Crime Patrol: A Saga of Revenge | Contract killing of Aruna Sampath (Episode 315, 316 on Nov 22 & 23 2013)

A Saga Of Revenge
बदले की महाभारत

52 years old Aruna Sampath (Samajwadi Party worker Shammi Kohli from Agra played by Sujata Kumar) is a powerful politician in Kanpur, visiting from Kanpur to Varanasi by bus. Bus stops at a Dhaba on Kanpur -Varanasi highway (she was murdered on Agra-Lucknow rout). Most of the passengers get down to have some refreshments. During this period two unknown persons on a bike come inside the bus and shoot Aruna Sampath. No one has a single clue about the murderers but a Paan Wala tells police that he saw 2 men on the bike at the same time. Police inform Aruna's son Prithvi in Kanpur.

Mohit Bhardwaj, Shivani Chakraborty, Preeti, sanjeev tyagi, Shubha Saxena, Kohli, Puneet Channa, Sujata Kumar, Karan Sharma, agra, Sudeep Sarangi, naveen saini, gaurav, Rohit Tiwari, Nitin Gupta

Investigation reveals a series of doubts and uncertainties. Aruna was having bad relation with her daughter-in-law Anju (real name Preeti) who was having an extramarital affair and was living with her father in Meerut from the last 2 years. Her younger brother Ritesh was also having an affair.

Let's unfold the mystery with Inside Story of the case.

Crime Patrol: Pinjara - Teenage girl escapes from brothel with help of a social worker (Episode 313, 314 on 15, 16 Nov 2013)

Poornima is is one among her three sisters. She lives with her father in village Sheerampur in Maharashtra. She gets trapped in a dance institute named Rangoli Dance Institute. On the other hand, Fauziya is a social worker who also teaches girls in Seva Uddhar Sanstha. A day she gets call from Poornima who calls her from a unknown number. She tells Fauziya that she is in big trouble and she is calling through her dance academy's security guard's number.
He asks for help from Fauziaya and she explains that this dance academy is actually a brothel, where they forces girls to learn dance and satisfy the customers.

Crime Patrol | In search of my family: Will Shiv S Vartak find his family back after 24 years (Episode 311, 312 on 8, 9 Nov 2013)

In Search Of My Family
तलाश अपने परिवार की
Shiv S Vartak (real name Ganesh Raghunath Dhangade) is a member of Maharashtra Police division's Quick Response Team. Shiv has lost his family 24 years ago and he can guess his father's name starts with 'S' because he has a tattoo on his arm that shows his name Shiv S Vartak.
He lost his parents when he went out of his home with his friends without telling anything to them. The three went to a train and got down at a station. Other two, Sanjay and Babloo asked him to wait for them until they comes back. Shiv waits for them but they did not come. Disappointed and scared shiv took another train and got down at CST station.

Image courtesy

God's own man: Godman accussed of double murder, nabbed by Pune police in Varanasi (Episode 309, 310 on 1st, 2nd Nov 2013)

God's own man
भगवान के आदमी
God's own man baba Raj Sagi (age near 60 years) who live with Rohini and her daughter Chanda, goes missing while people pf the locality finds dead bodies of Rohini and Chanda. Police's first suspect is Raja Sagi and after that father of Rohini- Amardev. Police also asks Atul, who brought baba few month ago to that place.
During this baba is travelling to other villages and starting his trap to dumb new people now. Police comes to know that baba has many mobile numbers and while they starts investigating these numbers, they finds these numbers are baba's different disciples from different regions of India. Police is shocked to see that these all disciples knows baba with different names. It is clear that Baba Raja Sagi is a fraud and he misguides people with his different names.

Lets watch and read how police trapped this Baba in Varanasi (U.P.) who was absconding from Pune.

अपने आप को भगवान बताने वाला बाबा राजा सागी पुणे में रोहिणी और उसकी बेटी चंदा के साथ एक मकान में किराये पे रहता है. लोगों से अनुसार रोहिणी बाबा की भक्त है जो की बाबा की सेवा के लिए उनके साथ रहती है. एक दिन कालोनी के लोगों को बाबा से घर से दुर्गन्ध आती पता चलती है. खिड़की से देखने पे पता चलता है की अन्दर रोहिणी और चंदा की लाशें पड़ी है. बाबा का कोई अता पता नहीं है. पुलिस दरवाज़ा तोड़ के अन्दर घुसती है तो उन्हें वो रॉड भी मिलती है जिससे उन लोगों को मारा गया है. पुलिस का शक अमरदेव पे भी है क्यों की वो रोहिणी का पिता है और उसी ने रोहिणी को बाबा के साथ रहने के लिए भेजा था.

