Showing posts with label rashmi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rashmi. Show all posts

Qaid: Nazneen, Rashmi and Hina trapped into Human Trafficking (Episode 523, 524 on 26th, 27th June 2015)

Story belongs to a human trafficking case of Ahmedabad, Gujarat’s Barkana village. Barkana is a small village consists near 450 families and its total population is around 2300. The strange thing of this village is that female population of the village is near 10% of the total population. Main impact of this unusual percentage is clearly shows the marital status of men belongs to the place. Being un-married, most of the men buys women to fulfill their desire. A human trafficking gang of just 9 people was active in this village. There job was to bring innocent girls (age 16+) from other places to the village and to sell them on a good price.
Tabassum (played by Malini Sen) is maternal aunt of Nazneen (played by Raquel Rebellowho lives with Nazneen and her mother. A Tabassum meets a woman named Shalini Thakur on the Kandivali Bus stop. She tells Tabassum that she has a good job offer for girls of age between 16 to 35. He tells Tabassum that the girl will work at a catering service company based on Ahmedabad and for this she will get 15,000 rupees. Besides salary she will get a place to stay and 5 leaves in a month. Tabassum feels that the job is good for her niece so she discusses this with Nazneen. Nazneen feels really happy after getting this job offer.

Nezneen’s tow neighbors comes to meet them when she get information that Nazneen is going to Ahmedabad. They tells them that a month ago their daughters Hina and Rashmi also went Gujarat for same kind of job offer and after they went, they lost all the contacts with them. Tabassum assures them that she is going with Nazneen to drop her to that company and will tell everything after coming back from there.

After few days Shalini Thakur again meets Tabassum and Nazneen and give them the train tickets. Shalini does not give her mobile number to any of them and assures them that they will not get any trouble while reaching Ahmedabad office.

Crime Patrol | Crime Patrol: Bikhre Rishte - Case of missing man Akshya Kaale (Episode 507, 508 on 15, 16 May 2015)

बिखरे रिश्ते
Dispersed Relations
32 year old Akshaya Kale (real name Vaibhav Achrekar and played by Saheem Khan) is missing from last three months. His mother and elder brother is worrying about him. An evening when Akshaya does not return after his work, his brother Pankaj Kale, (played by Sudeep Sarangi) mother Gayatri and Pankaj's wife Savita files his police complaint in the police station. His phone records shows that he was in touch with someone from last few months and this number is also registered on his name. But the strange thing is that no one knows about this number, neither his family member, nor his helper at his mobile store. Police also finds that his both numbers were switched off at the same time and same place.
Police get one more number and this number belongs to a 34 year old housewife Rashmi Sawant (real name Jyotsana More and played by Trishna Mukherjee) who is a neighbor of Kale Family. On first sight police thinks that this might be a case of extra marital affair because Rashmi's husband Jayesh Sawant is an alcoholic man and fights with her daily. Rashmi clearly denies her connection with Akshaya and says that a year ago she was just a friend of Akshaya and both used to talk to each-other on phone.

Crime Patrol | Quest for happiness: Who killed carpenter Satnam and why? (Episode 249 and 250 on 21, 22 March 2014)

Quest for happiness
ख़ुशी की तलाश

Kuljeet's (played by Rishina Kandhari) husband Satnam (played by Vivek Rawat) who is also a father of 2 kids and a daily wage earner without owing a shop. His whole family depends on his daily wages. His wife Kuljeet is a ambitious lady who is frustrated of his husband's small earnings.

Kultijeet wants a scooty but it is not possible for Satnam. Finally, Satnam gets a contract of 2.5 lakh in which he involves 3 more persons. His family is happy now and he buys scooty for Kuljeet, new cloths for kids.

All goes well but after a few days, the same condition comes back. Bad economic conditions and daily quarrels between Kuljeet and Satnam are again started. These critical situations make Satnam an alcoholic. Kuljeet is also spending her life as before. Most of the time when Satnam comes back to his home in the evening, he finds the doors are locked. Kuljeet does not clarify what does she do and how does she manage fuel for her scooty.

A day Satnam is waiting at the same place for work where some other labors also look for some daily work, a lady named Rashmi (played by Melanie Nazareth) comes and asks him for some woodwork at her home. Satnam starts working at her home and in some time they both start feeling comfortable with each other. Satnam feels that his search for happiness is over, but suddenly day police find Satnam's body is a canal. His throat is slit and his body is all in a pool of blood.

Kuljeet Played by Rishina Kandhari

सतनाम सिंह, पेशे से एक कारपेंटर है और उसकी जीविका रोज़ की मजदूरी पर ही निर्भर है. चूंकि उसकी कोई अपनी दुकान नहीं है, वो रोज़ होने वाली आमदनी पर ही आश्रित है. दूसरी तरफ उसकी पत्नी कुलजीत एक बहुत ही महत्वाकांक्षी औरत है जो की अपने पति की कम कमाई से दुखी है. शादी से पहले उसने बहुत बड़े बड़े सपने देखे थे मगर उसकी शादी एक ऐसे आदमी से होगई है जिसके लिए कभी कभी एक दिन की राज़ी रोटी कमाना भी बहुत मुश्किल हो जाता है.

कुलजीत बहुत दिन से चाह रही है की सतनाम उसके लिए एक स्कूटी खरीद दे मगर सतनाम के लिए ये संभव नहीं है. एक दिन उससे ढाई लाख का एक घर ने काम का कॉन्ट्रैक्ट मिलता है जिसमे तो अपने साथ तीन लोगों को और लगता है. उसकी पत्नी बहुत खुश होती है और जिद कर के स्कूटी खरीद लेती है. सतनाम अपने बच्चों के लिए भी नए कपड़े खरीदवाता है.

