Showing posts with label black magic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label black magic. Show all posts

Crime Patrol: Vinaash - Four in a Kerala family killed for spiritual powers (Crime Patrol Satark Season 2 Ep 8/9 on 24-25 July, 2019)

Eminent astrologer and his family consisting of wife, daughter, and son are eliminated over the night in their own house in state Madhya Pradesh. He keeps a mysterious thing packed in an article of red clothing and according to his disciples Dhiraj and Laxman it is something related to a superpower. This mysterious thing is making him a superpower which he always used to keep in a locked box.

Crime Patrol | Case 21/2017: Electrician Amjad stabs Mukhtar to death in broad daylight (Episode 782, 783 on 25, 26 Mar 2017)

2017 का इक्कीसवाँ केस
Case 21/2017

Amjad Baig is an electrician who is doing well in his business. Faheem and Harish also works at his shop. Amjad belongs to Azamgarh, UP and a long ago he shifted to Mumbai. His talent is the only key behind his successful business. He has rented out a small place at outside of his shop whom he has given to a Tailor Mukhtar.

A fine morning when Amjad comes to his shop. He is looking nervous and suddenly he picks a knife and starts stabbing at Mukhtar. Mukhtar is immediately admitted to the hospital where doctors declared him dead.

In the meanwhile, Amjad reaches his home, changes his shirt, packs his bag and runs away. His wife Meena is also shocked to see his shirt in all blood.

No one has any clue that what was happened between both of them that Amjad killed Mukhtar! Police is also not able to find any clue. They comes to know that Meena is Amjad's second wife while his first wife married to Amjad's younger brother. Police also comes to know that Amjad's wife Meena and Faheem both are from Bangladesh who infiltrated to India a long ago.

Crime Patrol Case 21/2017, Saheem Khan, Priya Shinde, Mansi Singh
Priya Shinde, Saheem Khan & Mansi Singh

Karishma: Shop Owner Vijay Rathod's charred dead body found (Episode 736 on 13th November 2016)

Police finds a charred dead-body in a deserted area. On behalf of missing complain registered on another police station they identify the body. He was a 52 year old shopkeeper Vijay Rathod but during initial investigation police could not found anything to crack the case. Police asks their informers to get some clue about this murder. One informer tells police that he knows a history sheeter who was telling him about another guy. That history sheeter was telling that an evening a guy came to him and asked him to arrange a deadbody, but that guy did not reveal why he wants it.

Police arrests that history sheeter and he helps him drawing sketch of that unknown guy.
दुकानदार विजय राठौड़ की जली हुई लाश एक जंगल में मिलती है। किसी और पुलिस स्टेशन पे उसकी मिसिंग कंप्लेन से लाश की शिनाख्त होती है। पुलिस को इस हत्या के पीछे कोई वजह नहीं समझ आ रही है, तभी एक खबरी से एक हिस्ट्रीशीटर के बारे में पता चलता है जो की बता रहा था की कुछ दिन पहले एक आदमी उसके पास आकर एक लाश का इंतजाम करने को बोल रहा था। पुलिस उस हिस्ट्रीशीटर को धर लेती है और उससे उस आदमी का स्केच बनवाती है।

Vinaash: Murder of a Tantrik Ashok Gupta (Episode 482, 483 on 14th, 15th March, 2015)


पुलिस को सालों से बंद एक फैक्ट्री में एक लाश मिलती है। लाश एक आदमी है जिसका चेहरा बुरी तरह से बिगाड़ दिया गया है। लाश की पॉकेट में कुछ अगरबत्ती रखी हैं और हाथ पर टैटू गुदा है जिसपर उसका नाम लिखा है "अशोक गुप्ता". एक पुलिस कांस्टेबल इसको देख कर पहचान जाता है की ये लाश किसकी है। वो बताता  की पास ही उसकी ससुराल है और ये आदमी अशोक गुप्ता है जिसकी वहीँ किराने की दूकान है। पुलिस उसकी दूकान पर जाकर पता करती है तो पता चलता है की ये दूकान अशोक ने दो साल पहले ही बेच दी थी।

Played by Susheel Panday

Crime Patrol | Shrapit: Innocent kid Sumit goes missing and found dead (Episode 480, 482 on 13, 14 March 2015)


Pawri Naka, Bhekhati
Sumit Yadav, a 12-year-old boy, comes from a family of daily wage earners, Surendra and Anita. He's known for his intelligence. One day, Sumit disappears suddenly, leaving his father frantic with worry. Surendra searches everywhere but finds no trace of his son.

He reports Sumit missing to the police, who launch a search with the help of informers. Sadly, Sumit's body is found in a remote area. The postmortem report shocks everyone: Sumit's organs have been removed in a crude manner. It's not the work of organ traffickers, but rather suggests something darker: black magic.

An informant leads the police to a tantrik named Baba Gufraan, who Surendra had visited in the past for help. Surendra explains that he believed in Gufraan's abilities as he had helped his family before. Gufraan had a fondness for children, including Sumit.

However, when the police try to locate Gufraan, they discover that he is elusive. Further investigation reveals that Gufraan's real name is Yaqub Sheikh. He was once a married man with children but left his family four years ago to become a tantrik.

सुमित एक होनहार बच्चा है। उसके माँ बाप का नाम सुनीता और सुरेन्द्र है जो की दिहाड़ी मजदूर हैं। एक दिन अचानक सुमित सुबह स्कूल जाते समय गायब हो जाता है। उसके माँ-बाप उसके स्कूल जाकर पता करते हैं तो पता चलता है की सुमित आज स्कूल आया ही नहीं था। परेशान माँ-बाप पुलिस के पास जाकर उसकी मिसिंग कम्प्लेन लिखाते हैं। अगले दिन पुलिस को सुमित की लाश एक जंगल में मिलती है। लाश निर्वस्त्र है और उसके सारे कपडे गायब हैं। मारने वाले ने सुमित की शरीर से उसके अंग भी निकाल लिए हैं। पुलिस ये सब देख कर हैरत है और उनको शक है की ये एक ऑर्गन-ट्रेडिंग का केस है।

Naveen Tyagi as Gufraan Baba