Hiding the truth: Innocent girl Pooja becomes HIV positive becasue her father hid some truth (Episode 327, 328 on 3rd, 4th Jan 2014)

एक छिपी हुई सच्चाई
Hiding the truth

Anit is widow and mother of three who's eldest daughter Pooja is frequently falling ill. Anita is worried and brings her to a doctor. After few checkups doctor is shocked to see that Pooja is HIV positive. Doctor is trying to know how Pooja is HIV positive and what is her case history. Doctor asks Anita to go for a blood test along with her rest two kids.

Their blood test reveals that Anita is also HIV positive but her rest 2 kids a re safe. Doctor asks Anita to get information about her husband's death because earlier she was saying that her husband died of heat attack. If is husband was HIV positive, then probably the disease transferred from her husband to her then to Pooja.

अनीता तीन बच्चो कि माँ है और उसके पति कि मृत्यू बहुत पहले हो चुकी है. उसकी सबसे बड़ी बेटी का नाम पूजा है जो कि बहुत जल्दी जल्दी जल्दी बीमार पद जाती है. कुछ चेक-अप के बाद डॉक्टर ये देख कर अचंभित रेह जाती है कि पूजा एच. आई. वी से पीड़ित है. अब डॉक्टर ये जानना चाहती है कि पूजा को एड्स कैसे हुआ और उसकी बिमारी का मूल कारण क्या है। डॉक्टर अनीता और उसके बाकी दोनों बच्चो को भी ब्लूड टेस्ट के लिए बोलती है.

उनके ब्लूड टेस्ट के बाद पता चलता है कि अनीता के बाकी दोनों बच्चे तो स्वस्थ हैं मगर अनीता भी एच. आई. वी से पीड़ित है. अनीता ने डॉक्टर को बताया था कि उसके पति कि मृत्यु ह्रदय रोग कि वजह से हुई थी मगर डॉक्टर उससे कहती हैं कि उसके मृत्यु कि सही वजह पता करे. अगर उसके पति एच. आई. वी से पीड़ित था तो ये बीमारी उसको उसके पति से ही ट्रांसफर हुई है.

अब अनीता ये पता लगाने के लिए अपने ससुराल जाती है और अपनी सास से पूछताछ करती है.

Web of crime: Malad police solves suitcase murder case (Episode 326 on 28 Dec 2013)

गुनाह का जाल
A web of crime
Saira is mother of Shoib and Majid. His father Qadir Niaz (real name Alam Ansari) is his step father from whom she want some money for her husband Altaf's bail. Altaf is in jail under a case of chain snatching. Her father denies so she reaches her mother.

Her mother also tells here that she does not have so much money. Altaf forces her to get the money any how. She talk with someone in the night and leaves her home. Next morning two person finds a blooded suitcase near a nallah.
They calls police and police finds a body of 32-34 year old man stuffed into that suitcase. The deceased was injured on head and neck by a sharp object. Investigation reveals that he is Saira'a father.

Insaaf: Umakant Mishra: Indian postman cleared of stealing 57.60 rupee (below $1) after 29 years (Episode 325 on 27th Dec 2013)

And justice for all...

मेरी आप सभी पाठकों से ये गुज़ारिश है कि ये पोस्ट ज़यादा से ज़यादा लोगों तक पहुचाये, शायद हम सब मिल कर उमाकांत कि मदद कर सके, ठीक उसी तरह जिस तरह हम सब ने सोनाली मुख़र्जी कि सहायता कि थी, सभी लोगों को हमारे भारत देश की इस घटिया न्याय व्यवस्था के बारे में पता चलना ज़रूरी है.
-- धन्यवाद

The business of innocence: NGO helps rescuing innocent kids from a beggar mafia (Episode 322, 323 on 20th - 21st Dec 2013)

The business of innocence
मासूमियत का कारोबार
NGO CCO - Child care organization (real name Bachpan Bachao Aandolan - BBA) is planning to trap a Begging Mafia. They offers parents of kids beggar that they will educate them for free. Their motive is to grab kids confidence and try to arranges clues how they came into begging mafia and who are their leaders. Chanda is one of those kids whoes one leg is badly injured.https://www.insidestories.co.in/2013/12/hit-and-run-father-tracks-down-truck.html

The episode reveals who these mafia arrange kids for their profession and how they treats them. Lets see how an NGO helps police to rescues them from mafia.

Hit and Run: Father tracks down truck driver who killed his son in a Baraat (Episode 320, 321 on 13th, 14th Dec 2013)

Hit and Run
हिट एंड रन
Hit -and-run . It is the story of a father who lost his 17- year-old son in a road accident . Road accident could not have been imagined that to do . There was a Barat through the roads of the Bijnor. Akshay was one of them was inexhaustible Baraati who was enjoying the dance .The baraat was taking place on the main road. All the people were happy to dance and suddenly a high-speed truck comes from. The truck is loaded with concrete. Dancing Akshay unknowingly comes in front of that truck and truck hit him faster. Akshay's friend tries to stop the truck, but the truck crushes him also and runs away. Both of them are killed on the road immediately. rest of the people trying to note down truck's number. Akshay's father and other reaches police station to file an FIR but police inspector files this case as a hit and run case while Akshay's father tries to explain them that it is a unintentional murder commited by that truck driver. That driver could have stopped himself but he killed akshay's friend also!
This is a story not only of a hit and run turned murder case, the story reveals another type of corruption where every person from lower to higher level is involved. This story exposes corruption in loaded cargo trucks how illegally they are running on the roads of India beyond their load permits. And these types of truck commits a crime, police also does not support.

This story reveals how a father did all investigation of his son's murder. Why? Because police did give him any kind of favour. He even arranged vehicle to police, but they but nothing happened. Finally he knocked door of higher authority. We appreciate Mr. Rakesh Singh who unfolded every enigma behind the case without any help and finally he helped police to catch that murderer driver.

His son has passed away. And that driver is also died during his illness in trial of case. We can say that the case is closed, but still after 4 years of Akshay's death he is still fighting against roots of that corruption where trucks are loaded beyond their allowed permits and during high speed, driver becomes unable to control the speed.

हिट एंड रन. ये कहानी है एक ऐसे बाप की जिसने अपना १७ साल का पुत्र खोया एक रोड एक्सीडेंट में. रोड एक्सीडेंट भी ऐसा की जिसकी कोई कल्पना भी नहीं कर सकता था. एक बारात तो बिजनौर की सडको पर जा रही थी. अक्षय उन बारातियों में से एक था जो की डांस करते हुए बारात का मज़ा ले रहे थे. बारात मेन रोड पे चल रही थी. सभी लोग डांस करने में मगन थे तभी एक तेज़ रफ़्तार ट्रक पीछे से आता है. ट्रक कंक्रीट से लोडेड होता है. ट्रक से सामने डांस करते हुए अक्षय आ जाता है और ट्रक तेज रफ्तार टक्कर मारता हुआ आगे बढ़ जाता है. अक्षय का दोस्त उस ट्रक वाले को रोकने की कोशिश करता है मगर वो तेज रफ़्तार ट्रक रुकने और कुछ सुनने की बजे उससे में कुचलता हुआ चला जाता है. उन दोनों की सड़क पर ही तत्काल मृत्यु हो जाती है. बाकी लोग कुछ हद्द तक ट्रक का नंबर नोट करने में सफल हो जाते हैं. अक्षय के पिता और अन्य लोग पुलिस स्टेशन जाकर रिपोर्ट दर्ज करते हैं. पुलिस इन्स्पेक्टर इस केस को साधारण हिट एंड रन के केस के तौर पे दर्ज करते हैं जबकि राकेश सिंह, अक्षय के पापा पुलिस को ये समझाते हैं की की ये हिट एंड रन केस नहीं एक गैर इरादतन मर्डर है. वो ड्राईवर चाहता तो ये घटना रोक सकता था जबकि उसने घटना रोकने के बजाये अक्षय के दोस्त को भी मार डाला.

