Forced Marriage: Who killed Kavita ? (Episode 567, 568 on 9th, 11th Oct, 2015)

Gopal and Kavita works in the same factory. Gopal likes Kavita and wants to marry her. Kavita does not want to get marry with him because her mother is suffering from Cancer and for her her mother is  her first priority. Kavita is getting good marriage proposals but she wants that her mother will get well soon.

Gopal starts creating some odd situations because of which Kavita gets forced to get marry with him. Their sudden marriage is shocking for her family and they can not understand why Kavita got married with him. Gopal's behaviour starts changing after marriage and he starts beating her on every small and big issue. In the mean time her mother passes away.

A day kavita leaves to meet her mother's sister. Day goes but she does not comeback. Next day Gopal and Kavita's father raises her missing complain. Their previous tenant Mulri becomes main suspect because during Kavita's mother was ill, her bought their home in 1 lac and paid 75,000. He was not paying remaining 25,000. Kavita went to meet him a day before her missing. Police arrests Murli and his friend Subhash.

After 3 days police find Kavita's partially burnt corpse. Forensic report confirm that this body belongs to Kavita. After police interrogation Murli and Subhash confesses that they killed Kavita because she was asking him for rest of the money. But they tell their family that they confessed this crime to get rid of police's interrogation.

गोपाल और कविता एक ही कारखाने में काम करते हैं। गोपाल कविता को पसंद करता है और उससे शादी करना चाहता है मगर कविता मना करती है। कविता इसलिए मना करती है क्युकी उसकी माँ कैंसर से पीड़ित है और रूपए की तंगी की वजह से उसकी माँ का इलाज ठीक से नहीं हो पा रहा है। वो पैसे इकठ्ठा कर के अपनी माँ का इलाज करवाना चाहती है। कविता के लिए अच्छे रिश्ते भी आ रहे हैं मगर वो माँ की तबियत ठीक न होने की वजह से किसी से भी शादी नहीं करना चाहती।

गोपाल कुछ ऐसे हालात पैदा कर देता है की कविता को गोपाल से शादी करनी पड़ती है। शादी होने के बाद गोपाल का बर्ताव बदल जाता है और वो कविता पर हाथ उठाना शुरू कर देता है। कविता दुविधा में है की शादी को सिर्फ दो महीने हुए हैं और उसको रोज ये सब झेलना पड़ता है।

Kavita played by Ronjini Chakraborty

Crime Patrol | Saazish: A full proof conspiracy to eliminate NRI businessman Narendra Walia (Episode 566, 567 on 3, 4 Oct 2015)

Satwant (real name Kuljinder Kaur and played by Rishina Kandhari) and Narendra Walia (real name Rajpal Singh and played by versatile actor Pankaj Berry) are sister and brother-in-law of Manjeet Sandhu from, Mantapur Punjab. Narendra is a businessman in Paris (France) so Satwant-Narendra and their daughter lives in France. Manjeet's marriage is fixed so the family invites Narendra to India with family. Satwant is concerned about Narendra's health so she tries to avoid their visit because Satwant can not leave Narendra alone in Paris. Satwant's father Lakhbir insists Narendra so finally Narendra agrees on come to India but a little later after Satwant. Satwant leaves for Punjab and after few days Narendra also reaches there. Narendra leaves her daughter at her sister's home in Paris for the time being.

Narendra asks his in-laws that he wants to visit Punjab so Manjeet and his father give this work to Arjun. Arjun is Manjeet's closest friend and is a police constable. He takes the responsibility of Narendra and during the trips, they have fun with drinking also. Satwant scolds at Narendra not to drink so much and it is not good for his health. After returning from trip Narendra, Arjun, Manjeet and his father hang out together at the home.

A night when Satwant is sleeping, Narendra again plan to hangout with the trio. Next morning home maid goes 2-3 times to Narendra's room to serve tea for him but he finds him sleeping. It is 11:30 in the morning and Narendra is still sleeping. Satwant reaches his room and finds him unconscious. She calls her father and brother who declares him dead. According to them Narendra died of boozing more than his capacity.

