Showing posts with label Varun Vazir. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Varun Vazir. Show all posts

Crime Patrol Case 4/2019: Institute owner Phoolkumari killed 3 years after murder of husband Raju Saw (Ep 71/72 on 21/22 Oct, 2019 on Crime Patrol Satark Season 2)

2019 का चौथा केस
Case 4/2019
Vaibhav and his wife Aarti are running an institute successfully for last few years. A night when Vaibhav is wrapping up all the things with his assistants, few assailants suddenly enter the institute and hostages them in a room. The ties all three on chairs in one room then bring Vaibhav to another room.
A few hours pass, Vaibhav's wife Aarti is worrying about him because his phone is also not connecting. Midnight she reaches the institute and finds Vaibhav's 2 assistant detained in a locked room. They explain the entire incident to Aarti and tries to find Vaibhav in other rooms but couldn't found.

A police complaint is filed and next day police find Vaibhav's dead body outskirts of the city.
Police investigation reveals that Aarti was the mastermind of it and they put her behind the bar along with her companion. The case takes another turn when aarti also got murdered years after this incident when she was out on bail working in her institute.

Based on a real incident of Ramgarh, Jharkhand where DRS Technical Institute director Raju Saw was abducted and killed the same evening. Police arrested his wife Phoolkumari and her paramour as the main accused and Court also convicted them in the murder of Raju Saw. The case did not end here only. After 3 years of this murder, Phoolkumari was also murdered when she was in her office.

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Crime Patrol Case 12/2019: Jaipur's mother killed 4 months old daughter because she wanted boy (Ep 85 on 8 Nov, 2019, Crime Patrol Satark Season 2)

2019 का केस 12
Case 12/2019
Ep. 85 - An Abominable Crime - 8 November 2019
The story belongs to Jaipur, Rajasthan where an infant baby girl Mahi suddenly went missing from her home. It was 25th Aug 2016 near 2pm she was sleeping after taking a feed from her mother Neha Goel. When Neha got up near 4pm she found Mahi is missing from her bed. She asked everyone in the home but no one was able to give her answer where the girl went. They looked upon every place in the home and then Neha's sister in law found her in an abandoned AC's back cover tied in a red blanket.
She was dead and they found marks of injuries on her neck. Police were called immediately and they questioned each and every member and servant of the home. They also questioned the past 8 servants who had left their services. The case took 13 days to solve with a horrific truth about the murder of a baby girl.

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YouTube | Dailymotion

Crime Patrol | Case 13/2019: Hoshiarpur's 'Surinder Singh Paali Missing case' helped busting fake Passport-Visa Gang (Ep 86, 87 on 2, 3 Nov 2019)

2019 का तेरहवाँ केस
Case 13/2019
(Illegal Actions - Ep. 86, 87)
35 years old Surinderpal Singh Pali was hailing from Hoshiarpur, Punjab. He wanted to have a promising job in Canada and for this, he met with a Passport agent Harminder Singh Shaili. Shaili convinced him that he will help him get his passport and visa and also will send him to Canada and for this, he would have to pay a small amount as an advance. Once he reached Canada, he would have to pay him the rest of the amount. This total amount was approx INR 20 lacs.
After his Passport was ready, he was sent to Bangalore for Visa formality and to board his flight to Canada but soon after reaching Canada, he went missing. His family was not able to trace him.

सुरिन्दर पाल सिंह पाली होशियार पुर का रहने वाला था। उसको नौकरी करने के लिए कनाडा जाना था और इसके लिए वो अपने वीजा और पासपोर्ट बनवाने की जद्दोजहद मे लगा हुआ था। इसी बीच उसकी मुलाकात एक ट्रैवल एजेंट हार्मिन्दर सिंह shaili से हुई जिसने उसको बोला की वो उसका पासपोर्ट बनवाने मे भी उसकी मदद करेगा और कनाडा का वीजा भी लगवाएगा। हार्मिन्दर सिंह का कहना था की वो लोगों को कनाडा और कुछ और यूरोप देशों मे भेजने का काम करता है जिसमे कुछ ही पैसे वो लोग शुरू मे लेते हैं और बाकी की रकम विदेश पहुचने के बाद दी जाती है ।

वो सुरिन्दर को 3 दिसम्बर 2017 को अपने साथ लेकर गया था और उसके बाद से सुरिन्दर का कुछ पता नहीं चल पाया। सुरिन्दर के गायब होने के बाद उसके बहनोई गुरबक्श सिंह ने पुलिस को शिकायत कर के बताया की उसको हार्मिन्दरसिंह उर्फ शैली नाम का एक ट्रैवल एजेंट कनाडा ले जाने के लिए ले गया था और उसके बाद से सुरिंदर तो गायब है ही, वो खुद भी गायब है। पुलिस ने हार्मिन्दर सिंह शैली, जेडी पटेल, संजीव और नरेश पटेल के खिलाफ केस दर्ज किया था।
असल मे इस बीच हुआ ये था सुरिंदर सिंह कनाडा जाने के लिए सही लोगों की बजाए एक गैंग के चक्कर मे पड़ गया था। इन लोगों का मॉडस ऑपरेंड़ी ये था की ये भोले भाले लोगों को विदेश मे नौकरी का झांसा देकर फसाते थे, उनका फर्जी पासपोर्ट और वीजा बनवाते थे और फिर इन लोगों को डॉक्युमेंट्स या फ्लाइट पकड़ने के बहाने से बैंगलोर लाते थे। बंगलोर के छिक्काजाला मे इनका ठिकाना था जहां ये विक्टिम्स.... Know more about the case.

