Showing posts with label ajeet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ajeet. Show all posts

Crime Patrol | Apharan aur Hatya: 16 year old Arjun Kidnapped and Murdered (Episode 559, 560 on 19, 20 Sep 2015)

Arjun and Shankar are real brothers and Shankar is elder among them. Their sister Sujata is married and live at another place. Shankar has fine-tuning with his maternal uncles and his maximum time spends at their home. On the day of Diwali he decides to attend Diwali pooja at his uncle's home which his father does not like. But he leaves his home's pooja and attends at his uncle's home.

Sankar finds an unknown girl there and falls in love with her. Her name is Sakshi. Their affair starts and they decide to get married. Both the families are ok with this relation but after Sakshi's father comes to know that Shankar is less educated and does not do anything, he denies their relation and decides not to marry Sakshi with Shankar.

Shankar's uncles help them getting marry and they get married after running away from their homes. They start their married life in Lucknow and his uncle helps him getting a small job also. Both the families decide not to have any relation with the couple.

Time flows and 2 years pass. Shankar's brother Arjun decides to carry on his studies from his sister Sujata's home. A day his uncle's son Ajeet comes to meet them and asks Arjun to come with him. He wants Arjun will meet his Uncle and Aunty. Arjun comes with him for two days but when Sujata calls them after 2 days, Ajeet does not pick the phone. After she calls him so many times, Ajeet talks to her and asks her to give him 15 lac rupee ransom.

अर्जुन शंकर का छोटा भाई है। दोनों भाइयों में बहुत बनती है। इनके अलावा इनकी एक बहन भी है जिसकी शादी हो चुकी है। शंकर का उसके मामाओं के घर बहुत आना जाना है, यहाँ तक की वो दिवाली की रात भी अपने पिता से लड़ झगड़ कर अपने मामा के यहाँ पूजा में चला जाता है।

पूजा से समय मामा के घर में शंकर को एक लड़की दिखाई देती है जिसका नाम है साक्षी। शंकर का दिल साक्षी पर आ जाता है। दोनों का मामला धीरे धीरे आगे बढ़ता है और बात शादी तक पहुचती है। दोनों परिवारों को इस शादी से कोई दिक्कत नहीं है मगर जब साक्षी के घरवालों को ये पता चलता है की शंकर कोई काम धाम नहीं करता है और कम पढ़ा लिखा है तो वो शादी से मना कर देते हैं। उनको शादी के लिए मनाने की बहुत कोशिश की जाती है मगर वो इस शादी को राज़ी नहीं है।

शंकर और साक्षी शंकर के मामाओं की मदद से भाग कर शादी कर लेते हैं और बिहार से बाहर लखनऊ में जाकर रहने लगते हैं जहाँ उसके मामा उसकी नौकरी लगवा देते हैं। दोनों के घर वाले उन्दोनो से सारे सम्बन्ध ख़तम कर लेते हैं और शंकर के मामाओं से भी सम्बन्ध खत्म कर लेते हैं।

Crime Patrol: Khauf | Foul murder of five members in Komal's family (Episode 516, 517 on 6, 7 Jun 2015)


(Khauf, Ep. 516, 517 Crime Patrol Satark)
Komal and her mother, Madhu, have been working as maids for Jaywant for the past seven years. One day, Jaywant and his wife discover that a large amount of 600,000 rupees is missing from their home's safe. Jaywant immediately reports the incident to the police. After a few days, Jaywant realizes that both Madhu and Komal have disappeared without a trace, and their mobile phones are unreachable. This strengthens Jaywant's belief that they were involved in the burglary, and he informs the police accordingly.
The police go to Komal's residence and are shocked to find that Madhu and her entire family of five members have been murdered. They are also surprised to discover that only Komal is missing. Now, from the police's perspective, Komal is either the primary suspect or a potential victim who has been abducted by the murderer.

Komal played by Ahsaas Channa

Enslaved: Minor molested by brother in law, sold by friend rescued from Policeman's home (Episode 461, 462 on 23rd, 24th Jan 2015)


Founder of Bachpan Bachao Andolan (BBA) and Noble Prize for Peace winner Mr. Kailash Satyarthi was the guest of honor of this week's both stories and both the stories were based on rescue operation done by the NGO BBA.

Kailash Satyarthi is an Indian children's rights advocate and an activist against child labor. He founded the Bachpan Bachao Andolan in 1980 and has acted to protect the rights of more than 83,000 children from 144 countries. It is largely because of Satyarthi's work and activism that the International Labour Organization adopted Convention No. 182 on the worst forms of child labor, which is now a principal guideline for governments around the world. His work is recognized through various national and international honors and awards including the Nobel Peace Prize of 2014, which he shared with Malala Yousafzai.

More details about him can be seen here:

The story is based on a minor girl Naina. She was adorable to her elder sister Shalini and was broken after her sister got married. Somehow she likes to spend some days at her sister's home. Later her sister admitted her to a school near to her home and she started living at her didi's home.

A day after she returns from her school her brother-in-law Ajeet (husband of her sister) takes advantage of her while there was no one at the home. He repeatedly did it many times after that day and threatened Naina that if she disclosed anything, she will break his marriage with her sister Shalini. A day when Naina complains to her sister against him, they started shouting at Naina. Naina's father admits her in a hostel for further study. She was studying in the 9th class when she met a guy 'Prasanna' who was also hailing from the same village. He assures Naina that if she will come with him, he will help her get a good job in Delhi. Naina convinces her friend Chhaya also and they both flee from their hostel.

A Devilish Plot: Conspiracy to implicate businessman Manoj Lalwani (Episode 277 on 2nd August 2013)

एक शैतानी षड़यंत्र
A Devilish Plot
Delhi, May 2013
Ajeet (real name Raza and played by Gyanendra Tripathi) reaches police station with his sister Rajshri and informs the police that her sister was abused while she was waiting for a conveyance from Hazrat Nizamuddin Dargah to Lado Sarai.

That was a mid night and while she did not get a way to reach her home at Lado Sarai, she takes a Mahindra Xylo car with few people who also took the same vehicle. Other person gets down before Lado Sarai came and the man who was driving the car, attacked her and tried to assault her. Rajshri says that that man slapped her, snatched her gold chain. Due to some circumstances that man thrown him out of the car and ran away.

When police tracked her mobile phone, they gets the location. Reaching the place they finds same Xylo car out side house of a Gurgaon (originally Faridabad, Haryana) based business man Manoj Lalwani (real name Ashok and played by Pankaj Berry) who is the same person whose sketch was made with the help of Rajshri.