Crime Patrol | A Tunnel: Master plan of digging 125 feet long tunnel to loot bank (Episode 488, 489 on 28, 29 Mar 2015)

Girish Talwar is a property dealer whose business could not grow. At the age of 36, he is still unmarried. His friend Randeep Dahiya is a history-sheeter. Both are going through a tough time. Randeep tells Girish that he wants to do some job in a bank and then he will rob that and will flee away. Girish suggests him to really make a plan of bank robbery.
Girish tells him that they can perform robbery at Rashtriya Lokjan Bank but for that, they need to make a tunnel that will open inside the locker room of that bank. Randeep agrees with the plan which is looking like a bank robbery in the movie Dhoom and it is feasible. After that, they open their account also in the bank so they can have a clear idea about every location of the bank. They start visiting the bank and its locker to understand every location. During all this Girish get a clear idea of the locker room. Girish also uses Compass and GPS in this.

Watch the video to know more about the case

Denied: A special child Priya goes missing (Episode 487 on 27th March 2015)

Cerebral palsy (CP) is a group of permanent movement disorders that appear in early childhood. Signs and symptoms vary between people. Often problems include: poor coordination, stiff muscles, weak muscles, trouble swallowing or speaking, and tremors among others. There may also be problems with sensation, vision, and hearing. Often babies with CP do not roll over, sit, crawl, or walk as early as other children their age. Difficulty with the ability to think or reason and seizures each occurs in about one third of cases. While the symptoms may get more noticeable over the first few years of life, the underlying problems do not worsen over time.....
2.5 year old Priya is an adorable daughter of her parents. She is a special child as she is suffering from Cerebral Palsy. After Priya's birth when her mother-father came to know that she has some disabilities, they decided to take full care of her. They also decided not to plan second child. Now both mother and father works and Priya spends her whole day at her granny's home which is near by.

Wile leaving for office, they drops her to her granny's home and in the evening her granny drops her at her home. An evening while her granny is about to take her to her home, 3 person in auto takes Priya from her and runs away.

Police is trying to find where Priya has gone and why they kidnapped a special child.

Daldal: Sushil and Karan's master plan to earn easy money (Episode 485, 486 on 21th, 22th March 2015)

Karan is good in studies. He is younger to her sister and only son of his parents. His father's earning is not very good and the family is going through economic crisis. They all has their expectations from Karan only that after finishing his studies he will take care of all of them. His sister is eligible for marriage but could not get marry till now due to cash crunch.
Karan is also worrying about situation of his home. In all his tensions he comes closer to his friend Sushil who is spoiled brat and addicted to drugs. He tells Karan that he also has so much issues in his life but he does not take worry about anything. In his company Karan also gets habitual of bad things.

Now their exams are coming but they are not a bit prepared. Sushil plans to buy question papers before exams but the duo needs 30,000/- for that. Now Sushil makes a master plan so earn easy money.

Piyali P Munshi

The Godfather: Murder of aspiring actor Yogesh (Episode 484 on 20th March 2015)

The Godfather
योगेश एक महत्वकांक्षी एक्टर है जो की एक्टिंग लाइन में अपना भविष्य बनाना चाहता है. वो किसी तरह से अपने घर वालों को मन भी लेता है की वो उसको एक साल का समय दे ताकि वो एक्टर बन सके. इसी बीच सोशल नेटवर्किंग के माध्यम से योगेश की मुलाकात एक कथा लेखक (स्क्रिप्ट राइटर) संजय शर्मा से होती है जो की अपनी एक फिल्म के लिए एक नए चेहरे की तलाश में है. वो योगेश को अपना फ़ोन नंबर देता है और मिलने को बोलता है. योगेश उससे मुलाकात कर के कुछ सीन्स पर काम करना शुरू कर देता है.
फिर एक दिन योगेश वापस घर नै लौटता है. उसके घर वाले परेशान हैं क्यों की उसका फ़ोन भी नहीं मिल रहा है. काफी देर बाद उसके पापा के मोबाइल पर उसी के नंबर से एक कॉल आती है. वो आवाज़ योगेश की नहीं है और वो उनसे बोलता है की उनके बेटे योगेश को उसने किडनैप किया है और वो तीन लाख रूपये के मांग करता है. योगेश के पिता पुलिस को सूचित करते हैं. पुलिस जब उनसे योगेश के बार में सबकुछ पूछती है तो वो बताता है की वो आजकल संजय शर्मा नाम एक किसी स्क्रिप्ट राइटर के साथ काम कर रहा था जो की अलगी फिल्म में उसको मेन हीरो का किरदार देने वाले थे. इसके बाद पुलिस संजय की इंटरनेट प्रोफाइल की सहायता से उस तक पहुचने की कोशिश करती है और उसके घर का पता लगाती है. संजय शर्मा के घर पहुचने पर पुलिस को योगेश की लाश एक बड़े से बैग में बंद मिलती है और संजय शर्मा फरार है.

Vinaash: Murder of a Tantrik Ashok Gupta (Episode 482, 483 on 14th, 15th March, 2015)


पुलिस को सालों से बंद एक फैक्ट्री में एक लाश मिलती है। लाश एक आदमी है जिसका चेहरा बुरी तरह से बिगाड़ दिया गया है। लाश की पॉकेट में कुछ अगरबत्ती रखी हैं और हाथ पर टैटू गुदा है जिसपर उसका नाम लिखा है "अशोक गुप्ता". एक पुलिस कांस्टेबल इसको देख कर पहचान जाता है की ये लाश किसकी है। वो बताता  की पास ही उसकी ससुराल है और ये आदमी अशोक गुप्ता है जिसकी वहीँ किराने की दूकान है। पुलिस उसकी दूकान पर जाकर पता करती है तो पता चलता है की ये दूकान अशोक ने दो साल पहले ही बेच दी थी।

Played by Susheel Panday

Crime Patrol | Shrapit: Innocent kid Sumit goes missing and found dead (Episode 480, 482 on 13, 14 March 2015)


Pawri Naka, Bhekhati
Sumit Yadav, a 12-year-old boy, comes from a family of daily wage earners, Surendra and Anita. He's known for his intelligence. One day, Sumit disappears suddenly, leaving his father frantic with worry. Surendra searches everywhere but finds no trace of his son.

He reports Sumit missing to the police, who launch a search with the help of informers. Sadly, Sumit's body is found in a remote area. The postmortem report shocks everyone: Sumit's organs have been removed in a crude manner. It's not the work of organ traffickers, but rather suggests something darker: black magic.

An informant leads the police to a tantrik named Baba Gufraan, who Surendra had visited in the past for help. Surendra explains that he believed in Gufraan's abilities as he had helped his family before. Gufraan had a fondness for children, including Sumit.

However, when the police try to locate Gufraan, they discover that he is elusive. Further investigation reveals that Gufraan's real name is Yaqub Sheikh. He was once a married man with children but left his family four years ago to become a tantrik.

सुमित एक होनहार बच्चा है। उसके माँ बाप का नाम सुनीता और सुरेन्द्र है जो की दिहाड़ी मजदूर हैं। एक दिन अचानक सुमित सुबह स्कूल जाते समय गायब हो जाता है। उसके माँ-बाप उसके स्कूल जाकर पता करते हैं तो पता चलता है की सुमित आज स्कूल आया ही नहीं था। परेशान माँ-बाप पुलिस के पास जाकर उसकी मिसिंग कम्प्लेन लिखाते हैं। अगले दिन पुलिस को सुमित की लाश एक जंगल में मिलती है। लाश निर्वस्त्र है और उसके सारे कपडे गायब हैं। मारने वाले ने सुमित की शरीर से उसके अंग भी निकाल लिए हैं। पुलिस ये सब देख कर हैरत है और उनको शक है की ये एक ऑर्गन-ट्रेडिंग का केस है।

Naveen Tyagi as Gufraan Baba

Gumshuda Behne: Teenager sisters Megha and Rohini goes missing (Episode 479, 480 on 7th, 8th March 2015)

गुमशुदा बहनें
Missing Sisters

17 year old megha is in love with Somesh. They both were seen together by few people of the village who later reported this to Megha's father Suresh Awasthi. They tells Suresh to keep his eyes on his daughter. Suresh shouts on Megha but she clrealy says that she loves somesh and wants to marry him. Suresh takes her mobile phone from her and forces her to end her contact with Somesh.
A day suddenly Megha goes missing. They files his missing complaint in the police. Police is confident that Megha ran away on her won and somewhere they has a feeling that Megha's younger sister Rohini has some clue about her missing but she is not telling anything to them. After few days Megha comes back to her home and tells her parent that Somesh is not a good person. He is already got married twice and now trying to trap her. Suresh pardons her also gives her mobile back to her.

