Showing posts with label kavita. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kavita. Show all posts

Crime Patrol | Kalpanik: 20 year old Domestic help Sunil Panday goes missing (Episode 738 on 25 November 2016)


A father is trying his son Sonu's (real name Anup Kumar) mobile no who works as a domestic help at couple Ranjit-Kavita's home. Usually he reaches their home near 9 in the morning and after full day work he comes back to his home near 8 in the evening. 20 year old Sonu, full name Sunil Panday (real name Anup Kumar) is a hardworking guy who earlier has worked as a cook in a Dhaba. Seeing his hardwork, Ranjit offers him better pay and hires him for his home. Once Sonu's father finds that he is not picking his phone he calls up Ranjit and Kavita but they tells him that Sonu left in the noon with Ranjit's lunch box but did not come back. They files Sonu's missing complain. They also tells police that Sonu borrowed 3000/- from Kavita but did not explain why he wants it as advance.

Sonu's mobile is still switched on and ringing. When police starts tracking his phone location they finds mobile last location was Delhi and now it is switched off. Police is saying that according to his phone location Sonu must be traveling from Amritsar to Delhi via Rohtak, Sonipat rout. Sonu's parents are clueless why Sonu went Delhi without telling anything to anyone!

A month passes. A day when his younger brother Monu again tries his phone number, it is attended by a man in Amritsar itself who tells him that his name is Manjeet and he found this phone in a bus when he was going to Delhi. Now police is guessing that someone must have put this phone knowingly in the bus to misguide the investigation.

Sarika Dhillon, Vishal Jethwa, Sanjeev Tyagi, Manish Raj, Anjum Batra

Crime Patrol | Manzil: Frustrated with husband and son, Kavita Jadhav leaves home (Episode 635, 636 on 12, 13 Mar 2016)

The Destination

Middle-aged Kavita (played by Pyumori Mehta) lives with her husband Ravi and son Ajay. She is the sole breadwinner of the household and is disheartened by her husband's alcoholism and her son's joblessness. One day, Kavita leaves for work but never returns.

At an earlier stage, her husband and son are not able to recognize that she has left the home but later when Ajay received sms from Kavita, they come to know that she will not come back. Ajay receives two sms and both times Kavita tells them that she has become frustrated and will never come back to them.

Ravi and Ajay realize they somewhat Kavita was right. She was very disheartened by their irresponsible behavior and living in a nutshell. Ravi raises a police complaint about Kavita's missing but the police tell them this is not a police case if a middle-aged woman left her home on her own but when Ravi requests, the police start the investigation, and they come to know her mobile phone location before her mobile went switched off. They call her boss (played by Jayesh Barbhay) for questioning who was with Kavita for some hours when she left her office that day .

One week goes and during this Ravi gets a security guard job while Ajay starts working as a courier boy.

कविता अपने पति रवि और बेटे रवि के साथ रहती है। पति रवि एक शराबी व्यक्ति है जब की अजय गैर ज़िम्मेदार है। कविता ने कई बार कोशिश की कि अजय कोई नौकरी करे और इसके लिए उसने अजय का इंटरव्यू भी कराना चाहा मगर अजय कामचोरी की वजह से कोई इंटरव्यू देने ही नहीं गया। कविता बहुत परेशान रहती है की वो पूरे घर की ज़िम्मेदारी संभालती है जबकि उसका पति और बेटा अपनी अपनी दुनिया में मस्त रहते है और किसी काम में उसका हाथ नहीं बटाते। कविता उनलोगों को बोल चुकी है की एक दिन वो इन लोगों से तंग आकर घर छोड़ कर चली जाएगी मगर अजय, रवि उसकी बातों पर कोई गौर नहीं करते हैं।

Know More about Pyumori Mehta

एक सुबह कविता घर से निकलती है और शाम तक नहीं लौटती है। पति रवि नशे में धुत है और अजय भी उसके न आने को हलके में ले लेता है। कविता अगले दिन भी नहीं लौट के आती है और अजय के मोबाइल पे कविता का एसएमएस आता है की वो उनलोगों से तंग आ चुकी है घर छोड़ के निकल गयी है और अब वो कभी भी वापस नहीं आएगी। अजय जब उसके नंबर पे कॉल करता है तो उसका नंबर बंद सुनाई देता है। अगली सुबह अजय को फिर से मैसेज आता है की वो कभी भी घर लौट के नहीं आएगी।

अब अजय और रवि को ये एहसास होता है की कविता काफी हद तक सही थी। वो उनलोगों से बहुत परेशान थी और ऐसे में उसका हक़ बनता है की वो घर छोड़ के चली जाए मगर ये बात उनको खाए जा रही है की कविता घर छोड़ कर ही गई है या उसके साथ कुछ गलत तो नहीं हुआ है। दोनों बाप-बेटा पुलिस के पास जाते हैं और सारी बात बताते हैं। पुलिस का ये कहना है की एक एक अधेड़ उम्र की औरत खुद घर छोड़ के गयी है तो ये कोई पुलिस केस नहीं बनता है। मगर रवि के ये कहने पर की वो कविता के ऑफिस का नाम तक नहीं जानती है, पुलिस ये तय करती है की उनको कविता के बारे में पता करना चाहिए।

