Showing posts with label child trafficking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label child trafficking. Show all posts

Mandi: Mysterious kidnapping of infants (Episode 681, 682 on 9th, 10th July, 2016)

कहानी तेलंगाना राज्य के एक शहर से हैं जहाँ दिहाड़ी मजदूरों के घर से एक के बाद एक तीन बच्चे चुरा लिए जाते हैं। ये चोरी रात के समय होती है जब माँ-बाप और बच्चे गहरी नींद में सो रहे होते हैं। ये लोग झोपड़ों में रहने वाले लोग हैं जिनके यहाँ से किसी बच्चे को चुराना कोई बड़ी बात नहीं हैं।

एक के बाद एक तीन बच्चों की चोरी से पुलिस डिपार्टमेंट में भी हड़कम्प मच जाता है और बात चाइल्ड वेलफेयर कमेटी तक भी पहुचती है इसके बाद एक स्पेशल क्राइम ब्रांच को इस केस की तहकीकात का जिम्मा दिया जाता है। पुलिस अपने खबरियों को एक्टिवेट करती है और हिस्ट्री शीटर्स को भी पकड़ती है मगर कोई सुराग नहीं मिलता है। एक खबरियों का ये कहना है की क्या पता बच्चे चुराने के पीछे का मकसद इनको उनलोगों को बेचने है जिनके बच्चा नहीं है।
तीन महीने बीत जाते हैं फिर एक दिन एक आदमी का फ़ोन पुलिस को आता है जो की बताता है की उसके एक दोस्त ने एक बच्चा गोद लिया है मगर पूछने पर वो ये साफ़ नहीं बता रहा है की बच्चा किस संसथान से लिया या पेपर वर्क ठीक से किया या नहीं।
Case is based on kidnapping cases reported in Hyderabad this year. There were 6 people were arrested by police who used to kidnap small kids belonging to lower class family and sell them to those couples who does not have any kids.

Part 1:
Part 2:

Part 1:
Part 2:

Here is the inside story of the case:

Goli Number 10: Oxytocin Injection that means for animals, given to minor girls (Crime Patrol Dial 100 Episode 5 on 2nd Nov, 2015)

Goli Number 10
गोली नम्बर 10
8 year old Asha lives with her parents in Sultanpuri, Delhi. She is from a poor family and goes to a government school. She got abducted by a NGO girl who serves Mid-day-meal to the school. After school observes that a girl is missing, they calls police and police then calls Asha's father.
Police starts investigation and finds many middle men are involved in the Human Trafficking racket who kidnaps minor kids around the country and sends them to a village of Alwar, Rajasthan for prostitution and also to sell them in Gulf countries. 

Crime Patrol Stuti Rushi

Enslaved: Minor molested by brother in law, sold by friend rescued from Policeman's home (Episode 461, 462 on 23rd, 24th Jan 2015)


Founder of Bachpan Bachao Andolan (BBA) and Noble Prize for Peace winner Mr. Kailash Satyarthi was the guest of honor of this week's both stories and both the stories were based on rescue operation done by the NGO BBA.

Kailash Satyarthi is an Indian children's rights advocate and an activist against child labor. He founded the Bachpan Bachao Andolan in 1980 and has acted to protect the rights of more than 83,000 children from 144 countries. It is largely because of Satyarthi's work and activism that the International Labour Organization adopted Convention No. 182 on the worst forms of child labor, which is now a principal guideline for governments around the world. His work is recognized through various national and international honors and awards including the Nobel Peace Prize of 2014, which he shared with Malala Yousafzai.

More details about him can be seen here:

The story is based on a minor girl Naina. She was adorable to her elder sister Shalini and was broken after her sister got married. Somehow she likes to spend some days at her sister's home. Later her sister admitted her to a school near to her home and she started living at her didi's home.

A day after she returns from her school her brother-in-law Ajeet (husband of her sister) takes advantage of her while there was no one at the home. He repeatedly did it many times after that day and threatened Naina that if she disclosed anything, she will break his marriage with her sister Shalini. A day when Naina complains to her sister against him, they started shouting at Naina. Naina's father admits her in a hostel for further study. She was studying in the 9th class when she met a guy 'Prasanna' who was also hailing from the same village. He assures Naina that if she will come with him, he will help her get a good job in Delhi. Naina convinces her friend Chhaya also and they both flee from their hostel.

Compassion: Trafficked Minor girl Kajal rescued with help of Rupa (Episode 378 on 6th June 2014)

Rupa is going to Jodhpur with her husband in a Volvo bus. While she is on her seat, she notices that a minor girl who is looks like from a backward area is also sitting near her. A woman who came to seeoff her is standing before her who is warning her not to get down from the bus till she reaches Jodhpur and someone in Mahaveer Chowk Jodhpur will come to bring her with themselves.
That girl is looking scared and nervous. Rups tries to talk to her then she tells her name Kajal and age 21 while she looks minor. Rupa has a feeling that Kajal is a trafficked girl who can be used or already a victim of child labour.

She calls Preeti on her phone. Preeti (played by Sarika Dhillon) is NGO worker. After this Rupa follows Preeti.

रूपा अपने पति के साथ दिल्ली से जोधपुर वॉल्वो बस से जा रही है. अपनी सीट पर बैठने के बाद वो ध्यान देती है की उसके साथ वाली सीट पर एक देहाती सी लड़की बैठी है जिसको एक औरत सख्ती से समझा रही है की उसे अकेले ही जोधपुर तक जाना है और इस बीच न तो वो बस से उतरे और न ही किसी से बात करे. जोधपुर की महावीर चौक पर कुछ लोग उसे लेने आ जायेंगे.

वो लड़की बहुत डरी हुई है और परेशान भी लग रही है. रूपा उससे बातचीत शुरू करने की कोशिश करती है. वो लड़की अपना नाम काजल बताती है और उम्र 21 साल बताती है जब की उसकी उम्र कम है. रूपा को शक होता है की वो लड़की अपनी उम्र गलत बता रही है और ये चाइल्ड-ट्रैफिकिंग का मामला है.

वो अपने मोबाइल से अपनी दोस्त प्रीती को दिल्ली में फ़ोन करती है. प्रीती दिल्ली में एक NGO की कार्यकर्ता है. उसके बाद प्रीती उसको जो जो बोलती है, रूपा वो सब करती जाती है.

Commercial Surrogacy and Child Trafficking Rackets in India (Episode 233, 234 on Apr 13th, 14th 2013

Veena (real name Manjula) a Ahemdabad based woman comes to police to report that she is harassed by a guy named Girish (real name Rajkumar). Police does a midical checkup and checkup reveals that Veena is 2 months pregnant. Lady police (lead played by Ankita Bhargava) files FIR and investigates at Girish's home at Surat. They finds Girish's father is a head constable at Surat and he does not know anything about Girish's profession. Girish's cellphone is now switched off. Police comes back to Vadodara and after reaching they comes to know that Veena has withdrew the FIR. Police still investigates and catches Veena and Girish both.

The investigation now turns towards commercial surrogacy and child trafficking.

Here is the inside story of the case: