Mandi: Mysterious kidnapping of infants (Episode 681, 682 on 9th, 10th July, 2016)

कहानी तेलंगाना राज्य के एक शहर से हैं जहाँ दिहाड़ी मजदूरों के घर से एक के बाद एक तीन बच्चे चुरा लिए जाते हैं। ये चोरी रात के समय होती है जब माँ-बाप और बच्चे गहरी नींद में सो रहे होते हैं। ये लोग झोपड़ों में रहने वाले लोग हैं जिनके यहाँ से किसी बच्चे को चुराना कोई बड़ी बात नहीं हैं।

एक के बाद एक तीन बच्चों की चोरी से पुलिस डिपार्टमेंट में भी हड़कम्प मच जाता है और बात चाइल्ड वेलफेयर कमेटी तक भी पहुचती है इसके बाद एक स्पेशल क्राइम ब्रांच को इस केस की तहकीकात का जिम्मा दिया जाता है। पुलिस अपने खबरियों को एक्टिवेट करती है और हिस्ट्री शीटर्स को भी पकड़ती है मगर कोई सुराग नहीं मिलता है। एक खबरियों का ये कहना है की क्या पता बच्चे चुराने के पीछे का मकसद इनको उनलोगों को बेचने है जिनके बच्चा नहीं है।
तीन महीने बीत जाते हैं फिर एक दिन एक आदमी का फ़ोन पुलिस को आता है जो की बताता है की उसके एक दोस्त ने एक बच्चा गोद लिया है मगर पूछने पर वो ये साफ़ नहीं बता रहा है की बच्चा किस संसथान से लिया या पेपर वर्क ठीक से किया या नहीं।
Case is based on kidnapping cases reported in Hyderabad this year. There were 6 people were arrested by police who used to kidnap small kids belonging to lower class family and sell them to those couples who does not have any kids.

Part 1:
Part 2:

Part 1:
Part 2:

Here is the inside story of the case:

Sazish: Innocent kid Riya murdered (Crime Patrol Dial 100 Episode 183 on 30th June, 2016)

रिया एक सात साल की मूक बच्ची है जो की बोल नहीं सकती। उसके पिता अविनाश उसको बहुत प्यार करते हैं मगर उसकी माँ श्रेया के लिए वो एक बोझ से ज़्यादा कुछ भी नहीं है। श्रेया के हिसाब से रिया उनदोनो पर एक बोझ है। अविनाश एक मेडिकल रिप्रेजेन्टेटिव है और अपनी नौकरी की वजह से ज़्यादातर घर से बाहर रहता है। उसके बाहर होने का फायदा उठाते हुए उसकी माँ ने अक्षत नाम के एक युवक के साथ विवाहोत्तर सम्बन्ध बन रखे हैं और वो अपने घर में रिया के होते हुए भी ज़्यादातर समय अक्षत के साथ बिताती है। रिया उसकी माँ के अफेयर के बारे में अपने पापा को बताना चाहती है मगर बता नहीं पाती। वो एक दो बार इशारे से समझाने की कोशिश करती भी है मगर अविनाश कुछ ध्यान नहीं देता।

फिर एक सुबह रिया की लाश अविनाश की कार के अंदर मिलती है। 

Bihar's conman held in marrying multiple times (Crime Patrol Dial 100 Episode 176 on 27th June, 2016)

Police arrest a pickpocketer in a random raid and when they get his mobile phone, they found several objectionable videos stored into it. One same thing in all the videos that only the appearance of the girl is visible in all, not of the boy. When the police interrogates the pickpocketer, it is revealed that he is an ordinary pickpocketer who stole a mobile from a man on a railway platform and a girl was fighting with the man at that time and in the middle of this fight he stole this mobile.

On the other hand, a woman comes to the police to write a complaint about the disappearance of her husband and the police feel that they has seen this woman somewhere before. After meditating, the police find that the video of this woman is also in that mobile, which they confirm by showing her. The woman says that this video was forcibly made by her husband. Another such incident happens and another woman tells the police that her husband also tried to make a video of her but she did not let it happen. According to both the women the appearance of both the husbands are different.

पुलिस एक पॉकेटमार को अरेस्ट करती है और उसकी तलाशी लेने के बाद उसके पास से मोबाइल मिलता है जिसमे आपत्तिजनक वीडियो भरे पड़े हैं। सारे वीडियो में ये चीज सामान है की सभी में सिर्फ लड़की की सूरत दिख रही है, लड़के की नहीं। जब पुलिस उस पॉकेटमार से पूछताछ करती है तो पता चलता है की वो एक साधारण पॉकेटमार है जिसने एक आदमी से रेलवे प्लेटफॉर्म पे ये मोबाइल चुराया था और उस समय उस आदमी के साथ एक लड़की लड़ रही थी और इसी लड़ाई के बीच उसने ये मोबाइल चुराया।
Urvashi Sharma, Palak Singh
Urvashi Sharma

दूसरी तरफ पुलिस के पास एक औरत आकर अपने पति के गायब होने की कम्प्लेन लिखवाती है और पुलिस को लगता है की ये औरत कुछ जानी पहचनी है। ध्यान करने पर पुलिस को ये पता चलता है की इस औरत का वीडियो भी इस मोबाइल में है जो वो उसको दिखा कर कन्फर्म करते हैं। वो औरत बताती है की ये वीडियो उसके पति ने जबरन बनाया था। ऐसा ही एक वाकया और होता है और एक और औरत पुलिस को बताती है की उसके पति ने भी उसका वीडियो बनने की कोशिश की थी मगर उसने बनने नहीं दिया। दोनों औरतों के पतियों का हुलिया अलग अलग है।


Here is the inside story of the case:
Search Tags: episode suhagraat

Udaan: Highschool Student Rachna helped 10 year old Namita in her rescue from Brothel (Episode 677 on 1st July, 2016)

Rachna is an average student of hi-school. Her parents keeps shouting at her over her studies. These days Mumbai's climate is awesome and she likes to spend sometime sitting on her room's window. From last few days she is observing that a girl of her age comes to garden before her room's window, spends 30-35 mins there sitting alone and goes back. That girl does not talk to anyone and spends whole time all alone in the garden.
Ranchna is curious to know about her that where does she comes from and why she looks so alone! An evening shoe goes to meet her. She tells her name Namita and Rachna keeps meeting her for weeks. Finally an evening Namita tells her about her life that she belongs to Nasik and was sold to a woman names Farida by her own mother two years ago. Now she lives with Farida at her home and does flesh trade from her home. She was pushed to this work when she was a small kid. At that time Farida used to take commission from her mother Laxmi and two years before after her mother sold her, her mother started taking commission from Farida.

Crime Patrol Inside Story Videos | List 4

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Kolahal: Pragati goes missing before two days of Alok's marriage (Episode 652 on 1st May, 2016)

Alok and Pragali loves eachother and wants to get marry but their family is against it because they both comes from same village and belonging to equal clan so in that way they are bother and sister. Alok is adjusting with the situation but Pragati does not want to leave her. Alok's marriage fixes with another girl...Watch Video.

Dipti Sarna Kidnapping Case Press Conference

Priya saxena is a well settled girl in lucknow who works in a BPO. She is about to get a marry with a guy and both are comfortable with eachother. From last few days Priya is feeling that someone is stalking at her. She is pretty much confident that it is not just her...Watch Video.

Techie kills wife because she wanted to do MBA and Job (Episode 622 on 18th February, 2016)

...Watch Video.

10 year old kid Emily goes missing (Episode 544, 545 on 15th, 16th Aug 2015)

David (played by Harsh Khurana) is Construction engineer. He and his wife Merry (played by Khyaati Khandke) has two kids. 10 year old Emily is the elder one. They are a happy family where David takes care of all of them very well. One year ago Merry has passed through a major brain tumor surgery and she is still recovering. She often forget things to do. David calls her every evening...Watch Video.

Neha Verma, Mastermind of Indore triple murder case (Episode 36 on 27th August 2011)

One of the most sensational cases of Crime Patrol Dastak. Indore triple murder case planned by a sales girl Neha Verma (shown as Nidhi Verma and played by Pooja Kanwal)...Watch Video.

Rajasthan: Bhanwari Devi murder case (Episode 498/499/500 on 24/25/26 Apr 2015)

भंवरी देवी ​(अम्बिका देहा) जिला जोधपुर (राजस्थान) की बिलारा तहसील के जलीवाड़ा गाँव में नर्स थी जो की 1 सितम्बर, 2011 को अचानक गायब हो गई थी। उसकी गुमशुदगी के बाद तीन दिसम्बर, 2011 को कुछ लोगों को गिरफ्तार किया गया था...Watch Video.

