Showing posts with label manoj. Show all posts
Showing posts with label manoj. Show all posts

Crime Patrol | Pretense: Actress missing, social networking involved, love angle...yet no crime! (Episode 345, 346 on 7th, 8th March 2014)


44 वर्षीय नंदिता करमाकर एक थिएटर आर्टिस्ट है जिसका एक बेटा भी है. नंदिता और उसके पति के बीच का रिश्ता अच्छा नहीं है. दोनों को ये लगता है की दोनों का ही विवाहेतर संबंध है.

पुलिस को कसारा घाट के पास एक कार मिलती है जिसमे तलाशी लेने पर पुलिस को एक्ट्रेस नंदिता करमाकर का कुछ सामान मिलता है. उन्हें नंदिता का मोबाइल फ़ोन भी मिलता है. पुलिस मोबाइल की सहायता से नंदिता के पति तक पहुचती है और पता करने की कोशिश करती है की सारा माजरा क्या है और कार के अन्दर से नंदिता कहाँ गई. पुलिस उनलोगों की तलाश करती है जिन्होंने सबसे पहले इस कार को देखा था और उसके बाद ये पता करती है की ये कार किसके नाम पर है. पुलिस को ये जान कर हैरानी होती है की कार कुछ ही दिन पहले सेकंड हैण्ड खरीदी गई थी.

Poonam Rajput

पुलिस उस आदमी तक पहुचती है जिसने ये कार खरीदी थी. सख्ती से पूछ-ताछ करने पर कुछ ऐसी तथ्य सामने आते हैं जो सभी को हैरान करते हैं. आइये देखिये की ये सारा रहस्य है क्या. क्या नंदिता मर चुकी है? अगर हाँ तो उसकी लाश कहाँ है!

 Alka Punewar

Sar Kati Laash: Cop's wife found alive after a year of murder (Episode 513, 514 on 30th, 31st May 2015)

सर कटी लाश
Headless Body
पुलिस को एक औरत की सर कटी लाश मिलती है. कोंस्टेबल देवजित सोढी का कहना है की ये लाश उसकी बेटी आँचल जोहल की है जो. लाश पे जो कपड़े हैं वो भी आँचल के ही हैं. वो ये भी बताता है की आँचल का पति राजीव उसको अक्सर मारता-पीटता था जिससे वो परेशान हो चुकी थी.

आँचल के माता-पिता उसकी शिनाख्त करते हैं मगर राजीव साफ़ साफ़ ये बोल रहा है की उसने आँचल को नहीं मारा है और ये लाश भी आँचल की नहीं हैं. वो बताता है की आँचल का एक रिक्शा वाला दिनेश पन्नु के साथ कुछ चक्कर चल रहा था.

Crime Patrol | Ditched: Double murder of Anjana and Shakti (Episode 472, 473 on 20, 21 Feb 2014)

Anjana is wife of Devendra who is a taxi driver and Shakti is his cousin sister who lives near their home. Anjana and Shakti has good tuning with each other. A day Anjana and Shakti leaves for a Satsang program and goes missing.
On the other hand a man passing from a deserted building listens some voices. When she goes to check, see sees a woman is lying on the floor of a room. He informs it to police and police confirms that the woman is murdered. Police finds another female dead body on the upper floor room.

When Devendra puts a missing complain of his wife and cousin, police comes to know that the bodies he found in that deserted building are of Devendra’s wife and cousin. Harshly asking Devendra, he tells police that his wife was having affair with some guy named Kamal and when he came to know this, he took away her cellphone from her.

Primarily Devendra is police’s main suspect but later they finds involvement of tow more guys name Badal Rane and Shrikant Apte

Crime Patrol | Tuition teacher Ravi goes missing from his tution center (Episode 173 on 2 Nov 2012)

Ravi D'souza (real name Ashish Kumar Peter(35) and played by Pankaj Bhatia) is a teacher who gives English tuition at his tuition center. His income is not good and he has overhead of loan from bank as well as from his few friends also. Sunita (real name Ritu Peter and played by Samiksha Bhatnagar) is his wife and she suspects that Ravi has relation with his student Supriya because supriya is the only student who come alone early morning and they daily spend 2 hours in a room alone.

Ravi is suddenly missing from his tuition center. Sunita finds spots of blood as someone has dragged a body from the floor. She informs police and police are now investigating.

Crime Patrol | Police suspects Rakesh for murder of Pramila (Episode 165 on 12 Oct 2012)

Manoj (Real name Manjesh Kumar Dohari) is a Central Government employee at the central railway- Mumbai. He lives with his wife Pramila (Real name Purnima) and a small kid at Nehru Nagar, Kurla. After 6th pay commission, he feels he should now call his brother Rakesh (Real name Pradeep Kumar Dohari) also from district Mau (U.P.) so that he can arrange some job for him also. Rakesh comes with mother and brother Ram.

Year after Rakesh is still jobless and frustrated.
Suddenly one day when Manoj gets paralyzed after an accident. Month spends but Manoj is not getting any recovery and his condition becomes critical. All are worried about their family's future. A day Manoj collapsed and after few days Rakesh finds Pramila's dead body in her bedroom.

Who killed Pramila and why?