Crime Patrol | 16 year old Naina Bansi Rathod found hanging from a tree (Episode 564 on 2 Oct 2015)

सम्मान के लिए हत्या?
Honour Killing?
नैना का पिता एक दिन घर वापस आते समय देखता है की नैना को तीन लड़के घेरे हुए हैं। वो पहुंच कर तीनो लड़कों से झगड़ा करता है और नैना को अपने साथ घर ले जाता है। उसी रात वो भागा-भागा गांव के लोगों के पास जाता है और बताता है की नैना कुछ सामान लेने घर से निकली थी और वापस ही नहीं लौटी। सारे गाँव वाले नैना को ढूंढने में लग जाते हैं और और आखिरकार उनको नैना की पेड़ से लटकती लाश मिलती है।
मामला पुलिस में पहुचता है और बंसी पुलिस में एफआईआर दर्ज कराता है की उसी गाँव के तीन लड़के 'अतुल मिस्त्री, वरुण मिस्त्री और चन्दन मिस्त्री' से ये सब किआ है। पुलिस तीनो लड़कों को कब्जे में लेती है और पूछताछ शुरू करती है।

नैना के पोस्टमॉर्टेम के दौरान उसके कपड़ों से एक लेटर मिलता है जिसमे लिखा है 'मुझे अतुल मिस्त्री, वरुण मिस्त्री और चन्दन मिस्त्री ने मिल कर मार है' पुलिस का शक है की ये लेटर किसी और ने नैना की हत्या करने के बाद उसके कपड़ों में डाला है, मगर वो कौन हो सकता है।

Pehchaan: Sunil Khare wants justice for his identity (Episode 562, 563 on 26th, 27th Sep 2015)

Sunil Khare was a student of engineering who recently killed someone in open. He is arrested and screaming that he wants to know his identity. He wants to know his full name in the FIR and wants to know his true identity.
Sunil's full name is Sunil Purushottam Khare and his father's name is Purushottam Khare who died recently. His mother's name is Vidya. His younger sister has got married. Police investigation reveals that Vidya was Purushottam's second wife and they went marry a long back when Purushottam's first wife was not well. According to the Hindu religion, it is illegal to marry a woman without divorcing earlier wife and because of this Vidya is not able to get a land in Nasik which was given to Purushottam by his father.

Purushottam's family never accepted Vidya and at the time of their marriage, they denied their relationship. According to them Vidya was just like a mistress of Purushottam who now wants to grab Purushottam's land.

Sunil played by Mayur More

Brother's revenge from his Sister over Property (Episode 561 on 25th Sep, 2015)

Dinesh Sahu and Anita Sahu are children of Narmada. Narmada used to live near her daughter's home because she had desputes running with her son Dinesh. Its been 20 years she left her own home where Dinesh and his second wife lives. She left home with Dinesh's few year old son Prasad from his first wife. Dinesh second wife clearly denied that Prasad does not belong to her so she will not take care of her any more.
When Narmada passed away, Dinesh did not come to attend her funeral. All the people are looking for Dinesh to come and take at least her last responsibility but Dinesh does not come.

Crime Patrol | Apharan aur Hatya: 16 year old Arjun Kidnapped and Murdered (Episode 559, 560 on 19, 20 Sep 2015)

Arjun and Shankar are real brothers and Shankar is elder among them. Their sister Sujata is married and live at another place. Shankar has fine-tuning with his maternal uncles and his maximum time spends at their home. On the day of Diwali he decides to attend Diwali pooja at his uncle's home which his father does not like. But he leaves his home's pooja and attends at his uncle's home.