After few days again Megha goes missing with her sister Rohini. A month goes but police is clueless, but after that police finds two female dead bodies in a village river. During that police was also cluless about Somesh so now they are guessing it is a case of honour killing where all three might have killed by Megha's father Suresh Awasthi.

All the matter starts spreading in the media and few media person gives police a very important information to the police.

​मेघा 17 साल की है जो की ​सोमेश नाम के एक युवक से प्यार करती है। गाँव के कई लोग उसके पिता सुरेश अवस्थी को बोल चुके है की उसकी लड़की पर लगाम लगाये। जानने के बाद सुरेश मेघा की डांट लगाता है। मेघा अपने पिता को बोलती है की वो सोमेश को पसंद करती है और शादी करना चाहती है। ये सुनने के बाद सुरेश मेघा से उसका मोबाइल छीन लेता है।

Crime Patrol | Darkinaar: Murder of PWD employee Renuka Tyagi (Episode 478 on 6 March 2015)

Renuka Tyagi is a PWD employee who lives with her son and daughter-in-law. She has a daughter also who is also married and live in her in-law's home. Renuka tyagi often used to spend some time on her husband's burial and a day while she is again on the same place, a man comes and shoot her on his head and runs away.
​रनुका ​त्यागी एक पी.डब्लू.डी. कर्मचारी हैं जो की अपने बेटे और बहुत के साथ रहती हैं. रेणुका की एक बेटी भी है जो की अपने ससुराल में रहती है। रेणुका त्यागी अक्सर अपने पति की समाधी पर जाती रहती थी और एक दिन जब वो अपने पति की समाधि पर थी तभी पीछे से कोई आकर उनके सर में गोली मार के फरार हो जाता है।

Sulagna Chatterjee, Bhumika Chheda, Crime Patrol, Actress
Bhumika Chheda

Crimes Patrol | Swayed: Retired Senior citizen parents murdered and left to decompose for two months (Episode 476, 477 on 28 Feb and 1 March 2015)


Another similar case was reported in Mumbai where a 17 year old adopted daughter Aardhya aka Riya killed her father (Guitarist Bennet Rebello) and slashed into pieces because he used to a*use her. Click here to know about that case and inside story video.

Raghav Desai and his wife Rohini, retired seniors, reside with their teenage daughter Gehna (played by Shriya Popat. When tenants visit, they discover the locked doors, prompting concern as Raghav hadn't collected rent for two months. Inquiring with a neighbor, they learn the Desais are away at a wedding in Jaipur and haven't returned, raising suspicions. Contacting the police, a missing complaint is filed.

Initial investigations unveil family issues; neighbors mention conflicts between parents and their daughter. Unreachable via three phones, the police learn Gehna was involved with Anurag Mehta, known to the community and her school.

During a search, police enter the locked flat and uncover decomposed bodies of a couple.

Shriya Popat played Gehna Desai

Anti Social Network: Brutal murder of businessman Premvir Bajwa (Episode 475, 476 on 27th, 28th Feb 2015)

एंटी सोशल नेटवर्क
Anti Social Network
Premvir Bajwa is a businessman and is a short tempered man. He often fights with his wife Kulbeen and daughter Anchal. He behaves badly with his daughter and stops her using Internet because according to him use of Internet will bring her on a wrong path. He also did not buy mobile phone for Anchal.
A day when Premvir is sitting with his businessman friend, six men comes with shovel and spade and attacks Premvir. Premvir tries to runaway from the place but he could not succeeds and collapses on spot. All masked attackers runs away from the place.

Police starts their investigation with one of the person who was having business revelry with Premvir but he gets shocked when police tells him that Premvir is murdered. Police questions Premvir's wife Kulbeer and she tells him about Premvir's bad behaviour for her daughter and herself. She tells police that by nature Premvir was really very bad man and he had so many people in his life who hates him. She also tells that he often used to beat both of them.

Police investigation reveals that they both used to fight with each other and they also finds a five year old case where Kulbeer lodged a police complain against Premvir that he beats him badly. Some how police managed to made a compromised between them. Now police tries to find out what the other things Kulbeer is trying to hide from them.

प्रेमवीर बजवा एक बिजनेसमैन है जो की बहुत सख्त मिजाज़ का है. आये दिन उसका उसकी बीवी कुलबीर और बेटी आँचल से झगडा होता है. उसको उसकी बेटी का इन्टरनेट पे काम करना बिलकुल भी पसंद नहीं है और इसी वजह से उसने आँचल को मोबाइल भी खरीद कर नहीं दिया है. छोटी छोटी बातों पर कुलबीर को डांटना और मारना उसकी आदत है और कभी कभी वो आँचल पर भी हाथ उठता है।

Crime Patrol | The Oblique Attack: Acid attack on Komal on the morning of her marriage day (Episode 473, 474 on 21, 22 Feb 2015)

कोमल (played by Piyali Munshi) की शादी को एक दिन बाकी है। कुछ लोग हैं जो उसपर हमला काने की फिराक में हैं। वो लोग दो दिन से उस पर नज़र रखे हुए हैं और बाद में पता चलता है की कोमल उसकी शादी की सुबह ब्यूटी पार्लर जाने वाली है। वो लोग सुबह से ब्यूटी पार्लर के बाहर उसका इंतज़ार कर रहे हैं और कुछ समय बाद उनको कोमल दिखाई देती है। जब कोमल अंदर चली जाती है तो एक आदमी मुह ढक कर हाथ में एक मग लेकर अंदर जाता है। पार्लर की लड़कियां उसको देख कर घबरा जाती हैं और बाहर जाने को बोलती हैं। वो कोमल को ज़ोर से आवाज़ लगता है और उसके ऊपर मग में भरा हुआ तेज़ाब डाल कर भाग जाता है।

Piyali Munsi

कोमल को तुरंत अस्पताल में भर्ती किया जाता है और उसके साथ पार्लर की बाकी दो लड़कियों को भी भर्ती किया जाता है क्युकी तेज़ाब उन दोनों के ऊपर भी पड़ा था। भागने से पहले वो आदमी एक पर्ची छोड़ के जाता है जिसको पढ़कर पुलिस को ये लगता है की कोमल का किसी लड़के के साथ अफेयर था और उसी ने कोमल के ऊपर ये हमला करवाया क्युकी उसने कोमल को धोखा दिया था।

Crime Patrol | Ditched: Double murder of Anjana and Shakti (Episode 472, 473 on 20, 21 Feb 2014)

Anjana is wife of Devendra who is a taxi driver and Shakti is his cousin sister who lives near their home. Anjana and Shakti has good tuning with each other. A day Anjana and Shakti leaves for a Satsang program and goes missing.
On the other hand a man passing from a deserted building listens some voices. When she goes to check, see sees a woman is lying on the floor of a room. He informs it to police and police confirms that the woman is murdered. Police finds another female dead body on the upper floor room.

When Devendra puts a missing complain of his wife and cousin, police comes to know that the bodies he found in that deserted building are of Devendra’s wife and cousin. Harshly asking Devendra, he tells police that his wife was having affair with some guy named Kamal and when he came to know this, he took away her cellphone from her.

Primarily Devendra is police’s main suspect but later they finds involvement of tow more guys name Badal Rane and Shrikant Apte

Crime Patrol | Driving into danger: Couple Gaurav and Ruchika goes missing (Episode 470, 472 on 14, 15 Feb 2015)

Driving Into Danger
Gaurav (real name Avijit, played by Siddharth Sen) and Ruchika (real name Maumita, played by Gandi Baat Season-1 fame Neetha Shetty) are childhood friends and soon they are getting marry. They both hails from West Bengal and lives in Delhi. By profession, they both are painters. Before marriage they plans a tour to Dehradun. They spends few days there and takes full fun of their tour. On the last day as per schedule, they checkout from the hotel in the noon and plans to spend few more hours in the city as their train will depart at 9 o'clock in the night. They hires a taxi and that taxi driver (real name Raju Das, played by Sunil Saraswat)takes them to some river side area to enjoy.

After some time their parents try to call them but their phone numbers are switched off. Parents are confused because it is an abnormal situation. After two days their parents leave for Dehradun and files their missing complaint at the police station.

Police asks the hotel where they stayed. Police gets information that the couple left hotel on time and took a cab for railway station. Then police finds that taxi driver and asks him about the couple. He also tells police that he dropped then as per train schedule and does not know where they went after that.

inside story

Crime Patrol | Taxi: Delhi's Well Known UBER Case (Episode 469, 470 On 13, 14 Feb 2015)


Delhi's girl Tanvi Sahu want to return to her home after her friend's party is over. One of her friend suggests her or take Speed Up Taxi service which is easy to book and there is no need to pay cash. They books a cab for her and Tanvi leaves for her home in the mid-night.

Tired from office and then in the party Tanvi takes a nap in the taxi then suddenly she feels that someone is touching her. Scared Tanvi wakes up and shocked to see that taxi is stopped and taxi driver is trying to molest her. When she tries to call for help, driver warns her not to scream otherwise he will kill her. He forces Tanvi to co-operate with her otherwise she would have to pay for this. Driver rapes Tanvi in the taxi and then drops her at her doorstep.

Tanvi narrets whole incident to her family and friends and with all encouragement they files a police complain against that taxi driver. Booking sms shows that driver's name is Nagesh Chauhan. First police tries to find out detail about this taxi service and they are shocked to know that this worldwide famous taxi service is not a registered service in the city and they has only two employees to maintains all the data of all booking city-wide.

Crime Patrol | The Missing Man: Restaurant owner Zunaid Ajiz goes missing (Episode 467, 468 on 6, 7 Feb 2015)

Zunaid Ajiz is a wealthy man who has many restaurants in Lucknow and also in Dubai. One of his resturent in lucknow is babysitted by his brother-in-law. His elder son Ashfaq also helps him in his business. A morning Zunaid goes missing. Ashfaq, his mother and his uncle files his missing complaint in police station, according to them Zunaid was about to go to Dubai next morning but he went missing since then. Police starts their investigation with the people who were involved with him in his business in Lucknow as well as in Dubai.
After some hesitation his wife tells police that Zunaid has another woman in his life who is his second wife in Dubai. They got marry near fifteen year back and the woman's name is  Sumaiya. She is the only women who is living with him in Dubai.

During investigation police is not able to get any clue about his missing. Two days after filing the case, police finds a body in a bag and after postmortem it confirms that it is Zunaid’s body. Now police starts its fast enquiry and call Sumaeya from Dubai.

Melissa Pais

Buried Deep: Missing security company supervisor Jaiprakash found dead (Episode 465, 466 on 31st Jan, 1st Feb 2015)

Buried Deep
Villagers are scared of seeing a hanging skeleton on a tree. They think this is done by some haunting spirit. Police finds a id-card near that tree which shows name of Jai Prakash Parmar, a security agency supervisor.
Story goes 6 months back. Jaiprakash Parmar (real name Mahendra Meena) is living with his wife Avantika (real name Santosh and played by Sonica Handa) and two kids. Its been 16 years of his marriage and they are living happily. A morning Jaiprakash leaves for his office saying that he will comeback after 2 days. Just after leaving from his home he meets his friend Suman who is also going somewhere. He asks her to come together in an auto rickshaw and then he will get down at his office.

One other hand there is another family of Madhu, Sushil (played by Chandresh Singh) and their 2 kids living in the same area. Madhu is elder sister of Jaiprakash and Jaiprakash and Sushil are working in same security agency.

That day passes and in the evening when Avantika tries Jaiprakash's mobile number, she finds it switched off. She tries many times but does not get any response. She asks Sushil then Sushil tells her that Jaiprakash did not reach office today and office colleagues does not have any information about him.

Avantika, Sushil and Madhu raises a missing complaint at police station. Initial investigation reveals that last location of Jaiprakash's mobile was his home only. Later police finds Jaiprakash's mobile phone in his bathroom. Police considers it a case where Jaiprakash left his home on his own and he must have planned for this.

