Showing posts with label pune. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pune. Show all posts

Crime Patrol | Accidental death of Aashish Patil turned into Murder case (Episode 67 on 16 Dec 2011)

Aashish Patil runs his father's old traveling business. His parents files police complain of Aashish's missing.

On the other hand other cops finds a deadbody on Mundwa railwayy track. Body's condition was bad so they cremates it. Investigation reveals that it was Aashish's body.

After few days Aashish's cellphone gets activated and police traces the culprits through IMEI number.

Mandar Jadhav, Sreshth Kumar and Archana Taide

Asambhav: Online shopping records help police unfolding a murder case (Episode 689 on 29th July, 2016)

A man kills a woman by slitting throat in his car and later sales that car. Another man helps him doing this. Body found in Ratnagiri where no one is able to identify her. Police tries but after not getting any lead they leaves the case but after new SP joins, he first picks same case and starts studying about it. He finds that victim is wearing a suit which has a company tag mentioning "Stree Pehnawa". He looks for this brand over the internet and after getting their customer case number, they comes to know that this company does not have any outlet but sales through online shopping sites only.
Doing a thorough research about this purchase and few phone records, they finds that this suit was ordered by a man named Vinay Deshpande in Mumbai.

रत्नागिरी के एक गाँव में लोगों को एक युवती की लाश मिलती है। पुलिस उसकी फोटो पूरे इलाके में घुमाती है मगर कुछ नहीं मिल पाता, कोई इस युवती को नहीं पहचानता है। कोई लीड न मिलने की वजह से केस ठंडा पड़ जाता है मगर दो महीने बाद इलाके में नया एस.पी. आकर इस केस पर ज़ोर देते हैं। वो केस स्टडी करते हैं और पाते हैं की मारने वाले ने जो कपडे पहने हैं उस पर कपडे बनाने वाली कंपनी का लोगो लगा हुआ है। कंपनी का नाम स्त्री पहनावा है। इस कंपनी के बारे में इन्टरनेट पे सर्च किया जाता है और कस्टमर केयर में फ़ोन करने पर पता चलता है की ये कंपनी कुछ ऑनलाइन शॉपिंग साइट के साथ मिल कर साड़ी बिक्री ऑनलाइन ही करती है।

केस में तेजी लाइ जाती है और ख़रीदे गए सूट के डाटा को अच्छे से ढूंढने पर पता चलता है की ये सूट विनय देशपांडे नाम के एक आदमी ने मुम्बई में बुक कराया था।



Thanks to Nitin for providing online source of the story.  Here is the inside story of the case:

Crime Patrol | Darr: Malini commits su!c!de in fear of her video will go viral (Crime Patrol Dial 100, Episode 173 on 23rd June, 2016)

Malini Raghuram is an ambitious girl who is only daughter of her parents in Chennai. After engineering she wanted to do MBA and for that she chooses a collage in Pune. Her father is not supporting her in her decision and he wants that she live here only and do her MBA but Malini is stuck with her decision. Somehow her father agrees and allows her to go to Chennai. In Chennai she chooses a PG Accommodation and starts living there with two other girls.
Her parents are still worrying about her that why she chose a place to far from their home. Actual reason behind her MBA in Pune was her friendship and love with a Pune based boy Sharad More. She met first with him on Facebook and fell in love with him. Later she decided to do MBA from Pune so she can come closer to Sharad. Sharad is shocked to see her in Pune. A day while Sharad comes back to his flat he finds Malini's deadbody in a pool of blood with a cut on her wrist.
Malini Raghuram played by Aman Sandhu
Malini played by Aman Sandhu

Money Trail: Murder of Yogesh's mother Damini (Episode 424 on 11th Oct 2014)

Money Trail
Yogesh (real name Dhananjay Jagtap) is the only son of Damini (real name Durgabai). Damini is a widow whose husband passed away many years ago. Yogesh is a post graduate jobless guy who looking for a job. He is frustrated and sometimes he becomes angry on her mother when she taunts him about his job. He also does not like his mother because he doubts her of having illicit relation with neighbor Kamalnath. Because of this reason he decides to eliminate his mother and he shares this matter with his close friend Sagar Wagh (real name Sunil Baban Pachange alias Avdut Babab Pandav, 28).
After few day police finds body of Damini. Sagar is shocked to know that Yogesh's mother has been killed. He tells police that Yogesh was planning to kill his mother but after Sagar persuaded Yogesh, he aggreed to drop the matter. Missing Yogesh is police's main suspect.

