Showing posts with label radhika. Show all posts
Showing posts with label radhika. Show all posts

Crime Patrol | Ashodhit: A Couple's master plan, serial killing of elderly women (Episode 653, 654 on 6, 7 May 2016)

Maharshtra police striked with two different cases of murder of elderly women in which these women were killed in same modus operandi. They both were killed by a poison and that poison was given to then by mixing it in coconut water. Police found green coconut near both the deadbodies in these cases. In both the cases victim's neck was choked after their death.

Shanta Kamble's husband Prashant Tambe tells police that a tenant was about to reach their home to see the place for them and Shanta was happy to meet them. Prashant was not at that home at that time so he has no clue about that couple. Police find an unknown number in Shanta's mobile and when they investigate, they come to know that this number was registered on a fake identity and was never used other than this incident.

According to police Shanta Tambe's murder was the first murder in series but they were wrong. After second murder of Padma Gaanvkar police tries hard and comes to know that police record has one more similar murder case where an elderly woman Kavita Jadhav's neck was chocked to death after she became unconscious but in that case killer used sleeping tablets in coconut water rather than poison.

Lying Faces: Radhika, a fake nurse was held after stealing money from patient's house (Episode 357 on 18 April 2014)

झूठे चेहरे
Lying Faces

(Crime Patrol Dastak, 18 April 2014)
एक दंपति जो की वड़ोदरा में रहते हैं, अपनी माँ के लिए एक नर्स को हायर करते हैं. उनकी माँ मुंबई में अकेले रहती है जिनकी उम्र लगभग 80 के आस पास है. नर्स के नाम राधिका है और उसको हायर करते समय उसके सरे डाक्यूमेंट्स चेक किये जाते हैं. उनलोगों को राधिका एक अच्छी लड़की लगती है सो वो लोग उसे अपने घर रख लेते हैं. राधिका अपना काम अच्छे से कर रही है मगर एक दिन अचानक वो घर से ढाई लाख रूपए लेकर फरार हो जाती है.
पुलिस इन्वेस्टीगेशन में ये पता चलता है की राधिका के नर्स के सर्टिफिकेट्स नकली हैं और उसका असली नाम पूजा है. पुलिस उसे ढूंढना शुरू करती है और उसकी बहन तक पहुच जाती है.

राधिका ने चोरी क्यों की? उसने नकली सर्टिफिकेट कैसे बनाये?
A Vadodara couple hires a nurse for their mother who is near 80 years old and live alone in Mumbai. Name of nurse is Radhika. They check her certificates also while hiring them. They hires her as she looks decent to them.

Radhika is working well but a day she goes absconding stealing 2.5 lac rupees.

Police investigation reveals that her certificates were forged and Pooja is her real name. Police starts searching her and finds her sister Jagriti.

Gulki Joshi: Crime Patrol Actors and Actresses

Most Well Known Star Cast
Gulki Joshi daughter of well-known writer Arachana Shintre Joshi and director Rakesh Joshi, is known for her lead role as Sugni on Zee TV's Phir Subeh Hogi. After that, she mostly appeared on Crime Patrol Dastak.

Gulki born on 17th Jan 1990 in Indore. She spent her childhood in Delhi and Mumbai. During her schooling, she was an active girl about participating in School dramas. Days spent in Delhi she also likes to do stage shows so she was chosen as the lead role in Zee TV's Phir Subeh Hogi.