पुलिस अपनी तफ्तीश की शुरुवात कविता के ऑफिस के जानने वालों से करती है और उसके बॉस को बुलाती है। पूछताछ के बाद बॉस को वापस जाने को बोलती है मगर दोबारा फिर कविता के बॉस को बुलाया जाता है जब पुलिस को कविता के फ़ोन रिकार्ड्स और फ़ोन लोकेशन में कुछ अटपटा दिखता है।

एक हफ्ता बीत जाता है और इस बीच रवि एक जगह पे सिक्योरिटी गार्ड की नौकरी और अजय एक कूरियर कंपनी में नौकरी कर लेता है।

Part 1:
Part 2:

Part 1:
Part 2:

Here is the inside story of the case:

Forced Marriage: Who killed Kavita ? (Episode 567, 568 on 9th, 11th Oct, 2015)

Gopal and Kavita works in the same factory. Gopal likes Kavita and wants to marry her. Kavita does not want to get marry with him because her mother is suffering from Cancer and for her her mother is  her first priority. Kavita is getting good marriage proposals but she wants that her mother will get well soon.

Gopal starts creating some odd situations because of which Kavita gets forced to get marry with him. Their sudden marriage is shocking for her family and they can not understand why Kavita got married with him. Gopal's behaviour starts changing after marriage and he starts beating her on every small and big issue. In the mean time her mother passes away.

A day kavita leaves to meet her mother's sister. Day goes but she does not comeback. Next day Gopal and Kavita's father raises her missing complain. Their previous tenant Mulri becomes main suspect because during Kavita's mother was ill, her bought their home in 1 lac and paid 75,000. He was not paying remaining 25,000. Kavita went to meet him a day before her missing. Police arrests Murli and his friend Subhash.

After 3 days police find Kavita's partially burnt corpse. Forensic report confirm that this body belongs to Kavita. After police interrogation Murli and Subhash confesses that they killed Kavita because she was asking him for rest of the money. But they tell their family that they confessed this crime to get rid of police's interrogation.

गोपाल और कविता एक ही कारखाने में काम करते हैं। गोपाल कविता को पसंद करता है और उससे शादी करना चाहता है मगर कविता मना करती है। कविता इसलिए मना करती है क्युकी उसकी माँ कैंसर से पीड़ित है और रूपए की तंगी की वजह से उसकी माँ का इलाज ठीक से नहीं हो पा रहा है। वो पैसे इकठ्ठा कर के अपनी माँ का इलाज करवाना चाहती है। कविता के लिए अच्छे रिश्ते भी आ रहे हैं मगर वो माँ की तबियत ठीक न होने की वजह से किसी से भी शादी नहीं करना चाहती।

गोपाल कुछ ऐसे हालात पैदा कर देता है की कविता को गोपाल से शादी करनी पड़ती है। शादी होने के बाद गोपाल का बर्ताव बदल जाता है और वो कविता पर हाथ उठाना शुरू कर देता है। कविता दुविधा में है की शादी को सिर्फ दो महीने हुए हैं और उसको रोज ये सब झेलना पड़ता है।

Kavita played by Ronjini Chakraborty

Crime Patrol | Backstabbing: Kavita found hanging from a tree (Episode 441 on 5 Nov 2014)


A security guard finds body of a girl hanging from tree in the garden. After filing complain, police finds a suicide note near the body which says girl was in love with a guy Sudhir who spoiled her life and she is committing suicide. Police also finds Sudhir’s call details from Kavita’s mobile.

Sudhir is brother of Kavita’s friend Shonali. During interrogation Sudhir tells police that his sister Shonali does not have any mobile so she uses his mobile to talk to someone. Police also sends suicide note to a expert who informs police that writing on the letter is different from Kavita’s writing. On the other hand Kavita’s postmortem report reveals that she was 2 months pregnant.

Mysterious murder of political worker Naresh Sharma (Episode 179, 180 on 17th, 18th Nov 2012)

Naresh Sharma (real name Harsh Gupta and played by Avinash Sahijwani) is an IPP (BJP) political leader as well as a businessman. He has tied up with Kureshi and Salauddin. He also has some property in the Malvan area and wants to start some construction there.

A day while traveling from Fatehpur to Malvan he got killed by someone. Killer first shoots him by a desi Katta ( country made gun) then chokes his neck until death

Police (lead played by Siraj Mustafa Khan) investigation exposed Naresh had a debt of 70 lack rupees and also had insurance of 80 lac rupees. The murder of Naresh was only beneficial for his widow. Police suspect the wife of Naresh and me relative Manoj Jha.

Who killed Naresh and why?
Was this a political murder?
Manav Sohal


Here is the inside story of the case:

And here is a similar case portrayed by crime patrol in Episode 8 - 2011

Crime Patrol | Depressed Kavita hangs herself since she was not able to afford school fee! (Episode 137 on 3 aug 2012)

Kavita (played by Patil Tejaswi) and Girish are happy married couple. Girish is a Driver whether Kavita is a house wife. They has two sons. Kavita is very ambitious about the education of her son Ravi (played by Sarthak Jain). She want to admit ravi in S J International school which is a very high class school.

Girish is a driver and he can not afford these heavy expense so he forbade Kavita that it will create big money crisis.

Kavita is depressed and one night Hangs herself and commits su!c!de.

Was their economic condition was the real reason behind the death of Kavita?