Showing posts with label WhatsApp. Show all posts
Showing posts with label WhatsApp. Show all posts

Anti Social Network: Brutal murder of businessman Premvir Bajwa (Episode 475, 476 on 27th, 28th Feb 2015)

एंटी सोशल नेटवर्क
Anti Social Network
Premvir Bajwa is a businessman and is a short tempered man. He often fights with his wife Kulbeen and daughter Anchal. He behaves badly with his daughter and stops her using Internet because according to him use of Internet will bring her on a wrong path. He also did not buy mobile phone for Anchal.
A day when Premvir is sitting with his businessman friend, six men comes with shovel and spade and attacks Premvir. Premvir tries to runaway from the place but he could not succeeds and collapses on spot. All masked attackers runs away from the place.

Police starts their investigation with one of the person who was having business revelry with Premvir but he gets shocked when police tells him that Premvir is murdered. Police questions Premvir's wife Kulbeer and she tells him about Premvir's bad behaviour for her daughter and herself. She tells police that by nature Premvir was really very bad man and he had so many people in his life who hates him. She also tells that he often used to beat both of them.

Police investigation reveals that they both used to fight with each other and they also finds a five year old case where Kulbeer lodged a police complain against Premvir that he beats him badly. Some how police managed to made a compromised between them. Now police tries to find out what the other things Kulbeer is trying to hide from them.

प्रेमवीर बजवा एक बिजनेसमैन है जो की बहुत सख्त मिजाज़ का है. आये दिन उसका उसकी बीवी कुलबीर और बेटी आँचल से झगडा होता है. उसको उसकी बेटी का इन्टरनेट पे काम करना बिलकुल भी पसंद नहीं है और इसी वजह से उसने आँचल को मोबाइल भी खरीद कर नहीं दिया है. छोटी छोटी बातों पर कुलबीर को डांटना और मारना उसकी आदत है और कभी कभी वो आँचल पर भी हाथ उठता है।

Crime Patrol | Spying Games: Vinod spies his wife Aradhna to get divorce (Episode 363 on 2 May 2014)

जासूसी का खेल
Spying Games

Based on a dowry harassment cases. Story starts a man is spying at a lady. That lady name is Aradhna and that man is sent by his husband Vinod Oswal.

Story goes flashback. Aradhna is a housewife from a small family. His father marriage her with a rich Oswal family without any kind of demand/dowry. Though Vinod’s parents never asked Aradhna’s family, they did not give any dowry. Vinod’s parents are saying at least they should have given some money or goods to their daughter.
Time passes, Vinod and Aradhna blessed with a girl. Aradhna’s mother father comes to meet her but they do not bring anything with them to gift Vinod’s parents. Vinod’s parents forces him to put pressure on Aradhna to bring some money from her home but Aradhna is against this. No one is favouring her in the home. Vinod starts harassing her. He beats her and finally Aradhna raises dowry case against them.