Showing posts with label gujrat. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gujrat. Show all posts

Qaid: Nazneen, Rashmi and Hina trapped into Human Trafficking (Episode 523, 524 on 26th, 27th June 2015)

Story belongs to a human trafficking case of Ahmedabad, Gujarat’s Barkana village. Barkana is a small village consists near 450 families and its total population is around 2300. The strange thing of this village is that female population of the village is near 10% of the total population. Main impact of this unusual percentage is clearly shows the marital status of men belongs to the place. Being un-married, most of the men buys women to fulfill their desire. A human trafficking gang of just 9 people was active in this village. There job was to bring innocent girls (age 16+) from other places to the village and to sell them on a good price.
Tabassum (played by Malini Sen) is maternal aunt of Nazneen (played by Raquel Rebellowho lives with Nazneen and her mother. A Tabassum meets a woman named Shalini Thakur on the Kandivali Bus stop. She tells Tabassum that she has a good job offer for girls of age between 16 to 35. He tells Tabassum that the girl will work at a catering service company based on Ahmedabad and for this she will get 15,000 rupees. Besides salary she will get a place to stay and 5 leaves in a month. Tabassum feels that the job is good for her niece so she discusses this with Nazneen. Nazneen feels really happy after getting this job offer.

Nezneen’s tow neighbors comes to meet them when she get information that Nazneen is going to Ahmedabad. They tells them that a month ago their daughters Hina and Rashmi also went Gujarat for same kind of job offer and after they went, they lost all the contacts with them. Tabassum assures them that she is going with Nazneen to drop her to that company and will tell everything after coming back from there.

After few days Shalini Thakur again meets Tabassum and Nazneen and give them the train tickets. Shalini does not give her mobile number to any of them and assures them that they will not get any trouble while reaching Ahmedabad office.

Crime Patrol | Purnai Dushmani: Double murder of Senior Citizen in Mumbai (Episode 504, 505 on 8, 9 May 2015)

Senior citizens Velisa and Farzad live alone in their bungalow, where they own a coconut plantation. Usha, their domestic help, spends nearly 12 hours daily at their home. One morning, upon her arrival, she is terrified to discover Velisa's lifeless body in the garden. The police are called, and they soon find Farzad's deceased body inside the bungalow. The culprit responsible for their deaths has also stolen cash, jewelry, and Farzad's new shoes.

According to the village electrician, he visited their flat the day before to address electricity issues. He informs the police that someone intentionally tampered with and disconnected the electrical wires. The electrician reveals that he spotted someone hiding in the garden, who quickly fled when he called out to them. The police enlist the electrician's assistance in creating a sketch of the individual. Velisa's daughter immediately identifies the person depicted in the sketch. She informs the police that the sketch resembles the caretaker's son, Girish Prasad, who had resided in the bungalow fourteen years ago. Girish, who had grown up there, was eventually expelled by his father, Hari Prasad, due to his involvement in burglary.

The murderer also took Farzad's mobile phone and made a call to his brother-in-law, Kamran, at midnight. When the police contact Kamran, he explains that he is from Gujarat, and the number belongs to Maroof, his sister's husband in Gujarat. This situation confuses the police as to whether the culprit is Maroof or if Girish is the actual perpetrator, as indicated by the sketch.

महाराष्ट्र के एक कोकोनट प्लांटेशन के मालिक वरिष्ठ नागरिक वेलिसा और फरज़ाद की नौकरानी उषा जब एक सुबह अपने काम पर आती है तो अपने मालकिन की लाश कंपाउंड में पड़ी देखती है. पुलिस को मकान के दूसरी तरफ से फरज़ाद की लाश भी मिलती है. पता चलता है की हत्यारे में वेलिसा की अंगूठी और इयर रिंग्स लूटे हैं और घर के अन्दर से कैश, ज्वेलरी और फरज़ाद के नए जूते भी चुराए हैं.