ये कहानी सिर्फ एक एक्सीडेंट या मर्डर की नहीं है, ये कहानी उजागर करती है एक और तरह के करप्शन को जिसमे भी छोटे दर्जे से लेकर ऊँचे दर्जे तक का आदमी लिप्त होता है. ये कहानी उजागर करती है लोडेड ट्रक में हो रही धांधली को की किस तरह से भारत देश की सड़कों पर हैवी लोडेड ट्रक बेख़ौफ़ दौड़ते हैं और इनमे लोड कानून के मुताबिक नहीं होता. और जब इस तरह के ट्रक कोई एक्सीडेंट करते हैं तब पुलिस भी कोई समर्थन नहीं करती. ये कहानी उजागर करती है की किस तरह से एक बाप ने केस की पूरी तफ्तीश खुद की, इसलिए क्योंकि पुलिस ने उसको कोई साथ नहीं दिया. उसने पुलिस को गाडी तक अरेंज करके दी मगर कुछ नहीं हुआ. मजबूरन उसे हायर अथोरिटी तक जाना पड़ा.

हम सराहना करते हैं मि. राकेश सिंह की हिम्मत की की किस तरह से वो पूरे केस की तह तक बिना किसी की मदद के गये और आखिरकर उन्होंने ही ट्रक ड्राइवर को पकड़वाया.

उनका बेटा अब इस दुनिया में नहीं है, और केस लड़ते लड़ते उस ड्राईवर की भी मृत्यु हो चुकी है. एक तरह से कहें तो उनके बेटे की दुर्घटना में हुई मौत का केस पूरी तरह से बंद हो चुका है, मगर आज ४ साल बाद भी उनकी लड़ाई ज़ारी है भ्रष्टाचार की उन जड़ों से जिनकी वजह से ट्रकों को उनकी मालवाहक क्षमता और अनुमति से ज्यादा लोड किया जाता और इसकी वजह से इस तरह के एक्सीडेंट होने पर ड्राइवर ट्रक की गति पर कंट्रोल नहीं कर पाता.

Part 1: http://youtu.be/ee0CKx4uvRQ
Part 2: http://youtu.be/xaB0tfIn1iU

Part 1: http://www.sonyliv.com/watch/thriller-ep-321-december-13-2013
Part 2: http://www.sonyliv.com/watch/thriller-ep-322-december-14-2013

Here is the inside story of the case:

Crime Patrol | Forged Marriage: Meenaz forced to marry middle east man in Kerla (Episode 319, 320 on 6, 7 Nov 2013)

फ़र्ज़ी निकाह
Forged Marriage
Meenaz, a teenage girl lives at a orphan age home at Kerala. She is elder daughter of the family. She lives in orphan age home named Little Angels Orphan Age Home because her mother Farzana was not able to afford expenses of her kids. Meenaz was forced to marry an elderly wealthy man Misbah-Ul-Haq from middle east (Arab).
After getting marry Misbah is only having physical relation with her. Meenaz is in pain and tells this to her mother using Misbah's cell phone. Her mother comes to meet her but Misbah shouts at her and warns her that she will not come to meet her daughter again.

Lets see what happaned after that....

१७ साल की मीनाज़ केरल के एक अनाथालय में रहती है. वो अपने परिवार की सबसे बड़ी बेटी है. वो अनाथालय में इसलिए रहती है क्यों की उसकी माँ फरजाना उसका खर्चा उठाने लायक नहीं है. अनाथालय के लोग उसकी शादी ज़बरदस्ती मध्य पूर्व (अरब) के एक निवासी मिस्बाह-उल-हक़ से उसकी शादी करवा देते हैं. शादी के बाद मिस्बाह सिर्फ उसका इस्तेमाल कर रहा है. मीनाज़ परेशान है. वो मिस्बाह के फ़ोन से अपनी माँ को फ़ोन करती है. उसकी माँ उससे मिलने आती है तो मिस्बाह उनको डांटता है की वो अपनी बेटी से मिलने न आया करे.

आइये देखने की आगे क्या होता है...

