Chukta: Tailor's tag solves blind double murder case (Episode 716 on 30th September, 2016)

To Repay
Police finds dead body of a 23-24 year old man at Igatpuri whose face is completely smashed. Body also does not have any identification. For police it is a blind murder case but they starts their investigation. Another dead body of another man found at Vakroli village near Kasara Ghat. This dead body also found in same condition with face smashed and no identification.

Postmortem reports also confirms that both murders are interrelated and one of the victim is Muslim. During initial investigation police decides to trace one victim with Tailor's tag on his shirts. Tag is showing partial name of the place 'Bel...' and tailor's name 'Prasad' so they activates their informer to track a tailor with this name in Belapur area.
इगतपुरी पुलिस को एक यूवक की लाश मिलती है जिसकी उम्र २३-२४ साल के आस पास है। लाश का चेहरा बुरी तरह से कुचला गया है और उसके कपड़ो में कोई भी पहचान करने लायक चीज नहीं मिली है। बिलकुल इसी अवस्था में एक और लाश पुलिस को वकरोरी गाँव में कसारा घाट के पास भी मिली है और इसको भी बिलकुल इसी तरह से मारा गया है।

ोस्टमॉर्टेम से पता चलता है की दोनों में एक मरने वाला मुस्लमान है। पुलिस के लिए ये दोनों केस ब्लाइंड केस हैं क्योंकि लाश के पास से उनको कुछ भी ऐसा नहीं मिला है जिससे वो इन युवकों की शिनाख्त कर सके। मगर और गौर से छानबीन करने पर उनको एक लाश की शर्ट पे टेलर का टैग मिलता है। टेलर का नाम 'प्रसाद' करके है और जगह का नाम 'बेल...'से शुरू होता है। पुलिस अपने खबरियों को महाराष्ट्र के बेलापुर में इस नाम के टेलर को खोजने के लिए बोलती है।

Crime Patrol | Angarey: Businessman Pawan Dahiya's charred skeleton found inside his burnt car (Episode 714, 715 on 24, 25 Sep 2016)


Police finds a burnt skeleton inside a completely burnt car. They also finds a burnt laptop bag and assume that a person put the fire on this laptop separately after or before burning the car. They only have two clues, one is victim's rings and other that last digit of car's number plate has '6' number.

Police could easily track victim's identity once his father and younger brother approaches a police station to file missing complain of his son Pawan Dahiya who is missing from last night. They confirms Pawan's ring and car in which his dead body was found.

Pawan Dahiya was businessman and few days back he was threatened by his office's employee's fiancee Tarun who also warned him that he will burn him.

Akansha Sareen, Sarika Dhillon, Shirin Sewani

Crime Patrol | Sudhartit: Anurag Pradhan poisoned to death by an stranger (Episode 713 on 23 September 2016)

Anurag Pradhan, a software engineer, is an avid motorcyclist. He resides in an apartment with two other flatmates who are not particularly close to him but simply share a living space. One day, a disagreement arose between Anurag and his roommate​ ​​Bhushan ​regarding a mobile phone charger.
Anurag has not been to work for the past two days and his colleagues and boss have been trying to reach him but to no avail. His office sends someone to check on him at his apartment. The person meets with Anurag's roommates, but they are unable to provide any information as they work night shifts and rarely see each other. When they attempt to contact Anurag in his room, there is no response, and upon opening the door, they discover Anurag's lifeless body.

The police investigation reveals that Anurag died from poisoning. It is also discovered that the murderer stole Anurag's expensive motorcycle.

Be-Tarteeb: Engineer Nasik girl Madhuri Satam's mysterious murder (Episode 711, 712 on 17th, 18th September, 2016)

A colony in Mumbai is shaken with three sudden incidents in which two person were killed and one was badly injured. Two of them were Security guards and one of them was died after a brutal attack. Other security guard also passes through similar attack but doctors saves his life. He tells police that someone came in the middle of night and attacked him from back so he could not recognise number of attacker or their face.
Few days after these attacks in the middle of night a man named Shambhu suddenly observes a man is coming down through his balcony. He shouts and asks his security guard to catch him but that man flees. Jayesh, who is living just above Shambhu's flat asks Shambhu about the incident but when Jayesh tries to come out of his room, he finds his room is locked from out side. He is knocking the door but Madhuri, his sister who sleeps in the drawing room does not open the door. Jayesh is scared and asks Shambhu and few other society members to come from stairs and knock the door from out side. Madhuri does not open the door from out side too. Finally they decides to break the door and when they enter into Jayesh's drawing room, they finds Madhuri in a pool of blood.

