Case 13/ 2017: Mysterious murder case of Kanungo/Revenue Inspector Ramkripal Chowbey (Episode 770, 771 on 24th, 25th Feb, 2017)

2017 का तेरहवाँ केस
Case 13/3017
रामकृपाल चौबे एक ईमानदार सरकारी कर्मचारी हैं जो की कानूनगो की पोस्ट पर कार्यरत हैं। अगले कुछ महीनो में उनको रिटायर भी होना है मगर इसी बीच एक दिन शाम को जब वो अपने ऑफिस/तहसील के बाहर गेट पर घर जाने के लिए सवारी ढूंढ रहे हैं तभी दो बाइक सवार आते हैं, उनको प्रणाम  करते हैं और दो गोलियां मार कर फरार हो जाते हैं। रामकृपाल की वहीँ पर मृत्यु हो जाती है।
पुलिस का पहला शक अभय चौहान नाम के बाहुबली पर जाता है जिसने कुछ समय पहले रामकृपाल से बहसबाज़ी की थी और मोती रिश्वत की पेशकश भी की थी मगर और छानबीन करने पर कुछ हाथ नहीं आता। पुलिस हर सुराग को तलाशने की कोशिश करती है मगर कुछ मिल नहीं पा रहा है। एक महीने से ऊपर निकल जाता है और इसी बीच रामकृपाल के बेटे सुरेश को एक धमकी भरी फिरौती की कॉल आती है जिसमे फ़ोन करने वाला उसको जान की धमकी दे रहा है और एवज में दस लाख रूपए मांग रहा है।

पुलिस के ऊपर एसपी से लेकर कलेक्टर तक का दबाव है की केस को इतना लंबा समय हो जाने के बाद भी सुलझाया क्यों नहीं जा सका है। अब पुलिस सुरेश को फ़ोन करने वाले व्यक्ति की तलाश में जुट जाती है।
Ali Raza Namdar as Revenue Inspector Ramkripal Chowbey

Case 12/2017: Psycho killer of Alwar kills his wife and cuts into pieces (Episode 769 on 17th Feb, 2017)

2017 का बारहवां केस
Case 12/2017
The city of Jodhpur is in fear of murder. Police have found multiple body parts of a woman at different places in the city. The body parts are partially burnt and then cutoff. Postmortem reports confirm that these parts belong to same woman but police are not sure whether he is a serial killer or it is his first offense.
On the other hand killer Brijesh is a snacks vendor. He makes snakes at his home and supplies in the market. Brijesh is seeing his wife in his dreams which are making him uncomfortable.

शहर की अलग अलग जगहों पर एक लाश के टुकड़े मिल रहे हैं। कहीं पर पैर मिला है तो कहीं पर हाथ और आखिरकार लाश का सर भी मिलता है। पोस्टमॉर्टेम रिपोर्ट से ये कन्फर्म होता है की ये लाश महिला की है। पूरे शहर में दहशत है की ये कौन सनकी हत्यारा है जिसने किसी औरत को इस तरह से मारा है और दहशत इस वजह से भी है की कहीं ये कोई सीरियल किलर तो नहीं हैं।

दूसरी तरफ हत्यारा बृजेश नाम का एक आदमी जो की नमकीन बनाने का काम करता है। बृजेश को सपने में अपनी पत्नी दिखाई दे रही है।

inside story

Crime Patrol | Case 10/2017: Salon owner Vivek Arora kidnapped for a ransom of 3 crore rupees (Episode 764, 765 on 5, 6 February 2017)

2017 का दसवां केस
Case 10/2017

The episode is based on the kidnapping of a high profile makeup artist Abhishek Khetrapal from Dwarka, Delhi who owns a beauty parlor in Janakpuri. Police arrested five accused in this kidnapping case. The mastermind of this kidnapping Wasim was a former employee of Abhishek's mother who ran a boutique and Wasim was working as a tailor in the boutique. Wasim hails from Hardoi district of Uttar Pradesh. According to police Wasim was aware of the family's financial condition and he was confident that they will easily pay them a hefty amount.

