Crime Patrol | A Costly Affair: Murder of businessman Kamal's second wife Aarti (Episode 392 on 11 July 2014)

A Costly Affair
अफेयर पड़ा महंगा
Kamal Sawant is a successful businessman who runs an interior decoration company. He lives with his wife Vrinda and a daughter Shonali. Kamal gets marry to his associate Aarti and it is his second marriage. Vrinda is not aware of this but later he comes to know about Kamal's second marriage. Kamal promises him that he loves her daughter and he will take care of both of his wives and families. Now he spends a few days with Vrinda and few with Aarti.
During a recruitment drive in his office, he interviews Suman Raheja's who is a beautiful girl. Kamal again falls in love with her at first sight. He stats making relations with her after recruiting her.

On the other hand, Prashant, who is a reliable driver of Kamal kills Kamal's second wife Aarti with his friend. Police are doubting Kamal and then his first wife Vrinda but after getting all the call details and locations a few other questions arise.

kamal's second wife murdered, murder of second wife, girlfriend killed second wife, driver killed boss' second wife, businessman's second wife dead, aarti's murder, wife aarti murdered,Vrinda, sushma
Aarti played by Shalini Chandran

कमल सावंत एक सफल बिजनेसमैन है जो की एक इंटीरियर डेकोरेशन की कंपनी चलाता है. घर में उसके साथ उसकी पत्नी वृंदा और उसकी बेटी शोनाली रहते हैं. आशिक मिजाज़ कमल का अपनी बिज़नस एसोसिएट आरती से अफेयर चल रहा है और इसके चलते वो दूसरी शादी आरती से कर लेता है. पत्नी वृंदा को पहले तो पता नहीं चल पता है मगर धीरे धीरे वो सब जान जाती है. कमल उसके साथ समझौता करता है और वडा करता है की वो दोनों लोगों का ख्याल अच्छे से रखेगा। अब कमल कुछ दिन वृंदा से साथ बिताता है और कुछ समय आरती से साथ.

कमल के ऑफिस में भर्ती के दौरान वो सुमन रहेजा का इंटरव्यू लेता है. वो सुमन पर पहली नज़र में ही फ़िदा हो जाता है. सुमन को नौकरी पर रखने के बाद वो धीरे धीरे उससे सम्बन्ध बनाना शुरू करता है. सुमन उसके झांसे में आ जाती है मगर कमल का ड्राईवर जो की कमल का बहुत भरोसेमंद आदमी है, कमल की दूसरी बीवी आरती का अपने एक साथी के साथ मिलकर क़त्ल कर देता है.

पुलिस के शक की पहली सुई कमल पर जाती है और उसके बाद पुलिस कमल की बीवी वृंदा से भी पूछताछ करती है, मगर मोबाइल डिटेल्स और लोकेशन पता लगने के बाद कुछ और ही सच सामने आता है.


SonyLiv: 11-Jul-2014---A-Costly-Affair

Here is the inside story of the case:

Crime Patrol: Embraced - Daughter's left by a mother raised by School Principal Prahlad Thakur (Episode 390, 391 on 5th, 6th July 2014)

कल्पना तिवारी मेरठ के एक गाँव में रहती है. उसकी 2 बच्चियां पायल और छाया हैं और पति खेती करता है. कहानी शुरू होती है कल्पना के घर से. उसका पति उससे कह रहा है की वो घर से बाहर न जाया करे. इसके बाद कल्पना अपनी बच्चियों को बोलती है की वो उसके साथ चले. बच्चियों के पूछने पर वो कहती है की वो उनको उनकी नानी के घर ले कर जा रही है.
वो अपनी दोनों बच्चियों को लेकर बिहार के एक शहर में पहुचती है. पहुचने के बाद वो दोनों बच्चियों को चेतना विद्यालय नाम के एक स्कूल में ले जाती है जिसे प्रह्लाद ठाकुर चलते हैं. वैसे तो प्रह्लाद उस घर के मालिक थे जिसमे अभय सिंह अपना स्कूल चलते थे मगर अभय सिंह को पारिवारिक जिम्मेदारियों के चलते स्कूल छोड़ने पर प्रह्लाद ठाकुर को ये स्कूल चलाना पड़ता है जिसको वो अपने परिवार के साथ मिलकर पूरे समर्पण के साथ चला रहे हैं. कल्पना प्रह्लाद ठाकुर से बात करती है की वो उसकी दोनों बच्च्यों को उनके हॉस्टल में रख ले और उन्हें पढाये. वो बच्चियों को अपने साथ नहीं रखना चाहती क्यों की उसका पति बच्चियों को पसंद नहीं करता है और उसकी सास भी इसके पक्ष में नहीं है. वो वादा करती है की वो हर महीने बच्चियों से मिलने आया करेगी और हर महीने उसकी फीस भी देने को तैयार है. प्रह्लाद मना करते हैं की वो इन बच्चियों को यहाँ नहीं रख सकते क्योकि वो बहुत छोटी हैं और उनके हॉस्टल के अनुकूल नहीं हैं. कल्पना के बहुत कहने पर प्रह्लाद मान जाते हैं और उन बच्चियों को अपने साथ रख लेते हैं. प्रह्लाद कल्पना से बच्चियों का जन्म प्रमाण पत्र मांगते हैं मगर कल्पना कहती है की वो अगली बार ज़रूर के आएगी.

