Crime Patrol | Case 29/2017: Interior designer Disha Vartak goes missing (Episode 796, 797 on 28, 29 April, 2017)

2017 का उनत्तीसवाँ केस
Case 29/2017

Disha Vertak (played by Sanya Bansal), an interior designer suddenly goes missing. She lives with her mother and elder sister Neha Katkar and having an affair with a Muslim guy Akram. The couple wants to get married but her mother is strictly against their marriage because she does not want her daughter to get married to a Muslim guy. It's been years since they have this relationship with each other but still, her mother does not agree.

Disha's brother in law i.e. her sister Neha's husband Arvind (played by Sandeep Shridhar) stays at his home while Neha stays with her mother and younger sister Disha. After Disha goes missing, the police's prime suspect is her mother. A strict mother who always opposed their marriage may the reason behind Disha's disappearance or maybe Disha was having affair with someone else and ran away with him.

Investigation reveals that Disha and Akram used to meet each other in a park near their locality. The day Disha went missing, she was seen talking to someone else after she met with Akram. That mysterious person with whom she was talking that day may be accused because no one has any guess about him or her.

After investigating more police come to know the reason behind why Disha's sister Neha is living away from his husband and how a third woman Sunita Katkar (played by Resha Konkar) also relates to all of them.

inside story
YouTube | Dailymotion

Crime Patrol | Case 27/2017: Mumbai's Paanwala's son's Nikunj Chaurasia murder case (Episode 791, 792 on 15, 16 April 2017)

2017 का सत्ताइसवां केस
Case 27/2017
Mumbai police find the dead body of a youth in the Ghodbunder area. The body's face is badly smashed to remove his identification and he is found partially naked. Police start to search for all the missing complaints registered during this period and find missing complain of a Bakery owner's son Ashish Jaiswal (real name Nikunj Chaurasia played by Ashish Bhatt). This missing complaint was registered on the same day they found that dead body. They call Ashish's parents to identify the body of Ashish.
Ashish was the only son of his parent. His father owns a bakery shop in Mumbai whom Ashish also takes care of. Ashish's uncle also has a bakery shop in another area in Mumbai. As per the statements of the people known to him, he was a kind heart and a nice boy. The only bad habit he had was alcohol. His father never forbade him to drink because he also used to drink daily. Ashish's post-mortem report reveals that he was drunk at the night he was killed but his body also had some anesthetic contents.

Police also come to know that Ashish had an affair with a girl in a neighbor, named Shilpa (played by Sharvi Mota). They wanted to get married but Shilpa's elder brother wanted her to get rid of this relationship because Ashish was an alcoholic.

मुंबई को पुलिस को घोड़बंदर एरिया में एक जवान युवक की लाश मिलती है जिसके सर को बुरी तरह से कुचला गया है जिससे की कोई उसकी लाश की शिनाख्त न कर सके। पुलिस को इस ह्त्या के एक दिन बाद ये लाश लावारिस सवस्था में मिलती है और इसकी शिनाख्त के लिए अब पुलिस आस-पास के पुलिस स्टेशन में दर्ज मिसिंग कम्प्लेंस को देखना शुरू करती है। पुलिस को आशीष जायसवाल नाम के एक युवक की मिसिंग कंपलेन मिलती है जो कि ठीक उसी दिन से गायब है जिस दिन ये लावारिस लाश मिली। पुलिस आशीष के माँ-बाप को बुला कर उसकी लाश की शिनाख्त करवाती है।

आशीष ​जायसवाल अपने माँ-बाप की इकलौती संतान था। उसके पिता रामकुमार की जायसवाल की एक बेकरी की दुकान है जिसमे वो भी हाथ बटाता है और उसके चाचा की भी बेकरी की ही दूकान मुंबई के दुसरे इलाके भी है। मस्त-मौला साफ़ दिल के आशीष की सिर्फ एक ही बुरी आदत थी, शराब। उसे शराब पीने का शौक था जिसके लिए उसके पिता ने उसे कभी मना नहीं किया क्युकी वो खुद शराब का शौक रखते है। आशीष की पोस्टमॉर्टेम रिपोर्ट से पता चलता है की हत्या की रात भी उसने बहुत शराब पी थी इसके अलावा उसके ड्रिंक ले बेहोशी की दवा मिला कर उसको मारा गया था।

Based on the murder case of Bandra, Mumbai's paan shop owner's son Nikunj Chaurasia murder case.

