Showing posts with label meenakshi chanana. Show all posts
Showing posts with label meenakshi chanana. Show all posts

Case 9/2017: Sridhar Ranga's accidental death turns to murder case (Episode 763 on 4th February, 2017)

2017 का नौवां केस
Case 9/2017
Deadbody of a young boy is found near railway track. Postmortem report reveals that deceased was drunk when he fell from train. Aadhaar card found in his pocket reveals his identity that his name is Sridhar Ranga. Police gets other records of the Aadhaar card and finds his brother-in-law's name is Arvind Modiraj. They calls Modiraj and his wife Geeta and asks them to identify the body. Couple is shocked to know that Sridhar is dead. They also tells police that it is not possible because Sridhar never used to drink.
Further story focused on period of Demonetisation when police gets information from one of their informer about a burglary plan where two men about to burglar a jewellery shop. Police puts their fielding there and arrests them on spot. During interrogation they tells police that they are not a professional thief and this was their first chance in which they failed. They also tells police that due of demonetisation they are passing through tough time so they planned this loot and they wanted to become like Ganga who was a auto driver few months back but suddenly in few months he became a wealthy person having his own vehicle.

Police also does not find anything on arrested men's history and now they are assured that it was their first try in which they failed but now their target is Ganga that how a small auto driver became a wealthy person.
Meenakshi Chanana
पुलिस को रेलवे ट्रैक के किनारे एक यूवक की लाश मिलती है। पोस्टमॉर्टेम से पता चलता है की मरने वाला शराब के नशे में था जब तो ट्रैन से गिरा होगा। लाश की जेब से आधार कार्ड मिलता है जिसमे उसका नाम श्रीधर रंगा लिखा हुआ है। आधार की और जानकारी निकलने पर पता चलता है की ये यूवक अरविन्द मोदीराज नाम के एक व्यक्ति का साला है। पुलिस अरविन्द मोदीराज को फ़ोन करती है और वो अपनी पत्नी गीता मोदीराज के साथ पुलिस स्टेशन पहुचता है। वो लोग लाश की शिनाख्त तो कर लेते हैं मगर ये मानने को तैयार नहीं हैं की श्रीधर शराब के नशे में ट्रैन से गिरा क्योंकि वो कभी शराब पीता ही नहीं था। इस केस को समय बीत जाता है और केस को एक्सीडेंटल केस मान कर बंद कर दिया जाता है।

Crime Patrol | Besudh: Moradabad's inter-religion marriage ended with a honour killing (Episode 734, 735 on 11, 12 Nov 2016)

Village Benia, Moradabad, UP

Pradeep Gupta's marriage is fixed with Ashima but he put another demand of a car. Ashima’s parents can not afford it so the marriage gets canceled. But Pradeep does not tell real reason behind his refusal from the marriage. Neither he tells this to his parents nor his best friend Imran. Two months later Pradeep is caught red handed with a muslim girl Nazia Baig in a farm. Nazia’s father Kasim and uncle Aslam slams Pradeep’s family and Pradeep to stay away from their daughter. Village Panchayat somehow settles the matter but after one month Pradeep and Nazia run away from their home and settles in Nalasopara area, Mumbai.

Nazia is now Pradeep’s and spouse and her name is now Aarti. Another woman Nusrat is coming to meet Nazia from last two days but Nazia's doors are locked. She asks her neighbour about them but she tells Nusrat that she does not have any idea about the couple. A strange thing which she notices that Nazia’s phone is ringing inside their flat and a foul smell has also started coming from the flat. They calls police and after unlocking the flat they finds dead bodies of Nazia and Pradeep who were killed by slitting their throat.

प्रदीप गुप्ता आशिमा नाम की एक लड़की से शादी तय होने के बाद शादी करने से मना कर देता है। प्रदीप शादी तोड़ने की वजह न अपने माँ-बाप को बताता है और न ही अपने सबसे अच्छे दोस्त इमरान को। दो महीने बाद प्रदीप को उसी गाँव के एक खेत में नाज़िया बेग नाम की एक लड़की के साथ पकड़ा जाता है। नाज़िया के अब्बू कासिम और चाचा असलम प्रदीप और उसके परिवार पर सख्ती से बरस पड़ते हैं। मामला पंचायत तक जाता है। पंचायत इस मामले को शान्ति से सुलझा देती है मगर नाज़िया और प्रदीप अपने-अपने घर से भाग जाते हैं और नाला-सोपारा, मुम्बई में जाकर शादी कर के बस जाते हैं।

Tarkeeb: Bihar's conman Shekhar accused for Triple Murder (Episode 705, 706 on 3rd, 4th Sep, 2016)


Bengal police find three dead bodies back to back. A man who was found dead near a highway was killed strangulating with an electric wire. Postmortem report reveals that the victim consumed some intoxicated drink before he was killed. Other two bodies they found in a hotel room. These are mother and her minor daughter. They are killed in the same manner that man was killed. These two incidents are reported at two different places so police is not aware that total three people are killed. Police is trying to find out CCTV footage but CCTV was put in opposite direction so none of hotel visitor's photo is clear. Careless hotel receptionist is not able to recognize accused. Also she did not match his face with the pan card he gave her as ID proof and allotted room to him.
बंगाल में पुलिस के एक के बाद एक तीन लाशें मिलती हैं। एक लाश एक सड़क के किनारे मिलती है जो की एक आदमी की है और इसके गले को बिजली के तार से घोट के मारा गया है। पोस्टमॉर्टेम रिपोर्ट से पता चलता है की मारने वाले को मारने से पहले कोई नशीली दावा पिलाई गई थी जिससे बेहोशी के बाद उसकी हत्या की गई।
पुलिस को बाकी 2 लाशें एक होटल के रूम में मिलती हैं जो की एक महिला और उसकी बच्ची की हैं। इनदोनो को भी उसी तरह से मारा गया है जैसे उस आदमी को मारा गया था। चूँकि दोनों वारदातें एक दुसरे से काफी दूरी पर हुई हैं और दोनों एरिया अलग अलग पुलिस के अन्तर्गत आते हैं, पुलिस अभी अनजान है की कुल तीन लोगों का खून हुआ है।
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