10 out of 100: 14 year old mausmi sets herself on fire as her parents couldn't afford pencils and copy (Episode 415 on Sep 13th 2014)

सौ में से दस
10 out of 100
"सर्व शिक्षा अभियान. प्रारंभिक शिक्षा के लिए सरकार द्वारा व्यापक पैमाने पर चलाया जाने वाला प्रमुख कार्यक्रम है. इस 2000-2001 में स्टेट गवर्नमेंट एंड लोकल सेल्फ गवर्नमेंट से साथ में मिल कर शुरू किया. 2010 में राईट टू एजुकेशन एक्ट के लागू होने के बाद से ही सर्व शिक्षा अभियान को पूरी कानूनी देख-रेख मिली ताकि सर्व शिक्षा अभियान को बुनियादी तौर पर कार्यान्वित किया जा सके."

"बुनियादी तौर पर ज़्यादातर जगहों पर ये चीज़े बिलकुल अलग हैं क्युकी ये सारी योजनायें और प्रोग्राम आखिर में लोगों द्वारा ही चलाये जाते हैं, ऐसे लोग जो ख़ास तौर पर इन योजनाओं के लिए ही नियुक्त किये गए हैं. जिनपर इन कार्यक्रमों को चलने की ज़िम्मेदारी होती है. ये उनका दायित्व है की ये सारी योजनाए उन लोगों तक पहुचे जिनको इनकी ज़रुरत है. लेकिन इतना कुछ करने के बाद भी जो सेवाएँ इन लोगों तक पहुचती हैं उसका आंकड़ा है सौ में से सिर्फ दस (10 out of 100)."

गाँव सोरभूमि, ओडिशा
मौसमी एक 10 साल की बच्ची है जिसके दो छोटे भाई है. मौसमी सर्व शिक्षा अभियान के तहत एक स्कूल में पढाई करती है जिसमे उसे फीस नहीं देनी होती है और समय समय पर छात्रवृत्ती या वजीफा भी मिलता है. उसके पिता कारपेंटर के तौर पर एक दिहाड़ी मजदूर हैं.​​​ उनकी रोज़ की कमाई पर ही घर का खर्चा निर्भर करता है.​ मौसमी की माँ सारे घर की देखभाल करती है.

एक ​दिन अचानक एक दुर्घटना में मौसमी के पिता के शरीर का दांयाँ हिस्से को लकवा मार जाता है. उनका इलाज एक सरकारी अस्पताल में निःशुल्क होता है मगर अस्पताल से छुट्टी होने के बाद महंगी दवाइयों का खर्चा उठाने के लिए मौसमी की माँ घरों में काम करना शुरू करती है जिससे उसको महीने के तौर पर कुछ रुपये मिल जाते हैं.

उनका परिवार एक बहुत बुरे दौर से गुज़र रहा है, यहाँ तक की मौसमी के पास नै कॉपी और पेंसिल भी नहीं है जिसकी उसे बहुत ज़रुरत है और वो पिछले साल की कॉपी पेंसिल से ही काम चला रही है. वो अपने स्कूल के एडमिन से अपने वजीफे के बारे में बार बार पूछती है मगर वो हर बार यही जवाब देते हैं की उसका एक आदमी वजीफे का पता लगाने जाता है मगर कुछ पता नहीं चल रहा है​. मौसमी अपने घर की हालत देख कर बहुत परेशान है. एक तरफ उसके पिता की दावा का खर्चा और दूसरी तरफ उसकी माँ दिन रात काम कर रही है.

एक ​दोपहर मौसमी रोज़ की तरह अपने भाइयों को पढ़ाने के लिए ​बुलाती है मगर फिर उन्दोनो को बोल देती है की वापस जाओ और खेलो. उसके जाने के बाद मौसमी घर के दरवाज़े बंद करती है और खुद को आग लगा लेती है.

Twisted Intentions: Underprivileged Minor molested, attacked and abducted (Episode 410 on 29 Aug 2014)

उलटे इरादे
Twisted Intentions
10 year old Jyoti Halsar belongs to a underprivileged family. She goes to school on rickshaw and a rickshaw puller Girish Chauhan has became friendly to her. Mostly he goes her school on Girish rickshaw. Jyoti's father Twisted Intentions has became suspicious of his minor daughter Jyoti has become friendly with Girish. He warns her to make distance from Girish. Jagdish also use to showoff that he has come from lower cast (underprivileged people) family and takes advantage of provisions the constitution of India provides for protection of underprivileged populous.
Again a day Jagdish see her on Girish's rickshaw. After sometimes he brings Jyoti a police station and tells police that Girish and his mates molested Jyoti. Police brings her to that hostel where the incident took place and asks her to identify the guys.

