Crime Patrol | Bonded Labors: Contractor Kailash chops off labor's hands (Episode 379, 380 on 7, 8 June 2014)

Village Chakrapada, Orrisa.
Affected by poverty, the villagers are seeking alternative options. They meet brokers Gopal and Karan, who promise them better work in Raipur. Raman, Debashish, Urvashi, Vikas, Sampat, Chirag, Adinath, Makrand, Damini, Radhika, and Poonam agree to go to Raipur with Gopal and Karan. The brokers take them to Kundarmal, where they are handed over to contractor Kailash. Kailash pays each laborer twenty thousand rupees, with Gopal and Karan taking five thousand each as commission. They assure the villagers that they will send their earnings home.
Kailash then takes them to a brick kiln, but there is no immediate work available. Satya, whom Kailash meets there, arranges for them to work in Hyderabad. Satya buys train tickets for them, surprising them with the destination, as they know it's far from their village. Despite their concerns, Satya insists they board the train because they've already been paid.

During the journey, while Satya is asleep, they quietly disembark at an unknown station. They decide to split up and take different routes. Debashish, Raman, Urvashi, and her son Vikas board a train back to Raipur. When Debashish and Raman go to check the train schedule upon arrival in Raipur, they are apprehended by Kailash's men.
उड़ीसा के चक्रपाड़ा गॉव के लोग गरीबी से त्रस्त है तभी गॉव में दो दलाल करन और गोपाल आते हैं. वो दोनों गॉव वालों को रायपुर में एक अच्छी नौकरी का लालच देते हैं. रमन, देबाशीष, उर्वशी, विकास, संपत, चिराग, आदिनाथ, मकरंद, दामिनी, राधिका और पूनम ज़िंदगी को बेहतर बनाने के लिए गोपाल और करन के साथ रायपुर जाने को तैयार हो जाते हैं. वो दोनों उनको कुंदरमल ले जाते हैं जहाँ उन सबको कैलाश नाम के एक ठेकेदार के हवाले कर दिया. कैलाश गोपाल और करन को हर मजदूर के लये बीस हज़ार देता है. गोपाल और करन अपने अपने हिस्से की कमीशन पांच-पांच हज़ार रूपए रख लेते हैं। और वादा करते हैं की सभी गॉववालो का हिस्सा उनके घरवालों तक पंहुचा दिया जायेगा। इनमे से कुछ लोग रूपए अपने पास रख लेते हैं।

Compassion: Trafficked Minor girl Kajal rescued with help of Rupa (Episode 378 on 6th June 2014)

Rupa is going to Jodhpur with her husband in a Volvo bus. While she is on her seat, she notices that a minor girl who is looks like from a backward area is also sitting near her. A woman who came to seeoff her is standing before her who is warning her not to get down from the bus till she reaches Jodhpur and someone in Mahaveer Chowk Jodhpur will come to bring her with themselves.
That girl is looking scared and nervous. Rups tries to talk to her then she tells her name Kajal and age 21 while she looks minor. Rupa has a feeling that Kajal is a trafficked girl who can be used or already a victim of child labour.

She calls Preeti on her phone. Preeti (played by Sarika Dhillon) is NGO worker. After this Rupa follows Preeti.

रूपा अपने पति के साथ दिल्ली से जोधपुर वॉल्वो बस से जा रही है. अपनी सीट पर बैठने के बाद वो ध्यान देती है की उसके साथ वाली सीट पर एक देहाती सी लड़की बैठी है जिसको एक औरत सख्ती से समझा रही है की उसे अकेले ही जोधपुर तक जाना है और इस बीच न तो वो बस से उतरे और न ही किसी से बात करे. जोधपुर की महावीर चौक पर कुछ लोग उसे लेने आ जायेंगे.

वो लड़की बहुत डरी हुई है और परेशान भी लग रही है. रूपा उससे बातचीत शुरू करने की कोशिश करती है. वो लड़की अपना नाम काजल बताती है और उम्र 21 साल बताती है जब की उसकी उम्र कम है. रूपा को शक होता है की वो लड़की अपनी उम्र गलत बता रही है और ये चाइल्ड-ट्रैफिकिंग का मामला है.