Rashmi Played by Melanie Nazreth

कुछ दिन तक सबकुछ ठीक चलता है मगर फिर वही समय वापस लौट आता है. पैसे की तंगी और रोज़ की खट-खट शुरू हो जाती है. सतनाम पीना शुरू कर देता है और दूसरी तरफ कुलजीत अपनी दुनिया में मस्त रहती है. अक्सर सतनाम जब घर लौटकर आता है तो उसे घर में ताला लगा मिलता है.

वो रोज़ की तरह नौकरी की तलाश में चौराहे पे बाकी कारपेंटर के साथ खड़ा होता है. एक दिन रश्मि नाम की एक औरत उसके पास आती है और कहती है की उसे अपने घर में कुछ काम करवाना है. सतनाम उसके घर जाकर काम शुरू कर देता है. धीरे धीरे सतनाम की जिंदगी में बदलाव आने शुरू हो जाते हैं और वो खुश रहने लगता है. उसकी ख़ुशी की तलाश आखिरकार ख़तम हो जाती है मगर फिर अचानक एक दिन पुलिस को सतनाम की लाश एक नाले में पड़ी मिलती है. उसका शरीर खून से लथपथ है और उसका गला कटा गया है.

Part 1:
Part 2:

Part 1:
Part 2:

Thanks to Sharma Upma for helping me in getting Inside Story of the case :)
Below is the inside story of the case:
>Other Tags: manpreet kaur, jeewan singh, ranjeet singh, ludhiyana, nanaksar, praveen rani, sonu, sukkha, 50 thousand, sindhwa canal

A game of Diabolical and Masquerade (Episode 261, 262 on 21st, 22nd dec 2013)

शैतानी और स्वांग
Diabolical and Masquerade
Ashutosh, a BCom student from the University of Kanpur and basically from Karampur village found murdered at his rented room at Kanpur. Ashutosh is the younger brother of Gajendra who has an electricity shop at Karampur. Ashutosh's body is first seen by his brother Gajendra when he goes to meet him Kanpur. Gajendra immediately files complaints to the police. During the investigation, police ask Ashutosh's friends harshly, Sanju and Ravi but none knows anything about this tragedy besides Sanju explains that Ashutosh was in love with a girl of Karampur and soon he was getting married, even he does not know her name.
Police ask his local informers (Khabri) to get activated. One Khabri tells police that a girl named Rashmi is also missing from her home since Ashutosh was killed. Police interrogate Brijesh (played by Puneet Channa), brother of Rashmi who is undertaking police constable training at Moradabad. Brijesh tells the police that he ordered his friend Pankaj (played by Anjum Batra) to kill Ashutosh.

Polices probes the case of Honor Killing, but some shocking truths amaze everyone.

Watch the video to know more about the case
Part 1:
Part 2:

Part 1:
Part 2:

Based on Bihar's Madhubani case of missing Prashant Jha and Preeti Chaudhary,
Here is the inside story of the case:
Other Tags: uttarpradesh, ashutosh, gajendra, kanpur, shaitani, swaang, diabolical, masquerade, face burn, acid, alcohal, jawahar nagar, bcom, harish, sanju, ravi, student, sanjay, girlfriend, electric, pankaj singh, chemicals, muradabad, brijesh, chauhan, rashmi, chauhan, bhadohi, gyani lal,

Destiny, Motherhood and an Abduction (Episode 227, 228 on 29th, 31th March 2013)

Year 2000, Jogeshwari:
Hemangi Kavi plays the role of Rashmi (real name Aarti Tanawade) in the following story. Rashmi gives birth to a baby boy whom her husband names Ashish. Tragically, Ashish falls ill and slips into a coma at the age of three. As Sandip, Ashish's father, is a driver, the family struggles to afford his medical expenses. Sandip becomes increasingly worried about his son's condition and suffers a fatal heart attack. A few weeks later, Ashish also passes away. Rashmi's mother-in-law blames her for these unfortunate events and throws her out of the house. Despite this setback, Rashmi makes use of her culinary skills and starts her own catering service. She also adopts a young girl named Seema and cares for her like a mother.
Year 2008, Surat:
The character of Manju, played by Ekta Tiwari and whose real name is Sheetal Rajput, is not related to Rashmi in any way. She gives birth to a baby boy named Deepak, whose real name is Jignesh. The doctor informs Manju that Deepak was born with only one kidney and will require extra care throughout his life. Despite this, Deepak is a mischievous boy and one day while playing in the colony, he goes missing. Some people report that they saw a woman carrying him away. It turns out that Deepak was abducted as part of a child trafficking operation and taken to Mumbai. Fortunately, Rashmi locates him and takes care of him for two years until his original parents from Gujarat are able to find him and take him back.

Online Episode on YouTube:

Crime Patrol | A Cruel Conspiracy | Sonia Singh kidnapped, raped, filmed and thrown-out of the car (Episode 215, 216, 217 on 1, 2, 3 March 2013)

A Cruel Conspiracy
एक घिनोना षड़यंत्र
A man passing from Bhathinda bypass finds a girl lying near the road. He forces his cab driver to stop the car to help that girl. Seeing that man another man passing by bike also stops there to help that girl.

The girl is severely injured and they bring her to a hospital. The doctor raises this accident information to the police also informs the police that her condition is now OK but she is raped several times within the past 48 hours.
The girl explains that her name is Sonia Singh (played by Sarika Dhillon) and professionally she is a nurse. She was kidnapped when she was out for her interview and was waiting for a public conveyance for her home. She also reveals that she was kidnapped by two women named Savitri and Rashmi. Rashmi is Gaurav's wife who is having an extramarital affair with  Sonia. They kidnap Sonia, gives her an injection.
Watch the video to know more about the case

Watch the video to know more about the case