Vivek Arora is a hi-profile makeup artist as well as a self-owned successful owner of a salon.

An evening when he promised his mother that he will take dinner with his parent, he leaves for some very urgent assignment. Someone calls him and requests him to come for a makeover of his handicapped sister on her marriage. Vivek tries to avoid him but that man requests him so he leaves for him but that guy kidnaps him. Vivek's father receives an SMS that Vivek has been kidnapped.

Case 9/2017: Sridhar Ranga's accidental death turns to murder case (Episode 763 on 4th February, 2017)

2017 का नौवां केस
Case 9/2017
Deadbody of a young boy is found near railway track. Postmortem report reveals that deceased was drunk when he fell from train. Aadhaar card found in his pocket reveals his identity that his name is Sridhar Ranga. Police gets other records of the Aadhaar card and finds his brother-in-law's name is Arvind Modiraj. They calls Modiraj and his wife Geeta and asks them to identify the body. Couple is shocked to know that Sridhar is dead. They also tells police that it is not possible because Sridhar never used to drink.
Further story focused on period of Demonetisation when police gets information from one of their informer about a burglary plan where two men about to burglar a jewellery shop. Police puts their fielding there and arrests them on spot. During interrogation they tells police that they are not a professional thief and this was their first chance in which they failed. They also tells police that due of demonetisation they are passing through tough time so they planned this loot and they wanted to become like Ganga who was a auto driver few months back but suddenly in few months he became a wealthy person having his own vehicle.

Police also does not find anything on arrested men's history and now they are assured that it was their first try in which they failed but now their target is Ganga that how a small auto driver became a wealthy person.
Meenakshi Chanana
पुलिस को रेलवे ट्रैक के किनारे एक यूवक की लाश मिलती है। पोस्टमॉर्टेम से पता चलता है की मरने वाला शराब के नशे में था जब तो ट्रैन से गिरा होगा। लाश की जेब से आधार कार्ड मिलता है जिसमे उसका नाम श्रीधर रंगा लिखा हुआ है। आधार की और जानकारी निकलने पर पता चलता है की ये यूवक अरविन्द मोदीराज नाम के एक व्यक्ति का साला है। पुलिस अरविन्द मोदीराज को फ़ोन करती है और वो अपनी पत्नी गीता मोदीराज के साथ पुलिस स्टेशन पहुचता है। वो लोग लाश की शिनाख्त तो कर लेते हैं मगर ये मानने को तैयार नहीं हैं की श्रीधर शराब के नशे में ट्रैन से गिरा क्योंकि वो कभी शराब पीता ही नहीं था। इस केस को समय बीत जाता है और केस को एक्सीडेंटल केस मान कर बंद कर दिया जाता है।

Asambhav: Online shopping records help police unfolding a murder case (Episode 689 on 29th July, 2016)

A man kills a woman by slitting throat in his car and later sales that car. Another man helps him doing this. Body found in Ratnagiri where no one is able to identify her. Police tries but after not getting any lead they leaves the case but after new SP joins, he first picks same case and starts studying about it. He finds that victim is wearing a suit which has a company tag mentioning "Stree Pehnawa". He looks for this brand over the internet and after getting their customer case number, they comes to know that this company does not have any outlet but sales through online shopping sites only.
Doing a thorough research about this purchase and few phone records, they finds that this suit was ordered by a man named Vinay Deshpande in Mumbai.

रत्नागिरी के एक गाँव में लोगों को एक युवती की लाश मिलती है। पुलिस उसकी फोटो पूरे इलाके में घुमाती है मगर कुछ नहीं मिल पाता, कोई इस युवती को नहीं पहचानता है। कोई लीड न मिलने की वजह से केस ठंडा पड़ जाता है मगर दो महीने बाद इलाके में नया एस.पी. आकर इस केस पर ज़ोर देते हैं। वो केस स्टडी करते हैं और पाते हैं की मारने वाले ने जो कपडे पहने हैं उस पर कपडे बनाने वाली कंपनी का लोगो लगा हुआ है। कंपनी का नाम स्त्री पहनावा है। इस कंपनी के बारे में इन्टरनेट पे सर्च किया जाता है और कस्टमर केयर में फ़ोन करने पर पता चलता है की ये कंपनी कुछ ऑनलाइन शॉपिंग साइट के साथ मिल कर साड़ी बिक्री ऑनलाइन ही करती है।

केस में तेजी लाइ जाती है और ख़रीदे गए सूट के डाटा को अच्छे से ढूंढने पर पता चलता है की ये सूट विनय देशपांडे नाम के एक आदमी ने मुम्बई में बुक कराया था।



Thanks to Nitin for providing online source of the story.  Here is the inside story of the case:

Case 8/2017: Senior citizen Manohar Chaudhary kidnapped and shot dead with grandson Rahul (Episode 761, 762 on 27th, 28th January, 2017)

2017 का आठवां केस
Case 8/2017
Karsi Bagh, Jharkhand
The village is shaken with double murder. 65-year-old Manohar Chaudhary and his grandson Rahul Chaudhary found shot dead on a roadside. Manohar and Rahul were hailing from Bhubaneswar and they came here to meet their relative at Thakurs. That was a morning when Rakesh Thakur's wife found Manohar and Rahul missing from their guest room while Manohar's wife Radha was still their but was not aware where the duo went. Their sleepers were also found in the room and later their dead bodies found in the village. The postmortem report revealed that they were shot with a point-blank range.
Manohar Chaudhary and Thakur family had a far family relation and according to Rakesh Thakur they both just came to meet the family from Bhubaneswar. When the police inform Rahul's parent in Bhubaneswar about their murder, they reach Jharkhand and tells police that the purpose behind Manohar Chaudhary and Rahul's visit to Jharkhand was to settle Rahul's marriage with Rakesh's daughter Neeta...

Crime Patrol | Mumbai Double Murder: Two women murdered over obscene videos (Crime Patrol Dial 100 Episode 377 on 26 Jan, 2017)

मुम्बई डबल मर्डर
Mumbai Double Murder

मुलुंड, नार्थ-ईस्ट मुम्बई

Shashank Shah, after returning from his office, finds his wife Shilpa Shah fell on the ground and blood is pouring from her head. He immediately calls his neighbor doctor who comes and tells that Shilpa has died.

The police come and start the investigation but they do not find any force entry marks. The police do find one thing that just before he died, Shilp was chatting with a young man named Ron. The police also seize her laptop and start the proceedings.

Meanwhile, another incident happens in the same society in which Shilpa lived. A girl named Sneha Pawar falls down from the highest floor of the building and dies.

शशांक शाह अपने ऑफिस से लौटने के बाद अपनी पत्नी शिल्पा शाह को ज़मीन पर गिरा हुआ पाता है और उसके सर से खून निकल रहा है। वो तुरंत ही अपने पडोसी डॉक्टर को बुलाता है जो आकर बताते हैं की शिल्पा की मृत्यु हो चुकी है।

पुलिस आकर छानबीन शुरू करती है मगर उनको कोई भी फाॅर्स एंट्री का निशान नहीं मिलता है। पुलिस एक चीज़ ज़रूर मिलती है की मरने से ठीक पहले शिल्प किसी रॉन नाम के यूवक से चैट कर रही थी। पुलिस उसके लैपटॉप को भी जब्त करती है और कार्यवाही शुरू करती है।

इसी बीच जिस सोसाइटी में शिल्पा रहती थी उसी सोसाइटी में एक और घटना होती है। स्नेहा पवार नाम की एक लड़की बिल्डिंग के सबसे ऊंचे माले से निचे गिर कर जान दे देती है।

Deepali Muchikar as Sneha Pawar in Mumbai Double Murder
Deepali Muchikar

पुलिस को शिल्पा के लैपटॉप से ये जानकारी मिलती है की ये जिस रॉन नाम के लड़के से चैट कर रही थी उसका पूरा नाम रोनित है। पुलिस रोनित को तुरंत गिरफ्तार करती है और पूछताछ शुरू करती है। रोनित के लैपटॉप से पुलिस को स्नेहा की एक अश्लील विडियो क्लिप भी मिलती है जिससे पुलिस का शक पुख्ता हो जाता है की इन दोनों मौतों के पीछे सिर्फ और सिर्फ रोनित का हाथ है जबकि रोनित इस बात से साफ़ साफ़ इनकार कर रहा है की उसने ऐसा कुछ किया है।

Crime Patrol | Case 7/2017: Bhind Murder case. Widow Sangita murdered along with three kids (Episode 760 on 21 Feb 2017)

2017 का सांतवां केस
Case 7/2017
Sangita is a widow who is the mother of a kid Aarti. Her husband Ramesh passed away four years back and she lives near her two brother-in-laws Rajiv and Sandeep's homes. Sangita and her daughter are being taken care of by these two brothers-in-law who sometime send their kids Vaishali and Rohit to stay at Sangita's home so she will not feel lonely. A night both the kids of Rajiv and Sandeep do not return to their homes till 7:30 AM so Sandeep asks her wife about Vaishali and asks Rajiv also about his kid Rohit. A neighbour of Sangita tells Sandeep that Sangita's home is locked from outside. Sandeep and Rajiv also find home locked from outside and they are wondering how Sangita could go somewhere without informing anyone!
They calls police and when police opens the door lock, they finds all four dead inside the home.

inside story

Case 6/2017: Two missing girls and a dead body (Episode 759 on 20th January, 2017)

2017 का छठा केस
Case 6/ 2017
Stubborn Shalini (played by Simran Sharma) want to live life on her own. She does not like any interference of her parents. A day she fights with her mom and dad and leaves home. One the other hand another married woman Rabia leaves her home but does not comeback. Shalini's parents and Rabia's husband raises their missing complains in the police station.
Here these guy are filing these complains and at some other place a man finds a suitcase in a jungle. Demonetisation season is going on so he things that this suitcase might contain old currency notes. He opens it and finds a decomposed female dead-body inside it.

Police matched this dead body is either of these two missing case.

Crime Patrol | Case 5/2017: Ego issues between a couple ends with two deaths (Episode 758 on 14th Jan, 2017)

2017 का पांचवा केस
Case 5/2017

In Bangalore (shown as Belgam), a tragic incident unfolded as a senior software engineer, Madhusudan (shown as Aditya Rao), fatally stabbed his wife (shown as Priya), also a senior software engineer, before jumping to his death from their 13-floor apartment. The couple, married for seven years with a daughter, was undergoing a turbulent phase in their relationship, as revealed by the police. Madhusudan took their daughter to his parents' home before confronting his wife at her office, where a bitter argument ensued.

Crime Patrol Cast: Vaibhavi Upaddhyaya and Kamlesh Oza

Sheetal Pandya: Crime Patrol Actors and Actresses

Most Well Known Star Casts
Another young and beautiful face Sheetal Pandya also comes from Mithibhai College and she started her television career with popular show Udaan Sapnon Ki where she played role of Bhagya. Besides Udaan she also played role in Sahara One's Jhilmil Sitaron Ka Aangan Hoga.
Episodes played by Sheetal Pandya

Crime Patrol Cast: Sheetal Pandya

Garima Goel: Crime Patrol Actors and Actresses

Most Well Known Star Casts
Stunning actress Garima Goel came into limelight after she played an important role in Start Plus' Pyar ka Dard hai.. Meetha Meetha Pyara Pyara. She also has done some episodes of Pyar Tune Kya Kiya Season 3 and played role of a hot and happening secretary in Star Plus' Gulmohar Grand. She has played few roles in Savdhan India's valentines weeks also. Now a days she can be seen frequently in Crime Patrol Dial 100 stories.

Episodes played by Garima Goel

Crime Patrol Actor: Garima Goel

Case 4/2017: Jharkhand's Adivasi minor girl servant found locked in almirah (Episode 575 on 13th January, 2017)

2017 का चौथा केस
Case 4/2017

An NGO along with the Gurgaon police rescued this girl from the Krishna Coloney. The girl was having the marks of injuries all over her body.

Police arrested the couple under IPC 323, 506, 374, 344 and 34.

The girl said she was served only 2 breads throughout the day and when the child welfare people brought her to the home of the chairperson of Child Welfare Committee (CWC), Shakuntala Dhull’s residence, she girl snatched the biscuite as she was not able to control her hunger.

The girl belong to Gumla village in Jharkhand. That they when the police raided that house, she was kept lock inside an almirah.

The police came into action after a complaint of one of the neighbours who informed police about some mysterious noise of a girl comes from that home.

inside story

Crime Patrol | Case 3/2017: Baghpat, U.P's three police constable murdered along with three family members (Episode 755, 756 on 7, 8 January 2017)

2017 का तीसरा केस
Case 3/2017

Farmer Dinesh Paswan is brutally murdered by the Shukla gang because he did not pay extortion money to them. Siblings Rajiv and Mukesh Shukla are the founder of this gang and are wanted in the murder case of Paswan. Paswan's father is the main witness in the case but they kill him along with his wife early morning while 2 police constable was also allocated to protect them. Now police trigger their investigation to capture Shukla brothers but they are still away from them.

Gaurav is also a farmer in the village and Veeru is his younger brother. A day while he is working at his farm Mukesh Shukla comes and warns him to pay him 10 lac till tomorrow morning otherwise he would have to pay for this. Gaurav shares this with his family and decides to report it to the police. Veeru is suggesting he not to pay any extortion money otherwise they goons will keep on coming to harras them. The next morning Gaurav tells police that Shukla's brother is targeting him. Shukla is now on alert but after few days they shoot Gaurav in the day board light in the market in front of his mother.

After this murder, Veeru decides to take revenge from them and takes some advice from his friend Prabhakar Bhaiya. After a few days, a gang of few people finds that place where the Shukla gang is residing. All of a sudden they reach there and shoots Rajiv Shukla and few of his companions dead. Mukesh Shukla succeeds to escape from the place but his one leg is badly injured because of the bullet. Later he gets caught by police.

Mukesh is in jail but in the mean time, two guys enter into Gaurav-Veeru's home while Veeru is at her farm with his father. They guys shoot her mother, sister along three constables who were there to protect the family. In this shootout Veeru's mother, sister, and two constables die, the third constable is unconscious and fourth was already left to the farm with Veeru. Mukesh is shocked to know that who took his revenge from Veeru's family without informing him.

inside story

Crime Patrol | Case 2/2017: Yavatmal's blind murder led police to another murder case (Episode 754 on 6 January 2017)

2017 का दूसरा केस
Case 2/2017

Senior police officer is taking a training session and in that session he is briefing other junior officers about how they starts their investigation when they encounters a blind murder case. He is telling them that what step they took when they found a naked mail dead body in the jungles of Yavatmal. This was a blind murder for him and his team but they started with their first lead as a tag on victim's vest mentioning King'.

इस एपिसोड में भी एक सीनियर पुलिस ऑफिसर नए ज्वाइन किये गए पुलिस वालों को ट्रेनिंग दे रहे हैं की वो किस तरह से किसी ब्लाइंड मर्डर की तफ्तीश शुरू करते हैं और छोटे से छोटे सुराग को मिलाते हुए कैसे वो असली खूनी को ढूंढ निकालते हैं। वो बता रहे हैं की कैसे महाराष्ट्र के येवतमाल में मिली एक नग्न लाश के सुराग को ढूंढते-ढूंढते उन्होंने किसी और ब्लाइंड मर्डर का पर्दाफाश किया। इस केस में पुलिस के पास पहला सुराग मरने वाले की बनियान थी और इसी पर लगे 'किंग' नाम के टैग के सहारे उन्होंने एक ब्लाइंड मर्डर केस का खुलासा किया।

Case 1/2016: Police unfolds mystery behind murder of a drug dealer Lucky Gill (Episode 752, 753 on 30th December 2016 and 1st January 2017)

2016 का पहला केस
Case 1/2016

Himachal Pradesh
Police find a male dead body on the roadside. In his pocket, they find 10 sim cards and when they start investigating sim cards they find only two out of 10 sim cards are registered. One of then is registered on the name of Aman and the other one is registered on the name of Rahul. Through their registered addresses, they find both the guys but both deny to identify the deceased.

Now, police put this dead body's detail on their zip net and start spreading posters. Finally, decease's elder brother identifies his photo and talks to the police. He tells them that the deceased is his elder brother Lucky Gil who left home a few days back. His father also tells police that he does not know whereabouts of his son because he never thought to share anything with them.

Crime Patrol Murder Lucky Gil, Mayur More

Crime Patrol | Hisaab: Factory owner Lalit Malik stabbed and killed in his room (Episode 750, 751 on 24, 25 Dec, 2016)


Lalit and Chander Malik are the real brothers who lives with their mother. Lalit's marriage was broken 8 years back. 8 years back he got married to Sudha but she left him because she wanted to continue her job in Chandigarh while Lalit wanted her to stay here to take care of his family. They have a kid as well who now lives with Sudha. Chandra is also married and his wife Nisha lives in the same house.

As per their daily routine, their mother comes to their home to serve morning tea but finds Lalit dead. Lalit was stabbed to death. Lalit's family is the police's prime suspect. They also find a broken door lock. Lalit was running a factory while Chandar was taking care of their farms.

The family is financially well settled so maybe someone killed him because of property! Sudha is also Police's suspect, maybe she got him killed for property!

Diya Makhija

ललित मालिक और चन्दर मालिक सगे भाई हैं जो की अपनी माँ के साथ एक ही मकान में रहते हैं। ललित बड़ा भाई है जिसकी शादी टूट चुकी है। आठ साल पहले उसकी शादी सुधा से हुई थी मगर सुधा उसका घर छोड़ कर चली गई क्योंकि वो चंडीगढ़ बैंक में नौकरी करना चाहती थी मगर ललित चाहता था की वो यहां हरियाणा में ही उसके घर में रहे और घर की देखभाल करे। ललित और सुधा का एक बेटा भी है जो सुधा के साथ ही रहता है। दूसरी तरफ चन्दर भी शादीशुदा है और उसकी पत्नी निशा भी उसी घर में रहती है।

एक सुबह पांच बजे रोज़ की तरह ललित की माँ उसके लिए ​चा​ए लेकर उसके कमरे में पहुचती है और ललित को मरा हुआ पाती है। ललित को कई बार चाक़ू घोप घोप कर मारा गया है। जांच के दौरान पुलिस को पहला शक ललित के घर वालों पे ही जाता है। उनको घर के मुख्य दरवाज़े की कुण्डी भी काटी गई मिलती है। पुलिस को ये भी पता चलता है की ललित एक फैक्ट्री चलता है जब की चन्दर खेत और बागों का काम देखता है।

घर में पैसे की कोई कमी नहीं है और हो सकता है ये हत्या जायदाद के लिए की गई हो! पुलिस को सुधा पर भी शक होता है, हो सकता है ये हत्या सुधा ने जायदाद के लिए करवाई हो।

