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Showing posts with label s. Show all posts

Case 12/2018: Shootout at Varanasi market. Businessman Mohan Nigam died on spot (Episode 904, 905 on 17th, 18th March 2018)

2018 का बारहवां केस
Case 12/2018
A market area in Varanasi is suddenly shake​n​ by four rounds of fire. That was near 8:30 in the evening when the area’s electricity was cut due to a storm. When other shop owners come, finds a 50-year-old businessman Suresh Verma is shot dead and lying in a pool of blood. The businessman was shot at point-blank range and dies on the spot.
Police investigation reveals that he was having bitter terms with his younger brother and property was the reason behind this rivalry. First police call his brother for questioning. Their second suspect is Suresh Verma’s employee who was missing exactly at the time when Suresh Verma was shot. He tells police that he left shop early because due to power cut and storm he was assuming no customer will come.

Doing more investigation police comes to know that there was another guy was raking the area from the last few days who was not seen after the shootout.

Suresh Verma’s terms with his brother in law who was his helper in his business were also not good. Suresh Verma used to treat him like his servant.

Inside Story
ये घटना पिछले साल 28 अगस्त की है। बनारस के चौक थाने के पीछे राजादरवाजा में रात 8:30 के आसपास झोले के होल सेल बिजनेसमैन ५० वर्षीय मोहन निगम की उनकी दूकान में घुस कर गोली मार कर हत्या कर दी गई थी। क्राइम स्पॉट पर .32 बोर के दो खोखे बरामद किये थे। वारदात को जब अंजाम दिया गया उस समय इलाके में तेज बारिश के वजह से बिजली चली गई थी और ज़्यादातर दुकाने बंद होने लगी थी। इलेक्ट्रीशियन बिजली को दुरुस्त करने भी पहुंच गए थे की तभी अचानक पूरा इलाका गोलियों की गड़गड़ाहट से गूँज उठा। वारदात के तुरंत बाद वहां के लोगों ने दो लोगों को बगल की गली से भागते हुए भी देखा था।

inside story

Case 13/ 2017: Mysterious murder case of Kanungo/Revenue Inspector Ramkripal Chowbey (Episode 770, 771 on 24th, 25th Feb, 2017)

2017 का तेरहवाँ केस
Case 13/3017
रामकृपाल चौबे एक ईमानदार सरकारी कर्मचारी हैं जो की कानूनगो की पोस्ट पर कार्यरत हैं। अगले कुछ महीनो में उनको रिटायर भी होना है मगर इसी बीच एक दिन शाम को जब वो अपने ऑफिस/तहसील के बाहर गेट पर घर जाने के लिए सवारी ढूंढ रहे हैं तभी दो बाइक सवार आते हैं, उनको प्रणाम  करते हैं और दो गोलियां मार कर फरार हो जाते हैं। रामकृपाल की वहीँ पर मृत्यु हो जाती है।
पुलिस का पहला शक अभय चौहान नाम के बाहुबली पर जाता है जिसने कुछ समय पहले रामकृपाल से बहसबाज़ी की थी और मोती रिश्वत की पेशकश भी की थी मगर और छानबीन करने पर कुछ हाथ नहीं आता। पुलिस हर सुराग को तलाशने की कोशिश करती है मगर कुछ मिल नहीं पा रहा है। एक महीने से ऊपर निकल जाता है और इसी बीच रामकृपाल के बेटे सुरेश को एक धमकी भरी फिरौती की कॉल आती है जिसमे फ़ोन करने वाला उसको जान की धमकी दे रहा है और एवज में दस लाख रूपए मांग रहा है।

पुलिस के ऊपर एसपी से लेकर कलेक्टर तक का दबाव है की केस को इतना लंबा समय हो जाने के बाद भी सुलझाया क्यों नहीं जा सका है। अब पुलिस सुरेश को फ़ोन करने वाले व्यक्ति की तलाश में जुट जाती है।
Ali Raza Namdar as Revenue Inspector Ramkripal Chowbey

Case 6/2017: Two missing girls and a dead body (Episode 759 on 20th January, 2017)

2017 का छठा केस
Case 6/ 2017
Stubborn Shalini (played by Simran Sharma) want to live life on her own. She does not like any interference of her parents. A day she fights with her mom and dad and leaves home. One the other hand another married woman Rabia leaves her home but does not comeback. Shalini's parents and Rabia's husband raises their missing complains in the police station.
Here these guy are filing these complains and at some other place a man finds a suitcase in a jungle. Demonetisation season is going on so he things that this suitcase might contain old currency notes. He opens it and finds a decomposed female dead-body inside it.

Police matched this dead body is either of these two missing case.

Khafa: Karan Solanki killed by two unknown person (Episode 692 on 5th Aug, 2016)


Karan Solanki lost his cellphone when he was at home. He is continuous ringing it but it is not visible anymore. He is sure that he left it somewhere and forgot because if it was stolen, it must be switched off. After too many rings finally his call gets received and the person tell him to come and get his phone from him which was found by his nephew. Karan asks him his name but he avoids and cuts the call. Karan goes to meet them at an isolated place when he meets that man and rather handing over the phone, young man whom he called nephew attacks Karan with a big knife and kills him. Karan was elder son among two sons of Chandrakant Solanki mother Falguni. In primary investigation police comes to know that Karan's married never become good and he had divorced two of his wives. Karan was very rude for his father Chandrakant and he often used to insult him over his demand of pocket money.

Crime Patrol | Gade Murde: A political murder case turns to revenge (Episode 515 on 5th June 2015)

गड़े मुर्दे
Old Wounds
Mahesh Goyal is a star campaigner of Lok Jagran Party who was attacked by two person while he was driving his bike. One of the attackers stabs him and he dies in the hospital. His political party blames other party leaders Chandan and Kasturi for this attacks. Kasturi is the candidate for coming election.

Whole city starts burning in the rage of this murder and Mahesh's party files complains against Chandan. When police asks chandan, he denies that he does not relate with this murder because during political season he can not plan sich kind of wrong activity which will be bad for his party.
When police starts investigating Mahesh phone call details, they get number of a married woman Puja Jaiswal whom Mahesh talked with till four days before the murder. During questioning Puja tells police that she was not satisfied with his husband's behaviour and was having extramarital affair with Mahesh. She tells police she stopped Mahesh for four day because she was going out of her home in some family things.

When police activates their informers, they reveals a showking truth that Mahesh was a foppish kind of person who used to teas married women who comes to his garment shop for their children's school dresses.

Crime Patrol | Purnai Dushmani: Double murder of Senior Citizen in Mumbai (Episode 504, 505 on 8, 9 May 2015)

Senior citizens Velisa and Farzad live alone in their bungalow, where they own a coconut plantation. Usha, their domestic help, spends nearly 12 hours daily at their home. One morning, upon her arrival, she is terrified to discover Velisa's lifeless body in the garden. The police are called, and they soon find Farzad's deceased body inside the bungalow. The culprit responsible for their deaths has also stolen cash, jewelry, and Farzad's new shoes.

According to the village electrician, he visited their flat the day before to address electricity issues. He informs the police that someone intentionally tampered with and disconnected the electrical wires. The electrician reveals that he spotted someone hiding in the garden, who quickly fled when he called out to them. The police enlist the electrician's assistance in creating a sketch of the individual. Velisa's daughter immediately identifies the person depicted in the sketch. She informs the police that the sketch resembles the caretaker's son, Girish Prasad, who had resided in the bungalow fourteen years ago. Girish, who had grown up there, was eventually expelled by his father, Hari Prasad, due to his involvement in burglary.

The murderer also took Farzad's mobile phone and made a call to his brother-in-law, Kamran, at midnight. When the police contact Kamran, he explains that he is from Gujarat, and the number belongs to Maroof, his sister's husband in Gujarat. This situation confuses the police as to whether the culprit is Maroof or if Girish is the actual perpetrator, as indicated by the sketch.

महाराष्ट्र के एक कोकोनट प्लांटेशन के मालिक वरिष्ठ नागरिक वेलिसा और फरज़ाद की नौकरानी उषा जब एक सुबह अपने काम पर आती है तो अपने मालकिन की लाश कंपाउंड में पड़ी देखती है. पुलिस को मकान के दूसरी तरफ से फरज़ाद की लाश भी मिलती है. पता चलता है की हत्यारे में वेलिसा की अंगूठी और इयर रिंग्स लूटे हैं और घर के अन्दर से कैश, ज्वेलरी और फरज़ाद के नए जूते भी चुराए हैं.

Crime Patrol | Mattoid: Maharashtra's serial killer, a necrophiliac Subhash (Crime Patrol 490, 491 on 3, 5 Apr 2015)

Laborer Subhash is a daily wage earner. One evening after work, his friend tells him to come along and he will take him to a good place for dinner. The two of them then go to a place where Rohini, who makes food, is present, and they sit down.

Haughty Rahini is a chatty personality and talks a lot to both of them. Subhash's friend leaves for a few minutes to get fresh. Subhash notices that Rohini has some money. When Rohini sees that Subhash is snooping around, she starts scolding him. Subhash gets annoyed by her scolding and tries to make her quiet first, then he hits her and takes all the money from her and leaves the place.

Banished: Boycotted kids forced to live in a graveyard near their parent's graves (Episode 411 on 31st Aug 2014)

Four kids of a village in Varanasi are living in a graveyard near their parent’s graves. They have their own home still villages forced then to live there after the death of their mother and father. Their real uncle is also responsible for their shifting to the graveyard. Why the innocent kids are living there? What crime did they make, villagers boycotted them!

Son kills alcoholic, abusive father (Episode 154 on 14 Sep 2012)

Moinuddin Sheikh is father of Nawaaz Sheikh and Maajid Sheikh. His wife's name is Sadia Sheikh. Moinuddin is a alcoholic person and due to his alcoholic habit the whole family is going through a economic crisis. Moinuddin is greedy of money and alcohol and for this he often clobbers Sadia. Doctors have declared that hi is now a patient of TB (Tuberculosis) and he should make some distance from alcohol.
One day Sadia suddenly call her brother Wakaar and brother-in-law Saifuddin. Reaching their home they found dead body of Moinuddin!!