Police arrests Girish and puts him behind the​​ bars. Girishs is clearly saying he is not involved in this. Few days after this Jagdish again reaches police station and informs police that Jyoti is now being attacked by Girish's brother in the market. He also shows the injuries on Jyoti's leg.

Few days after this attack, Jyoti disappears. Jagdish lodges a complain that Jyoti is now being kidnapped by Girish's family.

Discontented: Murder of retired FIC manager and his grand daughter (Episode 412 on 5th August 2014)

Sarita (real name Reena and played by Swati Tarar) is a divorcee who got separated after death of her 3 months old daughter. She divorced her husband because her mother-in-law was blaming her for this death. On the other hand Jagdish Sethi (real name Hitesh played by Mazher Sayed), who lives with his father Kulbhushan Sethi (real name Narinder Kumar Anand and played by Shakti Singh) and is a father of a ​7 year old girl Prerna (real name Areva). His ​father and friends are forcing him to get re-marry for sake of his daughter and himself. His friend tells him about Sarita, who is a divorcee and also wiling to get re-marry. Jagdish meets Sarita and they agrees to get marry. After their marriage they starts living together in Jagdish's home. Prerna who was earlier living with her nana-nani, is now living with Jagdish and Sarita.
Everything is going good but an evening after returning from market, Sarita sees smoke is coming from her home. Confused and scared Sarita calls her neighbors to come with her. After opening the doors, they are shocked to see dead bodies of Kulbhushan and Prerna.

Crime Patrol | In The Name Of Love: Shabnam, the first woman could get hanged since 1947 (Episode 413, 414 on 6, 7 Sep 2014)

In The Name Of Love
प्यार के नाम (Pyar Ke Naam)
2008, Amroha, UP

Here's a possible rephrased version of the article:

Farukh (real name Saleem, played by Saheem Khan) fell in love with Noori (real name Shabnam, played by Prarthana Behere) and proposed to her. She reciprocated his feelings and agreed to marry him. They began to meet and planned to get married soon. One day, Noori told her father Ismail (real name Shaukat Khaton) that she loved Farukh and wanted to marry him. However, Ismail reacted violently, shouting at her, slapping her, and warning her not to pursue the relationship. He even forbade her from continuing her job.

Later, Noori's boss contacted Ismail and inquired about her absence from work. Ismail lied and said that Noori had some family issues and could not come to work. However, the boss insisted that Noori was needed to entertain some clients and pressured Ismail to allow her to work for a few more days. Ismail reluctantly agreed but warned Noori not to meet Farukh.

Click here for the Discovery+ Documentery

Despite Ismail's warning, Noori and Farukh continued to meet and even exchanged a cellphone. During their meetings, Noori became pregnant but did not inform her parents. Instead, she and Farukh planned something shocking to eliminate everyone who stood in the way of their relationship.

inside story

2008, अमरोहा
वेल्डिंग का काम करने वाले एक युवक फारुख को प्यार हो जाता है एक आईटी कंपनी में काम करने वाली नूरी से। वो उसके सामने अपने प्यार का प्रस्ताव रखता है और इंतज़ार करता है नूरी के जवाब का। नूरी उसका ये प्रस्ताव मान लेती है. दोनों के बीच मुलाकाते बढ़ने लगती है और एक दिन नूरी अपने अब्बू इस्माइल से बोलती है की वो फारुख से प्यार करती है और उससे शादी करना चाहती है। इस्माइल उसको मारता है और उसको धमकी देता है की आगे से वो फारुख से किसी भी तरह का कोई नाता न रखे। वो उसकी नौकरी भी छुडवा देता है।
नूरी घर में बंद हो जाती है मगर एक दिन उसके बॉस का फ़ोन उसके अब्बू को जाता है। बॉस उसके अब्बू से उसके बार में पूछता है और अब्बू इस्माइल ये बोल देता है की कुछ निजी मामलों की वजह से नूरी अब नौकरी नहीं करेगी। बॉस जोर देता है की उसको कुछ दिन के लिए नूरी की ज़रुरत है किसी ज़रूरी काम के लिए वो अगर इस्माइल उसको आने दे तो काम अच्छे से हो सकेगा। इस्माइल नूरी को जाने की इजाज़त देता है और ये धमकी भी देता है की वो फारुख से मिलने की सोचे भी न।