sonakshi more, sabina jat

Crime Patrol | Tadbir: Double Murder, Basheer and his wife Saira found murdered in their locked home (Episode 707 on 9 Sep 2016)


Saira (played by Aleeza Khan) is a beautiful and young girl who got marry to Basheer (played by Sushil Panday), a property dealer and there is a 19 year age difference between them. Saira is his second wife. Muneer is Basheer's son from his first wife who lives separate from them in Agra. Retired army man Dinesh Singh (played by Pankaj Berry) is their neighbor who has just returned from his native place Varanasi after three days of trip and he has good terms with Basheer.

After coming back to Farizabad he observes that Basheer and Saira both are not present at their home and a foul smell is coming out from Basheer's home which is locked from outside. He informs this to police and when police open the locked door they find Basheer and Saira's dead bodies. Basheer's neck is slitted while Saira was killed choking her neck.

सायरा एक निहायती खूबसूरत लड़की है जो की अधेड़ उम्र के बशीर की दूसरी पत्नी है। बशीर एक प्रॉपर्टी डीलर है और इनदोनो के बीच 19 साल का फर्क है। मुनीर बशीर की पहली पत्नी का बेटा है जो की आगरा में अपने अब्बू और सैरा से दूर रहता है क्योंकि उसको सायरा के चाल-ढाल ठीक नहीं लगते और वो उसको अपनी माँ भी नहीं मानता है।

दिनेश सिंह एक रिटायर्ड आर्मी मैन है जो की बशीर के घर के पास ही रहता है और और तीन दिन बाद यहाँ वापस लौट है। उसके बशीर के साथ अच्छे ताल्लुकात हैं। वाराणसी से फ़िरोज़ाबाद आने के बाद वो ये गौर करता है की बशीर का घर बंद है और घर के अंदर से कुछ सड़ने की महक आ रही है। वो पुलिस को ये बात बताता है और पुलिस आकर घर का दरवाज़ा तोड़ कर देखती है की बशीर और सायरा दोनों की लाशें पड़ी हैं। सायरा को लगा घोट कर मार गया है जबकि बशीर की हत्या गाला काट कर की गई है।

here is a press coverage on this
Aleeza Khan, Basheer, Firozabad, Manish Raj, Nadeem Khan, Pankaj Berry, Ravi Singh, Shafique Ansari, Sulagna Chatterjee, Sushil Panday, Tabassum, agra, muneer, mushtaq, saira, sanjeev tyagi, tadbeer,

Shriya Popat: Crime Patrol Actors and Actresses

The incredibly talented and alluring Kathak dancer, Shriya Popat, hails from Mumbai. She was born and raised in Mumbai and received her education at Mithibai College. In addition to her role on Crime Patrol, Shriya has also appeared in the shows Savdhan India and Khidki on Sab TV.

The story of Khidki takes place in 1947 and follows the character of Padma, an orphan girl who is set to be married to Chandrakant. Chandrakant is a freedom fighter and his father is arranging the wedding, but he wants to meet and get to know Padma before the nuptials.

Crime Patrol | Stoneman: Gujarat's stone killer held for killing three people (Episode 708, 709 on 10th, 11 September 2016)

Stone Man

Gujarat police finds Hasmukh Patel's dead body in a middle of the road which is badly smashed with a big stone. The killer (played by Swapnil Kothriwal) calls a number from victim's recent call history and tells that person that he has killed Hasmukh bhai and his photo is on front page of the news paper. That guy introduced himself as Mehandi Bhai and challenges him to inform police to nab him if they can. That psycho has killed two more person in next few days with same modusoperandi. Now this case has become a challenge for Gujarat Police and they want to crack it at any cost.

Police is sure that this person is a psycho killer who is killing innocent people just for fun but how they can nab him! Police also observe that dead-bodies that they found in mysterious conditions showing some sex angle related to these murders.

