Crime Patrol | Case 61/2017: "It happened that night", Nawabganj murder case (Ep 850, 851 on 1, 2 Sep 2017 Crime Patrol Satark Season 1)

2017 का इक्सठवां केस
Case 61/2017

(Ep. 850, 851)

Nawabganj, Allahabad, April 2017
Judapur is a place in Nawabganj where Makkhan Lal was living with his family consisting wife Mira Devi, daughters Vandana and Nisha and a son Ranjeet. He also had a provision shop at his home. 

Makkhan Lal's house was adjacent to the road in Sahavpur village and he had opened a grocery store in the house itself. Makkhan had a total of 3 daughters and 1 son. The eldest daughter Ranjana, after going to BPharma from Meerut, went to work in a firm in Shimla. That time son Ranjeet was also not there in the village and he has left Pratapgarh on 20 April to attend the BA exam.

The incident is on 24 April 2017 when Makkhan Lal was at home with his wife and 2 daughters. People say that they saw the whole family at the shop till late at night. The matter came to the notice of the people when on the morning of 24, Ranjit called his father at home sometimes but did not pick up the phone. After this, he called his uncle Nokhelal, who lives near the house, and asked him to go to his house. Nokhe Lal When the house arrived, the channel gate was locked from inside. When no one came out after giving voice for a long time, Nokhe went towards the back door of the red house and found that the door was open. Nokhe Lal felt a bit strange, so he entered inside from the same door and he was completely shocked as soon as he went inside.

Case 60/2017*: Rubina-Salim's 3 year old daughter Falak goes missing (Ep 848/849 on 26/27 Aug, 2017 Crime Patrol Satark)

2017 का साठवाँ केस
Case 60/2017

(The Missing Girl, Ep. 848/849)

3-year-old Falak (real name Zunera Ahmed) is the only child of her father Salim and mother Rubina, who suddenly disappears playing outside the door of the house. Efforts are made to find her in the entire locality and the police are called when Falak is not found.

The police ask every person in the locality about the Falak and also searches some houses but nothing is found. Ultimately Falak's Abbu Salim gets Falak's ransom call and Kidnapper demands 75 lac rupees on behalf of Falak. Salim is shocked to hear this and says that he cannot even think about this much money. He feels that someone has kidnapped Falak by mistake because he is not going to have so much money. Salim says that he can arrange a maximum of 15 lacs, so Kidnapper asks him to arrange 20 lacs.

Case 59/2017: (Ep 847 on 25 Aug, 2017 Crime Patrol Satark Season 1)

    2017 का उनसठवाँ केस
Case 59/2017

(Ep. 847)
Naresh Sharma is a political party worker who is murdered in the morning when he is on the walk. A newspaper man first notices him lying on the road and informs the police. There is a ruckus in his party over the murder of Naresh and the leader of his party insists on the police by saying that the opposition is behind the killing of the Naresh.

At first the police thinks that this is a political murder, but after some investigation, they deny that there is any political connection to this murder case.


Crime Patrol | Case 58/2017: London NRI trio woman planned to kill adopted kid (Ep 845, 846 on 19, 20 Aug, 2017 Crime Patrol Satark)

2017 का अट्ठावँवा केस
Case 58/2017
(Paris Child Trafficking Case, Maasumiyat se khilwad, Ep. 845, 846)
A lady who lives in paris wants to adopt a boy from poor family in India but during all this, the boy gets kidnapped by few unknown miscreants. The kidnapper attacks on his uncle and then attacks the boy also.

