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Showing posts with the label rajasthanShow all
Crimes Aaj Kal Episode 5 (Season 1) | The Trap: The Dark World of Se*tortion: Anuj's Tragic Story (7 Apr 2023 on Amazon MiniTV)
Crime Patrol | Case 18/2019: Rajasthan Mother Premlata gave 1 lac contract to kill her own 21 years old son Mohit (Ep 95 on 22 Nov 2019 Crime Patrol Satark)
Case 12/2017: Psycho killer of Alwar kills his wife and cuts into pieces (Episode 769 on 17th Feb, 2017)
Maksad: 50 Year old woman Pratibha Satkari Assulted, Murdered, House robbed (Episode 603, 604 on 8th January, 2016)
Shikaar: Rajasthan's woman leg cut off gang (Crime Patrol Dial 100 Episode 62 on 4th January, 2016)
Bawariya: Rajasthan's Chaddhi-Baniyan Gang returns to Jaipur City (Episode 591 on 11th November, 2015)
Goli Number 10: Oxytocin Injection that means for animals, given to minor girls (Crime Patrol Dial 100 Episode 5 on 2nd Nov, 2015)
Crime Patrol | Mautana: A dreadful ritual of tribal South-West Rajasthan (Crime Patrol Dial 100 Episode 2 on 27th Oct, 2015)
Saaya: Chandni Parmar alias Priyanka's dead body found in a gunny bag (Episode 534, 535 on 24th, 25th July 2015)
Crime Patrol | Sting Operation: (Bhanwri Devi) A tale of Blackmailing, Missing and then murder (Episode 498, 500 on 24, 26 Apr 2015)
Personal Wealth: Police tracks down kidnappers within 12 hours of kidnapping (Episode 332 on18th January 2014)
Crime Patrol: Khap Panchayat - The Indian Taliban (Episode 163, 164 on 6th, 7th Oct 2012)
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