged man inside a bed-box. Police send decease's photo to broker Jagdish but he confirms that this body is not Arvind Shukla. Police call Arvind Shukla but his number is switched off. Though it is a blind murder case, police publish deceased photos to newspaper for identification.

A lady in Mumbai named Sunita identifies the body. She calls her friend Kavita Sharma that police found dead body of Vijay Bakshi. Kavita Sharma is divorced wife of Vijay Bakshi who got divorced 2 years before. She lives with his daughter Archana (played by Shriya Popat) and runs a Gift Shop in Mumbai. Neither Sunita nor Kavita calls to police that they know the person who died. Daughter Archana also does not take an interest in the matter.

Later police get a call from a property consultant Sandeep Ahuja who informs the police that he knows whose body is that. He tells them that deceased Vijay Bakshi was a wealthy businessman and they have worked together for 4-5 months. Through Ahuja police reach Kavita also but she directly denies of taking any responsibility of the case. She also tells that she didn't even take any compensation from Bakshi while getting a divorce. Police tell Kavita that her daughter Archana is nominated in most of the properties of Bakshi.

Further investigation reveals that this murder was conspired by Arvind Shukla, Shoaib, Ejaaz, Satish Gupta and a call girl Rupali Sethi...

गाज़ियाबाद, उत्तर प्रदेश के एक सोसाइटी फ्लैट से किसी चीज की सड़ने की दुर्गन्ध आ रही है. उसी फ्लैट के पास वाले फ्लैट का एक निवासी पुलिस को फ़ोन कर के बताता है की उसके पास के फ्लैट से पिछले 2 दिन से बदबू आरही है. वो पुलिस को बताता है की फ्लैट का मालिक तो विदेश में रहता है मगर फ्लैट एक ब्रोकर जगदीश ने किराए पर किसी को दिलवाया था.

पुलिस ब्रोकर को कॉल करती है तो वो बताता है की वो फ्लैट अरविन्द शुक्ला नाम के एक शख्स को उसने किराये पर दिलवाया था. वो पुलिस तक उस फ्लैट की चाभी पहुचवाता है. अन्दर जाने पर पुलिस को एक डबलबेड के अन्दर एक आदमी की लाश मिलती है. ब्रोकर बोलता है की ये लाश अरविन्द शुक्ला की नहीं है. पुलिस अरविन्द शुक्ला को फ़ोन लगाती है मगर उसका फ़ोन स्विचऑफ है. फ़िलहाल पुलिस के लिए ये लाश लावारिस है सो वो उसकी फोटो न्यूज़ पेपर्स में देते हैं.

Crime Patrol: Is it love? - Bangalore Techie's Sreerag murder turned to Su!c!de case (Episode 266 on 5th July 2013)

Is it Love?
क्या ये प्यार है?

Story again portrayed by Crime Patrol Black Headlines (Episode 146, 4 Feb 2020)

Actors: Devika Sharma, Puneet Channa, Priya Malik,  Arshad Khan, Cindrella D'Cruz, Narendra Bakolia, gaurav rupraj, varun wazir, sanjeev tyagi, manish raj

A hawker discovers an individual in a Volkswagen Polo Car, completely bound in cello tape with his face concealed by polythene. The hawker promptly notifies the police, who subsequently uncover the lifeless body. The deceased individual's driving license identifies him as Aditya Khare (real name Sreerag Subramanian, Resident of Palakkad, Kerala, residing at AECS Layout in Bangalore. Character player by Mandar Jadhav). Upon further investigation, it is revealed that he worked as a software engineer at Hewlett Packard (HP).