Damini's neighbor tells police that someone told Damini about Yogesh has got a job in Nasik and he wants her mother to reach Nasik. On the way to Nasik, his mother was killed. Police is trying to find out who told her about Yogesh's job because their call records are not showing anything like that.

Police activates their information network and they finds that Yogesh's dead body was also found by another local police. Now police is confused if Yogesh is the murderer of his mother then who killed Yogesh and why?

योगेश उसकी माँ दामिनी का इकलौता बेटा है जो की नौकरी की तलाश कर रहा है मगर कामयाबी नहीं मिल रही है. वो बहुत कुंठाग्रस्त है और कभी कभी अपनी माँ पर भी बहुत क्रोधित हो जाता है जब वो योगेश को नौकरी के लिए ताने देती है. उसकी उसकी माँ इसलिए भी नहीं पसंद है क्योकि उसे लगता है की उसकी माँ का पास के कमलनाथ के साथ नाजायज़ सम्बन्ध है. वो अपनी माँ को इस कदर नापसंद करने लगता है की अपनी ही माँ की हत्या करने की सोचता है और इसके लिए वो अपने दोस्त सागर वाघ को बताता है.

कुछ दिन बाद पुलिस को एक औरत की लावारिस लाश मिलती है जो की बाद में पता चलता है की दामिनी की है. सागर को जब पता चलता है की उसके दोस्त की माँ की लाश मिली है तो वो हक्का-बक्का रह जाता है. वो पुलिस को बताता है की दामिनी का बेटा योगेश जो की अब गायब है, दामिनी की हत्या करना चाहता था मगर सागर के समझाने पर उसने ये विचार त्याग दिया था. पुलिस का पहला शक योगेश ही है क्युकी दामिनी की हत्या के बाद से ही वो गायब है.

पुलिस को पता चलता है की दामिनी को किसी ने ये बताया था की योगेश की नासिक में नौकरी लग गई है और इसके बाद ही नासिक के लिए निकलते समय रास्ते में दामिनी की हत्या कर दी गई. पुलिस को ये भी समझ नहीं आरहा है की दामिनी को योगेश की नौकरी के बारे में बताया किसने क्युकी दामिनी और योगेश दोनों के ही कॉल रिकार्ड्स में ऐसा कुछ नहीं है.

पुलिस अपने खबरियों को एक्टिवेट करती है और तब पता चलता है की पुलिस को योगेश की भी लाश मिल चुकी है. अगर दामिनी की हत्या योगेश ने की है तो योगेश की हत्या किसने की?



Here is the inside story of the case:

Crime Patrol | The Missing Links: Connection between two missing people and a Land Scam (Episode 355, 356 on 11, 12 April 2014)

HIV positive Ramdas Kale, 43 is missing from Sinner. His cousin Ganesh Kale files a missing complain about him at police station. Same year another lady Nirmala Wagh is also missing from Pune. Her daughter Shalini files her missing complain at a police station there. There is a legal fight is going on between Nirmala and her husband.

After 3 years, a lawyer Vijay Tambat and his wife Suvarna Tambat sales their land to a construction businessman Kiran Salunke. During the deal, two guys tells Kiran that this land belongs to Ramdas Kale, who is missing from few months. In the deal, land is registered on Suvarna's name, but a problem arises when registrar office sees that land's papers having death certificate of Suvarna, while suvarna is alive. Being a lawyer, Vijay Tambat follows legal processes and cancels the death certificate through the court. Court also asks police to investigate the issue because someone must be killed to prove Suvarna dead.

Police is shocked of missing Ramdas Kale, and now the papers of his land deal are showing a death certificate of alive woman. Ganesh Kale is saying that land was never sold, then how it can be sold to Kiran? Where are both missing people now?

Masterminds: E T Rajavel & Mohana

सिन्नर से 43 का रामदास काले लापता है. उसका चचेरा भाई गणेश काले उसकी मिस्सिंग कंप्लेंन दर्ज करता है. उसी साल पुणे से निर्मला वाघ नाम की महिला भी गायब हो जाती है जो की अपने पति के खिलाफ एक मुकदमा लड़ रही थी. उनकी बेटी शालिनी उनकी मिस्सिंग कंप्लेंन दर्ज़ करती है.