जांच के दौरान ये भी पता चलता है की आशीष की एक गर्ल फ्रेंड भी थी जिसका नाम शिल्पा है। वो दोनों एक दूसरे से शादी करना चाहते थे मगर शिल्पा के भाई को ये रिश्ता नामंजूर था क्युकी आशीष शराबी था। पुलिस को शक है की शिल्पा के भाई ने ही तो आशीष की हत्या नहीं करवाई!

Part 1:
Part 2:

Part 1: Case 27/2017 Part 1
Part 2: Case 27/2017 Part 2

Here is the inside story of the case:

Crime Patrol | Case 26/2017: Businessman Manjeet Dhillo goes missing (Episode 790 on 14 Apr 2017)

2017 का छब्बीसवाँ केस
Case 26/2017
Manjeet is a businessman who runs an electronic showroom in Ghaziabad. He lives with mother Paramjit Kaur who eagerly wanted him to marry. Manjeet's business is going well but his mother's only wish is that he is now thirty years old so should get married soon. She always used to tantrum him about it which is making him frustrated.
A day suddenly Manjeet goes missing. It is 11 o'clock in the night and he is not back to his home. His mother calls his friend Rahul to confirm if Manjeet is staying at his home that night but Rahul tells him Manjeet was with him till 11:45 and then he left for his home.

His mother raises his missing complaint. Police are unable to find any love angle in his missing case. They are also a little suspicious if he left his home on his own because he was frustrated with his mother who used to prompt him so much about his marriage.
Preeti Hansraj Sharma, Lucknow, Gurpreet Murder, Mamta
Harpreet played by Preeti Hansraj Sharma

Crime Patrol | Case 25/2017: Gold businessman Ganesh Kotian found hanging in a hotel's locked room (Episode 788, 789 on 8, 9 Apr 2017)

Case 25/2017
2017 का पच्चीसवां केस
Ganesh Kottian (played by Swapnil Sunil Ajgaonkar) hails from Mangalore, is a gold businessman who is currently in Pune for some delivery related work. He seems to be a little worried and reaches a hotel to stay in. Hotel staff finds no one came out of his room from the last two days and the room is locked with a padlock that does not belong to this hotel. They also observe that the foul smell is coming from this room. Hotel owner calls to police and police find a dead body hanging on the ceiling fan.

The hotel has only one CCTV camera at the corridor attached to Ganesh's room which is focusing on reception. Checking footage of that camera police finds a suspicious person is entering Ganesh's room when he was busy in documentation formality.
That man is wearing a red color T-Shirt, cap, and dark color goggles. Receptionists and footage confirm that the day Ganesh entered into the room, was carrying a green color bag which police could not found in the room after Ganesh's murder. Police are sure that this suspicious first killed Ganesh then flee with his bag.

Police inform Ganesh's wife Chitra and his father about his murder in Mangalore. Ganesh's father tells police that Ganesh was a gold broker who was carrying six-kilogram gold on his trip to Pune. He tells police that they also raised his missing complaint at their area police station where his wife Chitra told police about this six Kg gold. Now, police are sure that Ganesh was killed for this gold only. The person behind him was following him from Mangalore and once he got a chance, he killed Ganesh and disappeared with Six Kg gold.

Further investigation reveals that Ganesh was a Raw Gold broker, rather than a gold businessman. His work was to deliver raw gold to jewelers around India to get Gold jewelry in exchange. He was working for a businessman cum gangster Shankar Anna. Ganesh was a self-made person and he himself made a big bungalow from a small house.

