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Showing posts with label missing. Show all posts

Jadtaa: Dehradun's Triple murder includes 2 women and a man (Episode 704 on 2nd September, 2016)


(Ep. 95, Crime Patrol Dial 100)
राधा और मालती जंगल से लकड़ी बीन कर लेकर बेचने का काम करती है। एक सुबह दोनों निकलती हैं मगर वापस नहीं आती। काफी समय तक उनके ना आने के बाद मालती का पति और बाकी गाँव वाले पुलिस में खबर करते हैं और पुलिस भी उनको जंगल में ढूंढना शुरू कर देती है। काफी देर तक जंगल में ढूंढने के बाद पुलिस को मालती, राधा और एक आदमी की लाशें मिलती हैं। मालती की लाश पेड़ पे लटकी मिलती है और पुलिस ये कयास लगाती है की मारने वाले ने मालती का खून कर के आत्महत्या दिखाने की कोशिश की है। राधा के सर पे किसी चीज से जोरदार वार करके उसको मारा गया है। पुलिस का पहला शक मालती के पति की दूसरी पत्नी पर जाता है जो की साथ में ही रहती थी और मालती से बहुत चिढ़ती थी। गाँव वालों में कोई भी नहीं जानता की ये आदमी कौन है जिसकी लाश इनदोनो के साथ मिली है।

Kahan hai Priya: One year long wait of 4 year old missing minor Priya (Episode 580, 581 on 31st Oct, 1st Nov 2015)

प्रिया गरीब माँ-बाप की ४ साल की बेटी है। एक शाम वो खेलते खेलते गायब हो जाती है। प्रिया की मिसिंग कम्प्लेन लिखे जाती है और पता चलता है की प्रिया को आखिरी बार मोहल्ले के ही दो लड़कों के साथ देखा गया था। पुलिस उन्दोनो को पकड़ती है तो वो लोग बताते हैं की प्रिया उनके पीछे-पीछे उनके घर तक आगई थी। वो दोनों नशे में धुत थे तो उन्होंने उसको अपने पास ही सुला लिया। सुबह जब नींद खुली तो प्रिया को देख कर वो डर गए और प्रिया को लेकर उसको उसके घर पहुचाने निकल पड़े। वो प्रिया को लिए ही थे की उन्होंने देखा की मोहल्ले वाले और प्रिया का पिता सबलोग बात कर रहे हैं की प्रिया को अगवाह करने वाले को वो छोड़ेगे नहीं। वो लोग डर गए और किसी को कुछ पता न चले इसलिए उसे रेलवे स्टेशन पर ऐसे ही छोड़ आये।

पुलिस रेलवे स्टेशन की फुटेज तलाशना  शुरू करती है तो उसमे दिखता है की प्रिया एक काले कपडे पहने आदमी के साथ है। पुलिस बहुत पता लगाने की कोशिश करती है मगर उस आदमी का कुछ पता नहीं चलता है। एक साल बीतने के बाद प्रिया के माँ-बाप कोर्ट केस फाइल करते हैं और केस मुंबई क्राइम ब्रांच को सौंपा जाता है।

Shikaar: Ten year old Kajal goes missing (Episode 547, 548 on 22nd, 23rd Aug, 2015)


Palghar, near Mumbai.
A 10-year-old Kajal goes missing from her home. Her parents Anita and Sunil Chaudhary file a missing complain of Kajal. Police start an investigation and come with a piece of shocking news that Kajal's father Sunil has passed away one and half year back then who is this another man who says he is the father of Kajal and his name is Sunil.

Anita tells police that Kajal was playing with her friends outside their house and in the evening she went missing. Kajal's friends told Anita that they left for tuition at near 4:30 and after that, they do not know what happened.

Police start their search operation for Kajal. They searched Malls, Hospitals, Other police stations, Child care homes and also investigates any news related to Human Trafficking through their informers but they are still clueless. Anita tells police that they shifted from Fatehpur to Palghar a few months back and they don't know anyone here. She tells that she doesn't have any relatives at Fatehpur also.

They where Kajal went and what she was doing at that Railway station with those two ladies!

Crime Patrol | Anjaan: 10 year old kid Emily goes missing (Episode 544, 545 on 15, 16 Aug 2015)


Based on the missing and murder case of
Aroli's minor girl Franshela Sophia

David (played by Harsh Khurana) is a construction engineer. He and his wife Mary (played by Khyaati Khandke) have two kids. The elder one is 10-year-old Emily. They are a happy family where David takes care of all of them very well. One year ago, Mary underwent a major brain tumor surgery, and she is still recovering. She often forgets things to do. Every evening around 6:15, David calls her from his office to remind her to pick up Emily from her school bus.

David receives an onsite work opportunity from his office and has to leave for Jordan. Although he tries to deny the offer because his family is his priority, especially since his wife is not well, an unknown fear creeps into his mind. He worries about what will happen if someday Mary forgets to bring Emily from her school bus.

Despite his concerns, he eventually leaves for Jordan and makes arrangements to help Mary remember everything. He also informs his relatives about his trip and requests their assistance in supporting Mary for the next few months. However, after 10 days of David's departure, Emily goes missing between the dropping off of her school bus and reaching her society gate.