The boy is admitted in the hospital where his condition is now stable but doctors are not able to cure the infection which is being created inside his body. Finally after few days the boy dies.
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Crime Patrol | Case 55/2017: An Unknown Intruder. Elderly woman found dead in her bedroom (Episode 841 on 11th August, 2017)

2017 का पचपनवाँ केस
Case 55/2017

An Unknown Intruder
एक अनजान घुसपैठिया
58-year-old Suman lives with her only son Ravi in Pune. A morning when Ravi about to leave for his office finds his bedroom door is closed from outside. He calls his mother and doesn't get any response. Then he makes a call on her mobile but she is not picking the phone. He is now nervous, calls his building's security guard who comes and finds the main door of the flat is already open. Entering the flat he unlocks Ravi's bedroom and both rushes for Ravi's mother room where they find her dead.
Ravi calls the police and narrates the entire incident. The primary investigation reveals that relation between Ravi's family and his uncle was not good. Police call Ravi's uncle for questioning but don't find anything suspicious. They also question Ravi about it that why he woke up so late and how is it possible that it is his daily routine to see his mother directly when he is about to leave for his office near 9:30 in the evening!

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इसी साल 5 अप्रैल को घटी इस घटना का सम्बन्ध बैंगलोर के जयनगर से है। 57 वर्षीय मणि वेंकटेश अपने बेटे श्रीनिवास किशोर वेंकटेश के साथ एक किराये के मकान में रहती थी। रोज की तरह से उस दिन भी सुबह करीब साढ़े ग्यारह बजे जब किशोर ने उठ कर अपने कमरे से बाहर आने के लिए अपना दरवाज़ा खोलना चाहा तो पाया की उसके बैडरूम का दरवाज़ा बाहर से बंद है। पहले उसे लगा की उसकी माँ ने गलती से रात को दरवाज़े की कड़ी लगा दी होगी इसलिए उसने अपने माँ को आवाज़ लगाई मगर कोई रिस्पांस नहीं मिला। उसे लगा की हो सकता है की उसकी माँ अपना कमरा बंद कर के बैठी हो, जिसके बाद उसने उनके फ़ोन पर कॉल की तो पाया की फ़ोन की रिंग तो बज रही है मगर वो उठा नहीं रही हैं। किशोर को कुछ समझ नहीं आरहा था जिसके बाद उसने अपनी बिल्डिंग के मैनेजर अमरनाथ को फ़ोन किया। उन्होंने आकर देखा की किशोर के फ्लैट का मुख्य दरवाज़ा खुला हुआ है। घर के अंदर किशोर और उसकी माँ का कमरे अगल-बगल थे। पहले उसने आकर किशोर का कमरा खोला और फिर जब दोनों उसकी माँ के कमरे में गए तो देखा की उसकी माँ वहीँ एक अलमारी के पास ज़मीन पर मृत पड़ी है और एक तकिया उनके पास पड़ा है। घर का सारा सामान जस का तस था, ऐसे में किसी को ये समझ नहीं आ रहा था की एक 57 साल की महिला से किसी ने क्या दुश्मनी निकाली होगी!... Know More




Here is the inside story of the case:

Crime Patrol | Case 67/2017: A goon's love story (Ep 862, 863 on 14, 15 Oct 2017 Crime Patrol Satark Season 1)

2017 का सढ़सठवाँ केस
Case 67/2017

(Season 1, Ep. 862/863)

In a marriage, Babli falls in love with Prem Yadav and in this marriage, the conversation between the two also starts. Gradually, love grows between the two. The news of their love also reaches Babli's father and uncle and they put Babli under house arrest. They explains Babli that Prem Yadav is a goon who extorts money from people and not only that, he is also married.

Babli ends all her contact with Prem, but Prem contacts her and invites her to meet once and understand the things. He assures Babli that his marriage took place without his consent and he wants to marry her now. After this one day Babli runs away from the house with Prem and he brings her to his house and then also marries in a temple.

Everything is going well but then after 10 months while Prem is in jail due to a case, Babli's beheaded body is found in the jungles near the village.

