Najayaz Rishte: Middle aged woman Kavita Shinde's dead body found (Episode 508, 509 on 16th, 17th May 2015)

Crime Patrol | Crime Patrol: Bikhre Rishte - Case of missing man Akshya Kaale (Episode 507, 508 on 15, 16 May 2015)

बिखरे रिश्ते
Dispersed Relations
32 year old Akshaya Kale (real name Vaibhav Achrekar and played by Saheem Khan) is missing from last three months. His mother and elder brother is worrying about him. An evening when Akshaya does not return after his work, his brother Pankaj Kale, (played by Sudeep Sarangi) mother Gayatri and Pankaj's wife Savita files his police complaint in the police station. His phone records shows that he was in touch with someone from last few months and this number is also registered on his name. But the strange thing is that no one knows about this number, neither his family member, nor his helper at his mobile store. Police also finds that his both numbers were switched off at the same time and same place.
Police get one more number and this number belongs to a 34 year old housewife Rashmi Sawant (real name Jyotsana More and played by Trishna Mukherjee) who is a neighbor of Kale Family. On first sight police thinks that this might be a case of extra marital affair because Rashmi's husband Jayesh Sawant is an alcoholic man and fights with her daily. Rashmi clearly denies her connection with Akshaya and says that a year ago she was just a friend of Akshaya and both used to talk to each-other on phone.

Sone ki zameen: Murder of senior advocate Suraj Shukla (Episode 505, 506 on 9th, 10th May 2015)

Golden Land
सोने की ज़मीन

Advocate Suraj Shukla is a lawyer by profession and is in his 50s. His uncle is also a lawyer by profession and due to his age, he does not want to continue as advocate and hands over one of his cases to Suraj.

Suraj Shukla leaves for court as usual and does not return till night. Family members are nervous because it has never happened before. They also tries Suraj's phone but it is switched off. When a police report is lodged, the police get to know about two people who were seen with Suraj Shukla for the last few days.

Sooraj was last seen in the court and the CC TV camera mounted on the same side gives the police a photo of the two people. The police is taking action only when the news of the body of a middle-aged man from another police station comes. When the police arrive to investigate, after identification, it is known that the he is Suraj.
Sone ki zameen: Murder of senior advocate Suraj Shukla (Episode 505, 506 on 9th, 10th May 2015)

Crime Patrol | Purnai Dushmani: Double murder of Senior Citizen in Mumbai (Episode 504, 505 on 8, 9 May 2015)

Senior citizens Velisa and Farzad live alone in their bungalow, where they own a coconut plantation. Usha, their domestic help, spends nearly 12 hours daily at their home. One morning, upon her arrival, she is terrified to discover Velisa's lifeless body in the garden. The police are called, and they soon find Farzad's deceased body inside the bungalow. The culprit responsible for their deaths has also stolen cash, jewelry, and Farzad's new shoes.

According to the village electrician, he visited their flat the day before to address electricity issues. He informs the police that someone intentionally tampered with and disconnected the electrical wires. The electrician reveals that he spotted someone hiding in the garden, who quickly fled when he called out to them. The police enlist the electrician's assistance in creating a sketch of the individual. Velisa's daughter immediately identifies the person depicted in the sketch. She informs the police that the sketch resembles the caretaker's son, Girish Prasad, who had resided in the bungalow fourteen years ago. Girish, who had grown up there, was eventually expelled by his father, Hari Prasad, due to his involvement in burglary.

The murderer also took Farzad's mobile phone and made a call to his brother-in-law, Kamran, at midnight. When the police contact Kamran, he explains that he is from Gujarat, and the number belongs to Maroof, his sister's husband in Gujarat. This situation confuses the police as to whether the culprit is Maroof or if Girish is the actual perpetrator, as indicated by the sketch.

