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Showing posts with the label ranchiShow all
Crime Patrol | Case 19/2018: Shopkeeper Dhananjay's su!ic!de turned to be a gruesome murder case (Episode 918, 919 on 12, 13 May 2018)
Crime Patrol | Case 31/2017: Bhopal Shocker, Udayan Das kills, entombs live-in partner Akanksha Sharma on a marble platform (Ep 799, 800, 801 on 5, 6, 7 May 2017)
Case 8/2017: Senior citizen Manohar Chaudhary kidnapped and shot dead with grandson Rahul (Episode 761, 762 on 27th, 28th January, 2017)
Compassion: Trafficked Minor girl Kajal rescued with help of Rupa (Episode 378 on 6th June 2014)
Crime Patrol | Depressed Kavita hangs herself since she was not able to afford school fee! (Episode 137 on 3 aug 2012)
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