Showing posts with label aditya. Show all posts
Showing posts with label aditya. Show all posts

Crime Patrol | Case 54/2017: Murder Of Two innocent kids Mayank and Sumit (Episode 839, 840 on 5, 6 August 2017)

Case 54/2017
2017 का चौवनवाँ केस
Death of Two Best Friends
दो गहरे दोस्तों की मौत
Eight-year-old Sumit found badly injured below a tree in the village. His parents assume that he must have fallen from the tree. They brought him to a hospital where doctors could not save him and he dies. Parents buried his body. Mayank was one of Sumit's best friends who now very upset and not able to concentrate on anything since his friend passed away. A day he goes to a tilak ceremony in the village from where he suddenly goes missing and the next day his dead body found in a pond in the village
Inside Story आजमगढ़. दीदारगंज थाना क्षेत्र के सुरहन गांव में एक बच्चे की संदिग्‍ध मौत होती है। मौत की वजह सिर में गंभीर चोट सामने आती है और परिजन इसे दुर्घटना मान शव दफना देते है, लेकिन इस घटना के ठीक 21 वें दिन एक और बच्‍चे की लाश पोखरी में मिलती है। पुलिस को शव के सिर में चोट के जख्‍म मिलते है और शव पोस्‍टमार्टम के लिए भेज दिया जाता है। पोस्टमॉर्टेम में पता चलता है की इस बच्चे की हत्या करने से पहले दुष्कर्म किया गया था।

inside story
Manish Raj,Aeklavya Tomer,Suman Singh,Shrruti Gholap,aryan,Sanjay Bhatiya,double murder,aditya,sanjeev tyagi,Alok Kumar,Varin Roopani
YouTube | Dailymotion

Shikwa: Sofia (Tia) Parashar found killed, childhood friends goes missing (Episode 537, 538 on 31st July, 1st Aug, 2015)

Delhi, July 2015
A foul smell is coming from a flat. A nearby resident is sure that this smell does not belong to gas or something burnt. He calls up the police. Police break the lock and enter the flat. They find the dead body of a girl inside a wardrobe. A neighbor tells police that she is Sofia Parashar (real name Tia and played by Vidhi Pandya) who was living with her two friends John and Kareem. Police first call the landlord then reaches the showroom where Sofia works.

Every known person is praising Sofia. Investigation reveals that Sofia, John, and Kareem were brought up together in an orphanage home in Gurgaon. Police find all the three cellphones switched off. Police informers are also not able to give police any clue about missing guys. Police find Aditya's phone number from Sofia's phone records and they call him for inquiry. Aditya gets shocked after knowing about Sofia because Sofia and Aditya were in love with each other. He first met Sofia in her Bike Showroom when he came there to buy a bike for him. They became friends first then started loving each other. Sofia also introduced him to John and Kareem and Aditya was pleased to see their friendship.
Investigating that Orphanage home reveals that these all three kids having their family also. Sofia was admitted to the orphanage home by her moth while John and Kareem were left by their brother and father. Everyone who knows them is saying that John and Kareem can never hurt Sofia and they were very good friends. Now police start thinking in another angle where all three might get harmed by the fourth person who could be Aditya also. Maybe Aditya first killed Sofia and missing John and Kareem is Aditya's mind game!

Hit and Run: Father tracks down truck driver who killed his son in a Baraat (Episode 320, 321 on 13th, 14th Dec 2013)

Hit and Run
हिट एंड रन
Hit -and-run . It is the story of a father who lost his 17- year-old son in a road accident . Road accident could not have been imagined that to do . There was a Barat through the roads of the Bijnor. Akshay was one of them was inexhaustible Baraati who was enjoying the dance .The baraat was taking place on the main road. All the people were happy to dance and suddenly a high-speed truck comes from. The truck is loaded with concrete. Dancing Akshay unknowingly comes in front of that truck and truck hit him faster. Akshay's friend tries to stop the truck, but the truck crushes him also and runs away. Both of them are killed on the road immediately. rest of the people trying to note down truck's number. Akshay's father and other reaches police station to file an FIR but police inspector files this case as a hit and run case while Akshay's father tries to explain them that it is a unintentional murder commited by that truck driver. That driver could have stopped himself but he killed akshay's friend also!
This is a story not only of a hit and run turned murder case, the story reveals another type of corruption where every person from lower to higher level is involved. This story exposes corruption in loaded cargo trucks how illegally they are running on the roads of India beyond their load permits. And these types of truck commits a crime, police also does not support.