Crime Patrol | Case 56/2017: Bangalore police reveals a complicated mystery behind 3 murders in last 16 years (Ep 842, 943 on 12, 13 August, 2017)

2017 का छप्पनवाँ केस
Case 56/2017

(Death on Railway Track)
16 साल में 5 हत्याएं जिसने में 3 हत्याओं के बारे में पुलिस को कभी कुछ पता ही नहीं चल पाया। असल में ये तीनो मृतकों के शव इस हाल में मिले थी की पोस्टमॉर्टेम में भी ये खुलासा नहीं हो पाया की इनकी हत्या की गई होगी। पुलिस के हाथ इस वारदात की एक कड़ी तब लगी जब उनको 2014 में हुई एक हत्या के बारे में पता चला। एक तरह से देखा जाए तो ये केस और कैसेज़ से एक मामले में उल्टा था। वैसे तो कोई वारदात होने के बाद पुलिस अपने खबरियों को काम पर लगाती है की वो कुछ सुराग ढूंढ कर लाये, मगर इस केस में उल्टा हुआ था। एक खबरी ने खुद पुलिस को ये खबर दी थी की उसने एक शराब के ठेके पर दो लोगों को बात करते हुए सुना था की उन्होंने 2014 में एक हत्या करके लाश को रेल की पटरी पर लिटा दिया था जिससे की ट्रैन के उसके ऊपर से निकल जाने की वजह से उसका सर पूरी तरह से ख़तम हो गया था।
ये सारी बात बैंगलोर के एक कसबे केंगरी की है और पुलिस के एक खबरी को इसी साल 2014 में की गई इस हत्या के बारे में पता चला था। इसके बाद इसने पुलिस को इसके बारे में बताया और फिर सारी तफ्तीश के दौरान इसी साल 7 जून को पुलिस ने सात अभियुक्तों को अरेस्ट किया।

जब इस खबरी ने पुलिस को 2014 में घटे इस वाकये के बारे में बताया तो पुलिस ने 2014 की फाइल्स में ये तलाशना शुरू किया की क्या सच में कोई लाश केंगरी रेलवे ट्रैक पर पाई गई थी! अगर पाई गई थी तो कोई एक्शन क्यों नहीं लिया गया? पुलिस को UDR यानी की UNIDENTIFIED DEATH REPORT से जुडी के रिपोर्ट मिली जिसमे एक आदमी का खाली धड़ रेलवे ट्रैक पर मिला था। इस लाश से सम्बंधित कोई मिसिंग कम्प्लेन न मिलने पर पुलिस ने इस केस को बंद कर के लाश का दाह संस्कार करवा दिया था।

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Crime Patrol | Case 54/2017: Murder Of Two innocent kids Mayank and Sumit (Episode 839, 840 on 5, 6 August 2017)

Case 54/2017
2017 का चौवनवाँ केस
Death of Two Best Friends
दो गहरे दोस्तों की मौत
Eight-year-old Sumit found badly injured below a tree in the village. His parents assume that he must have fallen from the tree. They brought him to a hospital where doctors could not save him and he dies. Parents buried his body. Mayank was one of Sumit's best friends who now very upset and not able to concentrate on anything since his friend passed away. A day he goes to a tilak ceremony in the village from where he suddenly goes missing and the next day his dead body found in a pond in the village
Inside Story आजमगढ़. दीदारगंज थाना क्षेत्र के सुरहन गांव में एक बच्चे की संदिग्‍ध मौत होती है। मौत की वजह सिर में गंभीर चोट सामने आती है और परिजन इसे दुर्घटना मान शव दफना देते है, लेकिन इस घटना के ठीक 21 वें दिन एक और बच्‍चे की लाश पोखरी में मिलती है। पुलिस को शव के सिर में चोट के जख्‍म मिलते है और शव पोस्‍टमार्टम के लिए भेज दिया जाता है। पोस्टमॉर्टेम में पता चलता है की इस बच्चे की हत्या करने से पहले दुष्कर्म किया गया था।

inside story
Manish Raj,Aeklavya Tomer,Suman Singh,Shrruti Gholap,aryan,Sanjay Bhatiya,double murder,aditya,sanjeev tyagi,Alok Kumar,Varin Roopani
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Case 53/2017: The Murder Of An Immigrant (Ep 838 on 4 Aug 2017 Crime Patrol Satark Season 1)

2017 का तिरपनवाँ केस
Case 53/2017

(The Murder Of An Immigrant, Ep. 838)

inside story
YouTube | Dailymotion

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