3 साल बाद वकील विजय ताम्बट और उसकी पत्नी सुवर्णा ताम्बट नासिक के बहार अपनी एक ज़मीन कंस्ट्रक्शन बिजनेसमैन किरण सालुंके को बेचते हैं. बेचने से ठीक पहले दो लड़के किरण को बताते हैं की ये ज़मीन रामदास काले की है जो की मिस्सिंग है. ज़मीन सुवर्णा काले के नाम पर है, मगर ज़मीन के पेपर्स में एक समस्या कड़ी होती है. रजिस्ट्रेशन ऑफिस में ज़मीन के पेपर्स में सुवर्णा का डेथ सर्टिफिकेट लगा मिला है जबकि सुवर्णा जिंदा है. लॉयर विजय ताम्बट कोर्ट से डेथ सर्टिफिकेट रद्द करवा देता है और पुलिस को कोर्ट से इस मसले की जांच करने का आदेश भी मिलता है. कोर्ट के अनुसार सुवर्णा तम्बत को मारा हुआ साबित करने के लिए ज़रूर किसी को मारा गया होगा.

पुलिस हैरान है की एक तरफ रामदास काले के मिस्सिंग होने के बाद भी उसकी ज़मीन बेचीं जा रही है और दूसरी तरफ ये डेथ सर्टिफिकेट की गुत्थी. सारा मसला है क्या? अगर ये ज़मीन रामदास काले ने नहीं बेचीं है तो फिर इसे कैसे किरण को दुबारा बेचा जा रहा है? दोनों मिस्सिंग लोग अब कहाँ है?

Part 1:
Part 2:

Part 1:
Part 2:

Here is the inside story of the case:

Unforeseen Enemy: Jasmin's trouble after he fills a customer satisfaction feedback survey form (Episode 333 on 24th Jan )

Jasmin (played by Prinal Oberoi) is pregnant. She is a resident of Pune and is mother of daughter Amreen. Her husband Farhan is a businessman. Jasmin’s mobile phone is missing whom she left at the dining table while going to take bath. In the mean time her known Nadeem comes to her home but goes back when she was taking bath. She asks her daughter Amreen if she knows where her mobile has gone.
She hunts for her mobile in the market with her daughter but did not get that back. She tell this to Farhan. Farhan tell her not to worry and he brings a new mobile phone for her with the same number.

Crime Patrol: Pinjara - Teenage girl escapes from brothel with help of a social worker (Episode 313, 314 on 15, 16 Nov 2013)

Poornima is is one among her three sisters. She lives with her father in village Sheerampur in Maharashtra. She gets trapped in a dance institute named Rangoli Dance Institute. On the other hand, Fauziya is a social worker who also teaches girls in Seva Uddhar Sanstha. A day she gets call from Poornima who calls her from a unknown number. She tells Fauziya that she is in big trouble and she is calling through her dance academy's security guard's number.
He asks for help from Fauziaya and she explains that this dance academy is actually a brothel, where they forces girls to learn dance and satisfy the customers.

Abducted: In one sided love, Arun abducts Meghna, Gandhi Nagar - Gujrat (Episode 263 on 28 June 2013)

Arun Chauhan (real name Dara Hardayal Singh, a passout of IIT Mumbai and played by Raj Singh) comes Gandhinagar to meet Meghna (played by Ojaswi Oberoi). Meghna is Lucknow based girl who is in job at Gandhi Nagar. He tell Meghna that from the coaching classes al Allahabad he is in love with her. He proposes her but she denies. He tries to convince her many times but she always denies him and finally he shouts at him in front of his father.

Shaitaan (Colors TV): A Virtual Trap of Social Networking and Cyber Crime (Episode 32 on April 14th, 2013)

Anil, a bihar based student who comes to pune on reference of a native senior Subhash. Anil is addicted to internet and spends daily 4-5 hours on spacebook chatting. He gets a friend request from a girl Veena. Spending good time on internet forces him to meet her. Veena invites hes at her home and then kidnaps with the help of her friends.

Infact this was a gang of internet chat group where Veena traps people, invites them and during having sex with them makes photos of videos then blackmails them.

