Showing posts with label surendra. Show all posts
Showing posts with label surendra. Show all posts

Karz: Fatehabad - UP, Isurance agent provokes man to kill father (Episode 618 on 12th, Feb 2016)

कहानी है यूपी के फ़तेहाबाद के बूठन कलाँ गाँव की जहाँ की 50 साल के ओंकार सिंह नाम के एक वृद्ध की किसी गाड़ी के नीचे आ जाने से मृत्यु हो गई थी. पोस्ट्मॉर्टम रिपोर्ट में ये पता चला था कि घटना के वक़्त ओमकार सिंह गहरे नशे में थे.
पोलिस के और गहराई से जाँच करने के बाद ओमकार सिंह का बेटा और उसका एक दोस्त जो की इन्शुरन्स एजेंट था, शक के घेरे में आए थे.

Crime Patrol | Apmaan: A Mysterious murder case took two years to solve (Episode 502, 503 on 2nd, 3rd May 2015)


Surendra is the main earner in the family of five people. He lives with his wife Navneet, brother Manpreet and mother and father. They looks to be a happy family. An evening when he is coming back to his home with his friend Kuljeet, three men on bikes stop them ans suddenly throws powder of red chillies on them. After that one of those men attacks Surinder with a iron rod. They loots them and flees.

Surendra is bleeding badly. Kuljeet calls Manpreet and somehow they manages to bring Surendra to hospital. Surendra is critical and dies after few days. According to police Kuljeet is the prime suspect because he was with Surendra at the time of attack but robbers did not attacked on him. Police tries hard to find the clue but they do not get any lead.

Police puts their stolen mobile phone on surveillance and one of the mobile phone gets activated after to years. Police arrests the man who is using that mobile and he tells polcie that he recently bought this mobile from someone else.

सुरेन्द्र और मनप्रीत सगे भाई है जिनमे सुरेन्द्र बड़ा है और पूरा परिवार वही संभालता है. सुरेन्द्र शादीशुदा है और उसकी पत्नी का नाम नवनीत है. इन तीनो के अलावा सुरेन्द्र के माँ-बाप भी उनके साथ ही रहते हैं. पांच लोगों का ये परिवार हसी ख़ुशी रह रहा है. सुरेन्द्र अपने दोस्त कुलजीत के साथ काम पर आता जाता है. एक शाम को काम से लौटते समय तीन लोग उन्दोनो को रास्ते में रोकते हैं. रोकते ही वो लोग लाल मिर्च का पाउडर इनदोनो पर डालते हैं उसके बाद इनमे से एक आदमी सुरेन्द्र पर लोहे की सरिया से वार करता है. वो तीनो लोग सुरेन्द्र और कुलजीत का पर्स और मोबाइल ले जाते हैं और दोनों को वहीँ छोड़ देते हैं.

Crime Patrol | Shrapit: Innocent kid Sumit goes missing and found dead (Episode 480, 482 on 13, 14 March 2015)


Pawri Naka, Bhekhati
Sumit Yadav, a 12-year-old boy, comes from a family of daily wage earners, Surendra and Anita. He's known for his intelligence. One day, Sumit disappears suddenly, leaving his father frantic with worry. Surendra searches everywhere but finds no trace of his son.

He reports Sumit missing to the police, who launch a search with the help of informers. Sadly, Sumit's body is found in a remote area. The postmortem report shocks everyone: Sumit's organs have been removed in a crude manner. It's not the work of organ traffickers, but rather suggests something darker: black magic.

An informant leads the police to a tantrik named Baba Gufraan, who Surendra had visited in the past for help. Surendra explains that he believed in Gufraan's abilities as he had helped his family before. Gufraan had a fondness for children, including Sumit.

However, when the police try to locate Gufraan, they discover that he is elusive. Further investigation reveals that Gufraan's real name is Yaqub Sheikh. He was once a married man with children but left his family four years ago to become a tantrik.

सुमित एक होनहार बच्चा है। उसके माँ बाप का नाम सुनीता और सुरेन्द्र है जो की दिहाड़ी मजदूर हैं। एक दिन अचानक सुमित सुबह स्कूल जाते समय गायब हो जाता है। उसके माँ-बाप उसके स्कूल जाकर पता करते हैं तो पता चलता है की सुमित आज स्कूल आया ही नहीं था। परेशान माँ-बाप पुलिस के पास जाकर उसकी मिसिंग कम्प्लेन लिखाते हैं। अगले दिन पुलिस को सुमित की लाश एक जंगल में मिलती है। लाश निर्वस्त्र है और उसके सारे कपडे गायब हैं। मारने वाले ने सुमित की शरीर से उसके अंग भी निकाल लिए हैं। पुलिस ये सब देख कर हैरत है और उनको शक है की ये एक ऑर्गन-ट्रेडिंग का केस है।

Naveen Tyagi as Gufraan Baba

Crime Patrol | Well planned murder of Divya Prajapati, daughter of Retired police inspector (Episode 196, 197 on 29, 30 Dec 2012)

Divya was also in a relationship with a guy named Ravi Nayar. Police suspects him but he explains that he was always ready to get marry with her.

A day Surendra Prajapati finds Divya dead. Case looks like a su!c!de case but he forces police to approach crime branch for investigation of the case because her cellphone as well as some jewellery was also missing during this. Investigation reveals that Surendra's behaviour was not good with his wife and daughters. That was the reason his wife left the home few years back.

Actress Neena Singh