This story reveals how a father did all investigation of his son's murder. Why? Because police did give him any kind of favour. He even arranged vehicle to police, but they but nothing happened. Finally he knocked door of higher authority. We appreciate Mr. Rakesh Singh who unfolded every enigma behind the case without any help and finally he helped police to catch that murderer driver.

His son has passed away. And that driver is also died during his illness in trial of case. We can say that the case is closed, but still after 4 years of Akshay's death he is still fighting against roots of that corruption where trucks are loaded beyond their allowed permits and during high speed, driver becomes unable to control the speed.

हिट एंड रन. ये कहानी है एक ऐसे बाप की जिसने अपना १७ साल का पुत्र खोया एक रोड एक्सीडेंट में. रोड एक्सीडेंट भी ऐसा की जिसकी कोई कल्पना भी नहीं कर सकता था. एक बारात तो बिजनौर की सडको पर जा रही थी. अक्षय उन बारातियों में से एक था जो की डांस करते हुए बारात का मज़ा ले रहे थे. बारात मेन रोड पे चल रही थी. सभी लोग डांस करने में मगन थे तभी एक तेज़ रफ़्तार ट्रक पीछे से आता है. ट्रक कंक्रीट से लोडेड होता है. ट्रक से सामने डांस करते हुए अक्षय आ जाता है और ट्रक तेज रफ्तार टक्कर मारता हुआ आगे बढ़ जाता है. अक्षय का दोस्त उस ट्रक वाले को रोकने की कोशिश करता है मगर वो तेज रफ़्तार ट्रक रुकने और कुछ सुनने की बजे उससे में कुचलता हुआ चला जाता है. उन दोनों की सड़क पर ही तत्काल मृत्यु हो जाती है. बाकी लोग कुछ हद्द तक ट्रक का नंबर नोट करने में सफल हो जाते हैं. अक्षय के पिता और अन्य लोग पुलिस स्टेशन जाकर रिपोर्ट दर्ज करते हैं. पुलिस इन्स्पेक्टर इस केस को साधारण हिट एंड रन के केस के तौर पे दर्ज करते हैं जबकि राकेश सिंह, अक्षय के पापा पुलिस को ये समझाते हैं की की ये हिट एंड रन केस नहीं एक गैर इरादतन मर्डर है. वो ड्राईवर चाहता तो ये घटना रोक सकता था जबकि उसने घटना रोकने के बजाये अक्षय के दोस्त को भी मार डाला.

ये कहानी सिर्फ एक एक्सीडेंट या मर्डर की नहीं है, ये कहानी उजागर करती है एक और तरह के करप्शन को जिसमे भी छोटे दर्जे से लेकर ऊँचे दर्जे तक का आदमी लिप्त होता है. ये कहानी उजागर करती है लोडेड ट्रक में हो रही धांधली को की किस तरह से भारत देश की सड़कों पर हैवी लोडेड ट्रक बेख़ौफ़ दौड़ते हैं और इनमे लोड कानून के मुताबिक नहीं होता. और जब इस तरह के ट्रक कोई एक्सीडेंट करते हैं तब पुलिस भी कोई समर्थन नहीं करती. ये कहानी उजागर करती है की किस तरह से एक बाप ने केस की पूरी तफ्तीश खुद की, इसलिए क्योंकि पुलिस ने उसको कोई साथ नहीं दिया. उसने पुलिस को गाडी तक अरेंज करके दी मगर कुछ नहीं हुआ. मजबूरन उसे हायर अथोरिटी तक जाना पड़ा.

