Showing posts with label shruti gholap. Show all posts
Showing posts with label shruti gholap. Show all posts

Crime Patrol | Case 54/2017: Murder Of Two innocent kids Mayank and Sumit (Episode 839, 840 on 5, 6 August 2017)

Case 54/2017
2017 का चौवनवाँ केस
Death of Two Best Friends
दो गहरे दोस्तों की मौत
Eight-year-old Sumit found badly injured below a tree in the village. His parents assume that he must have fallen from the tree. They brought him to a hospital where doctors could not save him and he dies. Parents buried his body. Mayank was one of Sumit's best friends who now very upset and not able to concentrate on anything since his friend passed away. A day he goes to a tilak ceremony in the village from where he suddenly goes missing and the next day his dead body found in a pond in the village
Inside Story आजमगढ़. दीदारगंज थाना क्षेत्र के सुरहन गांव में एक बच्चे की संदिग्‍ध मौत होती है। मौत की वजह सिर में गंभीर चोट सामने आती है और परिजन इसे दुर्घटना मान शव दफना देते है, लेकिन इस घटना के ठीक 21 वें दिन एक और बच्‍चे की लाश पोखरी में मिलती है। पुलिस को शव के सिर में चोट के जख्‍म मिलते है और शव पोस्‍टमार्टम के लिए भेज दिया जाता है। पोस्टमॉर्टेम में पता चलता है की इस बच्चे की हत्या करने से पहले दुष्कर्म किया गया था।

inside story
Manish Raj,Aeklavya Tomer,Suman Singh,Shrruti Gholap,aryan,Sanjay Bhatiya,double murder,aditya,sanjeev tyagi,Alok Kumar,Varin Roopani
YouTube | Dailymotion

Crime Patrol | Stoneman: Gujarat's stone killer held for killing three people (Episode 708, 709 on 10th, 11 September 2016)

Stone Man

Gujarat police finds Hasmukh Patel's dead body in a middle of the road which is badly smashed with a big stone. The killer (played by Swapnil Kothriwal) calls a number from victim's recent call history and tells that person that he has killed Hasmukh bhai and his photo is on front page of the news paper. That guy introduced himself as Mehandi Bhai and challenges him to inform police to nab him if they can. That psycho has killed two more person in next few days with same modusoperandi. Now this case has become a challenge for Gujarat Police and they want to crack it at any cost.

Police is sure that this person is a psycho killer who is killing innocent people just for fun but how they can nab him! Police also observe that dead-bodies that they found in mysterious conditions showing some sex angle related to these murders.

गुजरात में एक स्टोन किलर का आतंक है जो की अभी तक तीन खून कर चुका है। तीनो खूनो को करने का तरीका एक जैसा है जिसमे वो एक बड़े पत्थर से आदमी की हत्या कर देता है और हत्या करने के बाद मारने वाले के फ़ोन से ही उसके किसी जानने वाले को फ़ोन लगा कर बताता है की उसने इस आदमी को मार दिया है। वो ये भी चैंलेंज करता है की जो कर सकते हो कर लो। वो अपने आपको मेंहदी भाई के नाम से परिचित कराता है।

Crime Patrol | The Last Act: Heart-Wrenching story of a senior citizen Ramesh Parikh (Episode 338 on 8 Feb 2014)

अंतिम अधिनियम
The Last Act

Tonight's Crime Patrol brings a case on senior citizen abuse around us. According to the statistics, one in every 3 senior citizen in our country is victim of abuse.

This is hearth wrenching story of Mr. Ramesh Parikh from Ahemdabad, Gujarat who was abused by his son and daughter-in-law. His son Amit and his wife were forcing him to transfer the home on Amit's name. Mr. Ramesh spent several nights out of his home.

Finally couple files a false case of Dowry harassment against him.