गणेश कोटियान सोने का व्यापारी है जो की अपने बिज़नेस के सिलसिले में मंगलोर से पुणे आया हुआ है। वो कुछ परेशान है और एक लॉज में रुकने के लिए कमरा लेता है। दो दिन तक कोई उसको कमरे से निकलता नहीं देखता है और उसके कमरे में एक ताला लगा दिखाई देता है। कमरे के अंदर से एक अजीब सी बदबू भी आरही है। लॉज का मालिक पुलिस को बुलाता है और ताला खोलने पर पुलिस को गणेश की लाश पंखे से लटकी हुई मिलती है।

लॉज के रिसेप्शन से गणेश के होटल तक जाने वाले गलियारे में पुलिस को एक सीसीटीवी कैमरा लगा दिखाई देता है सो पुलिस उस कैमरा में दो दिन पहले की फुटेज खोजना शुरू करती है जब गणेश लॉज में दाखिल हुआ था। फुटेज में एक बहुत अजीबोगरीब चीज दिखाई देती है की जिस समय गणेश रिसेप्शन पर अपनी डॉक्यूमेंटेशन पूरी कर रहा था ठीक उसी समय उसके पीछे काला चश्मा और टोपी लगाए एक आदमी रिसेप्शनिस्ट और गणेश से नज़रें बचा कर उसी गलियारे की तरफ गया था जिस तरफ गणेश का कमरा था। फुटेज में इस अनजान आदमी की कोई तस्वीर साफ़ नहीं मिलती है मगर पुलिस को ये यकीन ज़रूर हो जाता है की इसी आदमी में गणेश का खून किया और फिर गणेश का बैग लेकर फरार हो गया।

गणेश के घर मंगलौर में उसकी पत्नी और पिता को उसकी हत्या के बारे में सूचित किया जाता है। सबलोग अचंभित है की ये कैसे हो गया। गणेश का पिता बताता है की गणेश एक सोने का व्यापारी था और वो अपनी पत्नी से कह कर निकला था की वो 6 किलो सोना पुणे डिलीवर करने जा रहा है। अब पुलिस को पूरा यकीन हो जाता है की ये हत्या उस 6 किलो सोने के लिए ही की गई है।

खबरियों को एक्टिव करने पर एक खुफिया खबर सामने आती है की गणेश सोने का व्यापारी नहीं बल्कि कच्चा सोना डिलीवर करने वाला एक ब्रोकर था को शंकर नाम के आदमी के लिए काम करता था और कच्चे सोने के बदले सोने के जवाहरात लाकर डिलीवर करता था। गणेश एक सेल्फ मेड आदमी था जिसने अपने दम पर ही एक छोटी सी कोठी से एक बड़ा बँगला खड़ा किआ था। पुलिस को एक और बात हैरान करने वाली लगती है की गणेश की बीवी को सिर्फ इतना पता था की गणेश सोने की डिलीवरी का काम करता है, उसे ये बिलकुल भी नहीं पता था की गणेश एक ब्रोकर या स्मगलर है।

Inside Story:
Thrissur, Kerala gold businessman Satish Raju M was found hanging at Chembur, Mumbai's Kamla Lodge. His body was recovered from the room he was staying and the room was found locked from outside. Hotel's staff told police that when they found Raju is not picking their call and missing from the last three days, they alerted police about this.

Crime Patrol | Case 24/2017: 22 year old g*ngr*ped by three in Jaipur (Episode 787 on 7 Apr 2017)

2017 का चौबीसवाँ केस
Case 24/2017
Priyanka Jha is a student who is preparing for Bank PO exams. She tells police that she was g*ngr*ped by three young guys while she was looking for an Auto Rickshaw outside the railway station.
She was coming back to Rajpura after attending her Bank PO exams. It was midnight and she was looking for some conveyance for her hostel. When she did not find anything, she asked an Auto Driver to drop her at her hostel. That auto-rickshaw was already carrying two young men who kept on staring at her throughout the rout. And When she noticed that driver have moved rikshaw in the wrong direction, she tried to stop him but after reaching a deserted street, they r*ped her one by one. They also tried to kill her pouring pesticide in her mouth but could not succeed. They also made a video clip of the girl and warned her that if she told anyone about this incident, they will viral this video clip over the internet.

