Crime Patrol | Case 73/2017: Story of Mayur and Swati Concludes with a Shocking End (Ep 874, 875 on 25, 26 Nov 2017 Crime Patrol Satark)

मयूर और स्वाती एक ही गाँव में रहते हैं. मयूर एक ऊँची जाति का है जब की स्वाती निचली जाति की. दोनो बचपन से एक दूसरे से साथ पढ़े हैं जिसकी वजह से दोनो ही एक दूसरे को चाहते हैं. दोनो ही जब 17 से 18 साल की उम्र के बीच है तो घर से भागने का फ़ैसला करते हैं. उनका सोचना है की वो कोर्ट जाकर शादी कर लेंगे और फिर घर लौट आएँगे.

घर से भागने के बाद दोनो के परिवारों में उथल-पुथल शुरू हो जाती है और दोनो के परिवार पुलिस का ना बता कर ख़ुद दोनो को ढूँढने के प्रयास करते हैं. इधर मयूर और स्वाती कोर्ट के एक वक़ील ने मिलते हैं जो उनको बताता है की उन दोनो की शादी नहीं हो सकती क्यूँकि दोनो ही अभी नाबालिग़ है और बालिग़ होने के अलावा मयूर जब तक 21 साल का नहीं हो जाता तब तक वो शादी नहीं कर सकता. दोनो ही निराश हो जाते हैं और फिर उनके परिवार वाले उन दोनो को ढूँढ भी लेते हैं.

घर पहचने के बाद दोनो के बाप उनकी बहुत पिटाई करते हैं और मयूर को शहर से बाहर उसके मामा के यहाँ काम नौकरी करने के लिए भेज देते हैं. इधर स्वाती का पिता उसकी शादी तय करने में लग जाता है मगर जब-जब उसकी शादी तक की जाती है, लड़के वालों को पता चल जाता है की स्वाती 5 दिन के लिए घर से भाग गई थी. डेढ़ साल बीत जाते हैं और आख़िरकार पोरबन्दर का एक परिवार स्वाती को पसंद करता है और असलियत जान्ने के बाद भी उनका लड़का अजय कुमार स्वाती से शादी करने को राज़ी हो जाता है.

दोनो की शादी हो जाती है और दोनो साथ में रहने लगते हैं. दोनो को साथ रहते 3-4 महीने बीत चुके हैं मगर एक दिन अचानक स्वाती ग़ायब हो जाती है और फिर उसकी लाश एक दोस्सरे शहर में पेड़ से लटकी मिलती है.

Mayur and Swati live in the same village. Mayur comes from an upper-caste family while Swati belongs to a lower caste. Both have studied with each other since childhood, due to which both start loving each other. When both are between 17 and 18 years of age, they decide to run away from home. They think that they will go to court and get married and then come back home.

Crime Patrol | Case 72/2017: Indumati Sonkar (Geetanjali Mishra) Murder Case, Mau, Uttar Pradesh (Ep 872, 873 on 18, 19 Nov, 2017)

2017 का बहत्तरवां केस
Case 72/2017

(Crime Patrol Satark, Ep. 872, 873)
Shalini (played by Neetu Pandey), Minakshi (played by Geetanjali Mishra), Sunita (played by Melanie Nazareth) and Priyanka (played by Kaushambi Bhatt) are real sisters. Shalini is eldest among them and Priyanka is the youngest. Minakshi is younger than Shalini, has not married. The police find Minakshi's corpse on the roadside in the fields. Postmortem report reveals that she was brutally raped and killed with a sharp knife.

Initially, Minakshi's body is not identified but then her youngest brother-in-law identifies her with a message forwarded on her mobile. All the sisters reach the station and tell that Meenakshi was the most responsible member of the house and she got everyone married too but did not marry herself. He also built the entire house on her own.

Vaishali (played by Bhakti Rathod), a close friend of Minakshi tells the police that Minakshi had an affair with her younger sister's husband Rajiv (played by Rajeev Bharadwaj). 

inside story

Crime Patrol | Case 71/2017: Murder case of a 8 year old girl Afreen (Ep 870, 871 on 11, 12 Nov, 2017 Crime Patrol Satark)

Case 71/2017
2017 का इकहत्तरवाँ केस


Online Episode on SonyLiv:

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Search Tags:
hasina, Mushtaaq, parvez, afreen, mansi jain, resha, naveen tyagi, nissar khan, suman singh, sudeep sarangi, hitesh pandey, chirag mehra,

Crime Patrol | Case 70/2017: Bhopal Shocker, Truck driver Sanjay's plan to rescue Chanda (Ep 868, 869 on 4, 5 Nov 2017 Crime Patrol Satark)

2017 का सत्तरवाँ केस
Case 70/2017

(Broken Fate, Ep. 868, 869)

Chanda (played by Sharvi Mota) is a s*x worker who works under Salma (played by Geetanjali Mishra). Apart from that there are many other girls but Chanda is a qualified one and speaks a little English as well. The environment where she works is very strict. If the girls try to escape from there, then Salma punishes them hard, so no one tries to escape from there.

