Showing posts with label girl. Show all posts
Showing posts with label girl. Show all posts

Crime Patrol | Ghaat: TCS Chennai Employee Uma Maheswari murder case (Episode 602, 603 on 21, 22 November 2015)


Asha Raman (real name Uma Maheshwari and played by Priyanka Bhole), a 23 yaar old girl belongs to tamilnadu and recently joined a software company in chennai. Her parents feels proud on her and let her leave for chennai. In chennai she joins the BPO team in the company. There she becomes friend with Pooja. Pooja is also working at chennai and there are living together in same girls hostel. Asha is liking her job and the city. She becomes very good friend of Pooja and likes to freak out with her during free time.

A day Asha leaves for her office and does not come back. The whole night goes but she doesn't return. Asha's office admin department confirms that Asha left office on time and her logout time is registered in the office. Pooja informs Asha's parents about her. They reach Chennai and files her missing complaint at the police station. A week has passed but police are still clueless about her and then they find a decomposed dead body of a female in the nearby area of Asha's office. Asha's parents confirm that the body belongs to Asha.

Case is handed over to Chennai CB-CID and now investigation team starts searching for all the video footages in the area where Asha went missing.

The Marriage Trade: Wrong calls lands minor into bride trafficking (Episode 462, 463 on 24th, 25th Jan 2015)

Similar Story can be found here also
Barasat minor girl Zeenat bring to mumbai brothel
(Episode 133, 134 on July 21st-22nd 2012)

Bachpan Bachao Andolan
Shazia, a 17 year old girl start getting wrong calls on her mobile phone from an unknown person Arshad. She avoids talking to him but later they starts gossiping. After few months of mobile chatting, she falls in love with Arshad. Arshad tells her that he loves her and wants to marry her. He convinces Shazia to leave her home and come with him. A day Shazia plans to runaway with Arshad. She meets Arshad for first time on railway station and reaches Haryana. After reaching Haryana Arshad sells her to a woman. That woman again sells her to a elderly man in 50,000/-. That man forcibly marriages Shazia with his mentally challenged son and after she gets marry, his elder son and that man himself molests Shazia.

Crime Patrol | Quest for happiness: Who killed carpenter Satnam and why? (Episode 249 and 250 on 21, 22 March 2014)

Quest for happiness
ख़ुशी की तलाश

Kuljeet's (played by Rishina Kandhari) husband Satnam (played by Vivek Rawat) who is also a father of 2 kids and a daily wage earner without owing a shop. His whole family depends on his daily wages. His wife Kuljeet is a ambitious lady who is frustrated of his husband's small earnings.

Kultijeet wants a scooty but it is not possible for Satnam. Finally, Satnam gets a contract of 2.5 lakh in which he involves 3 more persons. His family is happy now and he buys scooty for Kuljeet, new cloths for kids.

All goes well but after a few days, the same condition comes back. Bad economic conditions and daily quarrels between Kuljeet and Satnam are again started. These critical situations make Satnam an alcoholic. Kuljeet is also spending her life as before. Most of the time when Satnam comes back to his home in the evening, he finds the doors are locked. Kuljeet does not clarify what does she do and how does she manage fuel for her scooty.

A day Satnam is waiting at the same place for work where some other labors also look for some daily work, a lady named Rashmi (played by Melanie Nazareth) comes and asks him for some woodwork at her home. Satnam starts working at her home and in some time they both start feeling comfortable with each other. Satnam feels that his search for happiness is over, but suddenly day police find Satnam's body is a canal. His throat is slit and his body is all in a pool of blood.

Kuljeet Played by Rishina Kandhari

सतनाम सिंह, पेशे से एक कारपेंटर है और उसकी जीविका रोज़ की मजदूरी पर ही निर्भर है. चूंकि उसकी कोई अपनी दुकान नहीं है, वो रोज़ होने वाली आमदनी पर ही आश्रित है. दूसरी तरफ उसकी पत्नी कुलजीत एक बहुत ही महत्वाकांक्षी औरत है जो की अपने पति की कम कमाई से दुखी है. शादी से पहले उसने बहुत बड़े बड़े सपने देखे थे मगर उसकी शादी एक ऐसे आदमी से होगई है जिसके लिए कभी कभी एक दिन की राज़ी रोटी कमाना भी बहुत मुश्किल हो जाता है.

कुलजीत बहुत दिन से चाह रही है की सतनाम उसके लिए एक स्कूटी खरीद दे मगर सतनाम के लिए ये संभव नहीं है. एक दिन उससे ढाई लाख का एक घर ने काम का कॉन्ट्रैक्ट मिलता है जिसमे तो अपने साथ तीन लोगों को और लगता है. उसकी पत्नी बहुत खुश होती है और जिद कर के स्कूटी खरीद लेती है. सतनाम अपने बच्चों के लिए भी नए कपड़े खरीदवाता है.

Rashmi Played by Melanie Nazreth

कुछ दिन तक सबकुछ ठीक चलता है मगर फिर वही समय वापस लौट आता है. पैसे की तंगी और रोज़ की खट-खट शुरू हो जाती है. सतनाम पीना शुरू कर देता है और दूसरी तरफ कुलजीत अपनी दुनिया में मस्त रहती है. अक्सर सतनाम जब घर लौटकर आता है तो उसे घर में ताला लगा मिलता है.

वो रोज़ की तरह नौकरी की तलाश में चौराहे पे बाकी कारपेंटर के साथ खड़ा होता है. एक दिन रश्मि नाम की एक औरत उसके पास आती है और कहती है की उसे अपने घर में कुछ काम करवाना है. सतनाम उसके घर जाकर काम शुरू कर देता है. धीरे धीरे सतनाम की जिंदगी में बदलाव आने शुरू हो जाते हैं और वो खुश रहने लगता है. उसकी ख़ुशी की तलाश आखिरकार ख़तम हो जाती है मगर फिर अचानक एक दिन पुलिस को सतनाम की लाश एक नाले में पड़ी मिलती है. उसका शरीर खून से लथपथ है और उसका गला कटा गया है.

Part 1:
Part 2:

Part 1:
Part 2:

Thanks to Sharma Upma for helping me in getting Inside Story of the case :)
Below is the inside story of the case:
>Other Tags: manpreet kaur, jeewan singh, ranjeet singh, ludhiyana, nanaksar, praveen rani, sonu, sukkha, 50 thousand, sindhwa canal