Showing posts with label bhopal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bhopal. Show all posts

Crime Patrol | Case 31/2017: Bhopal Shocker, Udayan Das kills, entombs live-in partner Akanksha Sharma on a marble platform (Ep 799, 800, 801 on 5, 6, 7 May 2017)

2017 का इकत्तीसवाँ केस
Case 31/2017

Shown by India Alert (Dangal TV) also in Jan 2020
Ranchi, Jharkhand

Nupur Saha was thrilled to receive a job offer in London, which was facilitated by her friend Rajat. Rajat also helped her with the visa documentation. Nupur bid farewell to her parents at the railway station before leaving for London. However, after arriving in London, she stopped answering her parents' phone calls, causing them to worry.

They were only able to communicate with her through WhatsApp and Facebook chats. Nupur explained that she was busy with work and did not have time to talk. Her parents were uncomfortable when Nupur started praising Rajat, who was always pictured with her in her Facebook photos of London. Nupur also revealed that she and Rajat were staying together in the same flat. She never spoke to her parents on the phone, only through messaging.

After a month, Nupur informed her parents that Rajat was coming to India to visit them and stay at their home in Ranchi. Rajat arrived in Ranchi, but when Nupur's parents tried to ask him about their daughter, he avoided the topic. He stayed for a few days before returning to London. After Rajat's departure, Nupur stopped responding to her parents' messages, and Rajat did not answer their calls. When he finally answered, he was inebriated and verbally abused Nupur's brother over the phone. Nupur's parents decided to seek help from the police.

inside story
YouTube | Dailymotion

Crime Patrol | Atithi Devo Bhavah: Dia and her Foreigner friend Sarah Warner attacked by local goons (Crime Patrol Dial 100, Episode 57 on 29 December 2015)

Atithi Devo Bhavah
अतिथि देवो भवः

to Slovakia and is a friend of Dai's brother who also live there in Slovakia. The day she reaches, she wants to visit Sanchi. Dia asks her father about the trip. Initially he avoids but later agrees to let them go.

Dia and Sarah leaves for Sanchi and has lots of fun together. While they are returning, Dia stops her vehicle at a petrol pump refueling. While Dia is away for a minute three boys are passing from the same petrol pump, tries to tease Sarah and forcibly shoots photos with her. Sarah feels harassed and cries for help. Dia reaches suddenly and shouts at those boys.

Sarah and Dia, Americal Tourist

Crime Patrol | Bedardi: Lovers Muneesa and Balbir threatened and attacked (7 December 2015)

Balbir and Munisaa met with each other through the social networking site. They first see each other at an old heritage place, a kind of lover's point in Bhopal. Munisa is a brave Muslim girl while Balbir is a shy Hindu boy.

They keep meeting with each other and their love grows day by day. A day while Muneesa is sitting on Balbir's bike, a man sees them and complains this to Muneesa's elder brother. He threatens Muneesa not to meet him again otherwise she would have to pay for this.
A day his brother follows Muneesa and after finding her with Balbir he beats him badly and warns him not to meet Muneesa again. Muneesa and Balbir stop meeting and in the meanwhile Balbir gets a job offer from Mumbai. After a few days, he comes back to Mumbai to meet Muneesa. Since Balbir left, Muneesa passed through torture by his brothers and she is very scared of the situation. And after a few hours police find Muneesa dead near a railway track while Balbir is lying badly injured with her.
Bedardi: Lovers Muneesa and Balbir threatened and attacked (7th December, 2015)
Munisa played by south sensation and a superstar Shalini Pandey.

Sone ki zameen: Murder of senior advocate Suraj Shukla (Episode 505, 506 on 9th, 10th May 2015)

Golden Land
सोने की ज़मीन

Advocate Suraj Shukla is a lawyer by profession and is in his 50s. His uncle is also a lawyer by profession and due to his age, he does not want to continue as advocate and hands over one of his cases to Suraj.

Suraj Shukla leaves for court as usual and does not return till night. Family members are nervous because it has never happened before. They also tries Suraj's phone but it is switched off. When a police report is lodged, the police get to know about two people who were seen with Suraj Shukla for the last few days.

Sooraj was last seen in the court and the CC TV camera mounted on the same side gives the police a photo of the two people. The police is taking action only when the news of the body of a middle-aged man from another police station comes. When the police arrive to investigate, after identification, it is known that the he is Suraj.
Sone ki zameen: Murder of senior advocate Suraj Shukla (Episode 505, 506 on 9th, 10th May 2015)

Disconsolate husband Roshan shoots his wife Anchal outside court (Episode 280 on 9th Aug 2013)

Anchal (real name Deepti and played by Ekta Tiwari) a mother of 2 daughters was shot dead by his husband (real name Pawan and played by Manmohan Tiwari) while she was coming out of the court with her father. Anchal was shot dead by a 12 bore double-barrel gun of Rashan's father which was stolen by Roshan. Anchal died on the spot. The bullet hit her upper back and punctured her heart.

Crime Patrol | Journalist Prakash Shekhawat murder case (Episode 115, 116 - 1, 2 June 2012)

Prakash Shekhawat was an honest journalist from the Umaria district. His campaign against illegal mining had kept criminals bothered. Prakash would receive death threats daily, but he was not afraid of anyone.

Meanwhile, a high-profile kidnapping took place in the Umaria district that shook the police administration. A child named Jai, who was the son of PWd Chief Engineer Umesh Singh, was kidnapped while returning from school. A ransom call was made demanding one crore rupees. The police handled the case perfectly and were able to save Umesh Singh's son in time. During the investigation, the police found out that an electrician named Bansi was involved in the kidnapping and he revealed that the entire plan was masterminded by Prakash Shekhawat.

Later, Bansi changed his statement and revealed that the plan was actually created by the security guard of the PWD office, who had involved two other hired criminals. Eventually, the rest of the kidnappers were caught too.

A few days after this incident, Prakash Shekhawat and his family were brutally murdered. Apart from Prakash, his family consisted of his wife, who was a homemaker, his daughter Rani, who was a student, and his son Deepak, who was studying engineering and had come home for a few days. Additionally, there were two paying guests, Kavya and Simran, who also lived in the house, but they were away at their respective homes at the time of the incident.

Crime Patrol | A Lesson: 13 year boy Dilshan murder Case at Chennai Cantonment (Episode 79, 80 on 27, 28 January 2012)

On July 3, 2011, a 13-year-old boy was shot dead while trying to steal some almonds from an almond tree inside the Chennai cantonment area (Shown as Bairagarh, Bhopal). After his death, Chief Minister Jayalalitha announced a compensation of Rupee 5 lakh to his parents from the chief minister relief fund.
After 7 days of challenging investigation finally, CB-CID (lead played by Harsh Khurana) cracked the case. R Shekhar, ADG, CB-CID informed the media that an Ex-Army officer confessed to killing Dilshan. Retired Lt Col Kandasamy Ramraj shot Dilson with his own private rifle.
The case took less than 1 year to get justice. Chennai high court decided Life imprisonment to Col. Kandasamy Ramraj (कंडास्‍वामी रामराज).

inside story

Part 1 and Part 2 (Hindi):

Read and Watch the full story here-

Foul murder of 5th class student Sumeet (Episode 71 on 30 Dec 2011)

Gaurav Gupta Murder Case - Bhind, 2011
10 साल का सुमित घर से दूर एक बोर्डिंग स्कूल में पाँचवीं क्लास में पढ़ता था. वो हमेशा परेशान रहता था और अक्सर अपनी मम्मी को फ़ोन कर के उनको उसे वापस ले जाने के लिए बोलता रहता था. एक दिन और वो अपनी माँ को फ़ोन करके बोलता है की उसको घर जाना है और उसी शाम हॉस्टल की छत से गिर कर उसकी मौत हो जाती है.

पूरा स्कूल सकते में है. केस पुलिस को सौंपा जाता है और पोस्ट्मॉर्टम रिपोर्ट में ये पता चलता है कि सुमित की मौत से पहले उसके साथ मार-पीट हुई थी.

सुमित के माँ-पिता को बुलाया जाता है और वो बताते हैं की सुमित ने कई बार उनको बताया था कि हॉस्टल का वॉर्डन अक्सर उसको डाँटता और मारता था. सुमित के पिता का कहना है कि उन्होंने इस बात की कम्प्लेंट स्कूल के प्रिन्सिपल को की थी मगर उन्होंने कोई ऐक्शन लिया या नहीं, ये नहीं पता.