Emily real name Franshela Vaz

डेविड इस कंस्ट्रक्शन इंजीनियर है जो की दो बच्चों का पिता है। एमिली उसकी दस साल की बेटी है जो की दोनों बच्चों में बड़ी है। उसकी पत्नी का नाम मेरी है जिसका की एक साल पहले ब्रेन टयूमर का ऑपरेशन हुआ है। मेरी अभी पूरी तरह से ठीक नहीं हुई है और वो अक्सर चीजों को भूल जाती है जो की डेविड की चिंता का मुख्य विषय है। डेविड रोज शाम को छह बजे के बाद फ़ोन करता है की एमिली को उसकी स्कूल बस से लेने जाना है।

डेविड को को उसकी कंपनी की तरफ से जॉर्डन भेजा जा रहा है जो की वो बिलकुल नहीं जाना चाहता। उसे किसी अनजान डर ने घेर रखा है की अगर मेरी किसी दिन एमिली को उसकी स्कूल बस से लाना न भूल जाए। डेविड को हर हाल में जॉर्डन जाना ही है तो वो कुछ ऐसी व्यवस्थायें कर के जाता है की मेरी कोई भी बात भूले न। इसके अलावा वो अपने रिश्तेदार जो की आसपास ही रहते हैं उनको बोल के जाता है की वो मेरी का ध्यान रखें।

आखिरकार डेविड जॉर्डन निकल जाता है और उसके जाने के दस सीन बाद ही एक शाम एमिली घर नहीं पहुचती है। सीसी टीवी फुटेज ये दिखाती हैं की एमिली बस से उतरी थी और अपनी सोसाइटी गेट की तरफ जा भी रही थी मगर वो गेट के अंदर नहीं पहुंची।

Crime Patrol | The Missing Man: Restaurant owner Zunaid Ajiz goes missing (Episode 467, 468 on 6, 7 Feb 2015)

Zunaid Ajiz is a wealthy man who has many restaurants in Lucknow and also in Dubai. One of his resturent in lucknow is babysitted by his brother-in-law. His elder son Ashfaq also helps him in his business. A morning Zunaid goes missing. Ashfaq, his mother and his uncle files his missing complaint in police station, according to them Zunaid was about to go to Dubai next morning but he went missing since then. Police starts their investigation with the people who were involved with him in his business in Lucknow as well as in Dubai.
After some hesitation his wife tells police that Zunaid has another woman in his life who is his second wife in Dubai. They got marry near fifteen year back and the woman's name is  Sumaiya. She is the only women who is living with him in Dubai.

During investigation police is not able to get any clue about his missing. Two days after filing the case, police finds a body in a bag and after postmortem it confirms that it is Zunaid’s body. Now police starts its fast enquiry and call Sumaeya from Dubai.

Melissa Pais

Crime Patrol | A Cruel Lesson: Professor Sanjiv's wife Rachna goes missing (Episode 274 on 26 July 2013)

एक क्रूर सबक़
A Cruel Lesson
Rachna Verma (real name Kiran, 28 and played by Melissa Pais), wife of professor Sanjiv Verma (real name Amarjeet Singh, 30, played by Kuldeep Dubey) has a strained relationship with her husband. She leaves home with a unknown guy (real name Akbarali Warsi, 20) without informing anyone. She leaves a letter for her husband that she is in love with someone else and is unhappy with her married life so she finally has taken this decision.
Sanjiv i shocked to read the letter that his wife has his 8 year old son and him. Sanjiv files a FIR about her missing and finally they get dead body of Rachna.

Crime Patrol | Delhi special: Story of a missing girl Geeta Singh (Episode 176, 177 on 9 and 10 Nov 2012)

Geeta (played by Sheetal Kaur) is daughter of Chaman (real name Lal Singh and played by Sanjeev Jogtiyani) and Alka (real name Chandrawati). A day suddenly Geeta goes missing. After waiting one whole day Chaman and Alka raises FIR about missing Geeta. Investigation explains Geeta was living with her mother father from last 2 years and before that she was with her grand mother at meerut.

Geeta's grandmother reveals that geeta and she were against her transfer from meerut to delhi but Chaman forces her to bring to Delhi.

Police investigates with her neighbours and then interrogates Chaman and Geeta. Chaman-Geeta reveals that she had relation with a guy named Mohan (real name Ravinder Singh and played by Sudeep Sarangi)
Geeta Singh played by Sheetal Kaur

Part 1:
Part 2:

Makrand Gawde goes missing in National Park (Episode 157 on 21 Sep 2012)

Borivali, Mumbai: Makrand Gavde (Real name Sanjesh) was son of Chandrakant and was a 19 year old student at mobile repairing classes. He was fond of visiting Sanjay Gandhi National Park (SGNP) which is a dense forest. The forest is known for the leopard attack on innocent people.

Crime Patrol | Sushma goes missing while trevelling to shirdi (Ep 21 on 8 Jul 2011)

Sushma, residing in Nalasopara, Mumbai, works in a factory. Her husband was very ill, and in such circumstances, she had responsibilities at home and needed to work. As time passed, her husband started recovering. Now, Sushma wants to visit Shirdi so that she can express her gratitude to God. She sets out for Shirdi, but the surprising thing is that she takes all her jewelry with her.

After her departure, when her husband calls her, her mobile phone shows switched off. Eventually, a missing complaint is filed, and the police begin searching for her in hospitals around Shirdi.