After coming into the media whole city is shaken. The incident is very similar to the Nirbhaya G*ngr*pe case and here also the accused tried to kill the victim. The police team also finds that that night none of the CCTV cameras was working in the city which could have helped them find the culprit.

After medical examination Police ask Priyanka to help them making sketches of the culprits.

inside story



Crime Patrol | Case 21/2017: Electrician Amjad stabs Mukhtar to death in broad daylight (Episode 782, 783 on 25, 26 Mar 2017)

2017 का इक्कीसवाँ केस
Case 21/2017

Amjad Baig is an electrician who is doing well in his business. Faheem and Harish also works at his shop. Amjad belongs to Azamgarh, UP and a long ago he shifted to Mumbai. His talent is the only key behind his successful business. He has rented out a small place at outside of his shop whom he has given to a Tailor Mukhtar.

A fine morning when Amjad comes to his shop. He is looking nervous and suddenly he picks a knife and starts stabbing at Mukhtar. Mukhtar is immediately admitted to the hospital where doctors declared him dead.

In the meanwhile, Amjad reaches his home, changes his shirt, packs his bag and runs away. His wife Meena is also shocked to see his shirt in all blood.

No one has any clue that what was happened between both of them that Amjad killed Mukhtar! Police is also not able to find any clue. They comes to know that Meena is Amjad's second wife while his first wife married to Amjad's younger brother. Police also comes to know that Amjad's wife Meena and Faheem both are from Bangladesh who infiltrated to India a long ago.

Crime Patrol Case 21/2017, Saheem Khan, Priya Shinde, Mansi Singh
Priya Shinde, Saheem Khan & Mansi Singh

Crime Patrol | Case 19/2017: Delhi's Spa girls Swati and Payal's double murder (Episode 779, 780 on 19, 20 March 2017)

2017 का उन्नीसवां केस
Case 19/2017

Mumbai police find the dead body of a girl in a housing society's common area. The girl has murdered slitting throat and dumped in a polythene bag. After a few days, police find another woman torso in a society gutter who has a tattoo on her left wrist.

Police post their photos in newspapers and after few days a boy named Somesh comes to the police station and tells then that he might know this girl. According to him, he received a call from his friend Payal's home that her phone is switched from few days. He also tells police that they both belong to Barasat (Bengal) and a few years back they came to Mumbai in search of work. Later Payal got a job at a spa. Police ask him to identify the body of Payal who has a tattoo on her left hand. Watching the dead body he confirms that she is Payal only.

Now, police investigate more information at Payal's rented flat. Payal's neighbors tell them that she was living with her roommate Swati but not seen around from the last couple of days. At the flat, they find passports of Payal and Swati and now police confirm that another dead body that they found at the common area of that society belongs to Swati.

inside story
Payal and Swati played by Melanie Pais and Kshitisha Soni

दिल्ली की एक हाउसिंग सोसाइटी में सुबह के समय एक सफाई कर्मचारी को काले रंग का एक बड़ा बैग दिखाई देता है। जब वो उस बैग को उठाने की कोशिश करता है तो उसको शक होता है की इस बैग के अंदर कूड़ा न होकर कुछ और ही है। लोगों के कहने पर वो बैग को खोलता है तो सब ये देख कर घबरा जाते हैं की बैग के अंदर एक जवान लड़की की लाश है जिसका गला काटा गया है। पुलिस इस लड़की की शिनाख्त कर भी नहीं पाई है की उनको एक और हाउसिंग सोसाइटी के गटर में एक और लड़की की लाश मिलती है जिसका सर गायब है और बाएं हाथ में एक टैटू का निशान है।

पुलिस शिनाख्त के लिए न्यूज़ पेपर्स में इनदोनो लड़कियों की फोटो छपवाती है जिसमे दूसरी लड़की के हाथ का टैटू छपा है। कुछ दिन बाद सोमेश नाम का एक लड़का पुलिस को आकर बताता है की वो इस टैटू वाली लड़की उसकी दोस्त पायल है और वो इसको जानता है जो की उसके ही शहर बारासात की है और उनदोनो के बीच कभी कभी बात-चीत होती रहती है। एक दिन पहले ही पायल की बहन का फ़ोन आया था जो की ये कह रही थी की ये पायल अपना फ़ोन नहीं उठा रही है। सोमेश को ये शक हुआ की न्यूज़ पेपर में छपा टैटू वाला फोटो इसी का तो नहीं है ये पता करने वो पुलिस स्टेशन आया। लाश को देखने के बाद ये तय हो जाता है की बिना सर वाली लड़की की लाश पायल की ही है।