Murder of 24 year old hospital receptionist Meenal (Episode 526, 527 on 4th, 5th July, 2015)

मीनल गावडे एक 23 वर्षीय लड़की है जो की एक अस्पताल में रिसेप्शनिस्ट का काम करती है। वो अपने भाई ऋषभ के साथ मुंबई में रहती है जब की उसके माता-पिता दूर रहते हैं। मीनल निहायत ही खूबसूरत है जिसकी वजह से मोहल्ले के कुछ लड़के उसको रोज़ आते-जाते छेड़ते हैं...Watch Video.

Digging 125 feet long tunnel to loot bank (28th, 29th Mar 2015)

दिवाली की रात, पटाखों के शोर में वो लोग उस मकान के अन्दर खुदाई की शुरुवात करते हैं. काम धीरे धीरे आगे बढ़ता है और इसका टारगेट 18 दिन का है. सुरंग की लम्बाई दिन पर दिन तेजी से बढती जाती है और आखिरकार 18 दिन बाद वो लोग सुरंग के दुसरे छोर पर पहुच कर ऊपर की तरफ प्रहार कर के बैंक के फर्श को तोड़ते हैं...Watch Video.

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Anth: Businessman Sunil's dead body found hanging from ceiling fan (Episode 177 on 28th June, 2016)

Lucknow's businessman found hanging from ceiling fan in his office cabin and was first seen by his younger brother who was having fun with his girlfriend in the office premisses. Rather complaining to police Rajat runs away with that girl but later police reaches on the scene of action on someone else's complain. The most awkward thing that everyone notices that Sunil was wearing a red Saree when he was found hanging and when his wife Anjali reaches at that place, she is wearing same color saree.
Few employee of the office tells police that Sunil's younger brother was having bad relation with him and he may be the reason behind this murder. On checking Sunil's bank account police also comes to know that in last few days some huge amount was withdrawn from account. Police also comes to know that Sunil's driver Vilas is missing from last few days and after checking his home they find 1 lac rupee in cash.

On the other hand Rajat is telling police that Sunil was Anjali's second husband and her husband could also be a reason behind this murder.

Crime Patrol Inside Story Videos | List 5

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Baadal: Kanpur's triple murder case (Episode 339, 340 on 26th, 27th Nov 2016)

Kanpur is shaken with a triple murder. A courier boy informs the police that he found blood drops at the main gate of Dhirendra Chaudhary...Watch Video.

Jashn: Uzbekistan's Belly Dancer Shakhnoza's mysterious murder case (Crime Patrol Dial 100, Episode 59 on 31st December 2015)

Delshoda (real name Shakhnoza) is a belly dancer from Russia who was hired by a bar manager in Mumbai. Nazia, another Indian dancer is jealous of her because...Watch Video.

Case 4/2017: Jharkhand's Adivasi minor girl servant found locked in an almirah (Episode 575 on 13th January 2017)

...Watch Video.

The Oblique Attack: Acid attack on Komal on the morning of her marriage day (Episode 473, 474 on 21st, 22nd Feb 2015)

कोमल (played by Piyali Munshi) की शादी को एक दिन बाकी है। कुछ लोग हैं जो उसपर हमला काने की फिराक में हैं। वो लोग दो दिन से उस पर नज़र रखे हुए हैं और बाद में पता चलता है की कोमल उसकी शादी की सुबह ब्यूटी पार्लर...Watch Video.

Behrupiya: Vishal found murdered after his broken relationship with Preeti (Crime Patrol Dial 100 Episode 116 on 23rd March 2016)

Vishal is a college student who was in love with his classmate Preeti from the last few years but suddenly decided to opt-out from this relationship....Watch Video.

Inside Story **Mass Murdered** Case 7 / 2017: Bhind Murder Case (21st Feb 2017)

Aditi is Abhay Verma's girlfriend. She loves freaking out with friends and her nature is frank with everyone. She is the only daughter of her parents and her parents never...Watch Video.

Armaan: 24-Year-old Surbhi Rajput shot dead outside her guest house (Episode 747, 746 on 16th, 18th December 2016)

Surabhi Rajput is a 24-year-old young girl who works as a receptionist in a motor vehicle showroom. A morning when she is coming back to her guest house after the morning walk, shot dead by...Watch Video.

Case 17/2017: Crime Patrol: Canadian woman booked for husband’s murder, paid Rs 2.7 lakh to contract killer (Ep 776, 777 - Case 17/2017, 11 March)

A villager of Sadar Nagar, Ludhiana area finds a male dead body at a deserted land. When the police arrive, people of that area tell them that the deceased is Property Dealer Surendar Arora. The police find his mobile phone with him but his car is missing...Watch Video.

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