दूसरी तरफ बाबा किसी और गाँव पहुच चुका है और वहां से लोगो को फंसाने की फ़िराक में है. बाबा के भक्त पुलिस को बताते हैं की बाबा के बहुत से मोबाइल नंबर हैं. उन नम्बरों पर फोन करने पे पता चलता है की सरे नंबर या तो स्विच ऑफ हैं या आउट आफ कवरेज हैं. इन सभी नंबरों का रजिस्ट्रेशन बाबा के और भक्तो के नाम पर है. सबको कॉल करने पर पता चलता है की बाबा अलग अलग नाम से देश की अन्य जगहों पर भक्त बना कर उनसे एक मोबाइल नंबर ले लेता था. अब पुलिस को ये यकीन है की बाबा एक धोखेबाज़ है और लोगों को उल्लू बनाकर उनको लूटना ही उसका काम है. पुलिस अपने तफ्तीश में तेजी लाती है क्यों की बाबा पर दो लोगों की हत्या का आरोप है.

आइये देखिये पुलिस ने इस धोखेबाज़ बाबा को कैसे वाराणसी में पकड़ा जो की पुणे से फरार था.

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Part 2:

Here is the inside story of the case:

Crime Patrol | A Shot in the Dark: Woman shot dead on Karwa Chauth (Episode 308 on 26 Oct 2013)

निशाने का रहस्य
A Shot in the Dark

On the night of Karwa Chauth a married woman Kiran found dead suddenly when she was playing cards with her friends on the terrace of a Restaurant in Chandigarh. Her friends were unable to identify whats wrong with her when she forcefully put her head on the table. First her friends thought that she is making fun of them, then after watching spots of Blood the called hotel staff and then police.

Hotel staff immediately brought her to hospital but doctor declares the she is no more and she was already dead when they brought her to Hospital.

करवा चौथ के रात कुछ महिलाएं एक रेस्टोरेंट की टेरेस पर ताश खेल रहीं हैं. सारी औरतें एक मेज के चारों और बैठी हैं. तभी उनमे से एक महिला अचानक अपना सर मेज पर पटक देती है. उसकी दोस्तों को लगता है की वो कोई मज़ाक कर रही है मगर ध्यान से देखने पे पता चलता है की उसके सर से खून निकल रहा है. कोई कुछ समझ नहीं पता है. महिला को तुरंत अस्पताल ले जाया जाता है जहाँ डॉक्टर बताते हैं की उसकी मृत्यु अस्पताल आने से पहले हो चुकी है और उसके सर में गोली लगी है.

पुलिस तफ्तीश में पता चलता है की वो गोली एक राइफल से चलाई गई है. मगर पुलिस से समझने में नाकाम है की आखिर किसी को पता क्यों नहीं चला जब उसको वो गोली लगी.

A Child's Trauma: Rajasthan, The innocent girl Komal Molested and assaulted (Episode 307 on 25th Oct 2013)

A Child's Trauma
एक बच्ची की यातना
Komal, a four year old girl was molested by a 40 year old fellow villager Arvind Rampuri. Komal's parents Vijay and Karuna who are utensil seller, knocks door of Khaap panchayat rather than police. Khaap panchayat makes a decision that Arvind's son will have to marry Komal once Komal becomes 18 year old. And during this Arvind will take all expense and responsibility of Komal.

Crime Patrol | The Con Team | A Tollywood actress accused of large scale forgery case (Episode 305, 306 on 18, 19 Oct 2013)

The Con Team

Entailing the story of a supremely confident duo who used to target people related to banks and big companies to commit fraud of significant amounts.

Mohan Kumar, CEO of Sethupathy Textiles, Chennai gets a call from Diana Susan (Actress Leena Maria Paul portrayed by Shruti Chandna) who tells herself secretary of IAS Narain Rao (real name Chandrashekhar), also a director of project development Karnataka. She tells Mohan that he is heading the project development department and offers him a huge contract of Rupee 40 Crore. Narain wants to know if Mohan is interested in the project or not. Mohan is convinced and fills up all details regarding the money deposit and bank details. Diana asks Mohan to deposit money in the name of Narain Rao in the National People's Bank. Diana gives a time duration of 4 months and during these four months, Mohan deposits 92 lac rupees in Narain Rao's bank account. After the last deposit of Rupee 11 lac, he is not able to get in touch with Diana.

General Manager Rajeshwar checks the website of the Karnataka government and finds that there is no Project Development Department. They both are shocked to see this and travel to Bangalore to investigate. The Principal Secretary of State informs them that there is no IAS officer named Narain Rao in the Karnataka state and no Project Development department. Chennai government gives the responsibility for this case to the crime branch.

