Showing posts with label naina. Show all posts
Showing posts with label naina. Show all posts

Crime Patrol | Case 32/2017: Naina kidnapped by Rohan, returned after 2 years (Episode 802, 803, 804 on 12, 13, 14 May 2017)

2017 का बत्तीसवाँ केस
Case 32/2017

(Missing Jai and Preeti Case, Ep. 802, 803, 804)

Naina has been missing from her home for two years now, and her father believes she was kidnapped by her boyfriend Rohan and three others.

Naina and Rohan, who were 17 and 21 years old respectively, fell in love with each other years ago. Rohan was the relative of Naina's landlord who used to visit his maternal sister in the same locality as Naina's home. However, Naina's father was against their relationship and sent her to Allahabad to stay with her maternal uncle and continue her 12th exams.

One day, Rohan allegedly came to Naina's home when she was alone and kidnapped her at gunpoint with two of his friends. Despite Naina's father's efforts to locate them, the police were unable to find them in either city. However, two years after Naina's kidnapping, she suddenly called her father and told him that Rohan had left her at the Varanasi station. When Naina's uncle went to see her, he discovered that she was pregnant.

When Naina recorded her statement before the police, she revealed that Rohan had raped her repeatedly for the past two years and that she was carrying his child. She also stated that she was held captive in a dark room with little light, and she couldn't tell how much time had passed.

inside story

Crime Patrol | Jawaab: Businessman Harish and maid found murdered inside office (Episode 719 on 7 October 2016)


आफताब नाम का एक शख्स कहीं से एक रिवॉल्वर खरीदता है और अपनी पत्नी नामिता के साथ मिल कर एक डबल मर्डर को अंजाम देता है। हत्या जे.एम पेंट्स के मालिक हरीश जयसवाल और उसके ऑफिस में काम करने वाली एक महिला की नाबालिग लड़की राधिका की हुई है।

छानबीन से पता चलता है की राधिका रोज़ ऑफिस से सवा छह के आसपास निकल जाती थी मगर उसदिन वो रात साढ़े आठ बजे तक ऑफिस में थी जब उसकी और हरीश की हत्या हुई। हरीश ज़्यादातर आठ बजे तक ऑफिस में रुकने के बाद ऑफिस जाता था मगर राधिका उसदिन क्यों इतनी देर तक क्यों रुकी ये एक शक करने वाली बात थी। हत्यारे हत्या करने के बाद ऑफिस में रखा कैश भी लूट कर ले गए इसका मतलब ये था की हत्यारे ऑफिस लूटने के मकसद से ही आये थे और उनको इस जानकारी पहले से थी की ऑफिस में कैश रहता है।

Heena Parmar and Avinash Dwivedi

A mysterious man Aftaab buys a gun from some unknown people and executes a plan of a double murder. This husband-wife duo kills JM Paint's owner Harish Jaiswal and a minor maid at his office.

Police investigation reveals that Radhika usually leaves from office near 6 in the evening but at that day she was still in the office till 8:30. Harish mostly used to spent some of his time in the office after the office closes but why Radhika stayed there particularly on that day! Killers killed both the people, robbed the office and ran away. This indicates that they planned this murder considering all the circumstances and they already knew that office has this much cash available there.



Here is the inside story of the case:

Crime Patrol | 16 year old Naina Bansi Rathod found hanging from a tree (Episode 564 on 2 Oct 2015)

सम्मान के लिए हत्या?
Honour Killing?
नैना का पिता एक दिन घर वापस आते समय देखता है की नैना को तीन लड़के घेरे हुए हैं। वो पहुंच कर तीनो लड़कों से झगड़ा करता है और नैना को अपने साथ घर ले जाता है। उसी रात वो भागा-भागा गांव के लोगों के पास जाता है और बताता है की नैना कुछ सामान लेने घर से निकली थी और वापस ही नहीं लौटी। सारे गाँव वाले नैना को ढूंढने में लग जाते हैं और और आखिरकार उनको नैना की पेड़ से लटकती लाश मिलती है।
मामला पुलिस में पहुचता है और बंसी पुलिस में एफआईआर दर्ज कराता है की उसी गाँव के तीन लड़के 'अतुल मिस्त्री, वरुण मिस्त्री और चन्दन मिस्त्री' से ये सब किआ है। पुलिस तीनो लड़कों को कब्जे में लेती है और पूछताछ शुरू करती है।

नैना के पोस्टमॉर्टेम के दौरान उसके कपड़ों से एक लेटर मिलता है जिसमे लिखा है 'मुझे अतुल मिस्त्री, वरुण मिस्त्री और चन्दन मिस्त्री ने मिल कर मार है' पुलिस का शक है की ये लेटर किसी और ने नैना की हत्या करने के बाद उसके कपड़ों में डाला है, मगर वो कौन हो सकता है।

Enslaved: Minor molested by brother in law, sold by friend rescued from Policeman's home (Episode 461, 462 on 23rd, 24th Jan 2015)


Founder of Bachpan Bachao Andolan (BBA) and Noble Prize for Peace winner Mr. Kailash Satyarthi was the guest of honor of this week's both stories and both the stories were based on rescue operation done by the NGO BBA.

Kailash Satyarthi is an Indian children's rights advocate and an activist against child labor. He founded the Bachpan Bachao Andolan in 1980 and has acted to protect the rights of more than 83,000 children from 144 countries. It is largely because of Satyarthi's work and activism that the International Labour Organization adopted Convention No. 182 on the worst forms of child labor, which is now a principal guideline for governments around the world. His work is recognized through various national and international honors and awards including the Nobel Peace Prize of 2014, which he shared with Malala Yousafzai.

More details about him can be seen here:

The story is based on a minor girl Naina. She was adorable to her elder sister Shalini and was broken after her sister got married. Somehow she likes to spend some days at her sister's home. Later her sister admitted her to a school near to her home and she started living at her didi's home.

A day after she returns from her school her brother-in-law Ajeet (husband of her sister) takes advantage of her while there was no one at the home. He repeatedly did it many times after that day and threatened Naina that if she disclosed anything, she will break his marriage with her sister Shalini. A day when Naina complains to her sister against him, they started shouting at Naina. Naina's father admits her in a hostel for further study. She was studying in the 9th class when she met a guy 'Prasanna' who was also hailing from the same village. He assures Naina that if she will come with him, he will help her get a good job in Delhi. Naina convinces her friend Chhaya also and they both flee from their hostel.

Crime Patrol: Naina Kills Her 10 Year Old Nephew Sunny (Episode 40 on 10th September 2011)

Naina, 32 year old married girl is living with his brother's family. Naina has separated from her husband 6 months before because his husband used to assault her.
Naina has 2 children and fails to get their custody during divorce. Sunny, son of his brother is a 10 year old boy and naina is happy to take care of him. A day Naina hears his brother and sister in law are talking about his 2nd marriage. Next day she brings Sunny to the terrace and throttles him till death. After this she goes to police station and surrenders.