Sanjay (played by Nikhil Pandey) is a truck driver who often comes to meet Chanda and gradually falls in love with her. He wants to marry Chanda and for that he plans to drive Chanda away from there.

चंदा एक से*स वर्कर है जो की सलमा के यहाँ काम करती है. उसके अलावा और भी कई लड़कियाँ  हैं मगर चंदा पढ़ी-लिखी है और थोड़ी इंग्लिश भी बोल लेती है. वो जहाँ काम करती है वहाँ का माहौल बहुत सख़्त है. अगर वहाँ से लड़कियाँ भागने की कोशिश करती हैं तो सलमा उनको कड़ी सज़ा देती है इसलिए कोई भी वहाँ से भागने की कोशिश नहीं करता.

संजय एक ट्रक ड्राइवर है जो की अक्सर चंदा से मिलने आता रहता है और धीरे धीरे चंदा से प्यार करने लगता है. वो चंदा से शादी करना चाहता है और उसके लिए वो चंदा को वहाँ से भगाने का प्लान बनाता है.

Few of the Actors:

inside story
Nikhil Pandey, Sharvi Mota and Geetanjali Mishra

Case 69/2017: Missing girl Hina Khan found buried in a farm (Ep 866/867 on 28/29 Oct, 2017 Crime Patrol Satark)

2017 का उन्हत्तरवा केस
Case 69/2017

मंत्रीपुर के एक खेत में मेढ़ तोड़ते समय एक लड़की की लाश मिलती है जिसका चेहरा बुरी तरह से कुचला गया है जिससे की उसकी पहचान ना हो सके. पलीस जब उस लड़की के बारे में जानकारी इकट्ठा करना शुरू करती है तो उनको इलाक़े में कहीं भी किसी लड़की के ग़ायब होने की ख़बर नहीं मिलती. आसपास के गाँव में ख़बरियों को लगाया जाता है और फिर दूसरे गाँव की पुलिस से हिना खान नाम की एक लड़की के ग़ायब होने की ख़बर मिलती है. उसके माता-पिता को बुला कर ये कन्फ़र्म कराया जाता है की लाश पर जो कपड़े हैं वो हिना के ही हैं और उस दिन हिना अपने कॉलेज के लिए निकली थी और फिर लौट के नहीं आई. परिवार वालों और उसकी दोस्तों आरज़ू और नग़मा का भी कहना है उसका कभी भी किसी भी लड़के से चक्कर नहीं रहा और वो कॉलेज में सिर्फ़ पढ़ाई करने जाती थी और कुछ नहीं.

इसी तहक़ीक़ात के दौरान गाँव में एक और अजीबो-ग़रीब घटना घटती है. गाँव के एक इलाक़े में आसमान से पत्थरों की बारिश होती है जिसके बीच छोटे से बच्चे आदि का अपहरण हो जाता है.

While breaking the rams in a farm in Mantripur, the body of a girl is found whose face has been crushed badly so that she cannot be identified. When the police starts collecting information about that girl, they do not get news of any girl missing anywhere in the area. The news is put in the surrounding village and then the police of another village gets the news of the disappearance of a girl named Hina Khan. Her parents are summoned to confirm that the clothes on the corpse belong to Hina and that day Hina left for her college and did not come back again. Family members and her friends say that she never had an affair with any boy and she only went to study in the college, nothing else.

During this investigation, another strange phenomenon happens in the village. In one area of ​​the village, there is a rain of stones from the sky between which a small kid Aadi is abducted.
Online Episode on SonyLiv:

Online Episode on YouTube:
Search Tags:
aadi, nishikan dixit, neelam das, urmila kanojia, mantripur, nagma syed, hina khan, aarzu, bhavin bhanushali, arshad khan, ravi singh, nazar khan

Crime Patrol | Case 65/2017: Naini's Divya Tiwari murder case (Ep 858, 859 on 30 Sep, 1 Oct, 2017 Crime Patrol Satark Season 1)

2017 का पैसठवाँ केस
Case 65/2017

(The Masked Gunman, Ep. 858, 859)
Divya Tiwari's family included her mother Nisha Tiwari, one brother Rajneesh Tiwari and the other brother Rajat Tiwari. Rajneesh used to study in a coaching there while Rajat was preparing for the competitions. Divya did her BCA from Kashi Vidyapeeth in Varanasi after 12th and then she started preparing for banking. He used to go to a coaching school near the Civil Line's Company Garden for the last one month. He made a pass of the city bus and the coaching time was from 11 am to 3 pm.

On 3 September 2015, when Divya was shot and killed on the Arail-Mawya Road adjacent to the Omaxe City while she was returning from coaching. People told the police that 3-4 boys shot him after getting down from the car. The same night, police arrested a boy Mohit Jain and his businessman father Manoj Jain for interference.