नूरी को वापस फारुख से मिलने का मौका मिल जाता है। इनदोनो के मिलने का सिलसिला काफी दिनों तक चलता रहता है और इसी बीच नूरी प्रेग्नेंट हो जाती है। इसके बाद भी वो अपने घर पर कुछ नहीं बताती है और फारुख के साथ मिलकर अपने परिवार को रास्ते से हटाने का एक घिनोना षड़यंत्र रचती है।

Online Episode on YouTube:
Part 1: www.youtube.com/watch?v=RKAuPGL-SkA
Part 2: www.youtube.com/watch?v=KvQZKmE3O-k

Online Episode on SonyLiv:
Part 1: www.sonyliv.com/watch/thriller-ep-413-september-6-2014
Part 2: www.sonyliv.com/watch/thriller-ep-414-september-7-2014

Here is the inside story of the case:

Banished: Boycotted kids forced to live in a graveyard near their parent's graves (Episode 411 on 31st Aug 2014)

Four kids of a village in Varanasi are living in a graveyard near their parent’s graves. They have their own home still villages forced then to live there after the death of their mother and father. Their real uncle is also responsible for their shifting to the graveyard. Why the innocent kids are living there? What crime did they make, villagers boycotted them!

Crime Patrol | Framed: A Murder, A Custodial Death and 13 years of justice (Episode 408, 409 on 22, 23 August 2014)

Year 2000, Kanpur.

A man shoots some obsene photos of someone and gives its reel (film) to someone and instruct him that dont develop it in a studio and only develop by a freelancer Hashim Qazi (played by Arshad Khan), who work for many studios in Kanpur from Lucknow. Hashim's son Shabbir also works with him. His elder daughter Ayesha is married while his wife Shabnam and Nazneen takes care of home.

Photographer Hashim is very tense and worried on something. Shabbir tries to ask him but he does not tells anything to him.

After two days of this, 2 masked goons with guns and axe enters his home and kills Hashim. Shabbir could not catch them but he was able to see their face when the cloth wrap around their face fell.

Investigation officer of the case is Omkar Sharma (played by Darshan Dave). Omkar arrests Hashim's wife Shabnam and son Shabbir on behalf of Hashim's murder. He also holds a press conference where he says that he has solid evidence against Shabnam and Shabbir. He says that he has also found the weapon by which the murdered was committed.

On the other hand Shabnam and Shabbir are saying that they are trapped. They are saying that they did not kill Hashim and police is trying to trap them with false alligations. After few days Shabbir dies of interrogation inside the police station, but he tell something very crucial to his sister Nazneen. He tell her that he knows who killed his father and why.

साल 2000, कानपुर. एक आदमी किसी की कुछ अश्लील तस्वीरे खीचने के बाद उन फोटो की रील एक पुलिस वाले को देता है और ये भी कहता है की ये रील किसी स्टूडियो में डेवलप न करवा कर हाशिम क़ाज़ी को दे जो की अकेले कानपुर के बहुत से फोटो स्टूडियो के लिए लखनऊ से काम करता है. हाशिम के बेटा शब्बीर भी उसके साथ काम करता है. हाशिम की बड़ी बेटी आयशा की शादी हो चुकी ही जबकि छोटी बेटी नाजनीन और बीवी शबनम घर सम्हालते हैं.

फोटोग्राफर हाशिम किसी बात को लेकर बहुत परेशान है और अपने बेटे के पूछने पर भी कुछ नहीं बताता. दो दिन बाद रात में कुछ नकाबपोश लोग हाशिम के घर में घुस कर उसकी हत्या कर देते हैं. शब्बीर उनलोगों को पकड़ नहीं पता मगर चेहरा हल्का सा देख लेता है.