वो अपने मोबाइल से अपनी दोस्त प्रीती को दिल्ली में फ़ोन करती है. प्रीती दिल्ली में एक NGO की कार्यकर्ता है. उसके बाद प्रीती उसको जो जो बोलती है, रूपा वो सब करती जाती है.

Moin Azam Khan: Crime Patrol Actors and Actresses

Talented Moin Azam Khan has played several roles in Crime Patrol Dastak and still often appears. Other than Crime Patrol, this smart actor can be seen in DD Urdu’s “Andhere Ujale Ke Beech”. It is a TV Serial in which he is beautifully playing the role of writer Sajid. Sajid is a handsome, good looking honest person who is also looking for his life partner. The serial was being telecasted every Thursday, 07:35 PM on DD Urdu.

Crime Patrol | Ambushed: Missing TCS Techie Esther Anuhaya found murdered (Episode 376, 377 on 31 May & 1 June 2014)


Gargi Narsimhan (real name Easther Anuhaya and played by Raquel Rebello) is a Software Engineer who works far from her home at a Mumbai's IT company. She is the only daughter of her parent. After spending Christmas holidays at her home she is leaving for Mumbai. Her mother-father both comes to see off her and her mother is very emotional at the moment.

Gargi's train will reach Dadar, Mumbai early in the morning 3:45 so her father Arvind Narsimhan calls her next morning but her mobile is continuously switched off. He is trying many times but no response. They are now tensed and near 10:00 AM they calls her friend and colleague Madhvi who works with her in the same office. Madhvi tells them that she will confirm Gargi's arrival after reaching office. She reaches office and does not find Gargi o her desk.

Gargi's father sends his relative to Gargi;s hostel to check but he also not finds Gargi there. Now her mother and father leaves for Mumbai.

mumbai,Nandkishore Sahu,TCS Gregaon,Machilipatnam,aam aadmi party,Dharavi,Jonathan,Arun Kumar,jn14,Esther Anuhaya,Raquel Rebello,software engineer,LTTE,my14,Chandraban Sanap,

गार्गी एक सॉफ्टवेर इंजिनियर है जो की अपने माँ-बाप से दूर मुंबई की एक कंपनी में नौकरी करती है. वो अपने मत पिता की अकेली संतान है. वो छुट्टियों पे घर आई हुई थी सो उसे अब वापस जाना है. उसे माँ बाप दोनों स्टेशन तक छोड़ने आते हैं और उसकी माँ उस समय बहुत भावुक है.

उसकी ट्रेन को सुबह 3:45 पर मुंबई के दादर स्टेशन पहुचना है इसलिए अगली सुबह उसके पिता उसको फ़ोन लगते हैं मगर उसका मोबाइल स्विच ऑफ बताता है. वो उसका नंबर कई बार मिलाते हैं मगर लगातार स्विच ऑफ ही मिलता है. माँ-बाप दोनों बहुत घबराये हुए हैं. उसके पिता उसकी दोस्त माधवी, जो की उसके साथ ही काम करती है उसको कॉल कर के बोलते हैं की ऑफिस पहुच कब वो बताये की गार्गी ऑफिस पहुची की नहीं. 10 बज जाते हैं. माधवी ऑफिस जाकर देखती है मगर उसे गार्गी नहीं मिलती है.

गार्गी के पिता अपने एक रिश्तेदार जो की मुंबई में रहते है उनको फ़ोन लगा कर बोलते हैं की वो गार्गी के हॉस्टल जाकर पता करे की गार्गी वहां है या नहीं. वो हॉस्टल जाकर पता करते हैं मगर गार्गी हॉस्टल में भी नहीं है. इसके बाद गार्गी के माँ-बाप दोनों मुंबई के लए निकल जाते हैं.