महाराष्ट्र के एक कोकोनट प्लांटेशन के मालिक वरिष्ठ नागरिक वेलिसा और फरज़ाद की नौकरानी उषा जब एक सुबह अपने काम पर आती है तो अपने मालकिन की लाश कंपाउंड में पड़ी देखती है. पुलिस को मकान के दूसरी तरफ से फरज़ाद की लाश भी मिलती है. पता चलता है की हत्यारे में वेलिसा की अंगूठी और इयर रिंग्स लूटे हैं और घर के अन्दर से कैश, ज्वेलरी और फरज़ाद के नए जूते भी चुराए हैं.

Crime Patrol | Apmaan: A Mysterious murder case took two years to solve (Episode 502, 503 on 2nd, 3rd May 2015)


Surendra is the main earner in the family of five people. He lives with his wife Navneet, brother Manpreet and mother and father. They looks to be a happy family. An evening when he is coming back to his home with his friend Kuljeet, three men on bikes stop them ans suddenly throws powder of red chillies on them. After that one of those men attacks Surinder with a iron rod. They loots them and flees.

Surendra is bleeding badly. Kuljeet calls Manpreet and somehow they manages to bring Surendra to hospital. Surendra is critical and dies after few days. According to police Kuljeet is the prime suspect because he was with Surendra at the time of attack but robbers did not attacked on him. Police tries hard to find the clue but they do not get any lead.

Police puts their stolen mobile phone on surveillance and one of the mobile phone gets activated after to years. Police arrests the man who is using that mobile and he tells polcie that he recently bought this mobile from someone else.

सुरेन्द्र और मनप्रीत सगे भाई है जिनमे सुरेन्द्र बड़ा है और पूरा परिवार वही संभालता है. सुरेन्द्र शादीशुदा है और उसकी पत्नी का नाम नवनीत है. इन तीनो के अलावा सुरेन्द्र के माँ-बाप भी उनके साथ ही रहते हैं. पांच लोगों का ये परिवार हसी ख़ुशी रह रहा है. सुरेन्द्र अपने दोस्त कुलजीत के साथ काम पर आता जाता है. एक शाम को काम से लौटते समय तीन लोग उन्दोनो को रास्ते में रोकते हैं. रोकते ही वो लोग लाल मिर्च का पाउडर इनदोनो पर डालते हैं उसके बाद इनमे से एक आदमी सुरेन्द्र पर लोहे की सरिया से वार करता है. वो तीनो लोग सुरेन्द्र और कुलजीत का पर्स और मोबाइल ले जाते हैं और दोनों को वहीँ छोड़ देते हैं.

Crime Patrol | Pratishtha : Love marriage turns family killing (Episode 501, 502 on 1st, 2nd May 2015)

Amar and Asha loves each other and wants to get marry. Amar belongs to a big family who has their recongnition in the society while Asha comes from a low class family. Amar's father is against their relation because according to him Asha and her mother both has relation with other men. Still they are in touch and get marry to each other.

Few years has passed. They are now parent of 2 kids but during this their relation also got bitter.

Sushant Kandya and Meenakshi Arya

Crime Patrol | Sting Operation: (Bhanwri Devi) A tale of Blackmailing, Missing and then murder (Episode 498, 500 on 24, 26 Apr 2015)

Bhanwari Devi (Ambika Deha), a nurse from Jaliwara village in Rajasthan, disappeared on September 1, 2011. A few days later, some people were arrested, and her body was found three days after that.

Before her disappearance, a video surfaced showing Bhanwari and Minister Mahipal Maderna (Jaswant Gatta) in a compromising situation. Bhanwari's husband accused Minister Maderna of being involved in her kidnapping. It was said that Bhanwari had a CD that she was using to blackmail Maderna and Congress leader Malkhan Singh (Chittaranjan Sujani).

According to the CBI's investigation, Bhanwari initially helped these leaders, but later resorted to blackmailing them for money. As the situation escalated, she was allegedly killed by these people. Maderna was removed from his government position when the case came to light, and Malkhan was sent to jail.