इस केस के इंचार्ज ओंकार शर्मा है जो की हाशिम की बीवी शबनम और बेटे शब्बीर को इस बिनाह पर हिरासत में लेता है की उन्दोनो ने मिल कर ही हाशिम की हत्या करी है. वो इस बात को लेकर एक प्रेस कांफ्रेंस भी करता है जिसमे वो कहता है की इस बात के उसके पास पुख्ता सबूत भी हैं और हाशिम के घर के पीछे से वो हथियार भी मिल चूका है जिससे हाशिम की हत्या हुई थी.

दूसरी तरफ शबनम और शब्बीर लगातार ये कह रहे हैं की इसमें उनका कोई हाथ नहीं है और उनदोनों को फसाया जा रहा है. जेल ने टॉर्चर के दौरान शब्बीर की मृत्यु भी हो जाती है मगर वो मृत्यु से पहले अपनी बहन नाजनीन को कुछ बता जाता है की वो जानता है की वो लोग कौन हैं जिन्होंने हाशिम काजी को मारा.

Online Episode on YouTube:
Part 1: www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJlJRE5bZ94
Part 2: www.youtube.com/watch?v=WwjFauZZMz0

Online Episode on SonyLIV:
Part 1: www.sonyliv.com...thriller-ep-408-august-22-2014
Part 2: www.sonyliv.com...thriller-ep-409-august-23-2014

Here is the Inside story of the case:
Search Tags: Shamshad Mirza, Zahida Tabassum, PD Ratnakar, Sayeeda Fatima, Kamaal Ahmed, Vishambar Das, Rampur, 2001

InHuman: People indulging in witchcraft and Black Magic kills minor Sakshi (Episode 407 on 16 Aug 2014)

अमानवीय​ ​
This episode of Crime Patrol​ Satark focuses on a mindless practice of black magic, witchcraft​ , and superstitious practices in today's 21st century. This episode explores how Dhongi, Tantrik ​takes advantage of innocent people who don't hesitate to do such kind of activities.
​Kashi is a widow and mother of three kids. Sakshi is one of them. She is an intelligent girl and likes teaching. Meenal, a neighborhood of Kashi fights with Kashi's family almost daily. She also tantrums Kashi that her husband passed away because of her. Meenal's mother-in-law is a famous prophet and is obliged by many people in the village. Kashi is a mother of three while Meenal could not become a mother after the age of 30. This is also a reason she is jealous of Kashi.

An evening Sakshi suddenly goes missing. Her mother raises complaints to the police station with her brother and the police start the investigation.

क्राइम पेट्रोल का ये एक और एपिसोड प्रकाश डालता है भारत के उस हिस्से पर जो की आज भी अन्धिश्वास और कला जादू जैसी धरनों में विश्वास रखता है। उत्तर प्रदेश के एक गाँव की कहानी जिसमे एक नाबालिग लड़की की बलि दे दी जाती है एक तांत्रिक के झांसे में आकर।

काशी के तीन बच्चे हैं जिनमे से एक साक्षी है। साक्षी दो भाइयों में अकेली बहन है जिसे उसकी माँ ने पालपोस कर बड़ा किया है और साक्षी के पिता की मृत्यु बहुत पहले ही हो चुकी है। साक्षी एक समझदार और होनहार लड़की है जिसे शिक्षण का काम भी पसंद है और वो बच्चों को पढ़ाती भी है।

​साक्षी के घर के पास रहने वाली मीनल का हर रोज़ साक्षी की माँ कशी से झगडा होता रहता है। वो कशी को इस बात का तन भी देती है की काशी अपने पति को खा गई है। मीनल की सास भगवान् की बहुत बड़ी भक्त है और लोग उसको बहुत मानते हैं। एक तरफ जहाँ काशी के तीन बच्चे हैं, मीनल 30 के पार होने के बाद भी उसकी कोई संतान नहीं है जिसको लेकर वो कशी से इर्ष्या रखती है।

एक शाम अचानक साक्षी गायब हो जाती है। उसकी माँ अपने भाई के साथ उसके गुमशुदा होने की रिपोर्ट पुलिस में करती है।

Link 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-MvD7tVAKb4
Link 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xfBO2vNRF7A


Crime Patrol | The Way Out: Rakhi's trauma (Episode 406 on 15 August 2014)

बचाव का रास्ता
The Way Out
Story of a 26 year old Rakhi Mathur from Ghaziabad who lives with her in-laws. She has a kid also named Ruchi. Ruchi is an educated girl and want to do some job to support the family. On the other hand, her husband Jagat is unemployed also he never allows Rakhi for a job. Rakhi's sister-in-law tantrums Rakhi on unemployment of Jagat because his husband is only taking care of Jagat's family.
Rakhi talks to one of her old friend about a job offer. That friend is arranging an interview for her but Jagat listens Rakhi talking to a man on phone. He tortures Rakhi on this and blames her on having affair with another man. Rakhi shares her trauma with her father and brother. Rakhi's father and bother decided to bring her back.