Part 1:
Part 2:

Part 1:
Part 2:

Imtihaan: Mysterious murder case of Engineering student Arun Gupta (Episode 749 on 23rd December, 2016)

An Exam
इंजीनियरिंग स्टूडेंट अरुण गुप्ता अपने कॉलेज के ही प्रोफेसर सुधीर के घर में बतौर पेइंग गेस्ट रहता है। वो एक अच्छा छात्र है और प्रोफेसर सुधीर और उनकी पत्नी उसको बहुत पसंद करते हैं। एक दिन अचानक प्रोफेसर को अरुण के कमरे खून से लतपथ मिलता है और अरुण गायब है। इससे भी ज़्यादा चौकाने वाले बात ये दिखती है की कमरे की दिवार में खून से लिखा है "मेरी बहन का रेप करने की सजा". तुरंत पुलिस को बुलाया जाता है और पुलिस को अरुण का शव उसके बेड के नीचे मिलता है।

पुलिस का पहला शक प्रोफेसर सुधीर और उनकी पत्नी शमिता पर जाता है की हो सकता है की घर के अंदर किसी कलह के चलते ये खून किया गया हो, हो सकता है शमिता और अरुण के बीच नाजायज़ सम्बन्ध हो जिसके चलते सुधीर ने अरुण का खून कर दिया और जांच को भटकाने के लिए दिवार पे ये लिख दिया। इन्वेस्टीगेशन आगे बढ़ती है और पता चलता है की उस रात अरुण अपने किसी दोस्त के साथ था और उसी दोस्त ने उसका खून भी किया होगा!

Rinki Singhvi: Crime Patrol Actors and Actresses

Most Well Known Star Casts
Rinki belongs to Jodhpur, Rajasthan and she studied from Xavier Institute of Communications, Mumbai. She holds degree of home Science and she got involved in theatres from her school and college time.

She is a big fan of Shahrukh Khan.
Episodes played by Rinki Singhvi

Crime Patrol Savdhan India Actress Rinki Singhvi

Crime Patrol | Armaan: 24 Year old Surbhi Rajput shot dead outside her guest house (Episode 747, 746 on 16, 18 December 2016)

Surabhi Rajput (real name Sandhya Bhatia and played by Ahsaas Channa)is 24 year old young girl who works as receptionist in a moter vehicle showroom. A morning when she is coming back to her guest house after morning walk, shot dead by two unknown assailants riding a bike. They fires three bullets on Sarabhi from back and she dies immediately on spot. Her friend Sangita who was also coming back with her narrowly escapes in this attack. Surbhi was living as a paying guest with her two other roommates in a guest house.
Investigation reveals that Surbhi left her home in Hrishikesh six years back when she was 18 years old and came here in Dehradun. She was a frank girl who wanted to live her life on her own. She used to bunk classes when she was in school. Many times she was caught red-handed but she never cared about this. Escaping school and smoking has become her hobby. She came into touch with a guy Rohan when she was 17 years old but their relationship did not go last because Surabhi announced that she was just doing time pass with him and never wanted to marry him.

Surabhi decided to leave her home when she turned 18 because she knew that now she is the owner of her life and is independent to take any decision.

सुरभि राजपूत एक मोटर कंपनी में रिसेप्शनिस्ट का काम करती है। एक सुबह मॉर्निंग वॉक के दौरान उसकी तीन गोली मार कर हत्या कर दी जाती है। सुरभि अपनी दो और दोस्तों के साथ पेइंग गेस्ट के तौर पे एक गेस्ट हाउस में रहती है। उस समय वो अपनी दोस्त संगीता के साथ मॉर्निंग वॉक से वापस आरही थी जब दो बाइक सवारों ने उसकी गोली मार कर हत्या कर दी। हमले में संगीता बाल-बाल बची मगर सुरभि की तत्काल मौत हो गई।