भंवरी देवी ​(अम्बिका देहा) जिला जोधपुर (राजस्थान) की बिलारा तहसील के जलीवाड़ा गाँव में नर्स थी जो की 1 सितम्बर, 2011  को अचानक गायब हो गई थी। उसकी गुमशुदगी के बाद तीन दिसम्बर, 2011 को कुछ लोगों को गिरफ्तार किया गया था और भंवरी की लाश के जगह की जानकारी तीन दिन बाद मिली थी।
इन सब घटनाओं के कुछ ही दिन पहले न्यूज़ चैनल पे एक वीडियो क्लिप प्रसारित होना शुरू हुई थी जिसमे की कथित तौर पर भंवरी और राजस्थान के राजस्व बिभाग के एक मंत्री महिपाल मदेरणा (जसवंत गट्टा) को आपत्ति जनक हालत में दिखाया गया था।

भंवरी की गुमशुदगी को लेकर उसके पति ने मंत्री मदेरणा पर आरोप लगाया की इस किडनेपिंग ले पीछे वही लोग हैं। आरोप ये लगाया गया की भंवरी मंत्री मदरेणा और कांग्रेस के मलखान सिंह (चितरंजन सुजानी) को एक सीडी को लेकर ब्लैकमेल कर रही थी और इस सीडी में मदरेणा और कुछ और लोग भी भंवरी के साथ आपत्तिजनक हालत में देखे गए थे।

1 मार्च, 2012 को सीबीआई द्वारा दाखिल दूसरी चार्जशीट में ये कहानी सामने आई की पहले तो भंवरी इन नेताओं की इच्छापुत्री करती रही और फिर धीरे-धीरे पैसे कमाने की ललक ने उसको इन्हीं लोगों को ब्लैकमेल करने का रास्ता सुझा दिया, मगर हुआ ये की कहानी का अंत आते आते इन्हीं लोगों ने भंवरी को मरवा दिया। सीबीआई के हाथ जब ये केस आया ठीक उसी समय मदरेणा को सरकार से निकाल दिया गया और कांग्रेस विधायक मलखान को जेल भेज दिया गया।

Watch the video to know more about the case

Crime Patrol Completes its 750 episodes

क्राइम पेट्रोल भारत के उन टीवी शोज में से है जो की लम्बे समय तक अपनी सफलता के शिखर पर रहा है. क्राइम पेट्रोल इस माह अपने कुल 750 एपिसोड्स पूरे कर लेगा जब की क्राइम पेट्रोल का सीजन चार अपने 500 एपिसोड पूरे कर लेगा।

हाल ही क्राइम पेट्रोल की टीम ने एक सक्सेस पार्टी और एक प्रेस कांफ्रेंस का आयोजन किया जिसमे प्रोग्राम के एंकर अनूप सोनी ने भी मीडिया के सवालों के जवाब दिए। अनूप सोनी ने बताया की हर एपिसोड के लिए वो ख़ास तैयारी करते हैं और इसके लिए वो कहानी को ध्यानपूर्वक पूरी तरह से पढ़ते हैं।

Crime Patrol, one of the highest TRP-gaining shows on Indian Television is about to complete its 750 episodes while Crime Patrol's season four will meet its 500 episodes in the coming weekend.

Recently a press conference and a small get-together were organized by the makers of the show. Anchor Anoop Soni also attended the press conference and reviewed the interviewers' questionnaires. Anoop says that he makes sure before every shoot that he will go through a thorough study of the story is being shot.

Crime Patrol | Raaz: Double murder of engineering students couple (Episode 496, 497 on 18, 19 Apr 2015)

A Secret
Sumaiya and Javed are engineering student and they loves each other. Sumaiya is senior to her and its been three years of their affair. Everything going good between them and they want to marry each other. All of their friends knows well about their relation.
A day when they are going together in an isolated place on a bike, 3 people starts chasing them. They reaches a old fort kind of place and after sometimes three guys comes and brutually kills them.

सुमैया और जावेद इंजीनियरिंग स्टूडेंट है और एक दुसरे को प्यार करते हैं. सुमैया जावेद से सीनियर है और इनके अफेयर को तीन साल से ऊपर हो चूका है. सब कुछ अच्छा चल रहा है और दोनों एक दुसरे से शादी भी करना चाहते हैं. उनके दोस्तों को भी उनके बारे में सब कुछ पता है.