Showing posts with label khurram khan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label khurram khan. Show all posts

Crime Patrol | Case 3/2017: Baghpat, U.P's three police constable murdered along with three family members (Episode 755, 756 on 7, 8 January 2017)

2017 का तीसरा केस
Case 3/2017

Farmer Dinesh Paswan is brutally murdered by the Shukla gang because he did not pay extortion money to them. Siblings Rajiv and Mukesh Shukla are the founder of this gang and are wanted in the murder case of Paswan. Paswan's father is the main witness in the case but they kill him along with his wife early morning while 2 police constable was also allocated to protect them. Now police trigger their investigation to capture Shukla brothers but they are still away from them.

Gaurav is also a farmer in the village and Veeru is his younger brother. A day while he is working at his farm Mukesh Shukla comes and warns him to pay him 10 lac till tomorrow morning otherwise he would have to pay for this. Gaurav shares this with his family and decides to report it to the police. Veeru is suggesting he not to pay any extortion money otherwise they goons will keep on coming to harras them. The next morning Gaurav tells police that Shukla's brother is targeting him. Shukla is now on alert but after few days they shoot Gaurav in the day board light in the market in front of his mother.

After this murder, Veeru decides to take revenge from them and takes some advice from his friend Prabhakar Bhaiya. After a few days, a gang of few people finds that place where the Shukla gang is residing. All of a sudden they reach there and shoots Rajiv Shukla and few of his companions dead. Mukesh Shukla succeeds to escape from the place but his one leg is badly injured because of the bullet. Later he gets caught by police.

Mukesh is in jail but in the mean time, two guys enter into Gaurav-Veeru's home while Veeru is at her farm with his father. They guys shoot her mother, sister along three constables who were there to protect the family. In this shootout Veeru's mother, sister, and two constables die, the third constable is unconscious and fourth was already left to the farm with Veeru. Mukesh is shocked to know that who took his revenge from Veeru's family without informing him.

inside story

Crime Patrol | Bedardi: Jaideep Mathur's wife Gauri and three kids found murdered in their home (Episode 717, 718 on 1, 2 October 2016)

संजय गौरी माथुर का भाई है जो की जयदीप माथुर की पत्नी और तीन बच्चों की माँ है। एक दिन संजय गौरी से मिलने पहुचता है मगर उसके घर का दरवाज़े पर ताला लगा पाता है। वो समझ नहीं पाता है की गौरी अपने तीनो बच्चों के साथ अचानक कहाँ गई। वो जयदीप को देहरादून फ़ोन लगता है मगर जयदीप को भी इस बारे में कुछ भी पता नहीं होता होता है। वो अपने माँ-बाप को उन्नाव में फ़ोन लगता है मगर वहां से भी कुछ नहीं पता चलता है।

संजय और जयदीप दोनों को चिंता हो जाती है की ये लोग कहाँ गए। पुलिस में शिकायत दर्ज कराइ जाती है और पुलिस पहुच कर घर के ताला खुलवाती है। संजय घर के अंदर जाता है और अंदर गौरी और उसके तीनो बच्चों के शव पाकर चौंक जाता है। पूरा शहर अचानक हुए इस हत्याकांड से सकते में आ जाता है। जयदीप, जो की एक फारेस्ट गार्ड है वो भी देहरादून से कानपुर पहुचता है।

पुलिस तहकीकात और पोस्टमॉर्टेम से पता चलता है की इन सभी की हत्या घर ही में रखे एक हथोड़े से की गई है और हत्या के बाद जयदीप की बड़ी बेटी दिशा के साथ दुष्कर्म भी किया गया है। पुलिस खबरियों को लगाती है मगर कहीं से भी किसी सुपारी किलिंग की खबर नहीं मिलती है।

Crime Patrol | Ghaat: Blackmailed over facebook lands engineering student to commit su!c!de (Crime Patrol Dial 100 Episode 95, 16 February 2016)


(Ep. 95, Crime Patrol Dial 100)
Two engineering college students and friends Vivek and Mehul tries to commit su!c!de. On the other hand their college is facing cases of burglary inside to college premises.

After Vivek commit su!c!de attempt, police is trying to understand his behavior before the incident. Her mother tells them that from last few days his behavior was weird. He is spending all his day with his laptop inside his room. When police investigates his laptop, they finds that Vivek was in touch with a foreigner girl and was having porn chat with her. He was also sharing his obscene videos with her on live video chat. In the meanwhile when police is looking into his case, another student Mehul also makes a su!c!de attempt.

House Break: Burglaries of millions without forcible entry inside a home (Episode 340 on 15th February 2014)

शातिर लुटेरे
House Break
Based on burglaries in posh Lokhandwala residences during Dec 2013. A woman leaves her home for few hours and when she returns, she is shocked to see that every of her valuable is missing from the home.

Another incident happened in same kind of posh locality where burglars kept other valuable things like LCD TV, Silver Grocery, valuable showpieces. Police is also amazed to see that there is no sign of forced entry. Burglars does this very carefully without breaking the door. They are clever, who knows almost every activity inside the societies.
Who they are? How police reached them? Find link below for inside story of the case with online episode.
ये कहानी दिसंबर 2013 में मुम्बई के लोखंडवाला एरिया में हुई कुछ शोरियों पर आधारित है. एक औरत कुछ घंटे के लिए अपने घर से बाहर मार्किट के लिए निकलती है. जब वो वापस लौटती है तो देखती है कि उसके घर में चोरी हुई है. चोर सारा कीमती सामान चुरा ले गए हैं.

इस घटना के बाद उसी एरिये में और भी कई चोरी होती है जिनमे चोर बड़ी चीज़ें जैसे कि टीवी, शोपीस, लैपटॉप वगैहरा चुरा कर ले गए हैं.

पुलिस ये देख कर अचंभित है कि चोरों ने दरवाज़े को तोड़े बिना ही ये चोरी कि है. दरवाज़े के लॉक पर किसी तरह के कोई ज़बरदस्ती करने के निशान नहीं हैं. पुलिस इस निष्कर्ष पर है कि चोर जो भी हैं वो इन घरों पर पूरी तरह से नज़र रखे हुए थे तभी इस तरह कि चोरी सम्भव है.

कौन हैं ये लोग और ये लोग कैसे इसनी बड़ी चोरी को इतनी आसानी से कर रहे हैं? पुलिस इन लोगो तक कैसे पहुच पाई?