गुजरात में एक स्टोन किलर का आतंक है जो की अभी तक तीन खून कर चुका है। तीनो खूनो को करने का तरीका एक जैसा है जिसमे वो एक बड़े पत्थर से आदमी की हत्या कर देता है और हत्या करने के बाद मारने वाले के फ़ोन से ही उसके किसी जानने वाले को फ़ोन लगा कर बताता है की उसने इस आदमी को मार दिया है। वो ये भी चैंलेंज करता है की जो कर सकते हो कर लो। वो अपने आपको मेंहदी भाई के नाम से परिचित कराता है।

Tarkeeb: Bihar's conman Shekhar accused for Triple Murder (Episode 705, 706 on 3rd, 4th Sep, 2016)


Bengal police find three dead bodies back to back. A man who was found dead near a highway was killed strangulating with an electric wire. Postmortem report reveals that the victim consumed some intoxicated drink before he was killed. Other two bodies they found in a hotel room. These are mother and her minor daughter. They are killed in the same manner that man was killed. These two incidents are reported at two different places so police is not aware that total three people are killed. Police is trying to find out CCTV footage but CCTV was put in opposite direction so none of hotel visitor's photo is clear. Careless hotel receptionist is not able to recognize accused. Also she did not match his face with the pan card he gave her as ID proof and allotted room to him.
बंगाल में पुलिस के एक के बाद एक तीन लाशें मिलती हैं। एक लाश एक सड़क के किनारे मिलती है जो की एक आदमी की है और इसके गले को बिजली के तार से घोट के मारा गया है। पोस्टमॉर्टेम रिपोर्ट से पता चलता है की मारने वाले को मारने से पहले कोई नशीली दावा पिलाई गई थी जिससे बेहोशी के बाद उसकी हत्या की गई।
पुलिस को बाकी 2 लाशें एक होटल के रूम में मिलती हैं जो की एक महिला और उसकी बच्ची की हैं। इनदोनो को भी उसी तरह से मारा गया है जैसे उस आदमी को मारा गया था। चूँकि दोनों वारदातें एक दुसरे से काफी दूरी पर हुई हैं और दोनों एरिया अलग अलग पुलिस के अन्तर्गत आते हैं, पुलिस अभी अनजान है की कुल तीन लोगों का खून हुआ है।
Online Episode on SonyLiv:

Jadtaa: Dehradun's Triple murder includes 2 women and a man (Episode 704 on 2nd September, 2016)


(Ep. 95, Crime Patrol Dial 100)
राधा और मालती जंगल से लकड़ी बीन कर लेकर बेचने का काम करती है। एक सुबह दोनों निकलती हैं मगर वापस नहीं आती। काफी समय तक उनके ना आने के बाद मालती का पति और बाकी गाँव वाले पुलिस में खबर करते हैं और पुलिस भी उनको जंगल में ढूंढना शुरू कर देती है। काफी देर तक जंगल में ढूंढने के बाद पुलिस को मालती, राधा और एक आदमी की लाशें मिलती हैं। मालती की लाश पेड़ पे लटकी मिलती है और पुलिस ये कयास लगाती है की मारने वाले ने मालती का खून कर के आत्महत्या दिखाने की कोशिश की है। राधा के सर पे किसी चीज से जोरदार वार करके उसको मारा गया है। पुलिस का पहला शक मालती के पति की दूसरी पत्नी पर जाता है जो की साथ में ही रहती थी और मालती से बहुत चिढ़ती थी। गाँव वालों में कोई भी नहीं जानता की ये आदमी कौन है जिसकी लाश इनदोनो के साथ मिली है।

Crime Patrol | Ateet: Colleage dean Satyabhama Randhawa goes missing (Crime Patrol Dial 100 Episode 231 on 31st August, 2016)

Satayabhama Randhava (played by Pyumori Mehta) is appointed as dean at Thhakkar College and she is going to be awarded for her good work but she goes missing just one day before this conferral. After filing her missing complain police comes to know that she is a divorcee and mother of daughter Roohi Randhava (played by Simran Sharma). On meeting Roohi she tell police that she hates her mother because she was the one because of whom she stayed away from her father and now she is living with her father only.
During investigation police also encounters a MMS scandal portraying a teacher from the same college and that teacher tried to commit su!c!de.