Showing posts with label Varodara. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Varodara. Show all posts

Khafa: Karan Solanki killed by two unknown person (Episode 692 on 5th Aug, 2016)


Karan Solanki lost his cellphone when he was at home. He is continuous ringing it but it is not visible anymore. He is sure that he left it somewhere and forgot because if it was stolen, it must be switched off. After too many rings finally his call gets received and the person tell him to come and get his phone from him which was found by his nephew. Karan asks him his name but he avoids and cuts the call. Karan goes to meet them at an isolated place when he meets that man and rather handing over the phone, young man whom he called nephew attacks Karan with a big knife and kills him. Karan was elder son among two sons of Chandrakant Solanki mother Falguni. In primary investigation police comes to know that Karan's married never become good and he had divorced two of his wives. Karan was very rude for his father Chandrakant and he often used to insult him over his demand of pocket money.

Lying Faces: Radhika, a fake nurse was held after stealing money from patient's house (Episode 357 on 18 April 2014)

झूठे चेहरे
Lying Faces

(Crime Patrol Dastak, 18 April 2014)
एक दंपति जो की वड़ोदरा में रहते हैं, अपनी माँ के लिए एक नर्स को हायर करते हैं. उनकी माँ मुंबई में अकेले रहती है जिनकी उम्र लगभग 80 के आस पास है. नर्स के नाम राधिका है और उसको हायर करते समय उसके सरे डाक्यूमेंट्स चेक किये जाते हैं. उनलोगों को राधिका एक अच्छी लड़की लगती है सो वो लोग उसे अपने घर रख लेते हैं. राधिका अपना काम अच्छे से कर रही है मगर एक दिन अचानक वो घर से ढाई लाख रूपए लेकर फरार हो जाती है.
पुलिस इन्वेस्टीगेशन में ये पता चलता है की राधिका के नर्स के सर्टिफिकेट्स नकली हैं और उसका असली नाम पूजा है. पुलिस उसे ढूंढना शुरू करती है और उसकी बहन तक पहुच जाती है.

राधिका ने चोरी क्यों की? उसने नकली सर्टिफिकेट कैसे बनाये?
A Vadodara couple hires a nurse for their mother who is near 80 years old and live alone in Mumbai. Name of nurse is Radhika. They check her certificates also while hiring them. They hires her as she looks decent to them.

Radhika is working well but a day she goes absconding stealing 2.5 lac rupees.

Police investigation reveals that her certificates were forged and Pooja is her real name. Police starts searching her and finds her sister Jagriti.