Part 1: www.youtube.com/watch?v=8jrKTuIrwzM
Part 2: www.youtube.com/watch?v=9pGnED0xbl8

Part 1: www.sonyliv.com/watch/thriller-ep-319-december-6-2013
Part 2: www.sonyliv.com/watch/thriller-ep-320-december-7-2013

Here is the inside story of the case:

Torment: Harassment at workplace, victim immolate herself outside the Delhi Chief Minister's Office (Episode 317-318 on 29th-30th Nov 2013)

Sujata Jha (real name Pavitra Bharadwaj) who is a lab attendant at a reputed college N P Memorial Luthria in Kanakpur. A morning after preparing breakfast etc she leaves from her home and reaches State Chief Minister's office. She asks security guard that she wants to meet the CM but guard doesn't allow her. She again tells them that she has sent several letters to CM but did not get any reply so now she want to meet her. When guard still not allowing her, she spreads kerosene on her body and put herself of fire.
During investigation the investigation agency get to know that she was a victim of harassment at workplace. The college dean PR Tripathi and a teacher Gautam Trivedi were harassing her. She explained everything with her husband who told her to leave the job. Sujata was not willing to leave the job because she wanted to complete her doctorates.

Real photo of
Pavitra Bharadwaj

Crime Patrol: A Saga of Revenge | Contract killing of Aruna Sampath (Episode 315, 316 on Nov 22 & 23 2013)

A Saga Of Revenge
बदले की महाभारत

52 years old Aruna Sampath (Samajwadi Party worker Shammi Kohli from Agra played by Sujata Kumar) is a powerful politician in Kanpur, visiting from Kanpur to Varanasi by bus. Bus stops at a Dhaba on Kanpur -Varanasi highway (she was murdered on Agra-Lucknow rout). Most of the passengers get down to have some refreshments. During this period two unknown persons on a bike come inside the bus and shoot Aruna Sampath. No one has a single clue about the murderers but a Paan Wala tells police that he saw 2 men on the bike at the same time. Police inform Aruna's son Prithvi in Kanpur.

Mohit Bhardwaj, Shivani Chakraborty, Preeti, sanjeev tyagi, Shubha Saxena, Kohli, Puneet Channa, Sujata Kumar, Karan Sharma, agra, Sudeep Sarangi, naveen saini, gaurav, Rohit Tiwari, Nitin Gupta

Investigation reveals a series of doubts and uncertainties. Aruna was having bad relation with her daughter-in-law Anju (real name Preeti) who was having an extramarital affair and was living with her father in Meerut from the last 2 years. Her younger brother Ritesh was also having an affair.

Let's unfold the mystery with Inside Story of the case.

Crime Patrol: Pinjara - Teenage girl escapes from brothel with help of a social worker (Episode 313, 314 on 15, 16 Nov 2013)

Poornima is is one among her three sisters. She lives with her father in village Sheerampur in Maharashtra. She gets trapped in a dance institute named Rangoli Dance Institute. On the other hand, Fauziya is a social worker who also teaches girls in Seva Uddhar Sanstha. A day she gets call from Poornima who calls her from a unknown number. She tells Fauziya that she is in big trouble and she is calling through her dance academy's security guard's number.
He asks for help from Fauziaya and she explains that this dance academy is actually a brothel, where they forces girls to learn dance and satisfy the customers.

Crime Patrol | In search of my family: Will Shiv S Vartak find his family back after 24 years (Episode 311, 312 on 8, 9 Nov 2013)

In Search Of My Family
तलाश अपने परिवार की
Shiv S Vartak (real name Ganesh Raghunath Dhangade) is a member of Maharashtra Police division's Quick Response Team. Shiv has lost his family 24 years ago and he can guess his father's name starts with 'S' because he has a tattoo on his arm that shows his name Shiv S Vartak.
He lost his parents when he went out of his home with his friends without telling anything to them. The three went to a train and got down at a station. Other two, Sanjay and Babloo asked him to wait for them until they comes back. Shiv waits for them but they did not come. Disappointed and scared shiv took another train and got down at CST station.

Image courtesy