Leena Maria Paul has played role of a Tamil Rebel in John Abraham's movie Madras Cafe in 2013

कर्णाटक ये कहानी दो ऐसे जालसाजों की है जो अपना काम बहुत ही आत्मविश्वास के साथ करते थे. उनका काम था कंपनियों और बैंकों के किसी कर्मचारी को उल्लू बना कर उनसे बड़े लेवल पे पैसे एठना. मोहन कुमार, चेन्नई में स्थापित सेतुपति टेक्सटाइल्स का सीईओ है. उसको डायना सुजेन नाम की एक लड़की से कॉल आती है जो की अपने आप को आईएएस नारायण राव की सेक्रेटरी बताती है. वो बताती है की नारायण राव कर्नाटक में चालीस करोड़ का एक प्रोजेक्ट शुरू करने वाले हैं. नारायण राव ये जानना चाहता है की मोहन इस प्रोजेक्ट में इंटरेस्टेड है या नहीं.

inside story

मोहन प्रोजेक्ट में रूपए लगाने को राज़ी हो जाता है और सभी ओप्चारिकतायें पूरी कर लेता है. डायना उसे बताती है की उसे रुपये नारायण राव की अकाउंट में डालने होंगे जो की नेशनल पीपुल बैंक है. उसके पास चार महीने का समय होगा. चार महीने होते होते मोहन नारायण राव के एकाउंट में 92 लाख रूपये डाल देता है. 11 लाख के आखिरी डिपोजिट के बाद वो जब डायना को कॉल करता है तो उसकी कॉल नहीं लगती है. वो काफी बार अलग अलग नंबरों पे कोशिश करता है मगर नाकाम रहता है. मोहन का जनरल मैनेजर राजेश्वर कर्णाटक सरकार की वेबसाइट देखता है तो पता चलता है की कर्णाटक सरकार में कोई प्रोजेक्ट डेवलपमेंट डिपार्टमेंट नहीं है. वो दोनों लोग बैंगलोर पहुचते है. वहां उनको पता चलता है की पूरे कर्णाटक राज्य में नारायण राव का कोई आईएएस नहीं है. उन दोनों के अनुरोध पे कर्णाटक सरकार इस केस का जिम्मा क्राइम ब्रांच को देते हैं.

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Part 2:

Here is the inside story of the case:
Other tags: baby josef, bangalore, chennai, diana susan, dolby & scold bank, IAS, Jaalsaazi, karnataka, mohan kumar, narain rao, national people bank, project development, sethupathi, shiv raman, tamilnadu, the con team

The Third Man: Nupur, Wife of Abbas murdered and 3 year old son kidnapped (Episode 303, 304 on 10th, 11th Oct 2013)

The Third Man
तीसरा आदमीं
Nangloi, New Delhi
Nupur (real name Mohi Sinha and played by Prinal Oberoi), a hindu woman who is married to Abbas (real name Inam and Played by Mazaher Sayed). That was their love marriage after their childhood love. They hails from Dhanbad and their parents are good friends. Abbas was running a mobile phone repairing shop in Delhi but now he has own garment shop. He invested 45 lac with help of his father in law to establish the shop.

Love On Rampage: Police constable Ravi and Priya nabbed for killing three (Episode 310, 302 on 5th, 6th Oct 2013)

Love On Rampage
The story focuses on backward culture of today's India where a couple Ravi (real name Basant Kumar) and Priya (real name Sarita) who loves each other from childhood, can not marry each other because their clan(गोत्र, Gotra) is equal.
After becoming a police constable, Ravi decides to get marry with Priya. When Ravi discussed this with parent of Priya and his family, they denies their marriage. Gram Panchayat also makes decision that they can not marry each other because in case of equal clan with same village, boy and girl becomes bother and sister.

Chingari: I have no regret that I burned him alive (Episode 300 on 4 Oct 2013)

Nirmala (victim played by Malini Sengupta) is a widow who lives in village Soytha (real name Soyian village under Parsa Bazar), Bihar. One of the powerful man Bhajan Singh (real name Bhola Thakur) from the same village is trying to harrass her daily. Bhajan Singh is elder brother of Bhola Singh who already had a case on him after assaulting a 12 year old girl. Nirmala is afraid of him because Bhajan Sibgh is powerful man. He shares his pain with her neighbor and they also suggests her to be aware of that man. A night Nirmala starts crying and knocks her neighbor's door. She tells them that a thief has entered into her home. She also tells that she locked the home and thief is still there in the home.
Nirmala, played by Malini Sengupta