Story is based on murder case of TCS techie Esther Anuhaya who was murdered then burnt with petrol near Bhandup (East) Mumbai. Her family and colleague found her body with the help of Vijaywada police team. It was unfortunate that they spent entire day themselves looking for her because last signal from her mobile were traced from Bhandupeshwar Kund in Kanjurmarg on 5th Jan 2014. Esther carried two cell phones and her parents were continuously trying both of them.

Esther’s father S. Jonathan Prasad and uncle Arun Kumar identified the body with the help of a golden ring on her finger.

“Esther has two numbers and we were constantly trying to get her on both. All calls went unanswered and, after a while, the phones appeared to have been switched off. I rushed to Lokmanya Tilak Terminus (LTT) and found the train had arrived long ago. I tried to check with some passengers and finally approached Kurla GRP for help.”

Mr. Kumar confirmed.

During the whole incident Mr. Jonathan was really disappointed with the behavior of Mumbai police who was not helping them anymore pointing the matter to be a love affair. After one week of Esther’s body was found, her father Mr. Jonathan met then home minister Mr. Sushil Kumar Shinde to plead for help. Mr. Shinde then wrote Maharasthra’s home minister Mr. R.R. Patil asking for some fast action and identification of Esther’s killers.

Mr. Jonathan was not very satisfied with Shinde’s assurance and met Aam Aadmi Party leader Mr. Yogendra Yadav.

"I could not get any consolation from the Home Minister, so I thought of meeting AAP. We wanted to give them (AAP) information so that they can raise their voice. He (Yogendra) talked to his party men in Mumbai to take up the case," Mr Prasad said.

Anuhaya was a Software Engineer at TCS Goregaon and was living in Andheri. She was returning from her home after Christmas in Machilipatnam on December 22. She reached Mumbai on January 5 at Lokmanya Tilak Terminal, after which she went missing. Esther's family members found her charred remains on January 16 from the bushes near Tata Nagar Colony in Bhandup (East).

The case raised many questions on Mumbai police like how a history sheeter was hunting at a railway railway platform? Why railway police could not identify any activity related to case in CCTV footages? Why police was taking the case lightly as even it was not a love affair case! This case again put a question on women safety in Mumbai which was earlier known as a safe city for women.

Swindled: Fake police raids Surendra's home and extort 5 lac rupees (Episode 375 on 30th May 2014)

Surendra Dalvi (real name Yashwant Ramchandra Chalke and played by Mazher Sayed) is a chartered accountant (CA) who is doing his own business of preparing documents related to housing societies and properties. He is honest towards his work and ignores any illegal activity. Javed (real name Abdul Hameed Shaikh and played by Gyanendra Tripathi) is his secretary who helps him in the work.
A morning Surendra is waiting for Javed while Javed's cell phone is switched off. While he is waiting for him, three police officers come with Javed and raids his home. They tell Surendra that they got few fake property-related documents from Javed who were made by Surendra so they are raiding his home. Surendra is saying that he never made any forged documents. Javed is saying that whatever he is doing, he is doing under Surendra only and he is not involved in this.

 On Surendra's request, police ask 4 lac rupees from Surendra to avoid the arrest. Surendra brings them to an ATM and gives 40,000 rupees from his savings account. Police go with Javed after taking the money. Later in the night, Surendra gets a call from Javed and he tells that he is still police custody and they are asking 8 lac rupees to release him. Javed sends his father to Surendra's home. Javed's father requests Surendra to help him. Surendra takes a loan of 5 lac from the market gives that to his father.

After few days when Surendra goes to Javed's home to take back his 5 lac, Javed clearly says that he will not give a single penny because he went through all this matter because of Surendra.

Crime Patrol | Kings and Pawns: Supari killing of Country Liquor Don Anand Pillai (Episode 372, 373, 374 on 23, 24, 25 May 2014)

Kings and Pawns
बादशाह और प्यादे

During 1972, Anand Pillai (played by Kannan Arunachalam) was a watch mechanic and Venkatesh Nayar (played by Navin Tyagi) was his best friend. He was attracted by the trucks moving around a country liquor shop. Courageous Anand talks to the owner of the shop Shashidharan. Shashidharan likes him and gives him a job at her shop.

