Showing posts with label savita. Show all posts
Showing posts with label savita. Show all posts

Crime Patrol | Burari Deaths | A Chilling Tale of Rituals and Unanswered Questions (Ep 845 on 20 Aug 2018 Crime Patrol Dastak)

बुराड़ी की मौतें
Buradi Deaths

(Ep. 845, Crime Patrol Dastak)

On July 1, 2018, neighbors discovered a shocking scene in Burari, Delhi. The Bhatia family, consisting of nine family members, was found hanging from an iron grill on the roof of their house. They were blindfolded, with their hands and feet bound. Another family member, a woman, was hanging opposite to them, while their mother was found dead on the floor in another room. The family's dog was tied on the roof and was continuously barking. The incident was initially thought to be a case of mass su!c!de.

The Bhatia family consisted of three generations, and they were well-educated, well-adjusted individuals known for their harmonious nature. They ran a grocery shop, and the younger son had a plywood business. Neighbors and relatives described the family as generous and helpful, and they had recently celebrated their daughter's engagement, making it difficult for many to accept the idea of a mass su!c!de.

Lying Faces: Radhika, a fake nurse was held after stealing money from patient's house (Episode 357 on 18 April 2014)

झूठे चेहरे
Lying Faces

(Crime Patrol Dastak, 18 April 2014)
एक दंपति जो की वड़ोदरा में रहते हैं, अपनी माँ के लिए एक नर्स को हायर करते हैं. उनकी माँ मुंबई में अकेले रहती है जिनकी उम्र लगभग 80 के आस पास है. नर्स के नाम राधिका है और उसको हायर करते समय उसके सरे डाक्यूमेंट्स चेक किये जाते हैं. उनलोगों को राधिका एक अच्छी लड़की लगती है सो वो लोग उसे अपने घर रख लेते हैं. राधिका अपना काम अच्छे से कर रही है मगर एक दिन अचानक वो घर से ढाई लाख रूपए लेकर फरार हो जाती है.
पुलिस इन्वेस्टीगेशन में ये पता चलता है की राधिका के नर्स के सर्टिफिकेट्स नकली हैं और उसका असली नाम पूजा है. पुलिस उसे ढूंढना शुरू करती है और उसकी बहन तक पहुच जाती है.

राधिका ने चोरी क्यों की? उसने नकली सर्टिफिकेट कैसे बनाये?
A Vadodara couple hires a nurse for their mother who is near 80 years old and live alone in Mumbai. Name of nurse is Radhika. They check her certificates also while hiring them. They hires her as she looks decent to them.

Radhika is working well but a day she goes absconding stealing 2.5 lac rupees.

Police investigation reveals that her certificates were forged and Pooja is her real name. Police starts searching her and finds her sister Jagriti.