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Online Episode on SonyLiv:
Part 1:
Part 2:

Online Episode on MXPlayer:
Part 1:
Part 2:

Online Episode on YouTube:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Search Tags:Surinderpal Singh, Murder, job racket, bangalore, bagalur, fake passport, fake visa, abduction, abdul kareem rehman qureshi, naresh patil, harminder singh, shaili

Crime Patrol: Chhutkara - Murdered Mansi Patel Returns with boyfriend Faiz...!! (Ep 43, 44 - Crime Patrol Satark Season 2 on 11, 12 Sep, 2019)

To Get Rid Of

Panchkula, Haryana
Gurjeet, a young girl, had been involved in a relationship with a Muslim man and had run away from home on several occasions. However, on her latest disappearance, a charred body was discovered, which was believed to be Gurjeet's. Her father, Lallan, confirmed the body as his daughter's. Three days later, Gurjeet reappeared at the police station and claimed that her father had set up a plan to falsely accuse her boyfriend's family and have them arrested.

The police were surprised to learn of Gurjeet's survival and resumed their investigation to determine the identity of the charred body that had been identified as Gurjeet.

गुरजीत का एक मुस्लिम लड़के के साथ सम्बंध है और वो उसके साथ कई बार घर से भाग भी चुकी है, मगर इस बार वो जाने के बाद लम्बे समय तक वापस नहीं लौटी है जिसको लेकर उसके घर वाले दुविधा में हैं. दूसरी तरफ़ पुलिस को एक लड़की की जली हुई लाश मिलती है जो की गुरजीत के हुलिए से काफ़ी मिल रही है. गुरजीत का पिता लल्लन ये कन्फ़र्म भी करता है की ये लाश उसकी बेटी की है.

मगर 3 दिन बाद पहेली उलझ जाती है जब गुरजीत ख़ुद पुलिस स्टेशन पहुँचती है. वो कहती है की वो ज़िंदा है और अपनी ही मौत की ख़बर अख़बार में पढ़ने के बाद वो यहाँ आइ है. वो ये भी कहती है की ये उसके पिता का ही प्लान होगा की अपनी बेटी को मृत बता दे जिससे की उसके बायफ़्रेंड को जेल हो जाए.

पुलिस अपनी छानबीन फिर से शुरू करती है और पता लगाने की कोशिश करती है की वो लड़की कौन थी जिसकी लाश उनको मिली थी.

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Crime Patrol | Case 25/2018: Hyderabad, Woman's multilated body found near a construction site (Episode 928, 929 on 17 June 2018)

Two suspicious bags are found near a construction site. People of that area decide to call the police as the bags could have a bomb. Police are called and bomb diffusion staff comes over. They confirm that the bags have human body parts rather than a bomb. The dead body is sent to autopsy.

Post-mortem report reveals that organs belong to a lady who was eight months pregnant. With a few graphic experts, police get a photo of this lady and circulate over the city. Not getting any lead, police announces a reward for the person who helps them solve the mystery. Police also starts searching for all hospitals and the nursing homes where that lady could have gone for consultation. They also call gynecologists and eight to nine months pregnant women to find some clue but nothing fruitful is found.

Finally, they find CCTV footage of the vicinity where two-person are carrying the same bags on a bike. The bike is driven by a man while a woman is sitting on back holding both the bags. They start circulating photos of this footage to their informers and finally, they find the owner of that bike who is saying that he is sold this bike a few months back to another man...

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ये हत्याकांड इसी साल 29 जनवरी को हैदराबाद में रिपोर्ट हुआ था. एक महिला की बॉडी के टुकड़े कोंडापुर के श्रीराम नगर में थे. इसके बाद पोस्ट्मॉर्टम से ये भी पता चला की ये महिला 8 महीने गर्भ से थी. ग्रेटर हैदराबाद म्यूनिसिपल कॉर्परेशन का कहना था की वहाँ के दो सफ़ाई कर्मचारियों चिनाइयाँ और रमाइया ने ये दो बोरे यहाँ पड़े देखे थे जिनमे से ज़बरदस्त बदबू आ रही थी. बोरों में ख़ून भी लगा दिख रहा था जिसको देख कर उन्होंने सोचा की आसपास के कसाई घर वाले पहले अक्सर चिकन और पिग से बचा हुआ मलबा यहाँ फेंक देते थे और ऐसा ही कुछ होगा मगर जब उन्होंने इनमे से एक बोरे को खोला तो डोनो के होश उड़ गए. बोरे में महिला का काटा गया शरीर रखा था. GHMC स्टाफ़ ने तुरंत इसकी सूचना पोलिस को दी और पोलिस ने अपना काम शुरू कर दिया. पोलिस ने वहाँ पहुँच कर दोनो बोरों को खोल कर ये कन्फ़र्म किया की बोरों में किसी महिला के ही बॉडी पार्ट्स भरे हैं, मगर अभी ये कहना मुश्किल था की ये बॉडी परत एक ही महिला के हैं या एक से अधिक लोगों को मारा गया है. एक बोरे में महिला का सर और धड़ था जब कि दूसरे में उसके बाक़ी अंग थे. मारने वाले के पहले इन अंगों को एक पालीथींन में रखा फिर उन पोलिथींन को इन बोरों में भरा था...

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Online Episode on SonyLiv:
Part 1: Cut Into Pieces 1
Part 2: Cut Into Pieces 2

Online Episode on YouTube:
Part 1:
Part 2:

Here is the inside story of the case: