Showing posts with label jn14. Show all posts
Showing posts with label jn14. Show all posts

Crime Patrol | Ambushed: Missing TCS Techie Esther Anuhaya found murdered (Episode 376, 377 on 31 May & 1 June 2014)


Gargi Narsimhan (real name Easther Anuhaya and played by Raquel Rebello) is a Software Engineer who works far from her home at a Mumbai's IT company. She is the only daughter of her parent. After spending Christmas holidays at her home she is leaving for Mumbai. Her mother-father both comes to see off her and her mother is very emotional at the moment.

Gargi's train will reach Dadar, Mumbai early in the morning 3:45 so her father Arvind Narsimhan calls her next morning but her mobile is continuously switched off. He is trying many times but no response. They are now tensed and near 10:00 AM they calls her friend and colleague Madhvi who works with her in the same office. Madhvi tells them that she will confirm Gargi's arrival after reaching office. She reaches office and does not find Gargi o her desk.

Gargi's father sends his relative to Gargi;s hostel to check but he also not finds Gargi there. Now her mother and father leaves for Mumbai.

mumbai,Nandkishore Sahu,TCS Gregaon,Machilipatnam,aam aadmi party,Dharavi,Jonathan,Arun Kumar,jn14,Esther Anuhaya,Raquel Rebello,software engineer,LTTE,my14,Chandraban Sanap,

गार्गी एक सॉफ्टवेर इंजिनियर है जो की अपने माँ-बाप से दूर मुंबई की एक कंपनी में नौकरी करती है. वो अपने मत पिता की अकेली संतान है. वो छुट्टियों पे घर आई हुई थी सो उसे अब वापस जाना है. उसे माँ बाप दोनों स्टेशन तक छोड़ने आते हैं और उसकी माँ उस समय बहुत भावुक है.

उसकी ट्रेन को सुबह 3:45 पर मुंबई के दादर स्टेशन पहुचना है इसलिए अगली सुबह उसके पिता उसको फ़ोन लगते हैं मगर उसका मोबाइल स्विच ऑफ बताता है. वो उसका नंबर कई बार मिलाते हैं मगर लगातार स्विच ऑफ ही मिलता है. माँ-बाप दोनों बहुत घबराये हुए हैं. उसके पिता उसकी दोस्त माधवी, जो की उसके साथ ही काम करती है उसको कॉल कर के बोलते हैं की ऑफिस पहुच कब वो बताये की गार्गी ऑफिस पहुची की नहीं. 10 बज जाते हैं. माधवी ऑफिस जाकर देखती है मगर उसे गार्गी नहीं मिलती है.

गार्गी के पिता अपने एक रिश्तेदार जो की मुंबई में रहते है उनको फ़ोन लगा कर बोलते हैं की वो गार्गी के हॉस्टल जाकर पता करे की गार्गी वहां है या नहीं. वो हॉस्टल जाकर पता करते हैं मगर गार्गी हॉस्टल में भी नहीं है. इसके बाद गार्गी के माँ-बाप दोनों मुंबई के लए निकल जाते हैं.

Story is based on murder case of TCS techie Esther Anuhaya who was murdered then burnt with petrol near Bhandup (East) Mumbai. Her family and colleague found her body with the help of Vijaywada police team. It was unfortunate that they spent entire day themselves looking for her because last signal from her mobile were traced from Bhandupeshwar Kund in Kanjurmarg on 5th Jan 2014. Esther carried two cell phones and her parents were continuously trying both of them.

Esther’s father S. Jonathan Prasad and uncle Arun Kumar identified the body with the help of a golden ring on her finger.

“Esther has two numbers and we were constantly trying to get her on both. All calls went unanswered and, after a while, the phones appeared to have been switched off. I rushed to Lokmanya Tilak Terminus (LTT) and found the train had arrived long ago. I tried to check with some passengers and finally approached Kurla GRP for help.”

Mr. Kumar confirmed.

During the whole incident Mr. Jonathan was really disappointed with the behavior of Mumbai police who was not helping them anymore pointing the matter to be a love affair. After one week of Esther’s body was found, her father Mr. Jonathan met then home minister Mr. Sushil Kumar Shinde to plead for help. Mr. Shinde then wrote Maharasthra’s home minister Mr. R.R. Patil asking for some fast action and identification of Esther’s killers.

Mr. Jonathan was not very satisfied with Shinde’s assurance and met Aam Aadmi Party leader Mr. Yogendra Yadav.

"I could not get any consolation from the Home Minister, so I thought of meeting AAP. We wanted to give them (AAP) information so that they can raise their voice. He (Yogendra) talked to his party men in Mumbai to take up the case," Mr Prasad said.

Anuhaya was a Software Engineer at TCS Goregaon and was living in Andheri. She was returning from her home after Christmas in Machilipatnam on December 22. She reached Mumbai on January 5 at Lokmanya Tilak Terminal, after which she went missing. Esther's family members found her charred remains on January 16 from the bushes near Tata Nagar Colony in Bhandup (East).

The case raised many questions on Mumbai police like how a history sheeter was hunting at a railway railway platform? Why railway police could not identify any activity related to case in CCTV footages? Why police was taking the case lightly as even it was not a love affair case! This case again put a question on women safety in Mumbai which was earlier known as a safe city for women.

Crime Patrol | The Accused: Woman accused landlord for raping her (Episode 335 on 31 Jan 2014)

The Accused
Just few days after Nirbhaya case in Delhi, a couple accused his landlord for physically harassing wife Purnima Lalchand. Tenant Purnima and Rajesh Lalchand were living at a rented flat of Mr. Dinesh Gaur. Couple had three month overdue rent on them. A day when Dinesh Gaur asked purnima for all dues, purnima blamed him for harassing him and later couple raised an FIR against Dinesh Gaur. Police took strict action against him and later he spent near three months in jail.

Unforeseen Enemy: Jasmin's trouble after he fills a customer satisfaction feedback survey form (Episode 333 on 24th Jan )

Jasmin (played by Prinal Oberoi) is pregnant. She is a resident of Pune and is mother of daughter Amreen. Her husband Farhan is a businessman. Jasmin’s mobile phone is missing whom she left at the dining table while going to take bath. In the mean time her known Nadeem comes to her home but goes back when she was taking bath. She asks her daughter Amreen if she knows where her mobile has gone.
She hunts for her mobile in the market with her daughter but did not get that back. She tell this to Farhan. Farhan tell her not to worry and he brings a new mobile phone for her with the same number.

Personal Wealth: Police tracks down kidnappers within 12 hours of kidnapping (Episode 332 on18th January 2014)

This question puts a question to today’s society, we should share our personal wealth with the people around us! Or a woman should share her family’s of his husband’s wealth with her friends?
Sahil’s younger bother Piyush get kidnapped while he is returning from a mobile shop. He went that mobile shop to recharge his mom’s cell phone. After 30 mins when his mom asks Sahil about Piyush but he also does not know about him. He calls his husband Narendra and Narendra files FIR. After two hours of kidnapping Narendra gets call from kidnappers who asks him a ransom of rup 1.5 crore.

Police starts investigation and tracks down the kidnapper with in 12 hours of kidnapping. Before trapping culprits, Narendra gets a call from Piyush through a unknown number. Piyush tell him that he is in a car parking and talking through parking guy’s mobile phone.

Police is sure that the kidnapping was done by a very close of Narendra and family who knows some crucial informations about them.

ये केस इस बात कि जागरूकता व्यक्त करता है कि क्या हम लोगो को अपनी आर्थिक स्थिति कि बातें हमें जानने वालों के साथ साझा करनी चाहिए या नहीं? और ख़ास कर कि औरतों को जिनके अंदर जलन कि भावना कुछ ज़यादा ही होती है!

नरेंद्र एक व्यपारी है. साहिल और पीयूष उसके दो बेटे हैं. साहिल कि माँ साहिल को बोलती है कि वो उसका मोबाइल रिचार्ज करवा दे. चूँकि साहिल टीवी देखने में मगन है, वो ये काम पीयूष पर डाल देता है. आधे घंटे तक पीयूष लौटता नहीं है तो उसकी माँ चिंतित हो जाती है और साहिल को पीयूष को खोजने के लिए भेजती है. साहिल उसे कई जगह ढूँढता है मगर वो नहीं मिलता है. घबरा कर वो नरेंद्र को फ़ोन करती है.

दो घंटे बाद एक फ़ोन आता है जिससे ये व्यक्त होता है कि पीयूष का अपहरण हुआ है. अपहरणकर्ता डेढ़ करोड़ रुपये कि मांग करता है जब कि नरेंद्र के पास इतना रूपया है ही नहीं।

नरेंद्र ऍफ़ं.आई.आर.दर्ज करता है. पुलिस अपना काम शुरू करती है और बारह घंटे के अंदर अपहरणकर्ता पकड़े जाते हैं,

कौन थे ये अपहरणकर्ता?
इन्होने एक साधारण से व्यपारी से डेढ़ करोड़ जैसी बड़ी रकम क्यों मांगी?

क्या उन्हें पता था कि नरेंद्र के पास इतना रुपया है?


Here is the inside story of the case:

Circle of curruption: A mysterious murder and a medical college admission (Episode 331 on 17 Jan 2013)

भ्रष्टाचार की कड़ियाँ
Circle of curruption
August, 2013 Corruption: Corruption in school and college admission system where a parent is ready to pay bribe of millions for their kids admission.

A family who wants to see their daughter as a doctor but her daughter is not able to qualify for the medical entrance exam. Now father plans to get her admitted through bribe. For this, he gets in contact with Yuddhveer Singh Rawat, who is ex PRO of Himachal Pradesh Kabinet minister Harak Singh Rawat. Yuddhveer assures that her daughter will get admission to Sri Guru Ram Rai Institute of Medical and Health Science. Yuddhveer talks to admission co-ordination Sudha Patwal and the deal fixes with 5 lac rupees. In the mean time, police find body of Yuddhveer. The Police also find a draft with the body in favour of Sri Guru Ram Rai Institute of Medical and Health Scineces.

ये केस खुलासा करता है स्कूल एंड कॉलेजों में चल रहे अवैध दाखिलों का जिसमे अविभावक को अपने बच्चे के एडमिशन के लिए मोटी घूस देनी पड़ती है. इस तरह का भ्रष्टाचार सिर्फ यहीं तक ही सिमित नहीं है, मामला बिगड़ने पर इसका अंजाम कुछ भी हो सकता है.

एक परिवार जो अपनी बच्ची को डॉक्टर बनाना चाहता है मगर उसकी बेटी एम् बी बी एस का एक्जाम पास नहीं कर पाती है तो पिता कॉलेज में घूस देकर बेटी का दाखिला करवाने का प्लान बनता है. और इस प्लान के लिए वो एक हाई प्रोफाइल आदमी युद्धवीर सिंह रावत (कैलाश राजवंश) जो की कभी हिमाचल प्रदेश के कैबिनेट मंत्री हरक सिंह रावत का जन संपर्क अधिकारी (पि.आर.ओ) था, से मिलता है. युद्धवीर उसे आश्वासन देता है की उसकी बेटी का एडमिशन वो श्री गुरु राम राय इंस्टिट्यूट ऑफ़ मेडिकल एंड हेल्थ साइंसेस में करवा देगा. युद्धवीर कॉलेज की एडमिशन कार्यकर्ता सुधा पटवाल (रचना शुक्ला) से से बात करता है और सौदा १५ लाख में तय होता है.

इसी दौरान युद्धवीर सिंह मारा जाता है और उसी लाश के साथ पुलिस को श्री गुरु राम राय इंस्टिट्यूट ऑफ़ मेडिकल एंड हेल्थ साइंसेस के नाम का एक ड्राफ्ट मिलता है.