पुलिस पायल के रूम पे जाकर चेक करती है तो वहां पर पायल और उसकी दोस्त स्वाति के पासपोर्ट मिलते हैं। पासपोर्ट में लगी फोटो के ये भी कन्फर्म होता है की पुलिस को जो लाश पहले मिली थी वो स्वाति मित्रा की है।

Part 1:
Part 2:

Part 1: Case 19/2017 Part 1
Part 2: Case 19/2017 Part 2

Here is the inside story of the case:
Search Tags: Munirka double murder, Arjun Thapa, Sonam, sewer, New Delhi, Delhi, Mini Sangama, Neha, Meghalaya, Jeevan, Nepal, Sushma alias Sonam, Assam, Nayesha, Govind, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, RP Upadhyay, joint commissioner of police, Arjun

Crime Patrol | Case 18/2017: Senior inspector Mansur Malik shot dead in a broad day light (Episode 778 on 17 March 2017)

Case 18/2017
2017 का अठारवा केस

Senior inspector Mansur Malik is known for his commitment and integrity in his professional life. He used to go for morning walk every day and morning when he leaves for a walk without his service revolver, two bikers suddenly comes on his way and shoots him dead.
That day he is kept on meeting people while on the walk when two men on a bike suddenly stop their bike in front of him and shoot him. The place where he was shot dead, two other bikers were also waiting for him, and just after the shooting, they also flee with the bikers who shot Malik.

सीनियर इंस्पेक्टर मंसूर मलिक का शहर में दबदबा है। जब से वो शहर में ट्रांसफर होकर आये हैं तब से सभी संदिघ्द वारदातें बंद हो गई है यहाँ तक की पुलिस स्टेशन के अंदर भी किसी तरह की घूसखोरी बन्द हो चुकी है। मलिक रोज़ सुबह वाक के लिए निकलते हैं और उस समय उनकी सर्विस रिवाल्वर हमेशा उनके साथ रहती है मगर एक दिन वो रिवाल्वर के बिना ही मॉर्निंग वाक पे निकलते हैं और उसी सुबह उनकी हत्या कर दी जाती है।

inside story

Crime Patrol | Case 17/2017: Ludhiana's Land Dealer Surender Arora Murder case (Ep 776, 777 - 10, 11 March)

2017 का सत्रहवां केस
Case 17/2017
A villager of Sadar Nagar, Ludhiana area finds a male dead body at a deserted land. When the police arrive, people of that area tell them that the deceased is Property Dealer Surendar Arora. The Police find his mobile phone with him but his car is missing.
Initial investigation police come to know that a few months back 2 people tried stealing his car but could not do. First police grab these two guys and interrogate them that why did they kill Surendar. Both are denying that they did not execute this murder plan but police are still interrogating them. One of Surendar's friends Rajnish Gill tells police that from the last few days he was in touch with Dr. Nupur Bansal which whom he was taking treatment of Migrain. Asking Surendar's parents they tell police that they do not have any idea about this doctor and treatment.

Dr. Nupur's husband is a forest officer who lives in Dehradun and now Dr. Nupur and her husband are police's first suspects. Maybe Nupur's husband killed Surendar on having illicit relations with his wife!

On the other hand, Surendar's wife, who is an NRI, goes back to New York after Surendar's cremation.

inside story

प्रॉपर्टी डीलर सुरेंदर अरोड़ा का बेरहमी से क़त्ल होता है। उसकी लाश एक खाली ज़मीन पर पाई जाती है जिसको देखने वाले देखते पहचान लेते हैं। पुलिस तफ्तीश शुरू करती है तो पता चलता है की सुरेंदर की पत्नी न्यूयॉर्क, अमेरिका में रहती है और सुरेंद्र का वहां आना-जाना लगा रहता है मगर पिछले काफी लंबे समय से वो यहीं है और लैंड डीलिंग का काम कर रहा है। सुरेंदर की हत्या के अगले ही दिन उसकी पत्नी रेखा अपने बच्चे के साथ न्यूयॉर्क से भारत आती है और अंतिम-संस्कार होने के बाद वापस चली जाती है।

सुरेंदर के कॉल रिकार्ड्स में ऐसा कुछ भी नहीं मिलता है जिसपर शक किया जा सके मगर उसका एक दोस्त आशीष गिल पुलिस को ये बताता है की सुरेंदर का एक डॉक्टर नूपुर बंसल के साथ कुछ चल रहा था। पुलिस खबरियों से पता करती है जो वो बताते हैं की नूपुर का पति फारेस्ट अफसर है जो की ज़्यादातर बाहर रहता है और ज़रूर सुरेंद्र और डॉक्टर नूपुर के बीच कुछ चल रहा था।

Media Coverage:

Part 1:
Part 2: and

Part 1: Case 17/2017 Part 1
Part 2: Case 17/2017 Part 2

Here is the inside story of the case:

Case 15/2017: Businessman Nikhil Sanav's beaten to death (Episode 773, 774 on 4th, 5th March, 2017)

2017 का पंद्रहवां केस
Case 15/2017
शादीशुदा निखिल खून से लतपथ अपने ऑफिस से घर खुद स्कूटर चला कर पहुचता है। उसकी पत्नी हिमांगी दवाजा खोलती है और उसको खून में लतपथ पाकर घबरा जाती है। निखिल बेहोश होने से पहले "राहुल" बोलता है और अपने हाथ की तीन उँगलियों से कुछ इशारा करता है। हिमांगी एम्बुलेन्स बुला कर तुरंत स्कूटर लेकर ये देखने निकल पड़ती है की आखिरकार हुआ क्या था और निखिल के ऊपर किसने हमला किया है।
निखिल को अस्पताल पहुचाया जाता है जहाँ उसका बड़ा भाई राजीव भी अपनी पत्नी के साथ पहुचता है। थोड़ी देर में हिमांगी भी अस्पताल पहुचती है। पुलिस में खबर की जाती है। हिमांगी पुलिस को बताती है की बेहोश होने से पहले निखिल ने तीन उंगलियां दिखाई और "राहुल" नाम लिया था। पुलिस एक छोटे से ढाबे के मालिक राहुल यादव को गिरफ्तार करती है जिसकी दूकान निखिल के ऑफिस के लगे में ही है। पुलिस को ये भी पता चलता है की निखिल और राहुल के एक दो बार बहस हो चुकी है। राहुल यादव उत्तर प्रदेश का रहने वाला है जो की महाराष्ट्र में काम-धंधे को लेकर आया था और यहाँ एक दूकान खोल पाया जो की निखिल के ऑफिस से लगी हुई थी। निखिल के ऑफिस में चाय-कॉफी राहुल की दूकान से ही जाती थी और निखिल ने एक-दो बार राहुल से इस बात पर झगड़ा किया था की राहुल की दूकान की वजह से उसके ऑफिस के सामने गंदगी फैलती है। निखिल राहुल को इस बात के ताने मारता था की वो यूपी का रहने वाला है।

Crime Patrol | Case 15/2017: (Ep 773, 774 on 4, 5 Mar 2017 Crime Patrol Satark)

2017 का पंद्रवा केस

inside story
YouTube |

Crime Patrol | Case 14/2017: Kotak Mahindra Bank Cashier Ravi Kumar murdered with a lethal injection (Episode 772 on 3 March 2017)

2017 का चौदहवाँ केस
Case 14/2017

Similar story featured by Crime Patrol Dial 100
Episode 465, Allahabad Murder Case
Featuring Ankita Dubey, Anurag Gupta, Sushil Tyagi, Inam Ul Haq

Police arrest Physiotherapist Dinesh Kaushal in case of an assault. Dinesh attacked banker Praveen Jaiswal in the market while he was leaving for his home from his office. When Praveen was about to take an auto-rickshaw for his home, suddenly Dinesh came from the back and injected a syringe on his neck.