Time flows and Shashidharan announces himself retired and gives entire responsibility to Anand. Anand Pillai is now a key holder of the business. Anand gets marry to Parvati and later he blessed with three sons Govind, Arvind and Vasudev. Being a big don of the area he has become an arrogant person. He fights with Venkat after which Venkat decides to do business alone.

After a few years, a few more persons come to the same business. One is Kasim Kureshi and another one is Jacob Kuruville. To teach them a lesson, Anand sends two of his guys to join Kasim and Jacob's business. Finally, Anand succeeds in throwing them out of their area. Now he worrying after seeing Venkat's growing business.

Anand's eldest son Govind leaves his business because he has been targeted by enemies of her father Anand. He joins Kasim and Anand is really shocked to know this. Later Govind comes back to her father.

Anand's youngest son Vasudevan is about to get marry and in this marriage Anand want to invite all of his earlier fellows. Kasim, Venkat and Jacob attends the marriage. After one week of marriage four persons comes to Anand's home and kills him.
Kanan Arunachalam and Naveen Tyagi

सन 1972,
आनंद पिल्लई एक घड़ी मकैनिक था. वेंकटेश नायर आनंद का सबसे करीबी दोस्त था. गाँव के एक देशी शराब के ठेके के बहार आने वाली गाड़ियाँ आनंद को आकर्षित करती थी. हिम्मत कर के आनंद उस ठेके के मालिक शशिधरन से नौकरी के लिए बोलता है. शशिधरन को उसका आत्मविश्वास पसंद आता है और वो उसके अपने ठेके पर नौकरी दे देता है.

शशिधरन का विश्वास हासिल कर के वो शशिधरन का पूरा कारोबार सँभालने लगता है. समय बीतता है और आनंद पिल्लई की शादी पार्वती से होती है. अब आनंद के तीन बेटे हैं, गोविन्द, अरविन्द और वासुदेव. सारा कारोबार पाने के बाद आनंद काफी घमंडी भी हो जाता है और अपने सबसे जिगरी दोस्त वेंकट से भी झगडा कर लेता है.
Accused Santosh Kumar
Venkat Nayar

The Missing Family: Kanchan goes missing with her two daughters (Episode 370, 372 on 17th 18th May 2014)

The Missing Family
एक लापता परिवार
कंचन एक विधवा है जिसके पति का देहांत पांच साल पहले हो गया था. वो अपनी बेटियों स्वाति और नीना के साथ वेस्ट बंगाल रहती है. उसके पिता उत्तर प्रदेश में परेशान हैं क्योँ की 2 दिन से उसकी उसके पिता से कोई बात नहीं हो पा रही है क्यों की कंचन का मोबाइल बंद है. वो फ़ोन पर कंचन के मिस्सिंग होने की कम्प्लेन पुलिस को करते हैं मगर पुलिस उनपर दबाव डालती है की उन्हें वहां पहुच कर ही शिकायत दर्ज करनी होगी.

Crime Patrol | Inheritance: A family land disputes ended with 6 murders (Episode 369 on 16 May 2014)


Father of Arjun and Raju Chauhan gives his fertilized land to their mother becuase his both sons does not do anything and the is scared that if he gave his land to them, they will sell it. Both boys are very angry on it. After their father expires, for their mother it is very hard to manage home. She puts the land on pledge and gets some money. After some times she is not able to get back her land so she decides to sell it.
Arjun and Raju are not agree with this and they kills their mother for land. They spents few months in jail then they comes out on bail. They still have no work so elder brother Arjun asks Raju to get some work in Lucknow. Raju travels to Lucknow and works as a daily wage earner while Arjun stays in the village and taking care of their land.

Time spents and Raju starts realizing that Arjun is making him fool. In the meantime Arjun sells Raju's land without asking him.

Based on May, 2013 case of Bulandshahar, Uttar Pradesh.