हम सराहना करते हैं मि. राकेश सिंह की हिम्मत की की किस तरह से वो पूरे केस की तह तक बिना किसी की मदद के गये और आखिरकर उन्होंने ही ट्रक ड्राइवर को पकड़वाया.

उनका बेटा अब इस दुनिया में नहीं है, और केस लड़ते लड़ते उस ड्राईवर की भी मृत्यु हो चुकी है. एक तरह से कहें तो उनके बेटे की दुर्घटना में हुई मौत का केस पूरी तरह से बंद हो चुका है, मगर आज ४ साल बाद भी उनकी लड़ाई ज़ारी है भ्रष्टाचार की उन जड़ों से जिनकी वजह से ट्रकों को उनकी मालवाहक क्षमता और अनुमति से ज्यादा लोड किया जाता और इसकी वजह से इस तरह के एक्सीडेंट होने पर ड्राइवर ट्रक की गति पर कंट्रोल नहीं कर पाता.

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Here is the inside story of the case:

Near 13 students clubbed to death a 17-year-old boy (Episode 111 on 18 May 2012)

17 years old Aditya studies at Success Coaching Center, beaten up by his classmate Gaurav and his friends when he denies Gaurav that he will not discontinue his relationship with his Girlfriend.

Aditya's brother Vishal brings up him to the hospital but the doctor declares he is dead.

Nadeem and Krishna explain the whole matter to the police.

A Kidnap: 21-year old Trupti goes missing with her cousin brother (Episode 57 on 11th November 2011)

The story begins with a man named Vikram, who is a cricket bettor and a speculator. He owes 12 lakhs to someone and has promised to pay it before Diwali.
Meanwhile, there is the Mansukhani family, where two brothers live together with their children - Trupti (played by Shafaq Naaz), a 24-year-old beautiful girl, and Sunny, a young boy. Vishal plans to kidnap Sunny for a ransom of 12 lakhs, and he also abducts Trupti along with him.

Crime Patrol | Rajesh's son Aadi goes missing while enjoying at beach with Purvi (Episode 22 on 9 July 2011)

पूर्वी राजेश के ऑफ़िस में काम करती है. आदित्य शादीशुदा है जबकि पूर्वी नहीं क्यूँकि कॉलेज के टाइम से वो राजेश को प्यार करती आइ है. वो अब भी राजेश के  साथ अपने सम्बंध रखना चाहती है मगर राजेश को ये नामंज़ूर है.

पूर्वी की राजेश के बेटे आदि के साथ उसकी बहुत बनती है. राजेश अक्सर आदि को अपने ऑफ़िस ले आता है. एक शाम ऑफ़िस के बाद वो आदि को अपने साथ बीच पर ले जाती है और बाद में इनदोनो के साथ कोई हादसा होता है जिसमें पूर्वी तो वहीं बीच पे पड़ी मिलती है मगर आदि ग़ायब है.

Geetanjali Mishra
Poorvi played by the beautiful, hot and Talented Geetanjali Mishra

Crime Patrol | Marriage bureau manager Kunal murder case (Episode 10 on 28 May 2011)

Kunal Kashyap (real name Sanjeev Kumar Lal Das) is a brother of Aditya (real name Manoj Kumar Lal Das) who lives in Pushp Vihar area, Delhi. Aditya is married and has 2 small kids. Kunal is a bachelor and works as a manager in a marriage bureau named Happy Marriage Bureau. After Kunal goes missing Aditya raised a complaint to the police (lead played by Aayam Mehta) that his brother is missing.

His office colleague tells police that he got the call from his boss and owner of marriage bureau Dhanraj Panday. Police investigate and finds that previous manager of the marriage bureau named Farhan is also missing from few months. Finally, police find dead body of Kunal.