कल्पना चली जाती है और फिर काफी समय तक उसका फ़ोन नहीं मिलता है. प्रह्लाद और उनका परिवार दुविधा में है की क्या किया जाए मगर तभी कल्पना आ जाती है. वो जन्म प्रमाण पत्र तब भी नहीं लेकर आती है. वो बच्चों से मिल कर जाती और फिर से उसका मोबाइल बंद हो जाता है. बच्चियों अपनी माँ से मिलने को आतुर हैं मगर कल्पना का कोई पता नहीं. इस बार कल्पना एक साल बाद आती है और पूछने पर बताती है की उसका पति जेल में था तभी वो नहीं आ पाई. कल्पना वापस चली जाती है और फिर कभी वापस नहीं आती है. सालों बीत जाते हैं......

Story starts from Kalpana Tiwari's (real name Shikha and Namita Panday and played by Neena Singh) home. Her husband (real name Ashok Kumar Panday) is not allowing her to go out of the home. Later she asks her daughters Payal (real name Rimjhim) and Chhaya (real name Anjali) to come with her. Asking where they are going, Kalpana tells them that they will go to their grannies home.

She reaches Bihar's Chetna Vidyalaya with her both daughters. Chetna Vidyalaya is a primary school run by Abhay Singh but due to family crisis he handovers it to owner of school's building, Prahlad Thakur (real name Avineshwar Singh). Prahlad Thakur and his whole family is fully dedicated towards taking care of school and students. Kalpana is convincing Prahlad Thakur to keep both of her daughters to his hostel. She does not want to keep them with her because her husband does not like them. Her mother-in-law is also against their studies. She promises Prahlad that she will come to meet them every month also will pay their justified fees. Prahlad is not agree with this because both the girls are so small to get admitted in his hostel. When Kalpana tells him other reasons also that she wants their bright future which will never be possible in her village. Finally Prahlad agrees with their admission and allows her to leave both daughters there. He asks Kalpana about their Birth Certificates but Kalpana says she will bring it when she will come next time.

Kalpana goes back and her cellphone goes out of reach. Prahlad and his family are confused what to do next, but they are still taking care of the duo well. Suddenly Kalpana comes but she still did not bring Birth Certificates. She meets Payala and Chhaya and goes back promising that after 1 week she will come again and will bring them to her home for few days. After she goes, her phone is again becomes not reachable. Her daughter are eagerly willing to meet her but she does not come.

Now she comes after one year and tells Prahlad that hes husband was in jail so she could not come to meet them. Kalpana goes back again and years passes, she does not come back.......

Father Ashok with Rimjhim and Anjali

The Human Touch: Facebook helped reuniting Sikkim boy Anand to his uncle (Episode 389 on 4th July 2014)

The Human Touch
Ashok Rao is a property consultant in Bangalore. A morning after finishing his Yoga session, he finds a boy of near 16-17 age near a junkyard. That boy is in pathetic condition and wants some help. His friend Mahesh forbade him to avoid it but That boy is looking hungry and Ashok wants to help him. Ashok brings him to a shop and arranges some food for him. Shopkeeper is also looking at them surprisingly and he tell Ashok that he should avoid such kind of people because they might hurt him. Ashok is saying the boy is looking in trouble. His clothing sense and his activities saying that he needs help.