After few months Rakhi's in-laws decides to bring her back to their home because people of the society are gossiping on their separation. They reaches Rakhi's home to bring her but Rakhi's father puts a condition that they will only send their daughter back if they promise Jagat will not again torture Rakhi. They also takes signature of Jagat and his father on a paper.

Trishna Mukherjee

Crime Patrol | Life and Time of a Rebel: Shocking story of a spoilt brat Mansi (Episode 404, 405 on 9, 10 Aug 2014)

Mansi (real name is Neha Verma, played by Vaibhavi Upadhyay), is the only daughter of her single mother, Rekha, who works for a bank. Mansi's parents separated when she was just a newborn baby because her father was irresponsible and did not want to take any responsibility for his family. Mansi grew up believing that her mother was the reason for her parents' separation. As the only child, Mansi became a spoiled and stubborn individual who only cared about parties, discos, and drinking. She did not want her mother to interfere with her hobbies and lifestyle.

One night, while indulging in her hobbies, Mansi meets Sanjay, the son of a wealthy hotel owner, who is attracted to her and starts talking to her. Mansi is also drawn to him because he is rich and can fulfill her desires. Over time, Sanjay falls in love with Mansi and proposes to her. However, Mansi is confused as she is no longer interested in marriage. She confides in her friend, Soniya, and tells her about Sanjay's proposal. Mansi sees marrying Sanjay as a way to have everything in life and enjoy it more since Sanjay's father owns a chain of hotels throughout the state.

Eventually, Mansi and Sanjay get married, and Mansi's mother is happy as she believes that getting into a relationship will make Mansi more responsible. However, after a while, Sanjay becomes busy with work, and this leads to daily fights between the couple. Mansi feels trapped in her marriage and believes that she has become a captive in her own home. Sanjay still loves her, but Mansi does not think their life will ever be the same as before.

After a few months of marriage, Mansi becomes pregnant, but she does not want the baby. Due to family pressure, she gives birth to a baby girl. However, this does not make Mansi more responsible, as her family had hoped. She still feels trapped in her relationship and cannot enjoy life to the fullest.

Five years later, Mansi leaves her home without telling anyone and starts a relationship with another guy named Sameer.

मानसी, एक जिद्दी और बिगड़ैल लड़की जिसकी लाइफ में पार्टीज, डिस्को एंड ड्रिंक्स के अलावा और कुछ भी नहीं है. उसकी माँ ने उसे अकेले पालपोस कर बड़ा किया क्यों की उसकी माँ अपने पति से अलग हो चुकी थी. उसकी माँ उसके पिता से इसलिए अलग हुई क्यूंकि उन्होंने कभी भी अपने परिवार को प्रार्थमिकता नहीं दी, उनके लिए उनकी नौकरी, उनका काम ही सबसे पहले था. शायद इसी वजह से मानसी अपनी माँ से हमेशा नाराज़ रहती है और उनकी कोई बात नहीं सुनती है.

Neha Verma played by Vaibhavi Upadhaya

Standing Tall: Honor Killing, a cruel truth of our society (Episode 403 on 8 Aug 2014)

Standing Tall
18-year-old Suman is the youngest among Mahendra Thakur’s three kids. She studies in a school and having two best friends one of which belongs to the Dalit Community. Suman’s father does not like her friendship with that girl because she comes from a lower community. Suman is good at studies and scores good marks in her exams. Being best friends, they share everything among them. They love to read love stories also.

In her next exams, Suman scores only 51% and her parent are disappointed with this. When her friend Niharika asks her about studies, she tells that she is in love with a guy named Manav and he comes from the Dalit community. Her friends warn her to get rid of this relationship because her father and brothers will never accept it and this is dangerous for both of them.