Lying Faces: Radhika, a fake nurse was held after stealing money from patient's house (Episode 357 on 18 April 2014)

झूठे चेहरे
Lying Faces

(Crime Patrol Dastak, 18 April 2014)
एक दंपति जो की वड़ोदरा में रहते हैं, अपनी माँ के लिए एक नर्स को हायर करते हैं. उनकी माँ मुंबई में अकेले रहती है जिनकी उम्र लगभग 80 के आस पास है. नर्स के नाम राधिका है और उसको हायर करते समय उसके सरे डाक्यूमेंट्स चेक किये जाते हैं. उनलोगों को राधिका एक अच्छी लड़की लगती है सो वो लोग उसे अपने घर रख लेते हैं. राधिका अपना काम अच्छे से कर रही है मगर एक दिन अचानक वो घर से ढाई लाख रूपए लेकर फरार हो जाती है.
पुलिस इन्वेस्टीगेशन में ये पता चलता है की राधिका के नर्स के सर्टिफिकेट्स नकली हैं और उसका असली नाम पूजा है. पुलिस उसे ढूंढना शुरू करती है और उसकी बहन तक पहुच जाती है.

राधिका ने चोरी क्यों की? उसने नकली सर्टिफिकेट कैसे बनाये?
A Vadodara couple hires a nurse for their mother who is near 80 years old and live alone in Mumbai. Name of nurse is Radhika. They check her certificates also while hiring them. They hires her as she looks decent to them.

Radhika is working well but a day she goes absconding stealing 2.5 lac rupees.

Police investigation reveals that her certificates were forged and Pooja is her real name. Police starts searching her and finds her sister Jagriti.

Commercial Surrogacy and Child Trafficking Rackets in India (Episode 233, 234 on Apr 13th, 14th 2013

Veena (real name Manjula) a Ahemdabad based woman comes to police to report that she is harassed by a guy named Girish (real name Rajkumar). Police does a midical checkup and checkup reveals that Veena is 2 months pregnant. Lady police (lead played by Ankita Bhargava) files FIR and investigates at Girish's home at Surat. They finds Girish's father is a head constable at Surat and he does not know anything about Girish's profession. Girish's cellphone is now switched off. Police comes back to Vadodara and after reaching they comes to know that Veena has withdrew the FIR. Police still investigates and catches Veena and Girish both.

The investigation now turns towards commercial surrogacy and child trafficking.

Here is the inside story of the case:

Destiny, Motherhood and an Abduction (Episode 227, 228 on 29th, 31th March 2013)

Year 2000, Jogeshwari:
Hemangi Kavi plays the role of Rashmi (real name Aarti Tanawade) in the following story. Rashmi gives birth to a baby boy whom her husband names Ashish. Tragically, Ashish falls ill and slips into a coma at the age of three. As Sandip, Ashish's father, is a driver, the family struggles to afford his medical expenses. Sandip becomes increasingly worried about his son's condition and suffers a fatal heart attack. A few weeks later, Ashish also passes away. Rashmi's mother-in-law blames her for these unfortunate events and throws her out of the house. Despite this setback, Rashmi makes use of her culinary skills and starts her own catering service. She also adopts a young girl named Seema and cares for her like a mother.
Year 2008, Surat:
The character of Manju, played by Ekta Tiwari and whose real name is Sheetal Rajput, is not related to Rashmi in any way. She gives birth to a baby boy named Deepak, whose real name is Jignesh. The doctor informs Manju that Deepak was born with only one kidney and will require extra care throughout his life. Despite this, Deepak is a mischievous boy and one day while playing in the colony, he goes missing. Some people report that they saw a woman carrying him away. It turns out that Deepak was abducted as part of a child trafficking operation and taken to Mumbai. Fortunately, Rashmi locates him and takes care of him for two years until his original parents from Gujarat are able to find him and take him back.

Online Episode on YouTube:

Crime Patrol | Rajkot, Hansa comes back after 3 months of her Death (Episode 210, 211 on 9, 10t Feb 2013)

Dead woman comes back alive- Rajkot, Gujrat
मृत महिला जीवित वापस लौटी- राजकोट, गुजरात

Rajkot, Gujrat

Hansa Parmar (played by Disha Salva and real name Meena Khuman, 27) is wife of Ramesh Parmar (real name Harsur) who is a Govt School Teacher. Their economic condition is not good. Hansa is not able to afford home expenses including his mother-in-law and father-in-law's expenses. Asking Ramesh, he always forces Hansa to talk to her mother father to sell their old land so-that money can be distributed among all of us. Daily fight between both of them forces her to commit su!c!de by burning herself. Hansa commits su!c!de and his Husband and in-laws cremate her without informing police. Later on complain from Hansa's mother, father and brother, police arrests Ramesh and his parents for forcing Hansa to commit su!c!de.
3 months after death of Hansa a police informer (khabri) Kaalu sees Hansa sitting in a truck. He is terrorized and informs police that he has just seen ghost of Hansa, the lady who burnt herself few months back.

