Showing posts with label sahil. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sahil. Show all posts

Crime Patrol | Ghar Wapsi: Duo Brothers beheads sister over her love affair (Episode 683 on 15 July 2016)

घर वापसी
Ghar Wapsi

Two brothers Nawed and Shahil Farooqui of Kasimgarh in Uttar Pradesh beheads their own sister Amina in front of the whole village warns the village that no one will not even think to follow Amina.

अमीना नावेद और साहिल की बहन है जिसकी हत्या खुद नावेद और साहिल कर देते हैं। वो दोनों अमीना को सारे गाँव वालों के सामने घसीटते हुए लाते हैं और सबके सामने उसका सर धड़ से अलग कर देते हैं। इसके अलावा वो गाँव वालों को चेतावनी भी देते हैं की जैसी ज़ुर्रत अमीना ने की है वैसी कोई करने का सोचे भी नहीं वर्ना उसका अंजाम भी यही होगा।

Crime Patrol | Dunk: Delhi girl Bhawna Yadav (Payal) honour killing case (Episode 612, 613 on 28, 29 November 2015)

Payal and Varun love each other and want to marry. Varun's parent is supporting them but Payal's parents are against their marriage because Varun belongs to another cast. Payal's parents fix her marriage with another guy but she wants to escape from this.

She plans to do marriage against acceptance of Payal's parents. They get married in a temple with the help of their friends. After they get married, they reach at Varun home. Varun's parent has no issue with this but Payal's parents decide to teach her a lesson. They reach Varun's home and request him to send Payal with them so that we can plan engagement and marriage in a splendid way. Payal feels that there is something wrong is going but agrees to come with them.

After a couple of days she left for home, she calls Varun and tells him that she is feeling a little odd here. She is feeling that her parents are planning something else behind her. She asks Varun to bring her from there but Varun assures her that there is nothing wrong and her parents want to do the marriage in a proper way. After few days when Varun is trying to call Payal's her phone is switched off. When he reaches her home, he does not find anyone there.

Payal Played by Shruti Tanvar
Varun Played by Siddharth Sen

Personal Wealth: Police tracks down kidnappers within 12 hours of kidnapping (Episode 332 on18th January 2014)

This question puts a question to today’s society, we should share our personal wealth with the people around us! Or a woman should share her family’s of his husband’s wealth with her friends?
Sahil’s younger bother Piyush get kidnapped while he is returning from a mobile shop. He went that mobile shop to recharge his mom’s cell phone. After 30 mins when his mom asks Sahil about Piyush but he also does not know about him. He calls his husband Narendra and Narendra files FIR. After two hours of kidnapping Narendra gets call from kidnappers who asks him a ransom of rup 1.5 crore.

Police starts investigation and tracks down the kidnapper with in 12 hours of kidnapping. Before trapping culprits, Narendra gets a call from Piyush through a unknown number. Piyush tell him that he is in a car parking and talking through parking guy’s mobile phone.

Police is sure that the kidnapping was done by a very close of Narendra and family who knows some crucial informations about them.

ये केस इस बात कि जागरूकता व्यक्त करता है कि क्या हम लोगो को अपनी आर्थिक स्थिति कि बातें हमें जानने वालों के साथ साझा करनी चाहिए या नहीं? और ख़ास कर कि औरतों को जिनके अंदर जलन कि भावना कुछ ज़यादा ही होती है!

नरेंद्र एक व्यपारी है. साहिल और पीयूष उसके दो बेटे हैं. साहिल कि माँ साहिल को बोलती है कि वो उसका मोबाइल रिचार्ज करवा दे. चूँकि साहिल टीवी देखने में मगन है, वो ये काम पीयूष पर डाल देता है. आधे घंटे तक पीयूष लौटता नहीं है तो उसकी माँ चिंतित हो जाती है और साहिल को पीयूष को खोजने के लिए भेजती है. साहिल उसे कई जगह ढूँढता है मगर वो नहीं मिलता है. घबरा कर वो नरेंद्र को फ़ोन करती है.

दो घंटे बाद एक फ़ोन आता है जिससे ये व्यक्त होता है कि पीयूष का अपहरण हुआ है. अपहरणकर्ता डेढ़ करोड़ रुपये कि मांग करता है जब कि नरेंद्र के पास इतना रूपया है ही नहीं।

नरेंद्र ऍफ़ं.आई.आर.दर्ज करता है. पुलिस अपना काम शुरू करती है और बारह घंटे के अंदर अपहरणकर्ता पकड़े जाते हैं,

कौन थे ये अपहरणकर्ता?
इन्होने एक साधारण से व्यपारी से डेढ़ करोड़ जैसी बड़ी रकम क्यों मांगी?

क्या उन्हें पता था कि नरेंद्र के पास इतना रुपया है?


Here is the inside story of the case:

Crime Patrol: Mastermind duo behind murder of Arun Tikku, father of actor Anuj Tikku (Episode 123, 124, 125 on Jun 29, 30 and July 1 2012)

The same story again shown by Crime Patrol Dial 100 (Episode 708 on 7th Feb, 2018)

This episode is based on the Arun Tikku murder case solved by the Mumbai police. Click here for the Navin Batra murder case of October 27th, 2012

Arun Tikku (portrayed as Amar Batra and played by Abhay Bhargav) is the father of Anuj Tikku (represented as Abhishek Batra, who is a Bollywood actor). Before he became an actor, Anuj Tikku worked as a media marketer and radio jockey in Delhi. Anuj is an only child and currently lives in Mumbai while his parents reside in Delhi.

The motive behind the murder was to take control of Anuj Tikku's 50 Crore property located in Lokhandwala Mumbai, which was under his father Arun's name.
A few days after the murder, police arrested Anuj Tikku, but he denied being involved in the murder and claimed ignorance of the events.

The investigation revealed that struggling actress and model Simran Sood (shown as Monica Suri, portrayed by Parul Chaudhary), who lived in a rented apartment near Anuj's home and was a friend of his, was involved in the case. It was discovered through interrogation that Simran's boyfriend Vijay Palande (cast as Varun Suri or Vikram Deshmukh and played by Mitil Jain) was the mastermind behind the murder.
inside story