Showing posts with label gurgaon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gurgaon. Show all posts

Case 4/2017: Jharkhand's Adivasi minor girl servant found locked in almirah (Episode 575 on 13th January, 2017)

2017 का चौथा केस
Case 4/2017

An NGO along with the Gurgaon police rescued this girl from the Krishna Coloney. The girl was having the marks of injuries all over her body.

Police arrested the couple under IPC 323, 506, 374, 344 and 34.

The girl said she was served only 2 breads throughout the day and when the child welfare people brought her to the home of the chairperson of Child Welfare Committee (CWC), Shakuntala Dhull’s residence, she girl snatched the biscuite as she was not able to control her hunger.

The girl belong to Gumla village in Jharkhand. That they when the police raided that house, she was kept lock inside an almirah.

The police came into action after a complaint of one of the neighbours who informed police about some mysterious noise of a girl comes from that home.

inside story

Antarheet: Property dealer Ramesh Dahiya shot dead (Episode 345, 346 on 10th, 11th December, 2016)

Hidden Desire
Ramesh Dahiya (played by Vikram Kochar) was murdered by a couple (Mandar Jadhav and Rinky Singhvi) with a country-made gun (desi katta). As the police began their investigation, they discovered that Dahiya had a rivalry with his former partner, Vijay Jadhav, who had borrowed a large amount of money from him.
Police informants informed the authorities that someone named Manpreet had purchased a country-made gun just days prior to the murder. As the police started searching for him, they found that he had gone missing. They also learned that Dahiya's younger brother had been killed six years earlier and that his wife Reena had been staying at Dahiya's home but had left following a dispute.

एक यूवक और युवती प्रॉपर्टी डीलर रमेश दहिया का खून कर देते हैं। हत्या देसी कट्टे से की गई है। पुलिस तफ्तीश करती है तो पाती है की रमेश का उसके एक पुराने पार्टनर विजय यादव से झगड़ा चल रहा था जिसने रमेश से बड़ी रकम उधार ले रखी थी। खबरियों से पता चलता है की मनप्रीत मेहरा नाम का एक हरियाणा की यूवक है जिसने कुछ ही दिन पहले एक देसी कट्टा ख़रीदा था। पुलिस मनप्रीत मेहरा को ढूंढना शुरू करती है तो पता चलता है की वो कुछ दिन से घर से गायब है। इसी बीच ये भी पता चलता है की रमेश दहिया का एक छोटा भाई भी था जिसकी छः साल पहले हत्या कर दी गई थी और उसकी पत्नी रीना कुछ समय पहले तक रमेश दहिया के घर में ही रहती थी मगर कुछ घरेलु अनबन के चलते वो घर छोड़ के चली गई थी।
Reena Dhahiya played by Rinki Singhvi

Crime Patrol | Ahankaar: Techie kills wife because she wanted to do MBA and Job (Episode 622 on 18 February 2016)


घटना ग्रेटर नॉएडा के क्रॉसिंग रिपब्लिक एरिया की है. ग़ौर ग्लोबल विलिज में रहने वाला मोहित शर्मा और गुड़गाँव की एक कम्पनी में सॉफ़्ट्वेर एंजिनीर था और उसकी और उसकी पत्नी रुचि की लव मैरिज थी. उसका कहना था कि सालों पहले जब वो कम्प्यूटर्ज़ में मास्टर्स कर रहा था उस समय रुचि साइयन्स में मास्टर्स कर रही थी.

जब दोनो के बीच अफ़ेर शुरू हुआ तो दोनो परिवारों के बीच काफ़ी तना-तनी का माहौल रहा और दोनो को ही बहुत विरोध का सामना करना पड़ा और इसी के चलते दोनो ने ही शादी करने का फ़ैसला कर लिया जिससे कि रुचि की मास्टर्स पूरी नहीं हो पाई. शादी के बाद इन दोनो के बीच इसी बात को लेकर अक्सर बहस हुआ करती थी.

Vikaar: Beautiful and Talented Kathak Dancer Nitya Sharma goes missing after NGO performance (Crime Patrol Dial 100 Episode 63 on 5th January, 2016)

Nitya Sharma (played by Simran Sharma) is beautiful and talented Kathak dancer. She is the only daughter of her parents and her parents feels proud on her. Nitya gets an opportunity to perform on the 1st anniversary of an NGO in Gurgaon who takes care of deaf and dumb kids. Her mentor sends her with his blessings but after she reaches there, never comes back.
Her parents raises a police complain and during the investigation police finds that a junior teacher Prabhat of dance school was harassing her from few days. He wanted to make her his girlfriend and had proposed also but Nitya was not any more interested in him. According to senior teacher Acharya Ji, Prabhat was harassing her and the day she was leaving for her dance performance, Prabhat was trying that she will come with him. According to Prabhat’s statements Acharya Ji is not a good person and he was always wanted to touch the girls of his school. Now police wanted to know that whose statement is correct and who is telling a lie.



Shikwa: Sofia (Tia) Parashar found killed, childhood friends goes missing (Episode 537, 538 on 31st July, 1st Aug, 2015)

Delhi, July 2015
A foul smell is coming from a flat. A nearby resident is sure that this smell does not belong to gas or something burnt. He calls up the police. Police break the lock and enter the flat. They find the dead body of a girl inside a wardrobe. A neighbor tells police that she is Sofia Parashar (real name Tia and played by Vidhi Pandya) who was living with her two friends John and Kareem. Police first call the landlord then reaches the showroom where Sofia works.

Every known person is praising Sofia. Investigation reveals that Sofia, John, and Kareem were brought up together in an orphanage home in Gurgaon. Police find all the three cellphones switched off. Police informers are also not able to give police any clue about missing guys. Police find Aditya's phone number from Sofia's phone records and they call him for inquiry. Aditya gets shocked after knowing about Sofia because Sofia and Aditya were in love with each other. He first met Sofia in her Bike Showroom when he came there to buy a bike for him. They became friends first then started loving each other. Sofia also introduced him to John and Kareem and Aditya was pleased to see their friendship.
Investigating that Orphanage home reveals that these all three kids having their family also. Sofia was admitted to the orphanage home by her moth while John and Kareem were left by their brother and father. Everyone who knows them is saying that John and Kareem can never hurt Sofia and they were very good friends. Now police start thinking in another angle where all three might get harmed by the fourth person who could be Aditya also. Maybe Aditya first killed Sofia and missing John and Kareem is Aditya's mind game!

Hit and Run: Father tracks down truck driver who killed his son in a Baraat (Episode 320, 321 on 13th, 14th Dec 2013)

Hit and Run
हिट एंड रन
Hit -and-run . It is the story of a father who lost his 17- year-old son in a road accident . Road accident could not have been imagined that to do . There was a Barat through the roads of the Bijnor. Akshay was one of them was inexhaustible Baraati who was enjoying the dance .The baraat was taking place on the main road. All the people were happy to dance and suddenly a high-speed truck comes from. The truck is loaded with concrete. Dancing Akshay unknowingly comes in front of that truck and truck hit him faster. Akshay's friend tries to stop the truck, but the truck crushes him also and runs away. Both of them are killed on the road immediately. rest of the people trying to note down truck's number. Akshay's father and other reaches police station to file an FIR but police inspector files this case as a hit and run case while Akshay's father tries to explain them that it is a unintentional murder commited by that truck driver. That driver could have stopped himself but he killed akshay's friend also!
This is a story not only of a hit and run turned murder case, the story reveals another type of corruption where every person from lower to higher level is involved. This story exposes corruption in loaded cargo trucks how illegally they are running on the roads of India beyond their load permits. And these types of truck commits a crime, police also does not support.

This story reveals how a father did all investigation of his son's murder. Why? Because police did give him any kind of favour. He even arranged vehicle to police, but they but nothing happened. Finally he knocked door of higher authority. We appreciate Mr. Rakesh Singh who unfolded every enigma behind the case without any help and finally he helped police to catch that murderer driver.

His son has passed away. And that driver is also died during his illness in trial of case. We can say that the case is closed, but still after 4 years of Akshay's death he is still fighting against roots of that corruption where trucks are loaded beyond their allowed permits and during high speed, driver becomes unable to control the speed.

हिट एंड रन. ये कहानी है एक ऐसे बाप की जिसने अपना १७ साल का पुत्र खोया एक रोड एक्सीडेंट में. रोड एक्सीडेंट भी ऐसा की जिसकी कोई कल्पना भी नहीं कर सकता था. एक बारात तो बिजनौर की सडको पर जा रही थी. अक्षय उन बारातियों में से एक था जो की डांस करते हुए बारात का मज़ा ले रहे थे. बारात मेन रोड पे चल रही थी. सभी लोग डांस करने में मगन थे तभी एक तेज़ रफ़्तार ट्रक पीछे से आता है. ट्रक कंक्रीट से लोडेड होता है. ट्रक से सामने डांस करते हुए अक्षय आ जाता है और ट्रक तेज रफ्तार टक्कर मारता हुआ आगे बढ़ जाता है. अक्षय का दोस्त उस ट्रक वाले को रोकने की कोशिश करता है मगर वो तेज रफ़्तार ट्रक रुकने और कुछ सुनने की बजे उससे में कुचलता हुआ चला जाता है. उन दोनों की सड़क पर ही तत्काल मृत्यु हो जाती है. बाकी लोग कुछ हद्द तक ट्रक का नंबर नोट करने में सफल हो जाते हैं. अक्षय के पिता और अन्य लोग पुलिस स्टेशन जाकर रिपोर्ट दर्ज करते हैं. पुलिस इन्स्पेक्टर इस केस को साधारण हिट एंड रन के केस के तौर पे दर्ज करते हैं जबकि राकेश सिंह, अक्षय के पापा पुलिस को ये समझाते हैं की की ये हिट एंड रन केस नहीं एक गैर इरादतन मर्डर है. वो ड्राईवर चाहता तो ये घटना रोक सकता था जबकि उसने घटना रोकने के बजाये अक्षय के दोस्त को भी मार डाला.

ये कहानी सिर्फ एक एक्सीडेंट या मर्डर की नहीं है, ये कहानी उजागर करती है एक और तरह के करप्शन को जिसमे भी छोटे दर्जे से लेकर ऊँचे दर्जे तक का आदमी लिप्त होता है. ये कहानी उजागर करती है लोडेड ट्रक में हो रही धांधली को की किस तरह से भारत देश की सड़कों पर हैवी लोडेड ट्रक बेख़ौफ़ दौड़ते हैं और इनमे लोड कानून के मुताबिक नहीं होता. और जब इस तरह के ट्रक कोई एक्सीडेंट करते हैं तब पुलिस भी कोई समर्थन नहीं करती. ये कहानी उजागर करती है की किस तरह से एक बाप ने केस की पूरी तफ्तीश खुद की, इसलिए क्योंकि पुलिस ने उसको कोई साथ नहीं दिया. उसने पुलिस को गाडी तक अरेंज करके दी मगर कुछ नहीं हुआ. मजबूरन उसे हायर अथोरिटी तक जाना पड़ा.

हम सराहना करते हैं मि. राकेश सिंह की हिम्मत की की किस तरह से वो पूरे केस की तह तक बिना किसी की मदद के गये और आखिरकर उन्होंने ही ट्रक ड्राइवर को पकड़वाया.

उनका बेटा अब इस दुनिया में नहीं है, और केस लड़ते लड़ते उस ड्राईवर की भी मृत्यु हो चुकी है. एक तरह से कहें तो उनके बेटे की दुर्घटना में हुई मौत का केस पूरी तरह से बंद हो चुका है, मगर आज ४ साल बाद भी उनकी लड़ाई ज़ारी है भ्रष्टाचार की उन जड़ों से जिनकी वजह से ट्रकों को उनकी मालवाहक क्षमता और अनुमति से ज्यादा लोड किया जाता और इसकी वजह से इस तरह के एक्सीडेंट होने पर ड्राइवर ट्रक की गति पर कंट्रोल नहीं कर पाता.

Part 1:
Part 2:

Part 1:
Part 2:

Here is the inside story of the case:

A Devilish Plot: Conspiracy to implicate businessman Manoj Lalwani (Episode 277 on 2nd August 2013)

एक शैतानी षड़यंत्र
A Devilish Plot
Delhi, May 2013
Ajeet (real name Raza and played by Gyanendra Tripathi) reaches police station with his sister Rajshri and informs the police that her sister was abused while she was waiting for a conveyance from Hazrat Nizamuddin Dargah to Lado Sarai.

That was a mid night and while she did not get a way to reach her home at Lado Sarai, she takes a Mahindra Xylo car with few people who also took the same vehicle. Other person gets down before Lado Sarai came and the man who was driving the car, attacked her and tried to assault her. Rajshri says that that man slapped her, snatched her gold chain. Due to some circumstances that man thrown him out of the car and ran away.

When police tracked her mobile phone, they gets the location. Reaching the place they finds same Xylo car out side house of a Gurgaon (originally Faridabad, Haryana) based business man Manoj Lalwani (real name Ashok and played by Pankaj Berry) who is the same person whose sketch was made with the help of Rajshri.

Crime Patrol: Hit and Run | Rajiv dies in a hit n run road accident (Episode 193, 194 on 21, 22 Dec 2012)

Rajiv Sharma (real name Munish Dutta) and Sanjiv Sharma (real name Rajnish Dutta and played by
Rushad Rana
) are brothers. Rajiv lives at Yamuna Tower- Gurgaon near sector 47. Rajiv has breathing problem. A night when Rajiv does not returns from his office, Sanjiv reports a FIR. Next day police finds Rajiv's body near Sector 57 highway. Postmortem report reveals that it is a simple hit and run case where someone hit and ran Rajiv on the road.

Crime Patrol | Manipur girl Tanya r*pe case in Dwarka-Delhi (Episode 83 on 10 Feb 2012)

Delhi, always known as the most unsafe city for Females. The case is about a Middle East Manipur 20 year girl Tanya who works in a spa center.

A night after getting delayed form her shift, Tanya was waiting for a conveyance to her Hostel. On the way, a man named Vikas offers her lift to drop her safely to her place. Tanya agrees and after few minutes Vikas stops his car near a Jungle.

Police get to know that Vikas's real name is Sameer Punj and visits his home. Sameer's wife tells police that Sameer is out of the town for his office tour. 

Online Episode on YouTube:

Online Episode on YouTube

The real cause of Dwarka - New Delhi. Here is the inside story of the case:

Also the NDTV coverage of the case with video.