They calls Anil's parent to a ransom of 2 crore (20 million) rupees. His father comes to pune and informs police about this.

Based on Adnan Patrawala murder case (mumbai, 2007) who was kidnapped then murdered.

Name of the accused are:
  • Sujit Nair
  • Ayush Bhat
  • Rajeev Dharaiya
  • Amit Kausha
  • Khimesh Ambavat(17)
Prosecution was failed to prove the murder though after 5 years of the murder in 2012, the Mumbai session court acquitted four of the 5 accused. Last one, Kimesh Ambawat was a juvenile and was tried by the Juvenile Justice Board.

Online Episode:
Link 1:
Link 2:

Crime Patrol | Well planned murder of Divya Prajapati, daughter of Retired police inspector (Episode 196, 197 on 29, 30 Dec 2012)

Divya was also in a relationship with a guy named Ravi Nayar. Police suspects him but he explains that he was always ready to get marry with her.

A day Surendra Prajapati finds Divya dead. Case looks like a su!c!de case but he forces police to approach crime branch for investigation of the case because her cellphone as well as some jewellery was also missing during this. Investigation reveals that Surendra's behaviour was not good with his wife and daughters. That was the reason his wife left the home few years back.

Actress Neena Singh

Shaitaan (Colors TV): Dream of luxuries made him a criminal (Episode 6 on 16th Dec 2012)


Psychological Bloodlust Disorder
Psychological Bloodlust Disorder is a disorder where a criminal kills the person and wants to see the blood being shed around him. Criminal is not only satisfied after hurting him or he has looted him. He still wants to kill and want to see the blood shed. The episode explors a criminal of that kind.
Online Episode:
Link 1:
Link 2:

Here is the inside story of the case:

Three murders and buried bodies in the backyard of house (Episode 126, 127 on July 7,8 2012)

Daughter reveals on tv show that father buried 3 in the backyard

Portrait by Crime Patrol Dastak Season 2 as well
Vaishali is a 17 year girl who loves a auto driver but her father is against this. Her father Madhav Ghorpade is very short tempered and very strict person.
Her mother explains her that his father is realy a very dangerous man and he can do anything for himself. She also explains a very old secrate to vaishali about his father.

Vaishali is scared and gets away from her house with that taxi driver then gets marry.

What is this secret and what is the real story behind this episode!!!

Mentally challenged Indian released from Lahore (Pakistan) jail after 2 years (Episode 121, 122 on 22, 23 Jun 2012)

Tukaram Karpe is a Factory worker. He loses his mental balance when his factory shuts down in 1996. He still get up early morning and prepares himself for factory work even the factory is closed.
In 2010 suddenly tukaram disappears when his son brings him to a psychiatrist. His son and family tries everything to get him back but they does not find anything.

After one and a half  year his family gets a letter from a reporter from Panjab. The letter describes that tukaram is now in a jail of Lahore (Pakistan) and that reporter gets this info from another prisoner relived from the same jail. The letter contains another letter from tukaram itself.

See here the real life incident with crime patrol version of the case. Here is a real life photo of Tukaram Karpe (Real name Bhanudas Karale)

YouTube (Bangla):
Part 1:
Part 2:

Crime Patrol | Rajesh's son Aadi goes missing while enjoying at beach with Purvi (Episode 22 on 9 July 2011)

पूर्वी राजेश के ऑफ़िस में काम करती है. आदित्य शादीशुदा है जबकि पूर्वी नहीं क्यूँकि कॉलेज के टाइम से वो राजेश को प्यार करती आइ है. वो अब भी राजेश के  साथ अपने सम्बंध रखना चाहती है मगर राजेश को ये नामंज़ूर है.

पूर्वी की राजेश के बेटे आदि के साथ उसकी बहुत बनती है. राजेश अक्सर आदि को अपने ऑफ़िस ले आता है. एक शाम ऑफ़िस के बाद वो आदि को अपने साथ बीच पर ले जाती है और बाद में इनदोनो के साथ कोई हादसा होता है जिसमें पूर्वी तो वहीं बीच पे पड़ी मिलती है मगर आदि ग़ायब है.

Geetanjali Mishra
Poorvi played by the beautiful, hot and Talented Geetanjali Mishra