Local people who saw him injecting immediately chased him and gave him to the police. On the other hand, Praveen was admitted to the hospital where according to doctors his condition is serious. Doctors are saying that the syringe injected to him had a lethal combination of Anaesthesia medicines. On interrogation, Dinesh tells police that he stole these medicines from a hospital's inventory a month back.
inside story

Naveen Tyagi: Crime Patrol Actors and Actresses

Naveen Tyagi, a notable actor of Crime Patrol fame, has made a mark in both television and film. Hailing from Basai Darapur in New Delhi, Tyagi's journey in the entertainment industry began with humble roots. Despite his childhood shyness, he pursued his passion for acting and graduated through correspondence.

Inspired by veteran actor Govinda, Tyagi's interest in acting grew stronger. His friendship with actor Shakti Anand, formed during their days at the National School of Drama (NSD), further fueled his aspirations. Together, they embarked on their acting journey with Asmita Theater at NSD.

Episodes by Naveen Tyagi

In 2023, Tyagi tied the knot with Shashwita Sharma, who has also left her mark on Crime Patrol. His diverse acting career spans various media, including theatre, television, and film. Notable credits include roles in Bhindi Baazaar Inc., Mumbai Mirror, and Babumoshai Bandookbaaz.

Case 13/ 2017: Mysterious murder case of Kanungo/Revenue Inspector Ramkripal Chowbey (Episode 770, 771 on 24th, 25th Feb, 2017)

2017 का तेरहवाँ केस
Case 13/3017
रामकृपाल चौबे एक ईमानदार सरकारी कर्मचारी हैं जो की कानूनगो की पोस्ट पर कार्यरत हैं। अगले कुछ महीनो में उनको रिटायर भी होना है मगर इसी बीच एक दिन शाम को जब वो अपने ऑफिस/तहसील के बाहर गेट पर घर जाने के लिए सवारी ढूंढ रहे हैं तभी दो बाइक सवार आते हैं, उनको प्रणाम  करते हैं और दो गोलियां मार कर फरार हो जाते हैं। रामकृपाल की वहीँ पर मृत्यु हो जाती है।
पुलिस का पहला शक अभय चौहान नाम के बाहुबली पर जाता है जिसने कुछ समय पहले रामकृपाल से बहसबाज़ी की थी और मोती रिश्वत की पेशकश भी की थी मगर और छानबीन करने पर कुछ हाथ नहीं आता। पुलिस हर सुराग को तलाशने की कोशिश करती है मगर कुछ मिल नहीं पा रहा है। एक महीने से ऊपर निकल जाता है और इसी बीच रामकृपाल के बेटे सुरेश को एक धमकी भरी फिरौती की कॉल आती है जिसमे फ़ोन करने वाला उसको जान की धमकी दे रहा है और एवज में दस लाख रूपए मांग रहा है।

पुलिस के ऊपर एसपी से लेकर कलेक्टर तक का दबाव है की केस को इतना लंबा समय हो जाने के बाद भी सुलझाया क्यों नहीं जा सका है। अब पुलिस सुरेश को फ़ोन करने वाले व्यक्ति की तलाश में जुट जाती है।
Ali Raza Namdar as Revenue Inspector Ramkripal Chowbey

Case 12/2017: Psycho killer of Alwar kills his wife and cuts into pieces (Episode 769 on 17th Feb, 2017)

2017 का बारहवां केस
Case 12/2017
The city of Jodhpur is in fear of murder. Police have found multiple body parts of a woman at different places in the city. The body parts are partially burnt and then cutoff. Postmortem reports confirm that these parts belong to same woman but police are not sure whether he is a serial killer or it is his first offense.
On the other hand killer Brijesh is a snacks vendor. He makes snakes at his home and supplies in the market. Brijesh is seeing his wife in his dreams which are making him uncomfortable.