Crime Patrol | Deal: Shanti, a minor brought to India from Bangladesh (Episode 388 on 29 June 2014)


Dhaka, Bangladesh
16 year old Shanti is younger among two daughters of her poor mother-father. Her father in unemployed and does not have anything to earn. Her mother is the whole-sole earner in the family but her father steals that earning for his desires.

A day Shanti's mother and sister notices that from few days her father didn't booze. They are amazed to notice this great change how a man can change like this. A morning he comes back meeting someone and asks Shanti to come with him, he has got some labour work and Shanti will also earn with him. Shanti's mother forbade to bring Shanti because she is a minor and want to continue her studies. She asks him to bring Shanti's elder sister with him but he does not agree and convinces Shanti that if she will come with him, she will be able to help her mother in earnings.

He sales shanti to another man. When Shanti's mother asks him about Shanti, he says that she ran away with someone and will not comeback. Shanti's mother goes to Dhaka Police to raise a complain but police also denies her saying Shanti must have run away with someone and will comeback on her own.

On the other hand, that man prepares some forged documents of Shanti, bring her to India via Indo-Bangladesh Border and sales her to another person in west bengal.

Cross Fire: Constable Mohindar’s uncle attacked by local robbers (Episode 387 on 27th June 2014)

Cross Fire
Village Chandmasa, Punjab
Whole village is living under terror of four robbers. Striking in a home with guns and robbing is their work and they are not traceable by the local police.

During a robbery, constable Mohindar Singh (real name Ramandeep Singh) grabs one of the goons but he escapes. When his senior asks him to identify that robber, he denies saying due to lac of light, he was not able to see him correctly.
After few days those attackers attacks Mohindar's home. When Mhindar's uncle starts screaming, they shoots him by their gun. One bullet steeps into his shoulder and other steeps near his heart. Old man brings to hospital immediately. Police is guessing their target would be Mohindar, but his coincidentally his uncle got shooted. Mohindar is angry and promises to take revange of this.

Mohindar's uncle is now safe but his condition is critical. During his hospitalization, those robbers again tries to kill him but they could

During police investigation it appears that they used 0.36 bore bullet during this attack and now police starts their investigation taking this as a primary clue.

चिंदमासा गाँव, पंजाब
गाँव में लुटेरों का आतंक है। किसी के घर में रात में घुस कर बन्दूक के दम पर डकैती डालना इनका काम है और वो लम्बे समय से पुलिस की पहुच से दूर हैं।

एक डकैती के दौरान पुलिस कांस्टेबल मोहिन्दर सिंह चार लुटेरों में से एक को पकड़ कर उसका चेहरा देख लेता है मगर वो लुटेरा उसकी पकड़ से छुट जाता है। मोहिन्दर का सीनियर जब ये पूछता है की क्या वो उस आदमी को पहचान सकता है तो वो मन कर देता है की रात के अँधेरे में वो उस लुटेरे को ठीक से देख नहीं पाया।

Out of Mind: One Eyed Man targetted more than 25 children (Episode 384 on 20th June 2014)

Out of Mind
A man named Ashfaq (real name Ayaz Ansari) is a severely addicted to drug. For his fulfillment he burglars people's mobile phones in Mumbai local trains and sells them.

The police is looking for him because he has molested more than 25 minor girls in the city. First he introduces himself as friend of girl's father then brings them to a deserted place to commit to molest them.

The Lost daughters: Village girls in sake of a better life and income (Episode 381, 382, 383 0n 13, 14, 15 June 2014)

The Lost daughters
गुमशुदा बेटियाँ

Anjali Kalita, daughter of Haridev Kalita is missing from her village. Villagers are doubting Somen, Gaurav and Divya Mishra who are outsiders in the village and belongs to placement agencies of Delhi. Their target is to trap innocent villagers and send them to Delhi. They ties to convince people to come to big cities like Delhi where they can brighten their future. Divya is saying that she is not involve in Anjali's missing case because she follows every legal step in her process and this would have been committed by Somen and Gaurav. Later Haridev moves toward Delhi in search of her daughter.
April, 2011.
Ramitha, daughter of Nakul Gohen goes missing and last time she was seen with Divya.

August, 2011
Daughter of Prakash Deka, Anushree goes missing.

