Showing posts with label nirmala. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nirmala. Show all posts

Crime Patrol | The Missing Links: Connection between two missing people and a Land Scam (Episode 355, 356 on 11, 12 April 2014)

HIV positive Ramdas Kale, 43 is missing from Sinner. His cousin Ganesh Kale files a missing complain about him at police station. Same year another lady Nirmala Wagh is also missing from Pune. Her daughter Shalini files her missing complain at a police station there. There is a legal fight is going on between Nirmala and her husband.

After 3 years, a lawyer Vijay Tambat and his wife Suvarna Tambat sales their land to a construction businessman Kiran Salunke. During the deal, two guys tells Kiran that this land belongs to Ramdas Kale, who is missing from few months. In the deal, land is registered on Suvarna's name, but a problem arises when registrar office sees that land's papers having death certificate of Suvarna, while suvarna is alive. Being a lawyer, Vijay Tambat follows legal processes and cancels the death certificate through the court. Court also asks police to investigate the issue because someone must be killed to prove Suvarna dead.

Police is shocked of missing Ramdas Kale, and now the papers of his land deal are showing a death certificate of alive woman. Ganesh Kale is saying that land was never sold, then how it can be sold to Kiran? Where are both missing people now?

Masterminds: E T Rajavel & Mohana

सिन्नर से 43 का रामदास काले लापता है. उसका चचेरा भाई गणेश काले उसकी मिस्सिंग कंप्लेंन दर्ज करता है. उसी साल पुणे से निर्मला वाघ नाम की महिला भी गायब हो जाती है जो की अपने पति के खिलाफ एक मुकदमा लड़ रही थी. उनकी बेटी शालिनी उनकी मिस्सिंग कंप्लेंन दर्ज़ करती है.

3 साल बाद वकील विजय ताम्बट और उसकी पत्नी सुवर्णा ताम्बट नासिक के बहार अपनी एक ज़मीन कंस्ट्रक्शन बिजनेसमैन किरण सालुंके को बेचते हैं. बेचने से ठीक पहले दो लड़के किरण को बताते हैं की ये ज़मीन रामदास काले की है जो की मिस्सिंग है. ज़मीन सुवर्णा काले के नाम पर है, मगर ज़मीन के पेपर्स में एक समस्या कड़ी होती है. रजिस्ट्रेशन ऑफिस में ज़मीन के पेपर्स में सुवर्णा का डेथ सर्टिफिकेट लगा मिला है जबकि सुवर्णा जिंदा है. लॉयर विजय ताम्बट कोर्ट से डेथ सर्टिफिकेट रद्द करवा देता है और पुलिस को कोर्ट से इस मसले की जांच करने का आदेश भी मिलता है. कोर्ट के अनुसार सुवर्णा तम्बत को मारा हुआ साबित करने के लिए ज़रूर किसी को मारा गया होगा.

पुलिस हैरान है की एक तरफ रामदास काले के मिस्सिंग होने के बाद भी उसकी ज़मीन बेचीं जा रही है और दूसरी तरफ ये डेथ सर्टिफिकेट की गुत्थी. सारा मसला है क्या? अगर ये ज़मीन रामदास काले ने नहीं बेचीं है तो फिर इसे कैसे किरण को दुबारा बेचा जा रहा है? दोनों मिस्सिंग लोग अब कहाँ है?

Part 1:
Part 2:

Part 1:
Part 2:

Here is the inside story of the case:

Chingari: I have no regret that I burned him alive (Episode 300 on 4 Oct 2013)

Nirmala (victim played by Malini Sengupta) is a widow who lives in village Soytha (real name Soyian village under Parsa Bazar), Bihar. One of the powerful man Bhajan Singh (real name Bhola Thakur) from the same village is trying to harrass her daily. Bhajan Singh is elder brother of Bhola Singh who already had a case on him after assaulting a 12 year old girl. Nirmala is afraid of him because Bhajan Sibgh is powerful man. He shares his pain with her neighbor and they also suggests her to be aware of that man. A night Nirmala starts crying and knocks her neighbor's door. She tells them that a thief has entered into her home. She also tells that she locked the home and thief is still there in the home.
Nirmala, played by Malini Sengupta