Showing posts with label chetan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label chetan. Show all posts

Crime Patrol | Pyar dosti aur dagabazi: Did Chetan cheat on Venkat! (Episode 493, 494 on 11, 12 Apr 2015)

Love, Friendship and a Double-Cross
प्यार, दोस्ती और दग़ाबाजी

One of the most touching stories of Crime Patrol

Story of three close friends who grownup together from their childhood. Venkat (played by Mayur More) hails from Kerala and he is an Idli seller. He lives in a small room on rent. Raman is a daily wage earner and does plumber work. Chetan (played by Anuj Pandit) is a student and also he is preparing for a govt job.

Often they meet at a tea shop and enjoy chatting together. They are living there life happily. A day they see a girl passing near the tea stall. Venkat falls in love with her at the same time. Now they like watching her daily and a day they follow her up to her home.

Again after few days they see her with another girl who has been a classmate of Chetan. Chetan tells Venkat and Raman that she is Shruti who was his classmate in the college. Vekant requests him to please do somthing to get other girl's name. Some how Chetan manages to talk to Shruti. Shruti tell him that that girl hails from Bihar and her name is Rohini Singh (played by Vidhi Pandya). After her father's transfer, her family is recently shifted to Mumbai and she is doing Catering course with her in an Institute here. Venkat forces Chetan to plan a meeting with Rohini so they get closer to each other. Chetan asks Shruti to come for a movie and bring her friend Rohini also. When Shruti asks Rohini, Rohini agrees to come with them.

Vidhi Pandya
(Rohini played by Vidhi Pandya)

Personal Wealth: Police tracks down kidnappers within 12 hours of kidnapping (Episode 332 on18th January 2014)

This question puts a question to today’s society, we should share our personal wealth with the people around us! Or a woman should share her family’s of his husband’s wealth with her friends?
Sahil’s younger bother Piyush get kidnapped while he is returning from a mobile shop. He went that mobile shop to recharge his mom’s cell phone. After 30 mins when his mom asks Sahil about Piyush but he also does not know about him. He calls his husband Narendra and Narendra files FIR. After two hours of kidnapping Narendra gets call from kidnappers who asks him a ransom of rup 1.5 crore.

Police starts investigation and tracks down the kidnapper with in 12 hours of kidnapping. Before trapping culprits, Narendra gets a call from Piyush through a unknown number. Piyush tell him that he is in a car parking and talking through parking guy’s mobile phone.

Police is sure that the kidnapping was done by a very close of Narendra and family who knows some crucial informations about them.

ये केस इस बात कि जागरूकता व्यक्त करता है कि क्या हम लोगो को अपनी आर्थिक स्थिति कि बातें हमें जानने वालों के साथ साझा करनी चाहिए या नहीं? और ख़ास कर कि औरतों को जिनके अंदर जलन कि भावना कुछ ज़यादा ही होती है!

नरेंद्र एक व्यपारी है. साहिल और पीयूष उसके दो बेटे हैं. साहिल कि माँ साहिल को बोलती है कि वो उसका मोबाइल रिचार्ज करवा दे. चूँकि साहिल टीवी देखने में मगन है, वो ये काम पीयूष पर डाल देता है. आधे घंटे तक पीयूष लौटता नहीं है तो उसकी माँ चिंतित हो जाती है और साहिल को पीयूष को खोजने के लिए भेजती है. साहिल उसे कई जगह ढूँढता है मगर वो नहीं मिलता है. घबरा कर वो नरेंद्र को फ़ोन करती है.

दो घंटे बाद एक फ़ोन आता है जिससे ये व्यक्त होता है कि पीयूष का अपहरण हुआ है. अपहरणकर्ता डेढ़ करोड़ रुपये कि मांग करता है जब कि नरेंद्र के पास इतना रूपया है ही नहीं।

नरेंद्र ऍफ़ं.आई.आर.दर्ज करता है. पुलिस अपना काम शुरू करती है और बारह घंटे के अंदर अपहरणकर्ता पकड़े जाते हैं,

कौन थे ये अपहरणकर्ता?
इन्होने एक साधारण से व्यपारी से डेढ़ करोड़ जैसी बड़ी रकम क्यों मांगी?

क्या उन्हें पता था कि नरेंद्र के पास इतना रुपया है?


Here is the inside story of the case: