Showing posts with label shalini. Show all posts
Showing posts with label shalini. Show all posts

Tarkeeb: Bihar's conman Shekhar accused for Triple Murder (Episode 705, 706 on 3rd, 4th Sep, 2016)


Bengal police find three dead bodies back to back. A man who was found dead near a highway was killed strangulating with an electric wire. Postmortem report reveals that the victim consumed some intoxicated drink before he was killed. Other two bodies they found in a hotel room. These are mother and her minor daughter. They are killed in the same manner that man was killed. These two incidents are reported at two different places so police is not aware that total three people are killed. Police is trying to find out CCTV footage but CCTV was put in opposite direction so none of hotel visitor's photo is clear. Careless hotel receptionist is not able to recognize accused. Also she did not match his face with the pan card he gave her as ID proof and allotted room to him.
बंगाल में पुलिस के एक के बाद एक तीन लाशें मिलती हैं। एक लाश एक सड़क के किनारे मिलती है जो की एक आदमी की है और इसके गले को बिजली के तार से घोट के मारा गया है। पोस्टमॉर्टेम रिपोर्ट से पता चलता है की मारने वाले को मारने से पहले कोई नशीली दावा पिलाई गई थी जिससे बेहोशी के बाद उसकी हत्या की गई।
पुलिस को बाकी 2 लाशें एक होटल के रूम में मिलती हैं जो की एक महिला और उसकी बच्ची की हैं। इनदोनो को भी उसी तरह से मारा गया है जैसे उस आदमी को मारा गया था। चूँकि दोनों वारदातें एक दुसरे से काफी दूरी पर हुई हैं और दोनों एरिया अलग अलग पुलिस के अन्तर्गत आते हैं, पुलिस अभी अनजान है की कुल तीन लोगों का खून हुआ है।
Online Episode on SonyLiv:

Enslaved: Minor molested by brother in law, sold by friend rescued from Policeman's home (Episode 461, 462 on 23rd, 24th Jan 2015)


Founder of Bachpan Bachao Andolan (BBA) and Noble Prize for Peace winner Mr. Kailash Satyarthi was the guest of honor of this week's both stories and both the stories were based on rescue operation done by the NGO BBA.

Kailash Satyarthi is an Indian children's rights advocate and an activist against child labor. He founded the Bachpan Bachao Andolan in 1980 and has acted to protect the rights of more than 83,000 children from 144 countries. It is largely because of Satyarthi's work and activism that the International Labour Organization adopted Convention No. 182 on the worst forms of child labor, which is now a principal guideline for governments around the world. His work is recognized through various national and international honors and awards including the Nobel Peace Prize of 2014, which he shared with Malala Yousafzai.

More details about him can be seen here:

The story is based on a minor girl Naina. She was adorable to her elder sister Shalini and was broken after her sister got married. Somehow she likes to spend some days at her sister's home. Later her sister admitted her to a school near to her home and she started living at her didi's home.

A day after she returns from her school her brother-in-law Ajeet (husband of her sister) takes advantage of her while there was no one at the home. He repeatedly did it many times after that day and threatened Naina that if she disclosed anything, she will break his marriage with her sister Shalini. A day when Naina complains to her sister against him, they started shouting at Naina. Naina's father admits her in a hostel for further study. She was studying in the 9th class when she met a guy 'Prasanna' who was also hailing from the same village. He assures Naina that if she will come with him, he will help her get a good job in Delhi. Naina convinces her friend Chhaya also and they both flee from their hostel.

Personal Wealth: Police tracks down kidnappers within 12 hours of kidnapping (Episode 332 on18th January 2014)

This question puts a question to today’s society, we should share our personal wealth with the people around us! Or a woman should share her family’s of his husband’s wealth with her friends?
Sahil’s younger bother Piyush get kidnapped while he is returning from a mobile shop. He went that mobile shop to recharge his mom’s cell phone. After 30 mins when his mom asks Sahil about Piyush but he also does not know about him. He calls his husband Narendra and Narendra files FIR. After two hours of kidnapping Narendra gets call from kidnappers who asks him a ransom of rup 1.5 crore.

Police starts investigation and tracks down the kidnapper with in 12 hours of kidnapping. Before trapping culprits, Narendra gets a call from Piyush through a unknown number. Piyush tell him that he is in a car parking and talking through parking guy’s mobile phone.

Police is sure that the kidnapping was done by a very close of Narendra and family who knows some crucial informations about them.

ये केस इस बात कि जागरूकता व्यक्त करता है कि क्या हम लोगो को अपनी आर्थिक स्थिति कि बातें हमें जानने वालों के साथ साझा करनी चाहिए या नहीं? और ख़ास कर कि औरतों को जिनके अंदर जलन कि भावना कुछ ज़यादा ही होती है!

नरेंद्र एक व्यपारी है. साहिल और पीयूष उसके दो बेटे हैं. साहिल कि माँ साहिल को बोलती है कि वो उसका मोबाइल रिचार्ज करवा दे. चूँकि साहिल टीवी देखने में मगन है, वो ये काम पीयूष पर डाल देता है. आधे घंटे तक पीयूष लौटता नहीं है तो उसकी माँ चिंतित हो जाती है और साहिल को पीयूष को खोजने के लिए भेजती है. साहिल उसे कई जगह ढूँढता है मगर वो नहीं मिलता है. घबरा कर वो नरेंद्र को फ़ोन करती है.

दो घंटे बाद एक फ़ोन आता है जिससे ये व्यक्त होता है कि पीयूष का अपहरण हुआ है. अपहरणकर्ता डेढ़ करोड़ रुपये कि मांग करता है जब कि नरेंद्र के पास इतना रूपया है ही नहीं।

नरेंद्र ऍफ़ं.आई.आर.दर्ज करता है. पुलिस अपना काम शुरू करती है और बारह घंटे के अंदर अपहरणकर्ता पकड़े जाते हैं,

कौन थे ये अपहरणकर्ता?
इन्होने एक साधारण से व्यपारी से डेढ़ करोड़ जैसी बड़ी रकम क्यों मांगी?

क्या उन्हें पता था कि नरेंद्र के पास इतना रुपया है?


Here is the inside story of the case:

Exploited: A Minor domestic help Shalini rescued from doctor's locked home (Episode 293 on 13th Sep 2013)

March 29, 2012, New Delhi
A minor girl was seen crying in balcony of a high profile doctor of Delhi. Police rescues her through the balcony itself because she did not have key of main door. Doctor couple, owner of that home were out of Thailand trip while they locked their minor maid inside the home.