Whats whole mystery? Lets unfold here.
Here is the inside story of the case:
राजकोट, गुजरात
हंसा परमार (असली नाम मीना खुमान, 27) सरकारी स्कूल टीचर रमेश परमार (असली नाम हर्सुर परमार) की पत्नी है. इनके परिवार की आर्थिक स्थिति ठीक नहीं है. हंसा को रमेश की कम तन्खा में पूरे घर का खर्चा चलाना होता है साथ ही अपने सास-ससुर की देखभाल भी करनी होती है. रमेश से जब भी वो बोलती है की घर का खर्चा नहीं चल पा रहा है तो रमेश उससे कहता है की वो अपने माँ-बाप से बात करके अपने मायके की ज़मीन बिकवाए जिससे की रकम का बटवारा होकर सभी को अपना अपना हिस्सा मिले. हंसा ये सब अपने घर वालो को बताती है. दोनों के घर वाले मिल कर दोनों की सुलह कराते हैं मगर बात नहीं बनती. दोनों के बीच के झगडे दिन पर दिन बढते जाते है और एक दिन हंसा खुद को जला कर आत्महत्या कर लेती है. उसकी लाश बुरी तरह से जल जाती है. रमेश और उसके ससुराल वाले उसका अंतिम संस्कार पुलिस को बताये बिना कर देते हैं. हंसा के घर वाले पुलिस में शिकायत दर्ज करते हैं की उन्ही की वजह से हंसा ने आत्महत्या की है. पुलिस रमेश और उसके घर वालों को गिरफ्तार कर लेती है.

हंसा की मृत्यु के ३ महीने बाद पुलिस का एक खबरी कालू हंसा को एक ट्रक में बैठे हुए देखता है. कालू उसको भूत समझ कर बुरी तरह से डर जाता है और पुलिस को खबर करता है. पुलिस भी ये मानने को तैयार नहीं है की हंसा जिंदा कैसे हो सकती है!!

आखिर ये पूरा रहस्य है क्या? आइये इस रहस्य से पर्दा उठाये:
इस घटना के पीछे की सच्चाई जानने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करे

Part 1:
Part 2:

Sunita Makhija cheated after death of her husband's insurance claim of 12 lac (Episode 84, 11 Feb 2012)

Sunita Makhija (Real name Neha) is wife of Deepak makhija (Real name Harish) in mumbai. Karan is the only son of them. Deepak assures karan not to worry about money because karan want to become a doctor. But unfortunately deepak lost his life in accident takes place while he was working on his site. The family is in shock. Trouble again begins with them when bank denies sunita to pay 12 lac insurance amount. Bank tells then that sunita already has withdrew all her money.

A Kidnap: 21-year old Trupti goes missing with her cousin brother (Episode 57 on 11th November 2011)

The story begins with a man named Vikram, who is a cricket bettor and a speculator. He owes 12 lakhs to someone and has promised to pay it before Diwali.
Meanwhile, there is the Mansukhani family, where two brothers live together with their children - Trupti (played by Shafaq Naaz), a 24-year-old beautiful girl, and Sunny, a young boy. Vishal plans to kidnap Sunny for a ransom of 12 lakhs, and he also abducts Trupti along with him.

Crime Patrol | Double murder of Apeksha and her mother (Episode 14 on 11 June 2011)

In May 2011 Ahemdabad threatened by a double murder case of a mother (real name Madhu, 52) and daughter Apeksha (real name Nupur, 28). The daughter was about to marry within a few days with an NRI and came to Gandhi Nagar for shopping before her marriage.

Killer slit their throat by knife and looted. Later Apeksha's body found on the ground floor and mother's body found on the 1st floor.

Murder of a failed businessman Sandeep Parekh - Rajkot (Episode 8 on 21 May 2011)

Sandip Parikh staying in Neelkanth society, Bhakti nagar. Prakash is his close friend. A day while travelling towards his kaka's home sandip gets murdered. Police suspects prakash for this and finally they finds the truth.