शहर की अलग अलग जगहों पर एक लाश के टुकड़े मिल रहे हैं। कहीं पर पैर मिला है तो कहीं पर हाथ और आखिरकार लाश का सर भी मिलता है। पोस्टमॉर्टेम रिपोर्ट से ये कन्फर्म होता है की ये लाश महिला की है। पूरे शहर में दहशत है की ये कौन सनकी हत्यारा है जिसने किसी औरत को इस तरह से मारा है और दहशत इस वजह से भी है की कहीं ये कोई सीरियल किलर तो नहीं हैं।

दूसरी तरफ हत्यारा बृजेश नाम का एक आदमी जो की नमकीन बनाने का काम करता है। बृजेश को सपने में अपनी पत्नी दिखाई दे रही है।

inside story

Crime Patrol | Case 10/2017: Salon owner Vivek Arora kidnapped for a ransom of 3 crore rupees (Episode 764, 765 on 5, 6 February 2017)

2017 का दसवां केस
Case 10/2017

The episode is based on the kidnapping of a high profile makeup artist Abhishek Khetrapal from Dwarka, Delhi who owns a beauty parlor in Janakpuri. Police arrested five accused in this kidnapping case. The mastermind of this kidnapping Wasim was a former employee of Abhishek's mother who ran a boutique and Wasim was working as a tailor in the boutique. Wasim hails from Hardoi district of Uttar Pradesh. According to police Wasim was aware of the family's financial condition and he was confident that they will easily pay them a hefty amount.

Vivek Arora is a hi-profile makeup artist as well as a self-owned successful owner of a salon.

An evening when he promised his mother that he will take dinner with his parent, he leaves for some very urgent assignment. Someone calls him and requests him to come for a makeover of his handicapped sister on her marriage. Vivek tries to avoid him but that man requests him so he leaves for him but that guy kidnaps him. Vivek's father receives an SMS that Vivek has been kidnapped.

Case 9/2017: Sridhar Ranga's accidental death turns to murder case (Episode 763 on 4th February, 2017)

2017 का नौवां केस
Case 9/2017
Deadbody of a young boy is found near railway track. Postmortem report reveals that deceased was drunk when he fell from train. Aadhaar card found in his pocket reveals his identity that his name is Sridhar Ranga. Police gets other records of the Aadhaar card and finds his brother-in-law's name is Arvind Modiraj. They calls Modiraj and his wife Geeta and asks them to identify the body. Couple is shocked to know that Sridhar is dead. They also tells police that it is not possible because Sridhar never used to drink.
Further story focused on period of Demonetisation when police gets information from one of their informer about a burglary plan where two men about to burglar a jewellery shop. Police puts their fielding there and arrests them on spot. During interrogation they tells police that they are not a professional thief and this was their first chance in which they failed. They also tells police that due of demonetisation they are passing through tough time so they planned this loot and they wanted to become like Ganga who was a auto driver few months back but suddenly in few months he became a wealthy person having his own vehicle.

Police also does not find anything on arrested men's history and now they are assured that it was their first try in which they failed but now their target is Ganga that how a small auto driver became a wealthy person.
Meenakshi Chanana
पुलिस को रेलवे ट्रैक के किनारे एक यूवक की लाश मिलती है। पोस्टमॉर्टेम से पता चलता है की मरने वाला शराब के नशे में था जब तो ट्रैन से गिरा होगा। लाश की जेब से आधार कार्ड मिलता है जिसमे उसका नाम श्रीधर रंगा लिखा हुआ है। आधार की और जानकारी निकलने पर पता चलता है की ये यूवक अरविन्द मोदीराज नाम के एक व्यक्ति का साला है। पुलिस अरविन्द मोदीराज को फ़ोन करती है और वो अपनी पत्नी गीता मोदीराज के साथ पुलिस स्टेशन पहुचता है। वो लोग लाश की शिनाख्त तो कर लेते हैं मगर ये मानने को तैयार नहीं हैं की श्रीधर शराब के नशे में ट्रैन से गिरा क्योंकि वो कभी शराब पीता ही नहीं था। इस केस को समय बीत जाता है और केस को एक्सीडेंटल केस मान कर बंद कर दिया जाता है।