दिव्या तिवारी के परिवार में उसकी माँ निशा तिवारी, एक भाई रजनीश तिवारी और दूसरा भाई रजत तिवारी थे. रजनीश वहीं एक कोचिंग में पढ़ता था जब की रजत कॉम्पटिशन की तैयारी कर रहा था. दिव्या ने इंटर ने बाद वाराणसी के काशी विद्यापीठ से BCA किया और फिर वो बैंकिंग की तैयारी करने लगी. वो पिछले एक महीने से सिविल लाइन के कम्पनी बाग़ के पास एक कोचिंग में पढ़ने जाती थी. उसने सिटी बस का एक पास बनवा रखा था और कोचिंग का समय 11 बजे से 3 बजे का था.
inside story
YouTube | Dailymotion

Crime Patrol | Case 64/2017: TCS Software Engineer Ankit Chauhan murder case (Ep 856, 857 on 27, 28 Sep 2017 Crime Patrol Satark)

2017 का चौसठवाँ केस
Case 64/2017

(The Tattoo Killer, Ep. 856, 857)

Ankit Chauhan, a 25-year-old software engineer at TCS, was based at the Vaishali, Ghaziabad income tax office, working for TCS. He had been married for just one month when a tragic incident occurred on April 14, 2015. He was on his way home to Prateik Wisteria in Greater Noida with his friend Gagan, when the unfortunate event took place. They were both in Ankit's Toyota Fortuner car.

The attack on Ankit occurred in Noida Sector 76, according to the police. Miscreants in a white sedan car blocked their way and began shooting at Ankit, firing three bullets before fleeing the scene. Eyewitnesses claimed that the car may have been a Honda Accord. Gagan, who was with Ankit, said that the first shot caused him to lose control of the Toyota Fortuner, resulting in a crash into a tree.

As Gagan did not know how to drive, a bystander took control of the car and drove Ankit to Kailash Hospital. Sadly, the doctors declared Ankit dead on arrival. Ankit was on his way back to meet his wife, Ameesha, who worked as a software engineer at Accenture in Sector 135.

inside story
YouTube | Dailymotion

Crime Patrol | Case 63/2017: A mother and her infant kid gets kidnapped (Ep 854, 855 on 16, 17 Sep 2017 Crime Patrol Satark)

2017 का तिरसठवाँ केस
Case 63/2017

(Dubious Intention, Ep. 854, 855)

Married woman Geeta is blessed with a baby boy whom the family calls Sonu. Vaidehi is an Aanganwadi employee who supports Geeta during her entire pregnancy period but a few days after the birth of Sonu, Geeta and Sonu both goes missing. The family files a police complaint and then police comes to know that Vaidehi was not an Aanganwadi employee who is also missing.

गीता एक बेटे को जन्म देती है जिसका नाम सोनू रखा जाता है. सोनू के जन्म के समय आंगनवाड़ी की एक कर्मचारी वैदेही गीता की पूरी सहायता करती है मगर एक दिन अचानक गीता और उसका बच्चा ग़ायब हो जाते हैं. उसने घर वाले पुलिस में रिपोर्ट लिखवाते हैं और पुलिस जब छान-बीन करना शुरू करती है तो पता चलता है की वैदेही कोई आंगनवाड़ी की कर्मचारी नहीं थी और वो भी ग़ायब है.

Online Episode on SonyLiv:
Part 1:
Part 2:

Online Episode on YouTube:
Part 1:
Part 2:

Here is the inside story of the case:
Search Tags:
Raghunandan kedarnath thakur, Nikita Sanjay Kangne, Chandrabhaga Krishna Udanshu, Laxmi alias Pinky Balaji Jadhav, Akash Krishna Udanshu, residents Ramtekdi, Wanowrie, jun 2016, pune, madhu thakur,

Crime Patrol | Case 61/2017: "It happened that night", Nawabganj murder case (Ep 850, 851 on 1, 2 Sep 2017 Crime Patrol Satark Season 1)

2017 का इक्सठवां केस
Case 61/2017

(Ep. 850, 851)

Nawabganj, Allahabad, April 2017
Judapur is a place in Nawabganj where Makkhan Lal was living with his family consisting wife Mira Devi, daughters Vandana and Nisha and a son Ranjeet. He also had a provision shop at his home. 

Makkhan Lal's house was adjacent to the road in Sahavpur village and he had opened a grocery store in the house itself. Makkhan had a total of 3 daughters and 1 son. The eldest daughter Ranjana, after going to BPharma from Meerut, went to work in a firm in Shimla. That time son Ranjeet was also not there in the village and he has left Pratapgarh on 20 April to attend the BA exam.

The incident is on 24 April 2017 when Makkhan Lal was at home with his wife and 2 daughters. People say that they saw the whole family at the shop till late at night. The matter came to the notice of the people when on the morning of 24, Ranjit called his father at home sometimes but did not pick up the phone. After this, he called his uncle Nokhelal, who lives near the house, and asked him to go to his house. Nokhe Lal When the house arrived, the channel gate was locked from inside. When no one came out after giving voice for a long time, Nokhe went towards the back door of the red house and found that the door was open. Nokhe Lal felt a bit strange, so he entered inside from the same door and he was completely shocked as soon as he went inside.