Crime Patrol | Bonded Labors: Contractor Kailash chops off labor's hands (Episode 379, 380 on 7, 8 June 2014)

Village Chakrapada, Orrisa.
Affected by poverty, the villagers are seeking alternative options. They meet brokers Gopal and Karan, who promise them better work in Raipur. Raman, Debashish, Urvashi, Vikas, Sampat, Chirag, Adinath, Makrand, Damini, Radhika, and Poonam agree to go to Raipur with Gopal and Karan. The brokers take them to Kundarmal, where they are handed over to contractor Kailash. Kailash pays each laborer twenty thousand rupees, with Gopal and Karan taking five thousand each as commission. They assure the villagers that they will send their earnings home.
Kailash then takes them to a brick kiln, but there is no immediate work available. Satya, whom Kailash meets there, arranges for them to work in Hyderabad. Satya buys train tickets for them, surprising them with the destination, as they know it's far from their village. Despite their concerns, Satya insists they board the train because they've already been paid.

During the journey, while Satya is asleep, they quietly disembark at an unknown station. They decide to split up and take different routes. Debashish, Raman, Urvashi, and her son Vikas board a train back to Raipur. When Debashish and Raman go to check the train schedule upon arrival in Raipur, they are apprehended by Kailash's men.
उड़ीसा के चक्रपाड़ा गॉव के लोग गरीबी से त्रस्त है तभी गॉव में दो दलाल करन और गोपाल आते हैं. वो दोनों गॉव वालों को रायपुर में एक अच्छी नौकरी का लालच देते हैं. रमन, देबाशीष, उर्वशी, विकास, संपत, चिराग, आदिनाथ, मकरंद, दामिनी, राधिका और पूनम ज़िंदगी को बेहतर बनाने के लिए गोपाल और करन के साथ रायपुर जाने को तैयार हो जाते हैं. वो दोनों उनको कुंदरमल ले जाते हैं जहाँ उन सबको कैलाश नाम के एक ठेकेदार के हवाले कर दिया. कैलाश गोपाल और करन को हर मजदूर के लये बीस हज़ार देता है. गोपाल और करन अपने अपने हिस्से की कमीशन पांच-पांच हज़ार रूपए रख लेते हैं। और वादा करते हैं की सभी गॉववालो का हिस्सा उनके घरवालों तक पंहुचा दिया जायेगा। इनमे से कुछ लोग रूपए अपने पास रख लेते हैं।

Compassion: Trafficked Minor girl Kajal rescued with help of Rupa (Episode 378 on 6th June 2014)

Rupa is going to Jodhpur with her husband in a Volvo bus. While she is on her seat, she notices that a minor girl who is looks like from a backward area is also sitting near her. A woman who came to seeoff her is standing before her who is warning her not to get down from the bus till she reaches Jodhpur and someone in Mahaveer Chowk Jodhpur will come to bring her with themselves.
That girl is looking scared and nervous. Rups tries to talk to her then she tells her name Kajal and age 21 while she looks minor. Rupa has a feeling that Kajal is a trafficked girl who can be used or already a victim of child labour.

She calls Preeti on her phone. Preeti (played by Sarika Dhillon) is NGO worker. After this Rupa follows Preeti.

रूपा अपने पति के साथ दिल्ली से जोधपुर वॉल्वो बस से जा रही है. अपनी सीट पर बैठने के बाद वो ध्यान देती है की उसके साथ वाली सीट पर एक देहाती सी लड़की बैठी है जिसको एक औरत सख्ती से समझा रही है की उसे अकेले ही जोधपुर तक जाना है और इस बीच न तो वो बस से उतरे और न ही किसी से बात करे. जोधपुर की महावीर चौक पर कुछ लोग उसे लेने आ जायेंगे.

वो लड़की बहुत डरी हुई है और परेशान भी लग रही है. रूपा उससे बातचीत शुरू करने की कोशिश करती है. वो लड़की अपना नाम काजल बताती है और उम्र 21 साल बताती है जब की उसकी उम्र कम है. रूपा को शक होता है की वो लड़की अपनी उम्र गलत बता रही है और ये चाइल्ड-ट्रैफिकिंग का मामला है.

वो अपने मोबाइल से अपनी दोस्त प्रीती को दिल्ली में फ़ोन करती है. प्रीती दिल्ली में एक NGO की कार्यकर्ता है. उसके बाद प्रीती उसको जो जो बोलती है, रूपा वो सब करती जाती है.