Six months passes and now after police finds a skeleton and an id-card they goes for DNA test on skeleton which matches with Jaiprakash's kids. It is now confirm that skeleton belongs to Jaiprakash. Police is confused because it was a perfect murder, then why murdered brought back skeleton from its grave?
Sonica Handa in Crime Patrol
Sonica Handa

The Marriage Trade: Wrong calls lands minor into bride trafficking (Episode 462, 463 on 24th, 25th Jan 2015)

Similar Story can be found here also
Barasat minor girl Zeenat bring to mumbai brothel
(Episode 133, 134 on July 21st-22nd 2012)

Bachpan Bachao Andolan
Shazia, a 17 year old girl start getting wrong calls on her mobile phone from an unknown person Arshad. She avoids talking to him but later they starts gossiping. After few months of mobile chatting, she falls in love with Arshad. Arshad tells her that he loves her and wants to marry her. He convinces Shazia to leave her home and come with him. A day Shazia plans to runaway with Arshad. She meets Arshad for first time on railway station and reaches Haryana. After reaching Haryana Arshad sells her to a woman. That woman again sells her to a elderly man in 50,000/-. That man forcibly marriages Shazia with his mentally challenged son and after she gets marry, his elder son and that man himself molests Shazia.

Enslaved: Minor molested by brother in law, sold by friend rescued from Policeman's home (Episode 461, 462 on 23rd, 24th Jan 2015)


Founder of Bachpan Bachao Andolan (BBA) and Noble Prize for Peace winner Mr. Kailash Satyarthi was the guest of honor of this week's both stories and both the stories were based on rescue operation done by the NGO BBA.

Kailash Satyarthi is an Indian children's rights advocate and an activist against child labor. He founded the Bachpan Bachao Andolan in 1980 and has acted to protect the rights of more than 83,000 children from 144 countries. It is largely because of Satyarthi's work and activism that the International Labour Organization adopted Convention No. 182 on the worst forms of child labor, which is now a principal guideline for governments around the world. His work is recognized through various national and international honors and awards including the Nobel Peace Prize of 2014, which he shared with Malala Yousafzai.

More details about him can be seen here:

The story is based on a minor girl Naina. She was adorable to her elder sister Shalini and was broken after her sister got married. Somehow she likes to spend some days at her sister's home. Later her sister admitted her to a school near to her home and she started living at her didi's home.

A day after she returns from her school her brother-in-law Ajeet (husband of her sister) takes advantage of her while there was no one at the home. He repeatedly did it many times after that day and threatened Naina that if she disclosed anything, she will break his marriage with her sister Shalini. A day when Naina complains to her sister against him, they started shouting at Naina. Naina's father admits her in a hostel for further study. She was studying in the 9th class when she met a guy 'Prasanna' who was also hailing from the same village. He assures Naina that if she will come with him, he will help her get a good job in Delhi. Naina convinces her friend Chhaya also and they both flee from their hostel.

The Escape Plan: Malad woman Najma's killer Bablu nabbed from Howrah station (Episode 459, 460 on 18th, 19th Jan 2015)

​Story starts from a brothel.​ Callgirls Suhana and her companion are trying to escape from their customer's place. On the other hand somewhere in Mumbai a guy named Bablu kills her boss Najma at her flat and while he is about to go, Najma's daughters comes back from School. Bablu tries to kill her elder daughter Adiba also but she escapes and locks herself in another room. Bablu is knocking the door but in the meantime Adiba calls her father Abdul in Dubai with a mobile phone. From Dubai Abdul immediately informs police and when police comes, Bablu has escaped.
Police finds Adiba inside a room and brings her with them. They also finds dead body of Najma whose throat is slit. Adiba tells police that that was Bablu who killed her mother Najma.

Based on a Malad, Mumbai case. Goregaon resident a homemaker Shagufta Khan was murder by Arvind Gupta. Gupta has worked at a mobile phone story in Goregaon. He has visited Shagufta's home to deliver a mobile phone. He first sent his girlfriend to Bangladesh, saying he would join him shortly. Gupta was in knowledge of Shagufta from last one and half year and and thought of her as a soft target.
Raquel Rebello