अर्जुन चौहान और राजू चौहान भाई हैं जिनके पिता मरते समय अपने खेत अपनी पत्नी के नाम लिख जाते हैं. वो खेत पत्नी के नाम इसलिए लिख जाते हैं क्यों की उन्हें डर है की उनके निकम्मे लड़के खेत को बेच देंगे. इस बात से दोनों लड़के बहुत क्रोधित हैं. कोई काम धाम न होने की वजह से घर का खर्चा किसी तरह से चल रहा है. तंगी के कारण उनकी माँ खेत का एक हिस्सा गिरवी रख कर कुछ पैसे जमा करती है.

Kaleidoscope: Minor girl Farah forced to marry with maternal brother Nasir by her mother Fauzia (Episode 358, 359 on 10th, 11th May 2014)

(एक जटिल परिस्थिति)
Delhi, 2008
Farah is a minor girl who is born and brought up in a slum area of Delhi. She starts taking study classes with the help of a volunteer group who is under supervision of Prithivi (played by Jatin Shah). Other than Prithvi Vineet, Ajit, Prachi are also members of this group who helps kids like Farah.

Suhasini Das (real name Linkan Subudhi) is girl from Bhubaneswar (Odisha) who gets a job offer from Delhi. She comes to Delhi to join the company. She is very happy and enjoying hi-tech and advance life of Delhi. But she is also willing to do something big in her life with the job.
His colleague Vineet brings her to his volunteer group. Suhasini is happy to see all activities by them and joins them in teaching poor people. Later Prithvi gets job transfer to Chandigarh so he makes Suhasini the supervisor of the group. During her work towards this group she gets in touch with Farah, who is a innocent girl seems to have a bright future.

Everything is going well but in 2012 Farah tells Suhasini that her mother Fauzia is forcing her to get marry with her maternal brother Nasir (real name Siraj). She does not want to marry him because she want to study more. She also tells that Fauzia is having relations with Nasir. Suhasini goes to meet Fauzia and his father and tells them not to do this because this is illegal since Farah is minor.

After one week of this matter, Fauzia and his family moves from Delhi. Suhasini gets call from Farah that her mother brought her to her maternal uncle’s home (Nasir’s father) and next day she will get marry with Nasir. She asks for help from Suhasini.

दिल्ली, 2008
दिल्ली के एक स्वयंसेवी संगठन की मदद से फराह नाम की एक बच्ची स्कूल जाना शुरू करती है. ये संगठन कुछ नौकरी पेशा लोगों के द्वारा चलाया जा रहा है. पृथ्वी, विनीत, अजित और प्राची इस संगठन के सदस्य हैं जो की फराह जैसे बच्चों की मदद करते है.

दिल्ली से दूर भुवनेश्वर में रहने वाली सुहासिनी दस को दिल्ली से एक नौकरी का ऑफर आता है. वो दिल्ली आकार वो नौकरी ज्वाइन करती है. वो दिल्ली की हाई-टेक जिंदगी में काफी खुश है. एक दिन उसका साथी विनीत उसे अपने वालंटियर दोस्तों से मिलवाता है जो की उन बच्चों को पढ़ने का काम करते है. सुहासिनी को ये काम बहुत अच्चा लगता है और वो भी ये ग्रुप ज्वाइन कर लेती है. कुछ समय बाद जब पृथ्वी का ट्रान्सफर चंडीगढ़ हो जाता है तो सुहासिनी को इस ग्रुप का सुपरवाइजर बना दिया जाता है.
Real face behind Suhasini - Linkan Subudhi
सबकुछ अच्छा चल रहा है मगर 2012 में फराह सुहासिनी को बताती है की उसकी माँ फौजिया उसकी शादी उसके ममेरे भाई नासिर से करवाना चाहती है. फराह सुहासिनी को ये भी बताती है की नासिर और फौजिया के बीच सम्बन्ध हैं. सुहासिनी इस निकाह का इसका विरोध करती है और फौजिया को ऐसा न करने के लिए बोलती है.