Sankar finds an unknown girl there and falls in love with her. Her name is Sakshi. Their affair starts and they decide to get married. Both the families are ok with this relation but after Sakshi's father comes to know that Shankar is less educated and does not do anything, he denies their relation and decides not to marry Sakshi with Shankar.

Shankar's uncles help them getting marry and they get married after running away from their homes. They start their married life in Lucknow and his uncle helps him getting a small job also. Both the families decide not to have any relation with the couple.

Time flows and 2 years pass. Shankar's brother Arjun decides to carry on his studies from his sister Sujata's home. A day his uncle's son Ajeet comes to meet them and asks Arjun to come with him. He wants Arjun will meet his Uncle and Aunty. Arjun comes with him for two days but when Sujata calls them after 2 days, Ajeet does not pick the phone. After she calls him so many times, Ajeet talks to her and asks her to give him 15 lac rupee ransom.

अर्जुन शंकर का छोटा भाई है। दोनों भाइयों में बहुत बनती है। इनके अलावा इनकी एक बहन भी है जिसकी शादी हो चुकी है। शंकर का उसके मामाओं के घर बहुत आना जाना है, यहाँ तक की वो दिवाली की रात भी अपने पिता से लड़ झगड़ कर अपने मामा के यहाँ पूजा में चला जाता है।

पूजा से समय मामा के घर में शंकर को एक लड़की दिखाई देती है जिसका नाम है साक्षी। शंकर का दिल साक्षी पर आ जाता है। दोनों का मामला धीरे धीरे आगे बढ़ता है और बात शादी तक पहुचती है। दोनों परिवारों को इस शादी से कोई दिक्कत नहीं है मगर जब साक्षी के घरवालों को ये पता चलता है की शंकर कोई काम धाम नहीं करता है और कम पढ़ा लिखा है तो वो शादी से मना कर देते हैं। उनको शादी के लिए मनाने की बहुत कोशिश की जाती है मगर वो इस शादी को राज़ी नहीं है।

शंकर और साक्षी शंकर के मामाओं की मदद से भाग कर शादी कर लेते हैं और बिहार से बाहर लखनऊ में जाकर रहने लगते हैं जहाँ उसके मामा उसकी नौकरी लगवा देते हैं। दोनों के घर वाले उन्दोनो से सारे सम्बन्ध ख़तम कर लेते हैं और शंकर के मामाओं से भी सम्बन्ध खत्म कर लेते हैं।

Crime Patrol | Accidental death or Murder: Abhishek Arora's Accidental death case re-opens (Episode 556, 557 on 12, 13 Sep 2015)

Abhishek Arora is a young man. His sister Komal arora lives with him. Abhishek has migraine pain problem. A day he faces a severe migraine attack. He gets admitted to the hospital and after some treatment comes back to home. Next morning Komal finds him unconscious and again brings him to the hospital where doctor declares him dead.

Doctor says it is a case of accidental death so he has to inform it to police. Police closes the case as a case of accidental death. However the case has been closed, Indore's Additional Commissioner of Police gets an Email from Abhishek's another sister to lookback the case. When Additional Commissioner of Police brings file of the the case, he is surprised to see the postmortem report of Abhishek Arora. He calls the initial investigation officer of the case and scolds him on his irresponsibility.

Komal played by Ojaswi Oberoi

Mausam Dubey: Crime Patrol Actors and Actresses

Most Well Known Star Cast

Crime Patrol | Bewafai: Photographer Dinesh found murdered near a deserted road (Episode 555 on 11 Sep 2015)


(Ep. 555)
Urmila is a divorced woman who was left by her husband three years back due to her extramarital affair with a guy named Arun.

Another guy Dinesh, who was also in touch with Urmila found murdered on a deserted road in Santa Cruz area. When police interrogates one of Dinesh's friend, they comes to know that Dinesh was having affair with a woman.
Police calls Urmila's husband also for interrogation but could not found anyothing against him. He tells police that he left Urmila once he came to know about her affair with someone and he never tried to know who is the man, she is having affair with.